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land Sheepdog, Standard Poodle, Great Dane, German Shepherd, Shih Tzu, Labrador Retriever, Boston Terrier and Irish WolfHound to name a few.” While passengers are certainly thankful for the K9 Crew’s calming presence, Sunport staff have also taken quite a liking to the crew. “Every time they’re in the terminal, you see folks light up when they spot the dogs and really enjoy meeting them. We frequently hear, ‘This made my day!’ or ‘I really needed this!’” says Small. Sure, these pups are great for the little things, but oftentimes they can be instrumental in helping someone through a difficult situation. “One time, we had a passenger who was flying out due to a death in the family. They were approached by one of the dogs and ended up spending a significant amount of time together,’ says Small. “The passenger said the dog truly helped them with the grieving process and made the hugely difficult experience more bearable.”
Flights are a source of anxiety and apprehension for many, but the Sunport provides furry friends whose sole purpose is to ease nerves and give passengers a reassuring lick on the hand or nudge on the leg. The ABQ K9 Crew was founded in early 2015 as an offshoot of the Sunport’s Ambassador Program—helping hands who meet travelers and direct them to flight gates, bag claim, rental car shuttle buses, and other airport facilities. Now, many of these volunteers bring their own certified therapy dogs who participate in the K9 Crew.
“Currently, we have 31 dogs in the program,” says Sunport Customer Experience Manager Jonathan Small. “Our K9 Crew features a wide-variety of breeds, including Australian Shepherd, Rottweiler, Yorkshire Terrier, Basset Hound, Shet-
Each furry member of the K9 Crew wears a bright yellow vest that says “PET ME,” so they aren’t easily confused with service dogs. Interested in participating? Step one is to get your dog certified by an approved organization (Alliance of Therapy Dogs, Warm Hearts, and Caring Angels are a few Small says will help Fido make the grade). Head over to abqsunport.com for more details on the Ambassador and K9 Crew programs.
The crew is quickly earning a reputation as one of the Sunport’s must-see attractions, so make sure to look for them in the main public areas of the terminal and strolling around the A&B Concourses. You can even collect trading cards from each handler as you meet the pups! Someone get my Poké Balls ready…wait, wrong game.