Do You Need A Family Lawyer?

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Do You Need A Family Lawyer? In fairy tales, life is easy. There are no stresses, and everything is straightforward. Unfortunately, real life can be the opposite. Abuse and separations cause heartache, violence, and discontent within families. Often boundaries get crossed, leaving you no other option but to seek legal help at such tumultuous times.

This turbulent period requires a Family Lawyer to step in. Studying and practicing in their field of expertise for around seven years, you should understand they are experts in civil legal matters relating to families that desperately need assistance.

What Should I Know Before Meeting My Lawyer?

Initially, meeting with the Lawyer would usually consist of drafting up a Petition, this is the application or foundation to which they would continue with the case. It can be a lengthy process, depending on each situation, but once signed by the necessary parties it will go to court where the circumstances are relayed and a decision made. The more information you provide early on in the petition, the simpler the outcome.

What Constitutes As A Civil Legal Matter?

If you find yourself in any of the below circumstances, it is recommended to hire a Family Lawyer for peace of mind and comfort.

Abuse – Has your partner been violent? Have they threatened to hurt you or your family? Do you find if they don’t get their way they play mind games and trick you into thinking THEY are the victim and you deserved it? If any of these apply to your life, then you must get professional help. A Family Lawyer can provide legal guidance; this may include restraining orders and protection for yourself and your children.

Alimony – If your marriage ends and you find you’re owed spousal support, or Alimony, as it’s commonly known, your Lawyer can help with the negotiations and can determine which party should be providing various maintenance costs and living expenses.

Gaining a Prenuptial or Postnuptial – Likewise, should you be entering a new chapter and wish for marriage but you have high-value assets that need protecting, a Family Lawyer is there to do just that. They can draft up a prenuptial as well as a postnuptial should a couple wish to proceed with any of these options. Though the sound of future-proofing assets, due to a marriage collapse, is somewhat of a cynical and downhearted perspective, it is all too familiar in places like Hollywood, where it is a very normal part of life.

Paternity – Do you have doubts as to whether your child is biologically yours? Have you any financial problems which trigger issues with your child and their family? You need to know where you stand. If it’s just for peace of mind, a Family Lawyer can help with aspects such as Paternity testing and child support, though expect further disputes afterwards.

Knowing where you and your family members stand legally, is what you initially set out to achieve. Stay focused on the goal, and your Lawyer will support you along the way.

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