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A Comprehensive W Integrated Care
sunday 5 | 10:30 am sunday 5 | 3–4:30 pm sunday 5 | 5:30 pm sunday 5 | 10 am tuesday 7 | 10–11am tuesday 7 to friday 31 | 10 am–5 pm, closed Monday tuesday 7 | 7:30 pm wednesday 8 | 7:30 pm thursday 9 | 6–9 pm thursday 9 | 7:30 pm
Chatter Sunday. Music by Mozart and Zemlinsky, plus Mason Bates’s “Life of Birds.” As always, a custom coffee drink from our espresso bar is included with your ticket! Info: Chatter at 912 3rd Street NW, chatterabq.org/boxoffice. Tickets: $16 adults, $9 students/under-30, $5 under-13.

Series III Family Fun: Art and Music. Byron Herrington conducts the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra, performing music by John Williams, Sergei Prokofieff, and Aaron Copland, including the everpopular “Peter and the Wolf.” Student artwork will be projected above the orchestra and on display. Info: V. Sue Cleveland High School Concert Hall, 4800 Cleveland Heights Rd. NE, Rio Rancho. (505) 433-7445 or abqphil.org. Free and children are welcome.
Annual New Mexico Bach Society Concert. Presented by the New Mexico Performing Arts Society, this performance under the direction of Metropolitan Opera conductor emeritus Franz Vote will include J. S. Bach’s Cantata BWV 8 and the World Premiere of American composer Aaron Alter’s (aaronalter.com) “Earth Cantata” in the style of Bach. Info: Co-presented with the Placitas Artist Series at Las Placitas Presbyterian Church, 7 Paseo de Antonio (on Route 165 East from I-25 Placitas Exit). More info and tickets ($20-$60) at nmpas.org.
Albuquerque Newcomers Welcome Coffee. Join us to learn about the club’s varied activities, wine tastings and games, as well as men’s and singles groups. Membership is open to residents of the Albuquerque area for less than five years or who are experiencing major changes in their lives. Info: Sandia Presbyterian Church, 10704 Paseo Del Norte NE, (505) 321-6970, abq.newcomers@gmail.com. Not affiliated with the church.
Dementia Conversations. Webinar to address learning more about how to approach important topics with a loved one who has dementia. Info: Alzheimer’s Association, NM Chapter. Contact nmprograms@alz.org or (800) 272-3900. Virtual and free.
How The Wind Blows! This is the March theme at the Corrales Bosque Gallery. Please join us to meet the new artists joining the gallery and view their fabulous work. Info: Corrales Bosque Gallery, 4685 Corrales road, (505) 898-7203, corralesbosquegallery.com.
Music by 20th and 21st Century Composers. Presented by New Music New Mexico and the UNM Music Composition Studio. University of New Mexico Center for the Arts, Keller Hall, 203 Cornell Ave NE. Free.
The UNM Wind Symphony. Performed under the direction of Dr. Chad Simons. Info: University of New Mexico Center for the Arts, Popejoy Hall, 203 Cornell Ave NE. General admission $10, seniors and UNM employees $8, students $5. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or online at unmtickets.com.

Living with Alzheimer’s for Caregivers–Early Stage. This webinar addresses questions that arise in various stages of the disease. Info: Alzheimer’s Association, NM Chapter. Contact nmprograms@alz. org or (800) 272-3900. Virtual and free.
UNM Choirs Las Cantates and Dolce Suono. Performed under the direction of Dr. Matthew Forte. Info: University of New Mexico Center for the Arts, Keller Hall, 203 Cornell Ave NE. General admission $10, seniors and UNM employees $8, students $5. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or online at unmtickets.com friday 10 and saturday 11 | 7–9 pm friday 10 | 7:30 pm saturday 11 | 10 am–4 pm saturday 11 | 10:00 am–12 pm saturday 11 | 10–11:30 am saturday 11 | 10 am saturday 11 | 12:30–2:30 pm
Banff Mountain Film Festival World. Ignite your passion for adventure, action, and travel! The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour will exhilarate you with amazing big-screen stories. Journey to exotic locations, paddle the wildest waters, and climb the highest peaks. Get your tickets today and be taken away to the most captivating places on earth. Info: Kimo Theater, 423 Central Avenue NW, cabq.gov/artsculture/events, holdmyticket.com, two-day general admission $34.
Emanuele Arciuli, Eminent Classical Pianist. The UNM Music Department hosts Emanuele Arciuli piano instructor at Accademia di Pinerolo and professor of piano at Conservatorio Piccinni in Bari.
Info: University of New Mexico Center for the Arts, Keller Hall, 203 Cornell Ave NE. General admission $12, seniors and UNM employees $10, students $5. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or online at unmtickets.com.
Friends of the Public Library Used Book Sale. Thousands of Books, CDs, and DVDs at 80% to 90% off. Info: Main Library, 501 Cooper Ave NW, $2 admission nonmembers; members free.
SouthWest Writers Presents Geoff Habiger. Editor, publisher, and author Geoff Habiger will explain how to create a compelling newsletter that people will want to read. Available in person and via Zoom. Info: The physical meeting will be at UNM Continuing Ed; contact info@ SWWriters.com for a Zoom link. Free. Three free meetings for non-members.
Building Soil for Vegetable, Flower, and Herb Production. The Xeric Garden Club hosts Max Bervig’s presentation which will include drought tolerant vegetable gardening, soil building and plant propagation. Max Bervig is the farm manager at Los Poblanos. Each participant will be given a plant to take home. Info: Albuquerque Garden Center, 10120 Lomas Boulevard NE. Free.
Sweet Saturdays. Join us on select Saturdays as we explore the wonderful world of chocolate! Come taste the difference between milk, dark, white, and even ruby chocolate. Learn about the history of this sweet treat as it was transformed from a spicy drink to the decadent dessert of today. Talk to local chocolatiers about how they work with chocolate today to create your favorite sweet treats. This is a family friendly event and is included with admission to the Museum. Info: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 1801 Mountain Road, NW. Tickets at nmnaturalhistory.org.
SouthWest Writers presents Joe Brown. This workshop will be conducted by Joe Brown, who has just concluded a successful author tour, explaining how to create the same for yourself. Info: Physical meeting at UNM Continuing Ed; contact info@SWWriters.com for a Zoom link. Cost: $20 to SWW members; $30 to nonmembers.