4 minute read
Concept 2
Concept 3
The result was a complete unity made out of 3 parts: 1. Monitor + Basic Unit
Unlike the Alair, the Alair 2 has a monitor, so that the doctor doesn’t have the need to use an extra one. It counts with an upper grip to transport the system. 2. Signal + Pedal Here the doctor controls when the ablation device sends the burning signal. 3. Ablation Device
The ablation device controls the distance inside the bronchial tube, which can be seen in the upper screen. The device is symmetrical, so that it’s also left handed friendly. The ergonomics also allows to shorten the surgery time
1. Monitor + Basic Unit
2. Signal + Pedal

3. Ablation Device

Composting Station for Dog Faeces for the City of Kiel
Grünhalter it’s aimed to solve the existing problem of dog faeces pollution in Kiel. There are around 16,000 dogs in Kiel that produce around 500 tons of feces every year.
The city is currently giving away 4.7 million plastic bags per year to collect dog excrement, which only aggravates this problem. Because of this, Grünhalter proposes a system that enables the conversion of faeces into energy. This system consists of the parts: dispenser (bags), storage (dog faeces) and composte.
The objective is to turn this composting into energy or to use it for the agriculture sector.

Grünhalter will be placed in every park of Kiel and will replace the existing plastic bag system. Nowadays in Kiel, this plastic bag system just increase the pollution: instead of helping the city, it just makes worse the situation.

Every station has a container of 100 liter of capacity, so it just needs to be emptied twice a week,. It also has a bag dispenser which can contain 300 bags and a water bowl, to hydrate the dogs that visit the park. Grünhalter can also be easily used at night. It detects light changes, and when it gets dark, a fine LED strip turns on around the station

Like a Battery
One of the main objectives of this station, is the conversion of dog feaces into energy. The asthetic of the station integrates this concept into the station itself.

Double Container
The double container assures that the feaces stay fresher for longer time, avoiding bad odors and conglomerations of insects.

Secure Water Bowl

The stations have a bowl from which the dogs can drink water. The bowl can be easily fulled and cleaned, because it’s an independent part from the station.

For Dogs
The station is thought for 3 users: dog owners, dogs and workers (the personal in charge to clean and empty the container).

Grüner Schiet

Sketching Process
The user can check in 2 different ways that the container is available to be used: Analog and Digital
Digital If the user is near a station, he can check through the app if the station is ready to be used. Its LED light will turn green if it’s ready and red if it’s not. In case that the station is not available, the app will also indicate where are the closest stations according to the user’s location. The digital function was thought for the users that are specially disgusted of gettiong slose to the container
Analog The exterior container has perforations that allow the workers and dog-owners to see through them and check if it’s full or if there are other kind of residuals inside the container.