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Colon & Rectal Surgery
HAS THE AVAILABILITY OF HEALTH-RELATED INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET HELPED OR HARMED THE WAY PATIENTS SEEK CARE? The availability of information on the internet is a double-edged sword. A well-informed patient can participate in the medical decision-making process. Looking up some information on your condition and being prepared with questions to ask your doctor is a good thing. Just make sure you are looking at a reliable source of information. STAYING HYDRATED IS OBVIOUSLY IMPORTANT FOR GOOD HEALTH. WITH SO MANY WATER CHOICES (MINERAL, SPRING, SPARKLING, FILTERED, ALKALINE, PURIFIED, TAP), ARE THERE ANY GUIDELINES YOU WOULD RECOMMEND? There is no long term advantage to drinking alkaline water as the acid base status of the body is so tightly regulated. Most city water systems are safe. Ultimately it does not matter how you get your water, just make sure you drink enough to stay well hydrated. #1 PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE FOR PEOPLE IN THEIR 30’S? Your 30’s are when your body isn’t so forgiving anymore! Setting good habits with sleep routines, eating sensible portions and including plenty of fiber in your diet will serve you well. Fad diets will not. MOST MEMORABLE MEDICAL SITUATION? Several years ago, a lady collapsed at the next table when we were having lunch on a beach in the south of France. WHAT FORTHCOMING TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT IN YOUR AREA OF SPECIALTY ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT THAT WILL BENEFIT FUTURE PATIENTS? The use of circulating tumor DNA to find colorectal cancer earlier than previously possible as well as the use of “precision cancer medicines” that target specific molecular features of colorectal cancer are two promising technological advances in the field. YOUR THOUGHTS ON UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IN SIX WORDS OR LESS: Necessary, fiscally smart, aspirational. STUDYING MEDICINE THEN VS. NOW: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? I think the obvious difference is the significant reduction in face to face and hands on time with your patients. Clinical exams have been largely replaced with imaging and shift work has replaced the continuity that most patients experienced with their doctors 25 years ago. THE SO-CALLED FAUCI EFFECT (MORE INTEREST IN HEALTHCARE CAREERS, SPURRED BY COVID-19) SAW AN 18 PERCENT INCREASE IN MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICANTS IN 2021. WHAT WILL THIS MEAN FOR FUTURE PATIENTS? It remains to be seen if the Fauci effect is long lasting with some studies suggesting that this has already begun to decline. I do hope that increased number of applicants will mean a more diverse physician workforce where most patients can see a physician that they can relate to. COMPLETE YOUR OWN ENDING TO THE OLD SAYING, “AN APPLE A DAY…” An apple a day gives you 2.3 gm of fiber, on average, , so it’s nowhere near enough! ARTIST WHOSE MUSIC WE’D HEAR THE MOST IN YOUR WAITING ROOM: Chopin. Nothing soothes the anxious soul like Chopin.