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Future Fund
Future Fund is a collaborative giving circle comprised of young leaders from various sectors who share in the love of philanthropy and community engagement. Membership is $200 annually and 100% of that goes toward supporting local nonprofits.
In 2018, the Future Fund focused on expanding partnerships in the community to connect with other organizations where young people are committing to make Albuquerque a great place to live—in particular, Young Professionals of Albuquerque, Young Nonprofit Professionals New Mexico and the National Hispanic Cultural Center were key partners. Together, these groups combined their collective efforts to build a stronger young professional network in Albuquerque and have greater philanthropic impact.
Fathers Building Futures: To provide previously incarcerated adults with soft skills training, job training in one of two microbusinesses (wood shop or freight/distribution), safety training, and education on operating procedures with the goal of helping clients transition to long-term employment in the private sector. $15,000
St. Martin’s HopeWorks: For the HopeFound program which is designed to rapidly re-house families with children experiencing homelessness. $5,000
MANA de Albuquerque $2,000 New Mexico Asian Family Center $1,500 Amy Biehl High School Foundation $1,500
Nicole Abreu Lorenzo Alvarez MaDonna Analla Amanda Aragon Paul Arellano & Cindy Chavez* Terri Nikole Baca Christian “Xian” Bass Matthew Bernabe Vincent & Svetlana Brothers Shawna Brown* Andrew & Jessica Bundy Helena Campion Rathi & Ben Casey Adam & Misty Ciepiela Corey Cooper Thomas Cooper Gabrielle Costales
Farah Council Tychiko Cox & Benjamin Gerstner Dea & Matt Crichton Katherine & Benjamin Davidson Sue Doucett Katie & George Douglas Joy Dow Nicole Dozier Jessica Duncan & Sabrina Moore Andre Durham & Katja Fitz Danielle Erhard Arlene Espinoza-Armijo & Jesse Armijo Ian & Katie* Esquibel Teala & Michael Farrington Allie Federici Cole & Kelcy Flanagan Nicholas Ganjei Pilar Garcia Patton & Keith Patton Kristin Garcia Victor & Mia Garcia Gabriela Gómez Lisa & Ryan Goodman Scott Goodman Jennifer Gordon Nick Gordon & Anna Mallory Billy & Rachel Gupton Alexandria & Tyson Hafler Mariah Harrison* Annemarie Henton Christina Herrera Furst & Brandon Furst Alexander & Maria Heubeck Andy Hsi Christopher Jaramillo* Scott Hindman & Meaghan Stern Rachel Johannsen* Justin & Monica Kimbrough Chauna & Tyler King Jennifer Klass Aaron Kraft* & Monear Makvandi Seema Katiyar LaGree & Brooks LaGree Damian Libutti Derek Lin Amy* & David Liotta Christina M. Lujan Rebecca Lujan* Dominic Madrid Amanda Marquez Mo Marwan* Kristin McLoughlin Erik & Sarah Mease Erin Muffoletto Matthew & Nikki Mulligan Denise N. Nava Hallee & John Nguyen Tim Nisly Melissa Nuñez Maureen O’Leary & Michael Buck* Mitchel Olson John Michael & MacKenzie Ordorica Amanda & Yiannaki Pavlakos Lacee Peloquin Aldis Philipbar Leslie Phinney Victoria Pride Kendall Rogers & Shilpa Reddy James Ross Jaymie Roybal Monique & Manny Rubio Andrew & Hannah Salazar Rhiannon & Adan Samuel Jessica Sanchez Sofia Sanchez* Vince Sandoval Christopher Schroeder & Crystal Avila Cynthia Schultz Subha Shettigar Ms. Kristelle Siarza & Spencer Moon Danielle Silva David* & Shelley Silverman Babsy Sinandile Brett & Morgan Smith Rachel Smith & Russ Biggs Tiffany & Justin Smyth Jasmine & Aaron Stromberg David Stroud & Matt Sandoval Karie Taylor & Mike Montanez Aaron Thompson Kellie* & Charlie Tomlin Sonya B. Torrez Tri Trinh* Taylor Trodden & Sal Gonzales Daniel O. Trujillo Richelle Urenda John Varoz Alexandra Vavruska Mitch & Camaree Vigil Lorilynn Violanta Melody Wells & Hannah Bluhm Chanel Wiese & David Carl Skyler* & Brittany Wildenstein Mr. Nick Williams Hannah Wood