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Corporate Philanthropy
Albuquerque Community Foundation recognizes the value a strategic philanthropy program will bring to your business. We also recognize there is no one size fits all—the only size that matters is yours. The Foundation’s grantmaking approach is both scalable and customizable to meet the specific needs of each partner. In 2018, long-time corporate partner, Bradbury Stamm Construction (“BSC”) established an Employee Giving Committee which is guided by their employees’ giving priorities. With education as a clear focus area, the BSC Committee worked with Foundation staff to review applications and awarded $140,000 in grants to 13 nonprofits providing literacy, STEAM, skills-based, GED, ESL, mentoring and after school programs.
Vitality Works thought about setting up an internal group or a separate foundation for corporate philanthropy but quickly realized the learning curve would be too steep for strategic grantmaking. In 2017 they established the Vitality Works Endowment Fund which provides the opportunity to involve employees in the community in ways they couldn’t or wouldn’t necessarily do personally. In 2020, $115,000 was granted to support 5 nonprofits. In 2019, New Mexico Oil & Gas Association (“NMOGA”) established the Brighter Future Fund. This statewide grant program supports educational organizations, economic opportunities and hunger initiatives. In response to COVID-19 the final round of grants supported small business revitalization in historically under-invested, rural regions and communities throughout the state. In 2020, NMOGA’s Brighter Future Fund awarded $205,000 to 25 nonprofits.
Connecting Employees and Companies who Care with Causes that Matter