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Hospice Medicine
HAS THE AVAILABILITY OF HEALTH-RELATED INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET HELPED OR HARMED THE WAY PATIENTS SEEK CARE? For the most part, helped. Sometimes my patients get too focused on the worse outcome read on the web and I need to re-direct. Overall, though, I enjoy their well-researched questions and concerns. #1 PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE FOR PEOPLE IN THEIR 30S REGARDING YOUR SPECIALTY? Stay healthy and watch your diet, lifestyle in general. Things will catch up with you later. MOST MEMORABLE MEDICAL SITUATION? In a motel room with a patient on hospice visiting from out of state. YOUR THOUGHTS ON UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IN SIX WORDS OR LESS: Love it. It is a right for everybody. STUDYING MEDICINE THEN VS. NOW: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Perhaps more pressure to achieve results and keep up with the latest developments. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME 25 YEARS AND GIVE YOURSELF ONE PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Listen more to yourself, focus on what is good, meaningful to you– no need to prove anything to anybody. I realized that when I was younger lots of things I did were to prove to myself, my family, and others that I was capable. COMPLETE YOUR OWN ENDING TO THE OLD SAYING, “AN APPLE A DAY…” An apple a day keeps lots of trouble away? – I know, not very original. MOST REALISTIC MEDICAL SHOW ON TELEVISION, PAST OR PRESENT? ER, maybe because it is the one I grew up with. ARTIST WHOSE MUSIC WE’D HEAR THE MOST IN YOUR WAITING ROOM: The Eagles.