7 minute read
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www.MEProductionsNM.com mondays | 2:30–4 pm mondays | 5–6 pm, every second monday | 6:30–8 pm first and third mondays | 4:30–5:30 pm mondays and wednesdays | 9:30 pm tuesdays | 2–3 pm
UNM and Cancer Support Now. Survivors Writing Together, a journaling support group for survivors, men and women, all cancer diagnoses. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 2550405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-to-one support.
Outcomes. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Come for discussion and support groups. Info: Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy Rd. NE, (505) 243-2551 to reserve a space. Free childcare and admission.
UNM and Cancer Support Now. Survivors and/or caregivers, all diagnoses, men, and women. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-to-one support.
Online Tango Classes. Live lessons with Eva Garlez and Pablo Rodriguez. Info: Bien Milonguero Tango School, 1512 First Street NW. evaypablotango@gmail.com or (505) 313-5316 text or Whatsapp.
| noon–2 pm
mondays–saturdays every third monday pm
Exquisite Turquoise in the Castle. This extraordinary German-style castle is the museum setting featuring rare turquoise specimens, lapidary demos, history and geology, a mine tunnel replica, hands-on activities for kids, and silversmithing. Info: The Turquoise Museum, 400 2nd St. SW, turquoisemuseum.com, (505) 433-3684. Tickets: $20 adults, $15 children.
| 6–7:30
Outcomes. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Attend discussion and support groups. Info: West Mesa Community Center, 5500 Glenrio NW, (505) 243-2551 to reserve a space. Free childcare and admission.
Caregiver Support Group. Caregiving for a loved one can be overwhelming and isolating. This group provides a compassionate space for caregivers to gain emotional support and information. Facilitated by Erin Tarica, LMSW. Info: Jewish Community Center, 5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE. Pre-registration required, (505) 348-4451, free.
tuesdays | 3:30–5 pm tuesdays | 6–8pm tuesdays | 6:30–8:30 pm tuesdays–saturdays | 9 am–5 pm tuesdays–saturdays | 9:30 am, 1:30 pm tuesdays–fridays; 10:30 am, noon, 1:30 pm saturdays every first tuesday | 1–2:30 pm first and third tuesdays | 12–1:30 pm
UNM/Cancer Support Now. Friends and Family Writing Together. Journaling support group for survivors of metastatic cancer; men and women, all diagnoses. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Hosting web meetings only currently. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-to-one support.
Chess Club. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Info: Corrales Community Library, 84 West La Entrada, (505) 8970733.

The New Mexichords Barbershop Chorus. Love to sing? The New MexiChords Barbershop Chorus is looking for men and women to join us. It is not necessary to read music to join. Sheet music and learning tracks are available to learn songs. We perform two concerts annually and sing at Albuquerque’s Citizenship Naturalization Ceremonies as well as other civic events, such as the Balloon Fiesta and others as they arise. Info: St. John’s United Methodist Church, 2626 Arizona Ave. NE. For more information, contact Walt Parsons at (505) 410-9635.

Art and History Exhibitions. Albuquerque Museum. See our website for the current listing of exhibitions. Info: Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Road NW, cabq. gov/artsculture/abqmuseum, (505) 2437255. General admission: $3-$6; a $5 exhibition surcharge may apply.
Casa San Ysidro Tours. Take a tour of this late 19th century building filled with an excellent collection of New Mexico vernacular art. Info: Casa San Ysidro, 973 Old Church Road, Corrales, cabq.gov/ casasanysidro, (505) 898-3915, $4–$6 general admission.
Spanish Language Alzheimer’s Support Group. This meeting is for Spanishspeaking individuals caring for a family member with dementia. Info: Alamosa Community Center, 6900 Gonzales Rd. SW, Suite C, (505) 363-8499 or (800) 272-3900.
Cancer Support Now. Rio Rancho area breast cancer support group for patients and survivors of breast cancer. Info: Our Helpline is available 7 days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-toone support.
second tuesdays | 12–2 pm
Cancer Support Now. How to be your Own Best Advocate for patients, survivors and/or caregivers, all cancers. Learn to identify and eliminate barriers in finding both medical and non-medical resources, information, and support during cancer diagnosis and treatment. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-toone support.
second tuesdays | 6–7 pm
Outcomes. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Attend for discussion and support groups. Info: Los Vecinos Community Center, 478 1/2 Old Highway 66, Tijeras, (505) 243-2551 to reserve a space. Free childcare and admission.
tuesdays–sundays | 10 am–5 pm tuesdays, thursdays, fridays, sundays | 11 am
National Hispanic Cultural Center Exhibits. See our website for the current listing of exhibitions. Info: National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 Fourth St. SW, (505) 246-2261, nhccnm.org.
Historic Old Town Tours. Explore historic Old Town on foot with our informative docents who will provide insight into the people and places that shaped our early community. Info: Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. NW, cabq.gov, 2437255. Tour included with paid museum admission, $4-$6, Sundays free.
second and fourth tuesdays |
4–5:30 pm first wednesdays | 9 am–5 pm wednesdays | 7 pm wednesdays | 7–9 pm second wednesdays | 12–1 pm second and fourth wednesdays | noon wednesdays–sundays | 10 am–4 pm wednesdays–sundays | 11 am–5 pm, ages 8+ wednesdays–thursdays | 5–8 pm, all ages thursdays | 11:30 am thursdays | 4–5:30 pm first and third thursdays | 4:30–6:30 pm first and third thursdays | 6–8 pm second and fourth thursdays | 3:30–5 pm thursdays | 9:30 pm fridays | noon–1:30 pm fridays | 1–4 pm
Cancer Support Now. Santa Fe Women’s Group, Surviving Sisters. All cancers, all diagnoses, all stages, all women. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-toone support.
Free First Wednesday. Start your month off right with free admission to the Albuquerque Museum and Sculpture Garden tour. $5 additional special exhibit surcharge may apply. Info: Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. NE, cabq. gov/artsculture, (505) 243-7255.
Albuquerque Open Tango. Argentine Tango introduction class and dance. No partner needed. Info: Juno Brewery, 1501 First Street NW, abqopentango.wixsite. com. Free.
Trivia Night. New, random categories and themes every week. Bring a team of up to six people. Info: Brew Lab 101, 3301 Southern Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho, (505) 9621587. Free to play and prizes may be won.
Cancer Support Now. Sandia Base cancer support group for survivors of all cancers, all stages, men, and women. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-toone support.
Rotary Club of Albuquerque. Del Norte Club Meetings. The Club welcomes visitors and community partners interested in networking, fellowship, and uplifting presentations to in-person lunches. New members are welcomed into committees which suit their interests and skills. Info and schedule: rotarydelnorte.org, email rotarydelnorteabq@gmail.com.
Natural History Museum. Explore the most dynamic dinosaurs that roamed New Mexico. Learn to balance like Seismosaurus, hunt like Coelophysis, and stomp like Tyrannosaurus. Info: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW, nmnaturalhistory.org, (505) 841-2848.
Cat Adoptions at Catopia. Come enjoy drinks, snacks, and spend time with adorable adoptable cats at Catopia Cat Cafe. Your visit will support their foster home and keep them company until they find their permanent homes, maybe with you. Info: catopiacatcafe.com, Paseo Village, 8001 Wyoming NE, Suite C-5, (505) 508-4278.
Road Runner Business Networking Group. If you’d like to generate more business referrals, meet with us. Info: Jimmy’s Café, 7007 Jefferson NE. Contact Terry at (505) 377-6074, triddle@rmmsonline.com or roadrunnersabq.com.
UNM and Cancer Support Now. Friends and family writing together. This is a journaling support group for grief and anticipatory grief for caregivers of a person with any type of cancer. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-toone support.
Cancer Support Now. Pancreatic cancer caregiver support group for caregivers of patients and survivors of pancreatic cancer, all stages, men, and women. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Hosting web meetings only currently. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-toone support.
Cancer Support Now. Women’s North Valley cancer support group for all cancers, all women, survivors and/or caregivers. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-to-one support.
Cancer Support Now. Pancreatic cancer support group for patients and survivors. Info: Our Helpline is available seven days a week at (505) 255-0405. Currently hosting web meetings only. Please call our helpline for an invitation to join a web support group or to connect with someone for one-to-one support.
Online Tango Classes. Follower’s technique with Eva. All levels. Info: Bien Milonguero Tango School, 1512 First Street NW, evaypablotango@gmail.com or (505) 313-5316 text or Whatsapp.
Grief and Loss Support Group. Grief is a natural process that can often be eased through sharing with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one or any other significant loss. Info: Jewish Care Program, (505) 821-3214, free.
Tamarind Institute. See the workshop facility, learn about fine art lithography, the current programs, and the history of Tamarind (a division within the College of Fine Arts at UNM). See a collaborative process video and a printing demonstration. The public is welcome, no reservation required; reservation for other times: tamarind.unm.edu. Info: Tamarind Institute, 2500 Central Ave. SE, (505) 2773901. Free.
Please send an e-mail with the date, time, and event description to datebook@ abqthemag.com. If available, include a high-resolution digital photograph or image. Listing information deadline is the 10th two months prior to publication (e.g.—all MAY events must be submitted by March 10, etc.). All events are subject to change. Please call event organization for final verification on events, times, dates, prices, and ticket availability.
Each year since 2005, we have taken the time to survey the physicians of ABQ with a simple question: if you had to refer a loved one to a local doctor other than yourself, to whom would you refer them?
It is our goal that this list provides you—the patient—with some insight and familiarity with the physicians in our community, while recognizing the trust placed in them by their fellow healthcare professionals.