a brief glance skateboardmag 20

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issue _20

a brief glance

S h o e d e s i g n by B r i a n A n d e r s o n



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Nicky Tyler Howells bs lipslide to sugarcane_ Photo_Davide Biondani. a brief glance


CONTENTS FRAGMENTS_ DC_IT/UK TOUR_pushing together_part one_ Italy_ .

JOHN CARDIEL_skateboarder_

instant collapse_ MAREK ZAPRAZNY_interview DREAMING ABOUT_rvca in south France_


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COVER: skateboard_life_Photo Davide Biondani.

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EDITOR and CONCEPT Davide Biondani.

(davide@abriefglance.com) ASSOCIATE EDITOR Guido Bendotti.


Leo Sharp, Kévin Mètallier, Nils Svensson,

DVL, Friedjof Fèye, Garric Ray, Bear Bridges, Fabio Montagner, Marcello Guardigli,

Eric Antoine, Alan Maag, Sergio Minnici,

Roberto Alegria, Kazuhiro Terauchi, Davide Biondani, Bertrand Trichet, Julian Dykmans. CONTRIBUTORS

Jonathan Levin, Jeroen Smeets, Francesco Paolo Chielli, Mauro Caruso, Jerome Campbell, Alvin Francescato, Samu Karvonen, Lorenzo Formenti, Ale Martoriati,

Holger von Krosigk, Simone Bertozzi, Niall Neeson. DESIGN

Fake Donkey Lab. www.abriefglance.com

GET ALL THE INFOS at: info@abriefglance.com

abrief glance skateboard mag is a bulletin published by fake donkey skateboard asd. No part of this pubblication may be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. All right reserved.

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www.abriefglance.com a brief glance

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Twenty issues‌ more than 3 years have gone by‌ and more than 3500 pages full of passion, hard work, headhaches, sleepless nights, and endless weeks in front of the computer in a race against time to beat the deadline or lying in the dirt shooting photos. What a nightmare at times... switching off the computer and rushing to the spot, inhaling and exhaling the energy of what we love_ SKATEBOARDING. db_

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Jerome Campbell, Wallie. Photo_Davide Biondani. Sicily.

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Jacopo Carozzi, Bs nosegrind overcrooks. Photo_Davide Biondani. Pesaro. a brief glance


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Mauro Caruso, Fakie ollie to fakie 5-0. Photo_Davide Biondani. Verona.

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Guido Stazi, Ollie over. Photo_Davide Biondani. Lecce.

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pushing together_ PART ONE_ ITALY_

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Photography_Davide Biondani_ Words_Danny Galli_

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DC_IT/UK Traveling and meeting new people is the best part of skateboarding, no doubt about it. Landing tricks, building spots, finding new terrains to skate is magical and priceless, but visiting new places and making new friends is, after all, what remains forever. The idea behind this tour was mixing two national teams and leaving for two trips, one in Italy and Slovenia, and one in the UK. We had complete support at DC Italy and DC UK to work together on the project. The first mission was in northern Italy where DC UK’s riders Dave Snaddon, Cian Eades and Nicky Howells joined Fabio Colombo, Ale Cesario, Andy Lopes, and TM Danny Galli to skate the spots of Milano, Bergamo, Verona, Udine, and the beautiful Slovenian city of Nova Gorica. We had an amazing week full of sun, great skateboarding, and good times together. It felt as if we’d been friends for ages even if it was the first time we actually met. Pushing together. This is skateboarding.

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ALE CESARIO_fs crooks. Before leaving on a skateboard tour it’s always fun to imagine who will land the first trick. The meeting point was at Milano Centrale train station at 10 am. After the

introductions and greetings, Ale decided that he was gonna be the one to do the first

trick of this DC trip. The rail at MC is definitely high, but Ale has got magic pop and it was not a big deal for him to nail this fs crooks. First.

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pushing together_ PART ONE_ ITALY_

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CIAN EADES_hardflip. Cian is from Ireland, and got on the UK team because he was the only DC rider in his country, so he was added to

the DC UK team. Cian is an amazing skateboarder and we had a few spots in mind for him. On the second day of the tour he lost his grandfather and had to fly back home the

next morning. It was a sad moment, but it was good to see all the guys expressing their affection to Cian for the loss

of his grandpa, even if they had met the day before for the first time. Perfect hardflip down the famous green gap in Milano.

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ANDY LOPES_bs nosegrind overcrooks. Andy flew straight from Brazil to take part on this trip. At this spot everybody was checking the small steep rail, but we noticed Andy was looking at the big one. He

loves to skate rails, but this one happens to be really really tall. I’m not sure if someone

had skated it before. He landed a crooks in a few tries, then went for a feeble grind but was not happy, so he asked, “What can I try?”… Answer: “Bs nosegrind overcrooks”. It took him many tries and some hard slams, but in the end he landed it and a really good one too!!! Good Job Andy.

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CIAN EADES_fs bigspin boardslide.

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FABIO COLOMBO_bs kickflip. I got perfect photos of Fabio trying a bs kickflip down this double set two years ago. But that time the landing was not good, so skating this set in Milano was one of the missions we had in mind. This time he brought home the trick in just 3 tries.

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Hi Nick, is everything good? Where are you from and how long have you been riding for DC? Yeah, everything’s good thank you! I’m from Swansea in South Wales and I am now living in Bristol, England. I’ve been skating for DC for about 2 years now! What did you think when they invited you to take part on this trip with two teams with two different countries? I was super excited!! I had no idea what to expect, but I was stoked and hyped about it! What’s the best spot we skated in your opinion? Uhm... I reaally liked the quarter pipe wall outside the church in Verona... that and the hip in the plaground, they were both just super sick spots that you wouldn’t come across in the UK so I loved skating them. Best 3 moments of the week? Danny doing kickflip wallride under the bridge. Staying at Pietro’s house drinking gin & tonics, shotting his gun and swimming! Pietro ruled, was so sick to hang with him! And then just skating and hanging out with all you Italians was such good fun. Is there something about the Italian culture or habits you didn’t know about that impressed or surprised you? I was really really really impressed with how well you guys eat... hahaha! I was in heaven every time we had food sooo good! I loved the weather and I especially loved how cheap the beers were at the supermarket hahaha! Beer or wine? Ha ha ha... Definitely beer!! I like some of the wine I had in Italy, but it doesn’t compare to a big pint of beer after you’ve been skating all day!


pushing together_

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NIKY HOWELLS_wallride to nollie late shove-it out. Nick is the boss; always smiling, always with a can of fresh beer in his hand and always skating every spot we hit. Nicky is a funny person and a great skateboarder. This is a

new spot that no one in the crew had skated before, and a good sesh went down even

though it was noon and it was hard to skate in the sun. This bank to wall in the shade was definitely what we needed.

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DAVE SNADDON_nollie in. We found this spot by accident while driving to a small out-of-town village‌ The run

up was super rough and full of holes, so we put a small metal sheet to cover at least the

last of them, and another metal sheet on the landing, since it was made of‌sand! Ah ha ha. Dave wanted this trick really bad, and despite the fact that at first this thing looked unskateable, within a few tries he popped a perfect nollie, rolling away under the sun.

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DANNY GALLI_wallie fs out transfer. As DC Italy team manager, Danny took care of the crew for the whole week, trying his best to make everyone happy and everything work well. But you can’t stop him

from skating and he is always looking for a new way to shred a spot. Danny definitely knows wassup. Thanks mate.

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pushing together_

DAVE SNADDON_nollie cab flip 360. One of the best sessions went down at this unbelievable spot, a natural concrete hip. I cannot even remember all

the tricks the guys landed that day but for sure this nollie

full cab flip amazed me the most. At first I thought it was unreal, because he popped it so high, and then when I

found out it was nollie I just couldn’t believe it! Dave you are a beast!

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ALE CESARIO_ fs smith ollie out to fakie. Ale is the latest addition to the DC team. This was basically his first tour with the crew and he was super motivated and happy to skate. I’m not sure if someone had ever skated the highest ledge at the top of this bank before him.

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FABIO COLOMBO_fs nollie kickflip. One of the many tricks Fabio did at his hometown spot. Pink walls and nollie fs kickflips are nice for photos! Ah ha.

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DANNY GALLI_kickflip to wallride. It was too cool watching Danny going crazy while trying this kickflip wallride. It took

him like 40 tries to do it and he was getting mad, swearing at every try and laughing at himself at the same time. So funny. One of the best tricks of the mission, no doubt.

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DAVE SNADDON_bs tailslide. What’s better than starting your day with a bs tailslide on the rail in front of your hotel? Ask Dave.

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Hi Dave, where are you from and how long have you been skating for DC? I’m from Bristol and I have been riding for DC for 5 years. Was this your first time in Italy? I used to come to Italy on holiday when I was younger, my Grandmother was Italian but this was my first trip to Italy to skate.

What did you expect from this trip before leaving? A mix of riders from two national teams that never met before… The idea was to do a swap of team riders for 1 week in each country, 2 or 3 UK riders go skate in Italy with the team and 2 or 3 riders from Italy come and skate in the UK with the team. It worked really well, its always good meeting and skating with new people. All the guys in Italy made us feel very welcome, which created a wicked atmosphere to skate, drink beer, eat amazing food, and generally have an awesome time!!! Best memories from the tour? Best memories of the tour... skating truly amazing spots. Nicky and I were shocked to see perfect natural hips and quarter pipes on the sides of buildings. I love finding stuff like that to skate. Staying on Pietro’s farmhouse and chilling with him until 3 in the morning drinking gin, chatting, and having a guided tour around his amazing house. Waking up in the morning and him letting us shoot his pellet gun that he uses to shoot pigeons in the garden. Oh, and having a nice relaxing morning swimming in the pool. I want to thank Pietro again for having us and for his awesome hospitality!! Finally, the amazing food in Italy. Every night we would have delicious food and socialize with everybody. That was awesome. In general, what are your feelings about the whole thing? The whole thing was amazing! The Italy tour was so fun and the UK tour was really good as well. I can’t wait to see the photos and edits from both countries. I had the best time.

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pushing together_

ALE CESARIO_fs bluntslide. On the last day we crossed the eastern boarder of Italy into Slovenia where our good friend Davor joined us and drove the crew to this rail that is at the entrance of a

church. Since they were celebrating Mass inside, Ale had to be quick at landing his signature trick.

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John Cardiel_

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Photography Davide Biondani_ Words Guido Bendotti_

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In my twenty-year career as a skateboarding “journalist” I have interviewed, skated, and hung out with some of your idols: from the legend, to the new “soon to be a star” Am; from people featured in videogames, to the latest upcoming skater

from our country, and I usually have never been nervous. There is a non-written rule that goes: “Hey, in the end they are just skaters, who cares, concentrate on what you want to ask and bring home something interesting.”

With Cardiel I did the exact opposite, and during the Vans Downtown Showdown 2013 in Paris, I presented myself like this: “I don’t care about acting cool and stuff… I’m a big fan of yours and you’re one of my inspirations both inside and outside of

skateboarding.” He simply replied, “Oh you skate, how are you dude?”... and we started a normal conversation about skateboarding among skateboarders. I swear that for the first time in my life I was excited and nervous like a fourteen year-old that wanting to interview, like... Justin Bieber for his blog! What the fuck, it was Cardiel!!!

If you are not a Cardiel fan it is your problem, because Cardiel IS skateboarding. He is one of the most energetic, posi-

tive, and incredible people I have ever met. Over the years I have heard and read about the energy he injects, both when

he skates as well as when you meet him personally, and I can totally confirm it!! Cardiel has an interior positivity that he

transmits hand over fist. He loves skateboarding and life like few people do, and when he speaks he transmits the excitement of somebody who feels lucky to just be here. I’ll say it again: if you are not a Cardiel fan, that is only your problem.

Once I was done with the interview and fan photos, I turned towards my editor-in-chief and said: “Fuck the contest Dave, let’s go skate right now !!!”

So one more time, thank you Cards !!!!! ALL HAIL CARDIEL.

Ok John, where can we start? Wherever you want dude. Did you ever imagine when you were a kid from Grass Valley growing up skating and snowboarding, that one day you would be a worldwide icon, both in and out of skateboarding? Never man, never in my life did I expect something like this. I was into skating and snowboarding just like everybody else because I enjoyed it, and for the feedback you get from it. Everything else just happened, and I’m happy with it. As strange as it may sound, you were a Pro snowboarder way before you were a Pro skater! Yes dude, I went from SC Snowboards to Mike Ranquet’s Lamar Snowboards... I know him, he was blastin’ big ollies in the middle of the woods back in the days! Yeah dude, and he fuckin’ kills it! He’s still rippin’ at skating, blasting airs at the skatepark the whole time. Dude, he just kills it! You were the third S.O.T.Y. after Hawk and Way that

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were already established pros back then... you were a new kid, pretty unheard of. I was trippin’ man, it was crazy... and Danny Way even got it twice... craaaazy! It was insane, after Danny and Tony I was thinking, “How can I get involved in this type of thinking?” I was just skating the way I loved and then baaaam! Thrasher’s S.O.T.Y. After Way and Hawk... INCREDIBLE... I still can’t believe it! You’ve always skated the way you have... you’ve never changed the way you skated. Even in the early 90’s when everybody was doing little tech stuff, you were blastin’ airs and stuff. Were you vibed because you were skating differently? Did you even ever think of skating the way everybody else was skating? To me, it has always been the way I love to skate. I want to have fun, and I want to get enjoyment from myself and from skating. I always want to go as fast as I can, trying harder every time, and go bigger and bigger, so why change? In skateboarding and in life in general, you can really see when a skater puts 100% effort into something. You can feel it, and that’s why people are attracted to it. I always put 100% into my skateboarding, and somehow people feel it. But nothing was planned, it just happened.

I’ve always seen you try something over and over, something that was somehow considered impossible to skate, like the 50-50 on the SF rail, or some line in a park, or some transfer... How can you visualize something that seems impossible for everybody else and that nobody has ever tried? For me it works like this: I visualize myself at the end of the trick. If I look at this skatepark or something, I try to visualize myself through it. I look at the box and think, “Hey, I can ollie this box. How much speed do I need? How’s the transition?” I check and analyze every aspect and think, “Is this possible?” If I feel that it is possible nothing can stop me until I do it, and I know I’m gonna do it, ‘cause if I can picture myself doing it, I truly know that it can be done. If it’s gonna take 5 pushes to get to this spot, or this high ledge... I know If I can do it. I know my abilities, and I know when something is possible for me even if nobody has ever tried it. What’s the thing you’re most proud of in your life and in skateboarding? Or maybe thinking back and going, “Hey, that moment was fucking perfect!” You know, I’ll tell you what it is...It’s every single time, it constantly changes. It comes from the vibe and the inspiration by people like me and you looking into your eyes and seeing the truth and real love for skateboarding. That to me is the real inspiration, and there is nothing more perfect than that. It’s not necessarily a trick, or a moment... When you meet people that say, “Yeah, I get inspiration from what you did,” it makes you feel good and that’s what keeps me going in life. It’s not everything that I did, it’s what I’m doing… or I don’t know, ha ha ha ha ha ha!! One of the best things I have ever seen is your nosewheelie in that Anti Hero ad. It was really emotional for me and my friends. We cut out the ad and hung it up at our bowl, like YEAH CARDIEL!! Thanks dude. I appreciate, really. Every now and again some new kid gets labeled as the “New Cardiel”... and to me it doesn’t make sense ‘cause there is only one Cardiel, but anyway... who are the kids that get you stoked when you watch them skate nowadays? Or that make you think, “I wanna skate like this.” Wooow, there are so many, man! But I have to say, that guy out there, Pedro Barros is fucking insane! It’s just crazy at this point, there are so many people that skate so well that it is impossible to say. Like Grant Taylor skates so intense

that I’d say him for sure. Or guys like Raven Tershay that are so talented that you can’t not look at them. Or you look at guys like Nyjah Huston and Paul Rodriguez and just go like, “Woooow man!” Like, too good to be true. Good in different ways! It’s just amazing!!! I enjoy all aspects of skateboarding, so it’s not necessarily this style of skating or that style. Right now, it’s just beautiful to watch skateboarders and how good they’re skateboarding. They’re like masters. You’ve always skated everything, and in a way, you put transitions and pools back in the game when it wasn’t “cool” to skate transitions! Now it seems like every good skater can skate everything, and that’s because of people like you. Soooo Gooood, I just appreciate that people skate like that! You need to be open. If you’re stuck in one place, you’re in a corner, you’re in a trap. Instead, you wanna be able to enjoy skateboarding, you wanna have fun, and if you can’t skate other things the fun is limited. The more things you can skate, the more fun you have. SKATE AND LEARN, AND ENJOY IT. HAVE FUN. When you started Anti Hero, it was completely different from the rest of the companies... the team was different from everybody else’s. It took some time, but after a few years Anti Hero really became a beloved company... c’mon, who doesn’t like Anti Hero? To be honest, the situation at the time was like, we had just come back from Brazil and there we saw Bob (Burnquist) skating down there, and he was amazing. He came to California, and Tony (Vitello) and Jim (Thiebaud) were asking Julien Stranger to start a company, and he asked me to be part of it. Sean Young was still in town at the time, skating all the time, and living in the streets, and it was just perfect timing and a perfect situation to put together that team... You never changed your image and now Anti Hero is an established company! It pays to stay loyal to yourself and your ideas. That’s the thing man, we just keep doin’ what we love, and be who we are, stayin’ true to ourselves. That’s how it works for me and for us. If you don’t like it, it’s just your problem. What’s next for you? Oooh, I don’t know man... life is next!

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John Cardiel_

“In skateboarding and in life in general, you can really see when a skater puts 100% effort into something�.

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_instant collapse_


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“In every tour there is always a situation, joke, or sentence that you will remember for a long time to come. A funny story I remember from our China trip was that Marek really liked Chinese girls. It was full of hot chicks everywhere. One day we were talking with our tour guide Jay about Chinese girls, their lives, personality, etc… When we got on to the theme of waxing, Jay said, “In China the girls don’t wax their bush.” After that Marek started to scream like in a terror movie, yelling, “No way! No way! I can’t believe it!” His fascination for Chinese girls instantly collapsed like a house of cards. We laughed about this all night long and all throughout the tour, and we still joke about it today.”

Photos and words_Roberto Alegria_

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_tre flip_

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Tell us who you are, where you come from, and when you started skating? Hello, my name is Marek Zaprazny, I am 24 years old and I am a professional skateboarder. I come from a small city called Malacky, near Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. I started skating by watching my brother skate, and I was always down for dangerous sports. I started skating when I was about 12 so I have been skating for 12 years now.

What differences are there between the European and USA skate scenes? People in the USA are hungrier than people in Europe. In the US, skaters don’t care if they get hurt trying a trick, and if they can do the trick they want to film or shoot a photo of it. They just go for it no matter what. People in Europe are more chill, because there are not that many good skaters as there are in the US, so they feel safe.

What is the skate scene in your country like? The scene in my country is not that big, there are only a couple guys that skate well and are sponsored. We don’t have that many skate plazas or skateparks, and the street spots are usually rough as fuck, unless it’s a new spot, so it’s really hard to come up from there. Even people’s minds are still fucked up by TV, so they think all skaters are criminals and junkies...

You had knee surgery a few months ago. How’s it going? I tore my ACL about 10 months ago. What can I say, it sucks! A lot of physiotherapy and exercising. I did this for 4 months straight almost every single day, but it’s all good now. I can skate like I did before. It’s just a long process, and if you take care of it properly, then recovery is always fast. You just need to be smart, otherwise it won’t heal well and you will probably need surgery and will have to deal with the same thing all over again.

What is your favorite place to skate and why? Definitely Stalin Square in Prague. It’s perfect! Marble everywhere you look. It’s big, so when there are 50 people skating there at one time you can still kind of skate. It’s in a big park so you can do whatever you want and people don’t care because skaters have been there for decades, so we own that spot. Probably the best skatespot I have ever been to so far...

I saw you doing almost every flip trick I know. Is there some trick youdon’t know how to do? Ha ha ha thanks, I still don’t have switch big heels though, I gotta work on that one. And all kinds of late flips as well, so I still don’t have ‘em all...

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switch ollie_

_nollie inward to fs noseslide_

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_fs nollie bigspin_

“People in Europe are more chill, because there are not that many good skaters as there are in the US, so they feel safe.�

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Somebody told me that you’re planning to spend a few months in Barcy, is that true? Yes, I was there this year for almost two months and it was bangin! I like it there a lot! I will try to go back this October, but I still have to figure out a couple things and try to fit this trip into my schedule, because I am going on tours a lot, but hopefully I’ll be back there soon. I can’t wait. What is the place you have been to that impressed you the most and why? The place that impressed me the most is China for sure, it’s a completely different world, or I saw it that way at least. It’s good to see places like that if you are from where I am from. You learn so much about different cultures and life that you start to appreciate things more. What did you enjoy the most and what did you enjoy the least during your trip to China? I liked China a lot. I have been to Shenzen and Taiwan so far. I like the fact that people are hyped and interested in skateboarding, and don’t see it in such bad light as happens everywhere else. They don’t kick you out of spots that much either, or to my experience at least. The hardest thing to endure about the country is the food. I am not picky at all, but It was pretty hard to find a good restaurant there. You are from Slovakia. If someone came to visit your country where would you suggest he go for skating, eating, and sightseeing? If someone ever goes to Slovakia for sure he/she should go to Bratislava, the capital city. There is not much to see but downtown is pretty nice, old buildings and shit. Then I would suggest to go to Kosice, in the east of Slovakia. The city is nice, and pretty cheap as well. Then if someone likes nature, or snowboarding and skiing, he should definitely go to Vysoke Tatry, High Tatra Mountains. It’s bangin over there, people from nearby countries go there even in the summer. It’s good for tourist stuff. Three songs you are listening to lately? Major Lazer - Get Free Kendrick Lamar – The Recipe 7 inch remix Asap Rocky – Big Spender What are your plans for the next few months? Yes, I am pretty busy till the end of the year. In the beginning of September we have an LRG European tour to Cyprus for two weeks. From there I am flying straight to a Bones tour in Spain, then home for a couple of days, and in the beginning of October I’m flying to NYC to film a welcome clip for Waters & Army, this new board company I started riding for. After that I’m going to L.A. and San Diego till the end of the year. New skaters to look at in the European scene in your opinion? Kilian Zehnder.

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_nollie nosegrind nollie kickflip out_ a brief glance

Marek_Zaprazny _bs nollie bigspin_

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_kickflip bs tail slide to bs heelflip out_

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Photos_Friedjof Feye_

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Dreaming abo The never ending search for spots. You know it right? Somehow a quench you will never be able to satisfy. RVCA IN SOUTH FRANCE_

Photography and words_Julian Dykmans_

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Every generation has its way to look at and remember spots. Younger people might spend days ahead of the trip scanning the city through Google Maps satellite and street views. Others might take a screenshot of their dream spots around the

world and save it on their computer, promising themselves that one day, one day they will skate it when they visit that city. Lots of people will shoot pics of the spot with their smartphone to be able to come back. Some just might use Skhateyou. com, Ah! And some others, perhaps older skateboarders, will start looking/collecting books about architecture/landsca-

pes to discover beforehand where the next mecca is going to be built. Seriously, those books make your head spin, it’s so inspiring.

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CHARLES COLLET_fs kickflip.

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REMY TAVEIRA_bs nosegrind bs out.

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To me, the best thing is still to actually travel wherever it might be (but preferably somewhere you read about or heard that it’s good there) and have a contact, meet someone. It happened to us. We went to the beautiful city of Nîmes and

met with its new resident “boss” the man who lets everyone call him “Potato”. Patate is a young skateboarder/artist that

is constantly active and always with a big smile on his face. When I say active, it’s a bit of an understatement. While we

were in his city, he would skate all day with us, party through the night, come up at 10:00 in the morning with a bunch of

croissants to wake us up, then realize we were gonna take 3 more hours, so he would leave to go build a ramp with his bare hands for an event coming up and so forth. Seriously, “Patate” is one of the best guys we’ve met.

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He skates like a beast, shoots awesome photos and organizes really out-of-the-box art exhibits where he enters abando-

ned spaces and converts them into really great exhibit areas. (The dude is inspiring, check out his stuff at: www.patatoes.

net). He did the board with the lights on the opening page and the fs rock on the pyramid spot. Yeah, so remember, I was saying the best thing is to meet someone cool. That’s the key to the spots, yes... but to sightsee the whole city as well, and eat well, and party well.

Mmm... except perhaps that one bar in the center where the owner punched Charles when he told him there was not enough Vodka in his Vodka Red Bull. Ah! Good times!

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REMY TAVEIRA_bs tail slide.

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The Circus_



In the summer of 2003, Nello, my “brother

I’m still wondering why we built it in such a

lume Video Magazine, found some aban-

skateboarding we’ve done much worse, so…

in crime” at the time, the mind behind Vodoned tractor and truck tires in an empty

shitty place. Ah ha ha…. but for the love of

parking lot in the middle of the countryside

Let’s say that the tires were interesting. You

place had nothing special except these

and lights on without getting kicked out,

just outside the city of Ravenna, Italy. The worn-out tires. He got the idea for The

Circus, and since he had the Volume Video van, also known as The Beast, provided

with generator, lights, metal sheets, wooden

could skate the place and turn the generator and there was a big strange building in the background that looked good for daylight shooting.

boards, concrete blocks, brooms, shovels and

The place was a few kilometers away from

build it.

uncommon to go skate The Circus with

a plastic jersey barrier… it wasn’t hard to

The place was in the middle of nowhere,

and the flat ground was so rough you had to

the Zattoni brothers’ house, so it was not

Gianni, Giorgio and sometimes also with Daniel Cardone.

push like an idiot just to get enough speed

Gianni killed the place whenever he skated

board on the landing to roll away, but the

good memories of friendship, smiles, positi-

to skate the thing. We had to put a wooden mosquitoes were the worst thing. The most aggressive ones I’ve ever encountered…

you can imagine what happened when we turned the lights on at night… The worst

mosquito-nightmare ever. What idiots…

it, and thinking back about The Circus, ve vibes and energy come to mind.

So thanks Nello, and thanks Gianni. The Circus ruled!!!

Photography and words_Davide Biondani_

a brief glance

bs tailgrinder_

a brief glance

a brief glance

bs smith grind_

a brief glance

Dusted_Off *images shot on Ilford Delta 400 BW film and Kodak color slides.

The Circus_


a brief glance


bs bluntslide_

a brief glance

a brief glance

a brief glance

issue _20

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