a brief glance issue_49

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Raffaele Pola [ Wallride ] Photo Adrea Zandrelli.





Charlie Munro, Kickflip. Rosolini, Italy. Photo Davide Biondani / Canon.

a brief glance

a brief glance




MORE LAUGHS IN SKATE BOARDING Manny, Maxi, Vaughan. Photo Davide Biondani.

a brief glance skateboard mag

Volume 002

216 pages. Hard cover.

SOMETIMES is the second

24 x 17 cm. Quality print.

book from a brief glance skateboardmag. The best photos, articles, interviews and special features we


have released during the


second six months of 2017



on the web editions of our



a brief glance “Riva sweatshirt Crewneck sweatshirt - a brief glance logo printed on the back in three colors “Riva” yacht printed on the left chest. Available in Electric Blue - Red - Black.


a brief glance


a brief glance







www.plazaboards.it - info@plazaboards.it


a brief glance | year VIII n°48

EDITOR and CONCEPT_ Davide Biondani. {davide@abriefglance.com} ASSOCIATE EDITOR_ Guido Bendotti. {guido@abriefglance.com} ASSISTANT EDITOR_ Andrew Zolin. TRANSLATIONS_ Jonathan Levin. PHOTOGRAPHERS_ Leo Sharp, Jonathan Mehring, DVL, Craig Dodds, Brian Gaberman, Marcello Guardigli, Davide Biondani, Giulia Romano, Fabien Ponsero, Cameron Markin, Reece Leung, Kuba Bączkowski, Andrea Zandrelli, Marcel Velmdan, Valentin Melocco, Sebastiano Bartoloni, Alberto Della Beffa, Fred Mortagne, Florian Debray, Joel Peck, Henry Kingsford. CONTRIBUTORS_ Francesco Paolo Chielli, Mario Torre, Mark Baines. DESIGN_ M. Bod Ciceri {Question Mark, ink!#?} GET ALL THE INFO at: info@abriefglance.com

a brief glance skateboard mag is a bulletin published by Fake Donkey Skateboard asd. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.

Thanks to Canon Italia for the support.

a brief glance

Ale Benedetti [Salad grind pop over] Photo_Davide Biondani.

Levi Brown. Portrait Davide Biondani.

a brief glance




A Lock









Gav Coughlan .......................... Dun Laoghaire Ranga



Loic Boimond ......................................... Paris

a brief glance

a brief glance

Ollie Lock Wallride nollie out Bristol, UK Photo Leo Sharp

Gav Coughlan Heelflip Dun Laoghaire, Ireland Photo Craig Dodds

Ranga Nollie kickflip Plymouth, UK Photo Leo Sharp

a brief glance

Loic Boimond Bs smith grind Paris, France Photo Florian Debray

a brief glance

a brief glance



Portraits / Alberto Della Beffa - Action / Fabien Ponsero - Words / Guido Bendotti





I must admit that I really love how Pietro skates. The way he rides is completely spontaneous and apparently meaningless, since he finds ways of skating spots that he had never thought of before. He’s curious, charismatic, and with a penchant for laughter and irony, he’s probably the first to not take himself too seriously. Nobody would ever admit to having recently learned 360 flips, especially if you have a video coming out for a company like Antiz, but Pepe doesn’t give a damn and laughs about it. Hey, it’s just skateboarding. As soon as he recovers from his broken leg, he’ll be landing tricks at unpredictable spots again, and the hardest part will be to avoid posting everything on social media. Damn, save some tricks for your next videopart!!! Cheers on you Pepe.

Portraits / Alberto Della Beffa - Action / Fabien Ponsero Words / Guido Bendotti - Illustrations / Pepe -

So, are you or are you not a rude boy? Ha ha ha! I’m generally a polite guy, but lately I’m pretty nervous so watch out. How is your leg doing, what did you do? How long till you recover? I broke my malleolus, I think I still have a month to go. Regarding my psychological recovery, I’m not sure. How pissed off are you that you can’t skate? How do you kill time? I’m pretty pissed. I just listen to vynils at home by myself and drink whisky and beers, I write, read, draw, tattoo, etc. Will you do any rehab or will you do what skaters usually do: just skate if it doesn’t hurt.

Are you talking about junky-rehab or physiotherapy? You have been concentrating on your artistic side. How was this passion born and in what way does it represent you and express your inner reality?

Nobody gives a shit about art any more, I was thinking of taking up dancing, like tip-tap. Tell me about Insta stories, are they still a good way to get pussy? I’m searching for true love but all I have are lots of nude photos on my phone. The Antiz video will be out soon and it will be your first introduction to the skateboarding world on video, how much time did you put into it?

I did my best to enjoy to the max a year spent with some of the coolest people I’ve met so far, doing what we love doing. I can’t wait to be on the road again! If I ask you about old Antiz vids, can you name any without searching on Google? Antizipated and Zmovie! Are you satisfied with your videopart or were there any battles that you left hanging? Of course I’m happy! But there were a thousand unfinished battles as always. In a world where everything is all about social networks and instant gratification, what does working on a full length video mean to you?

I hope all the smart phones disappear tomorrow and we all go back to VHS! You never know...

5-0 GRIND.

Let’s talk about something interesting: your outfits... honestly, how long does it take you to

leave the house? And is the techinique of jumping into the closet in the dark a good way of finding the outfit of the day?

Actually I practice nudism, and also, more than outfit of the day it’s more like outfit of the week, I don’ have a washing machine at home. I really like the way you skate, and I say this without flattery: you’re spontaneous, raw, and innovative. Have you always skated this way? Was there an evolution through the years? Well yeah, that has pretty much always been my approach. Have you gone through any phases over the years? A more technical one, and a Baker phase? Lately I’ve learned to do 360 flips! Ha ha ha! You skate the city with an eye for unusual or not often skated spots. Is this approach spontaneous

or do you reflect on the trick you want to do at a spot? It might even be a well-known spot, but you skate it from different angles.

Let’s say that I just had to find a way to compensate for my shortage of tech skills.

Who were your earlier influences in skateboarding, and where do you get your daily inspiration to go out and skate? Satan is my guide. Apart from skateboarding and facebook, what are the websites you visit more often? PornHub and the pakistani shop near my house. Is there an Insta account we should follow, and an account you are embarrassed to follow?

There’s this one account that only posts Tinder profile photos with skatespots in the background, it seems interesting to me. What are you working on with Vans? Top secret. What are your ambitions both for the present and future: who will Pietro Tirelli be in ten years? Or rather, where will this world end up in ten years’ time? The end is near.




Words Mark Baines Photography Davide Biondani / Canon.

I always wanted to go to Sicily. I love Italy, the food, the weather, the spots and the hospitality have always been top notch. So when me and Mackey were discussing possible places to go, I suggested Sicily, a selfish suggestion maybe. The Mafia and Sicily go hand in hand, not like we saw anybody get whacked but there is an air of lawlessness about Sicily. It’s sketchy in parts for sure, but everyone is getting on with their own shit. From the old boys sitting in the squares drinking beers to the police who seemed to not care that we were skating in the middle of the street and not batting an eyelid at 3 kids on a scooter with no helmets. It just seems like everyone has got their own shit to be doing and as long as you’re not being a dick then you’re left alone to do what you’re doing. One thing I couldn’t get to grips with was driving the van around the streets of Catania, they’re so narrow that I got 2 hits in an hour’s driving so Davide kindly took over. Driving there is a different ball game, people can’t drive on the face of it but it seems to work somehow, you can’t drive like you would drive in most places because you wouldn’t get anywhere. So with the crazy road, the nice food and weather, and being constantly overlooked by the smoking Etna made Sicily one to remember for us all, I’m sure. Can’t wait to go back some day. [ Mark Baines ]



a brief glance

[ MAXI SCHAIBLe ] You’ve been travelling a lot right? How was Sicily compared to some of the other places you went to this year, like SF for example?

Yes, this year has been crazy so far. Super stoked on every single trip and very thankful as well. Man, I love travelling so much! Every time I step onto a plane, I get the same excitement as if it were the first time. Same feeling! Sicily was great, definitely different from SF or other big cities, but I loved both! Sicily was more about driving around to these small villages and skating some crazy plazas while SF is just one massive city you skate around in. The food was definitely on point in Sicily! I never ate that much pizza in one week! Not to forget the amount of affordable Aperol Spritz we had! And how was travelling with a bunch of Brits (adopted ones too, Manny)? It was great! I thought it might be weird for me to crash the trip as everyone else was already super close with each other and I was the “new guy.” I only knew Mark before the trip but it couldn’t have gone any better. Everyone was super chill and it felt like we had already known each other for years. Manny summed it up perfectly this one day in the van: “Everyone is just down to earth and really chill.” Glad I got to hang out with the boys! Do you currently work or go to school? I know you help out the guys at Arrow and Beast a little bit which is cool, good guys to learn from.

I graduated my studies last year and did an internship while I was studying, with the guys at A&B, in 2016. Oli (one of the owners) offered me to work from my computer for them once I was done with college, so it went from there last year. It’s a great opportunity for me as I get great support when I have trips going, but on the other hand I can learn a lot and have something to use my brain for beside just skateboarding, spots, and filming. And with Sicily, what were you expecting before going there? Did it live up to your expectations or idea of the place?

I had been wanting to go to Sicily for a long time, so when you hit me up for the trip it was definitely a no-brainer. Even though it was right when I had landed from SF and was pretty exhausted, I really wanted to go. I’ve been to other places in Italy before, but Sicily is a different vibe. I did not have a picture in my head before going but I can recommend that everyone should go! It’s a great island! You can definitely feel this mix of the Arabic or African side, as those countries are quite close. Some parts look really rough and sketchy but on the other hand you have these beautiful beaches and marble squares. Some friends had told me that the food is banging out there, but I had no idea of the existence of Cannoli with Ricotta! They are from another world.

a brief glance

a brief glance


a brief glance


a brief glance

[ CHARLIE MUNRo ] You’re moving to London soon from Cambridge, so what will you be doing for work there? It’s an expensive city, so to work and skate you have to find a good balance, right?

If I’m honest I have no idea just yet. I’ve got some money saved up so I’m gonna Wing it for a bit on that. Although I’d like to find something kinda soon - mainly to keep myself busy. You were a labourer in Cambridge right? I’ve been doing a few bits here and there since quitting my full time job early last year. Developing my skills if you like. You’re currently working on a part with Magee for his new project, how is that going?

It’s Kev Parrott and Magee’s project, It’s going well, mate - or I believe so anyway. It’s possible they could tell you differently though, ha ha. And in regards to Sicily what impressed you or stood out the most about the place? Probably how close and active Mount Etna was. It’s the most active volcano in Europe apparently, which is pretty crazy.







Vaughan, you work in a coffee shop in London called Daily Goods, how’s that going? They had a skate shop for a little while, but that’s now gone right? Yeah, I work in Daily Goods and yeah, we had a skate shop bit for a few months, then we changed owners so the skate shop is now gone, so it’s basically a normal cafe again now.

And how is living in London compared to say Liverpool or Leeds where you used to live? It’s way more expensive and is way bigger than Liverpool and Leeds which means more spots. The Liverpool and Leeds skate scenes are smaller and everyone skates together, whereas in London there are a lot of different crews just because of how big the city is. There are a lot of skaters in London which is rad, big up to the cherry b crew!

How was the bottle of limoncello? It was beautiful. Would you suggest to your mates to hit up Sicily on a skate trip or holiday? And what advice would you give them to keep them out of trouble?

Yeah, I would definitely recommend Sicily for holiday and skate trip, it’s a beautiful place and the food is dope! To stay out of trouble just don’t mention the mafia, and if you’re in a ghetto neighbourhood don’t start filming members of the public like Nick the bastard did (nothing bad happened, he just got told off by a local).


You had to leave the trip early for an exam, how did it go and what was it for?

I had a practical exam which consisted in making a session plan for disabled people, specifically blind and in wheelchairs. The sport my group and I chose was Basketball so we just had to plan out some fun drills that increased their shooting ability. We had to guide them through it, then coach them along the way for 20 minutes while being watched and graded by some of my course teachers. How did you find London as a place to live? Before going there you had lived in a lot of places around the world.

I love London. It’s hectic and I’ve had my doubts, but for the most part it’s home to me. I’ve moved around a lot so I just want to stay put for a while. Like Charlie, you’re working on a part for Magee and Kev Parrott’s new video, how’s that been going for you?

It’s been going well. Dan Magee and Kevin Parrott are a good mix because one is strict and the other is mellow, so together they are the perfect balance. I’m happy with what I’ve got so far, but I would like to keep going and push it a bit more to finish it up this summer. I’m glad Charlie is involved now because we get along really well and he is killing it! I’m so hyped that we skate for three different companies together and go on trips with them. And what was your favourite trick of this trip? My favourite trick would have to be the long front board that Charlie did. I bet that felt good to roll away from.



a brief glance

a brief glance





PRICELESS FEELINGS Portraits: Kuba - Interview Davide Biondani.

Nosegrind // Photo Kuba BÄ…czkowski.

Hi Michal, a few days ago there was the premiere of the new Grey Area video, how is the video and how was the premiere?

Hi! The video was fuckin’ sick! I was so excited to see all my homies, my parents, my brother, old bunch, and the rest of the people. What surprised me was the order of the parts in the video. It was a priceless feeling to sit comfortably at the end of the cinema and watch years of work, and recall tons of memories and historical moments. After the premier, you know, the classic after-party till dawn. You have a full part in it, this is your first full part after the 2 looong injuries you suffered, and after you were let go from Polar… how much effort did you put into

this new project and how much anger was there in you while filming for it? Was there a sort of “extra motivation?”

Yes, I have a full part. I was filming with the conviction that I could not finish it because physically I wouldn’t be able to do it and there wouldn’t be enough time because of the short summer in Poland. I had a couple of clips stacked but it was obvious that there was a need for fresh footage. I thought that I could at least film like a small part. It turned out that that year was crazy. It was like from one mission to another, skipping parties and other things. I was going to bed early to be fresh the next day. Sometimes my day began with filming, straight up. Kuba (filmer) has his duties and family, so often we went straight to filming, bang bang, make/no make and were done. I admire him for finding these 2 or 3 hours during the day. We were filming for 5 or 6 days a week and you know how it sometimes is, you need to go back to a spot 4 times for one trick. Thanks to you with your skating, to Kuba with Barrier magazine, to the Grey Area video and to the skaters involved in it, the Polish skate scene has received good

exposure over the last few years… how is the state of the skate scene in Warsaw and in Poland in general?

Hmm, I think it’s not bad but it’s not super good at the same time. There is a lack of young blood and new talents that could step up the game, but there are a couple of diamonds that are worth mentioning like Tomek Ziolkowski, Franek and Michał Zarzycki.

How is Warsaw as a place to live? I’ve seen a lot of works to renew it… looks like it is very alive. Which aspects of your city do you like more, and less?

The city is developing, there are new buildings popping up. There is a mix of architecture. Despite history, there were a lot of beautiful buildings saved that are often close to the concrete blocks of flats from Communist and post-Communist times. Because of this, Warsaw is diverse and very specific. The same goes with the spots. Why are Polish guys (almost) all big and bad? Ha ha… Is there a lot of violence in the city? Ha ha ha, I don’t know, maybe they don’t have any perspectives for their life nor any passions like us. When you visit us again we will go and ask them. How are your knee and ankle now after the two surgeries? How did you hurt yourself? What happened? And how long did it take to recover?

After the part in Grey Area I was injured twice, first I blew up my knee while on a skate trip in NYC and was out for a year. Then I twisted my ankle really badly and had to go for surgery again. It took me nine months to get back on the board. I started skating again in November, and since then I’ve been filming with Kuba for this new video. You mentioned in another interview that you were told you were off Polar with a

text message, it’s like your girlfriend leaving you via Whats App… did you expect to find out like this?

Yes, a couple of months before me leaving I had this feeling that I was not needed that much. Despite the fact that I wanted to keep myself in good shape, plus my ankle was a bit in pain. It was like a date with a girl that thinks it won’t go well. Of course now we are past it and we are still friends, we have good relations. During that period I was very pissed, you wanted to change something but you had your hands tied.

Polejam // Photo Kuba Bączkowski.

Nosebonk // Photo Davide Biondani // Canon.

It must have been super hard for you to know you were off the team a few days before your surgery… and face all the recovery.

Yes, but I know that other people have bigger worries, they are losing their family or they’re losing their freedom. Often we are not happy but we don’t appreciate small things during the day. What was the best thing of being on one of the best companies in the market and what did you like less? Rumours have it that there is a lot of pressure sometimes, especially when it comes to videos.

I was a part of Polar from the very beginning when the boards were stored in a living room and stickers sorted by hand. It’s astonishing how much progress the company went through, growing to such a size. And it’s cool that your contribution is not wasted. What does it feel like to not have a board sponsor after having been pro for Polar? Feels like a piece of shit !!! Ha ha. I would like to go somewhere but I don’t want to find a company that I don’t fit into. What’s your plan? Have you ever thought about starting your own brand? That would be sick, but for now I want to focus on skating, I know that it costs a lot of work. It’s not an easy business like other things related to skateboarding. I know you have a motorbike and you fix it yourself, how did you learn? What motorbike is it?

I am not an expert when it comes to motorbike fixing but then something breaks, and I am not afraid of unscrewing it and checking what’s going on in there. If I am not able to fix it by myself I leave it to my friend Marcin.

Recently you told me that Harley Davidson offered you an interesting deal, can you tell me more about that? What model would you like to get?

So I had my own motorbike but I decided that it was time for a change. I had been thinking about Harley for a long time, the HD model to be precise. It was my dream. It turned out that my friend knows a couple of guys that work for Harley and a couple of times they mentioned it to me, and years later they reached out to me. After a couple of meetings, not knowing what their plans regarding me were, I told them about selling my current motorbike and that I was willing to buy a used Iron. When they heard about it they offered me a brand new Iron for a very low price and some sort of a sponsorship deal. You have a small share in the SH shop in Warsaw, what do you take care of at the shop and how important is the shop for the local skate scene? It looked very good and in a nice area.

I think that it is a big part of the Warsaw scene. I think that every city needs some sort of a place where they not only can buy stuff but can also hang out and the place represents the Warsaw and Polish scene. Who is the new polish skater to look at? Keep your eyes and ears on Tomek Ziólkowski and the kids from Krakow, you’re gonna know what I mean after the video. What are your plans for the summer and for the rest of the year? What’s next for you Michal?

I promised myself some holidays after the premiere but I know they won’t be long. My head is full of ideas. I have to admit that I am addicted to what we call in our crew, “arbeit.” The first thing I want to do is the R5 montage, I am stacking clips slowly and editing in the meantime. I also want to make a motorbike clip but am not sure yet what it will look like. There will be other things for sure. Aaaah, and yeah, I definitely want to have wine with you guys, ha ha ha.

Gap to 50-50 // Photo Kuba BÄ…czkowski.

IN HIS OWN WORLD Adrien is the kind of skater who has the faculty and the creativity to skate unexpected spots.That could stop there, but no, Adrien is full of creativity, in addition to his skateboarding style, Adrien is an all-rounder: He built a DIY at his expense, he organizes small contests for kids, and collaborates with musicians and artists. As all people are slightly avant-gardist, Adrien has not always had the reputation he should have... you probably have already heard of him, for better or for worse. But for me Adrien is an artist before being an athlete and if one day you have the chance to see him skate, you will understand what I’m talking about.

Photopgraphy & intro Valentin Melocco

Switch heelflip.

Interview Guido Bendotti

[ Adrien Bulard ] a brief glance

Hi Adrien, could you introduce yourself briefly to those who don’t know you? I’m a 26 year-old skater who travels the world as much as possible to skate spots and skateparks. I know you recently spent some time in Barcelona to finish your part for the new Jart video, how did this last mission go?

Yes, I’ve been in Barca for 15 days now, I’m pretty happy about the tricks I did for my next part, I went on a lot of missions for it, I skated hard for it. I’m happy about how the video is progressing. There are a lot of skaters, it means a lot of people like skateboarding more and more. In a time when the level of skateboarding is so high and every day new skaters pop

out on social media with amazing tricks, how is the feeling of filming a video part for a full length video? Do you feel the pressure of keeping it at a certain level?

I always want to do better than my last video part, so I think about better tricks, I did some tricks that I had dreamed about, dreams do come true. Nowadays people seem to be obsessed with social media and the need to put every trick filmed straight on Instagram the same day. What’s your opinion on this?

I think it’s better to film a part, Instagram is more for funny or easy tricks, or skate videos with the homies. Do you still live in Rouen? How is living there and how is the skate scene? I live in Rouen but I move a lot on tour or for contests, there are some good spots but I like to travel and skate new spots or famous ones... there are a lot of spots in Barcelona. In Rouen the skate scene is pretty good but people need to be more motivated, it’s more about the fun there.

a brief glance

Blunt to fakie.

When did you realize that you had some potential in skateboarding and that it was what you wanted to do?

When I won the “Teenage Tour” a long time ago, after just one year of skateboarding. You have always skated a lot of big stuff, and you came

out onto the scene in the early 2000s, who were your early

inspirations when you were 16 years old and who inspires you nowadays?

About 10 years ago, the Habitât video was one of the best, it motivated me with the best edit and music. The Forecast video was so good, with the skaters and music it had inside, like Mike Mo’s part, it’s so good!! Nowadays, PRod always motivates me with clean tricks. You have a Youtube page and you’ve posted a lot of videos. Is it fun or does it feel like a job sometimes? Ha ha. I would say that it’s a fun job. The way you skate, the slams you take… It looks like you’re

a very stubborn person, when you think a trick is possible you fight till you land it… would you agree?

Yes, I fight till I land the trick, but I prefer doing it after not too many tries.

Fs kickflip.

You’ve skated in Street League, had a part on The Berrics and you have a pro model for Jart. You’ve landed a lot of sick tricks over the years. What’s your biggest satisfaction in skateboarding so far?

Yes, I’m really happy about these achievements, they are some of my biggest satisfactions. I did my whole video part there at the Berrics. It’s the dream when you’re a kid. And my promodel for Jart skateboards, I’m happy about it, they helped me out a lot with trips around the world and video parts. Do you like to skate contests? Would you go to the Olympics if they invited you? I like to skate contests, if they invite me, why not? I would like to see the course and skate it. Someone told me you are thinking about moving to the States to skate there, is that true? What’s pushing you to move there and what are your expectations?

Yes, I would like to go to the US to skate some famous spots and some big contests, in Europe the contests are smaller. The US is where skateboarding started and it’s where all the pros are, Europe is cool too but I see people are more serious about it over there. What are your interests outside of skateboarding? I like meeting new people through skateboarding because we share the same passion, all skaters know the feeling of skateboarding.

Noseblunt in the rain.

When you were a child, what job did you dream of doing? And now, what job would you like to be doing 10 years down the road?

When I was kid I didn’t know too much, I tried a lot of sports, but I found my way with skateboarding. What is cool about skateboarding is the fact that you’re alone on it, only you can decide what you want to do. Meeting friends and going to a spot is the best thing of skateboarding, I want to skateboard as long as possible because I like it so much. I don’t know, we’ll see, I would like to keep working with skateboarding, a skateshop, skatepark, skate company, etc. Skateboarding is a passion first and foremost. Do you have any plans for the summer? I’m going to some contests this summer, and skating street spots, shooting some photos for some magazines, keep doing some parts, havin’ fun. My next part should be coming out in July, I’m working on it. What’s the secret for a mean switch 360 flip like yours? For the switch tre you have to see the movement inside your head and do it as much as possible to get it every try.

Nollie heelflip.

a brief glance’s BOOK Vol. 002


THE SOMETIMES BOOK IS AVAILABLE AT OUR ONLINE-SHOP (click here to order) & at finest skateshops around Europe.



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