About Me: Name: Jo達o Madeira Age:14 Hair color: Black Eye color: Green Height:60 My Family: My Dad and my brother If i lived in Germany I'd pick the name Ferdinand My Favorites: Meal: Dinner Dessert: Sweet Rice Food: Salad Film: I Am Legend Sport: Martial Arts Music: Rap/Hip-Hop Pet/Animal: Dog Books: The Perfume To do on a Sunday: Sleep Dreams and hopes: When I grow up I want to be a: Mechanic Engineer On my day off I don't want to meet: Eminem's Ex-wife I'd Love to eat breakfast with: Ariana Grande <3 When I Grow up I'd like to live in: Detroit What's hot what's not?
It's hot to: Instagram It isn't hot to: Facebook FRIENDS: My ideal friend would be: Calm My best friend is: Stupid A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE: I got to school at 8:15 and I pretend I study, Than I go home... And pretend I study.