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HAS THE AVAILABILITY OF HEALTH-RELATED INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET HELPED OR HARMED THE WAY PATIENTS SEEK CARE? Largely it’s helped it. People are more able to oversee their own care and they can learn more than ever before. However, the available information is NOT always trustworthy or accurate. As always, patients must always beware and work to build trusting relationships with their providers. STAYING HYDRATED IS OBVIOUSLY IMPORTANT FOR GOOD HEALTH. WITH SO MANY WATER CHOICES (MINERAL, SPRING, SPARKLING, FILTERED, ALKALINE, PURIFIED, TAP), ARE THERE ANY GUIDELINES YOU WOULD RECOMMEND? Honestly, not really. Hydration can come from many sources. I personally drink mostly filtered tap water. #1 PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE FOR PEOPLE IN THEIR 30’S REGARDING YOUR SPECIALTY? Stay active. As we move from the time of life where we may have been more athletic (teens and twenties) to a somewhat less active lifestyle, it’s important to maintain solid physical activity habits. Walking, biking, hiking, swimming, and running are some of the most beneficial types of exercise. MOST MEMORABLE MEDICAL SITUATION? On a boat on Lake Powell, Utah. I helped rescue a patient from the lake with severe head trauma and was able to help organize him being promptly airlifted to a trauma center. WHAT FORTHCOMING TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT IN YOUR AREA OF SPECIALTY ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT THAT WILL BENEFIT FUTURE PATIENTS? I’m excited about the ever-broadening development of less invasive techniques to treat structural heart disease and congestive heart failure. YOUR THOUGHTS ON UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IN SIX WORDS OR LESS: It’s definitely needed and probably inevitable. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME 25 YEARS AND GIVE YOURSELF ONE PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? ’Be in the now.’ For too many years in my life, I was focused on the past or the future. I missed some things in the ‘present’ and you never get those experiences back. I try to be much more mindful now and it has made a big difference in my overall happiness and sense of well-being. COMPLETE YOUR OWN ENDING TO THE OLD SAYING, “AN APPLE A DAY…” An apple a day keeps ya regular. MOST REALISTIC MEDICAL SHOW ON TELEVISION, PAST OR PRESENT? Strangely enough, “Scrubs” ...not for the medical aspects it showed, but rather the relationships (functional and dysfunctional, funny and serious) between people in a large healthcare organization. ARTIST WHOSE MUSIC WE’D HEAR THE MOST IN YOUR WAITING ROOM: Wow, that’s hard. I like a lot of different music, from The Rolling Stones to Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Clash, Foo Fighters and beyond. I also love the big band sounds of Duke Ellington and many others. However, if you force me to pick one band, it’s definitely the Talking Heads.
ALSO IN THE TOP 3 FOR CARDIOLOGY: Brendan Cavanaugh, Michelle Khoo