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The Official Opening of Cabinet for the Year 2023

President Geingob informed the Cabinet Ministers that in front of them lies a clean page, a page on which they can share the future, having learned from the past, when he officially opened the Cabinet for the Year 2023.

“I am sure you have reflected on your performance during the past year, identified your success and pinpointed the areas where you could have done better.”


-President Hage G. Geingob

The Head of State informed the Cabinet members that he assigned themes to respective years since his inauguration as president, and these themes have spoken to a specific action or mindset needed to execute specific policies as well as direct and coordinate the activities of various areas of our Government Architecture, in cognisant with the realities of the day.

The President informed his Cabinet that this year they are in the process of revival as per the 2023 Year theme, therefore reminding them that due to a myriad of independent intervention variables, one of them being COVID-19, there is a need to change our goals and strategies in an attempt to consolidate Namibia’s fiscal stability.

“Therefore, the ultimate priority for 2023 is to do our utmost best to enhance our competitiveness in all areas, with our governance, microeconomic and social architectures.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob reminded the members of the cabinet that they have a responsibility to deliver prosperity for the Namibian people. Thus, no matter what, the team should deliver because it has been entrusted with the responsibility of fighting poverty and unemployment as well as bringing about economic emancipation.

The Head of State reminded Cabinet that its work is a collective effort and not a one-man or one-woman show but a cohesive undertaking geared towards delivering goods and services to all the people of Namibia.

“Therefore, members cannot operate in silos when they are expected to achieve important national goals with limited resources. Members of the Cabinet have a duty to serve the interests of the people and not to advance personal interests or those of their families, friends and associates.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob further stated that under Harambee Prosperity Plan II, Cabinet is committed to creating a more accountable and transparent Governance Framework and President Geingob is determined to ensure this goal is achieved. President Geingob further highlighted Namibia’s positioning as one of the freest press in Africa as one of Namibia’s great achievements.

President Geingob encouraged Cabinet Ministers not to shy away from communicating the Government’s successes and should use every opportunity to inform the nation and world about our achievements attained in the past 32 years of Independence.

President Geingob further charged his Cabinet Ministers to ensure that they implement all projects that are contained in the NDPs and HPP II to the letter without delay.

“In the government’s Vision 2030, Development Plans with the complementary Harambee Prosperity Plans, which are impact plans aimed at accelerating implementation, a lot still remains to be done if these goals are to be realized,”

-President Hage G. Geingob

The President informed his Cabinet that in Green Energy Sector, Namibia is making great strides on the Southern Corridor Development Initiative, spurred on by global interest in Green Hydrogen and its derivatives in the area, adding that thorough planning and execution are of vital importance to fully unlock this opportunity as envisioned.

President Geingob stated that the disappointingly below-average passing rates of the 2022 Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) and Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) Level Examinations should not be taken lightly.

“There is therefore an urgent need to arrange for a broader consultative meeting with all educational stakeholders, the youth and youth organisations, and education experts in order to discuss the state of our education and deliberate on ways to improve performance across the education sector.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob encouraged the

Cabinet members to take collective responsibility for advancing the country’s developmental agenda.

“Now is the time for each one of us to step up and be counted, to put our hands on the deck and revive the Namibian House, Together holding hands and pulling in one direction, we can become catalysts for change and drivers of transformation.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

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