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Allergy & Immunology
#1 PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE FOR PEOPLE IN THEIR 50S REGARDING YOUR SPECIALTY? Adult onset allergy is not uncommon, especially as people move to new areas with job changes and retirement. Different environments may present new pollen exposures. MOST MEMORABLE MEDICAL SITUATION? I was at the State Fair Grounds a few years ago. A woman at one of the food pavilions a few tables away started to look uncomfortable, and then agitated and then started turning blue in color. I was watching her closely but did not want to embarrass her. My wife nudged me and said something was wrong, so I ran over. After an assessment, I gave her a successful Heimlich maneuver. She was eating a hot dog. Her husband at first did not realize she was in trouble until she could tell him what had happened! YOUR THOUGHTS ON UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IN SIX WORDS OR LESS: Health care is a human right. THE SO-CALLED FAUCI EFFECT (MORE INTEREST IN HEALTHCARE CAREERS, SPURRED BY COVID-19) SAW AN 18 PERCENT INCREASE IN MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICANTS IN 2021. WHAT WILL THIS MEAN FOR FUTURE PATIENTS? Doctors should lead a health team and be available for difficult medical issues and surgery. This will only benefit patients. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME 25 YEARS AND GIVE YOURSELF ONE PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Get a sleep study if you snore and are tired during the day, drink a lot of caffeine and want to take naps. COMPLETE YOUR OWN ENDING TO THE OLD SAYING, “AN APPLE A DAY ….” An apple a day… Is a good display! Is quite Okay! Will really Pay! Is the best Way!