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Pediatric Surgery
STAYING HYDRATED IS OBVIOUSLY IMPORTANT FOR GOOD HEALTH. WITH SO MANY WATER CHOICES (MINERAL, SPRING, SPARKLING, FILTERED, ALKALINE, PURIFIED, TAP), ARE THERE ANY GUIDELINES YOU WOULD RECOMMEND? Drink whatever tastes good to you in your reusable water bottle. My preference is Crystal Springs. MOST MEMORABLE MEDICAL SITUATION? It would probably be in my newborn grandson’s nursery. Fortunately, I knew a pediatric surgeon where he lives who took care of the problem. YOUR THOUGHTS ON UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IN SIX WORDS OR LESS: Long overdue. Medicare For All. THE SO-CALLED FAUCI EFFECT (MORE INTEREST IN HEALTHCARE CAREERS, SPURRED BY COVID-19) SAW AN 18 PERCENT INCREASE IN MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICANTS IN 2021. WHAT WILL THIS MEAN FOR FUTURE PATIENTS? I don’t think it will have much effect because as far as I know the number of available positions at the schools didn’t increase. There was a nursing shortage before Covid and Covid only made it worse. Some of those applicants should consider nursing school if they want to have an impact. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME 25 YEARS AND GIVE YOURSELF ONE PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Work less and play more. Life is short. COMPLETE YOUR OWN ENDING TO THE OLD SAYING, “AN APPLE A DAY…” An apple a day is a great source of fiber and keeps the apple growers in my hometown in business. ARTIST WHOSE MUSIC WE’D HEAR THE MOST IN YOUR WAITING ROOM: Bruce Springsteen. MOST REALISTIC MEDICAL SHOW ON TELEVISION, PAST OR PRESENT? “St. Elsewhere.” (Definitely NOT “Grey’s Anatomy”)
(505) 272-4244
STAYING HYDRATED IS OBVIOUSLY IMPORTANT FOR GOOD HEALTH. WITH SO MANY WATER CHOICES (MINERAL, SPRING, SPARKLING, FILTERED, ALKALINE, PURIFIED, TAP), ARE THERE ANY GUIDELINES YOU WOULD RECOMMEND? As my patients are children and adolescents, I typically recommend plain water for daily hydration. WHAT FORTHCOMING TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT IN YOUR AREA OF SPECIALTY ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT THAT WILL BENEFIT FUTURE PATIENTS? We will hopefully soon have a vaccine for RSV. RSV has been an annual, challenging virus for kids, especially infants and toddlers. YOUR THOUGHTS ON UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IN SIX WORDS OR LESS: Many pros, cons, and trade-offs. STUDYING MEDICINE THEN VS. NOW. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? It seemed much simpler in my time to choose medicine. You focused on making good grades, did a few extracurricular, medicine-focused activities and applied. Now the entire process of applying seems more arduous and complicated. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME 25 YEARS AND GIVE YOURSELF ONE PIECE OF HEALTH ADVICE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? WHY? I would tell my younger self to laugh more. Find the humor when possible and treasure the times you can laugh with others. It is a good antidote to stress and adds hope and joy to life. COMPLETE YOUR OWN ENDING TO THE OLD SAYING, “AN APPLE A DAY…” An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But, if you really want privacy, eat an onion a day! MOST REALISTIC MEDICAL SHOW ON TELEVISION, PAST OR PRESENT? The last medical series I saw was “ER,” so I may not be the best person to ask. In that series I found it almost comical how often they had to “crack a chest” in the ER.

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