Hemp Collection Law Hemp collection law is basically the same as other collection law, with a few exceptions. The plants can be collected if the grower is not compliant with regulations or is growing illegally. They can be collected as collateral for loan or wage default as well. The actual collection has to be done a certain way, and the plants cannot be transported to just anywhere once they are collected.
No one wants their items to be repossessed, but in the case of hemp collection they may be at serious risk if the items are repossessed because often the plants can be destroyed after collection. They are not always destroyed, but plant loss is an issue in places that are not hempfriendly. It is a huge risk to grow illegally because the collection agency may choose to destroy the plants rather than re-sell them at a profit. If that happens, there is no way for the plants to be returned if the defaulter finds funding to pay his bills with after collection.
Some agencies specialize in helping mediate debt and credit issues rather than resorting to collection as a first choice. You may find this option better suited to your pocketbook, although it is more work at first. You can have cash instead of more plants to manage if your debtor works with an auditor and someone to help them manage their credit. This is a good option for those who would prefer not to put someone out of business, even if it is legal to seize their goods. It is also a good way to keep the economy going and foster business relationships in the community. In the end, it may benefit your reputation and your pocketbook more to have someone help your debtor manage his credit rather than having goods possessed as payment.
Debt counseling for your debtor is also a good idea for another reason, and that is that not all plants are created equal. You will be stuck with whatever goods your debtor has to seize, even if they do not really work for you. If you cannot hold the plants and goods long enough to sell them at a solid market price, you may not get your money in the end. So, consider working with your debtor if they have a debt counselor as a less cumbersome option that will boost your reputation and get you more cash in the end.
Hemp collection is fairly difficult, as the plants are large and dehydrate easily. Make sure that you do not try to collect hemp by yourself if someone owes you back payment or goods. Getting an auditor to help you will keep your books straight and will help you get help collecting your debt, rather than breaking your back trying to do everything yourself. Hemp collection should be performed by a professional agency, and hemp collection agencies are a growing sector. You are certain to find someone experienced and licensed to help you if you look hard enough. Be sure they have a good lawyer, or retain one for yourself if you need to in order to make the process go smoother.
Articles Source: https://www.emploi-viandes.com/hemp-collection-law/