Hemp Collection Agency A hemp collection agency is a collector for cannabis-based businesses who default on loans or taxes. Since the assets are the cannabis or hemp plants, depending on what is being grown for what purpose that is what is repossessed by the company in the case of default.
Growing cannabis and hemp can be expensive. Hemp is a high-protein fiber that has been grown for thousands of years, yet it is illegal in some parts of the world today. In areas where it is legal to grow, there are usually special permits needed to maintain a hemp-based business. Hemp plants are maintained mostly for their fiber and are usually not classified as cannabis, since they are strained differently and have a different quality. They tend to have a larger stalk and are not as strong to ingest as plants rose for cannabis ingestion. They are also not the regular cannabis market strains that people know and buy to smoke.
You do not ever want to lose the investment of hemp plants and the equipment used to grow them, given the expense. Hemp takes a lot of water and sprinkling systems are quite expensive. If you are on a city well, the water can be expensive too! So make sure you protect your investment by staying up to code when it comes to your growing operations. Paying workers their wages on time and keeping up with your taxes are important ways to start. But there is more to it than just that.
You may be liable for collections if you go over your water and electricity amounts, for example. You can also be liable for collections if your property cannot sustain the operation (i.e., you have too many people on the property or it becomes infested with pests). There are many agriculturalrelated concerns regarding water rights and fertilizer as well as strains of plants that are important for the hemp grower to know about. Staying within a license is a good way to avoid collections.
To stay up-to-date on your codes, you can attend legal hearings or get a lawyer to help your growing operation stay current. At the worst case scenario, the enforcement agency could turn the city water off at your property and dry the plants out till they are no longer alive in order to move your business. While this would be a rare occurrence, you should always be prepared in the event that someone comes for hemp collections.
Hemp collection agencies can obtain permits to collect the materials used to grow the hemp if there is a really bad default on a loan or wages. Usually they would obtain some of an operation’s plants first, but in some areas where the plants would not be legal for sale they may come after the growing operation first. Be prepared with a good lawyer if you are growing legally and experience hemp collection. You will want to convince the agency that you have a legal business and that they should not sell your equipment right away; with a bit of luck, you may be able to get your things back in a short enough time to save the plants.
Articles Source: http://www.latratores.net/hemp-collection-agency/