Reitan 2 x Velsvik x Raastad
• High Aust Semen Fertility +2.04%
• Now adding Australian daughters
• Great Australian type and udders
• Adds teat length
Skei x Velsvik x Haga
• #6 Australian daughter proven
• #6 daughter fertility
• #2 Aust daughter proven Health Weighted Index (HWI)
4 | ABS AUSTRALIA Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Overall Type Mammary System Feed Saved Milking Speed Temperament Likeability Survival Gestation Length SCC Mastitis Resistance Daughter Fertility Stature Angularity Body Depth Chest Width Pin Width Pin Set Foot Angle Heel Depth Rear Set Rear View Udder Depth Fore Udder Att. Rear Udder Att. (H) Rear Udder Att. (W) Centre Ligament Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Overall Type Mammary System Feet & Legs Dairy Strength Rump 100 90 105 95 110 103 60% 102 60% 103 60% 101 57% -2 98% 99 84% 103 66% 105 60% 15 0.17 220 12 0.04 95 101 107 37% AUST ABV 89%Rel Daughters: 65 Herds: 6 94 95 93 93 96 95 86 91 101 99 98 93 100 101 107 105 96 98 95 101 94 101 105 Daughters: 26 Herds: 5 AUS Type 04/23 64%Rel 50+0+400+10+0+10+50 Daughters: 26 Herds: 5 AUS Type 04/23 64%Rel 71% 63% 68% 89% BPI 206 HWI 232 SI ASI 451 108 ABS PROVEN ROEN Bull ID: 252NR11690 NASIS: 85UUL09 Sire: SKEI 10617 Dam: 573 MGD: 523 Breeder: Lars Inge Røen, 6657 Rindal
ROEN $18 RRP $50 Sexed
Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Overall Type Mammary System Feed Saved Milking Speed Temperament Likeability Survival Gestation Length SCC Mastitis Resistance Daughter Fertility -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Gestation Length Calving Ease Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: 712 Herds: 1045 99 57% 102 57% 104 57% 103 53% -5 86% 113 78% 101 64% 102 56% 14 0.16 222 14 0.06 102 102 15 37% AUST ABV 80%Rel Daughters: 23 Herds: 4 108 105 110 115 104 93 111 1.60 1.30 0.22 111 105 112 110 116 99 104 Norwegian Proof Daughters: 2471 80+70+18 0.25 0.65 0.00 1.41 0.40 1.54 0.20 1.86 1.08 -0.23 0.87 0.24 -0.47 0.96 1.10 2.16 0.72 ASI 404 107 TM 24 BPI 186 HWI 174 63% 80% 59% 66% ABS PROVEN SI HUSTAD Bull ID: 252NR11817 NASIS: 85UUM06 Sire: REITAN 2 11033 Dam: 1205 MGD: 1106 Breeder: Ola Hustad, 6433 Hustad
HUSTAD $18 RRP Maximise Genetic Gain #6 Aust Proven
Storflor x Alm x Gopollen
• “The breeding of 12222 Skoien brings us immense joy as we recognize his potential to make a positive impact on dairy farming both locally in Norway and worldwide.” Line Borgerud Skøien and Ole Hjerpaasen, Hølen, Norway
Roen x Reitan 2 x Velsvik
2023 NORWEGIAN RED SIRES | 5 Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Overall Type Mammary System Feed Saved Milking Speed Temperament Likeability Survival Gestation Length SCC Mastitis Resistance Daughter Fertility -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 100 54% 103 54% 103 54% 102 42% -4 31% 119 79% 103 63% 104 51% 23 0.26 337 28 0.20 95 100 105 34% AUST ABV 72%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 82 104 108 121 113 99 127 0.40 -1.70 -1.93 125 109 89 131 125 113 109 Norwegian Proof Daughters: GENOMIC 0+80+9320 -0.74 0.02 -2.65 0.90 -2.40 0.76 -0.46 0.12 0.24 0.14 -1.50 1.38 0.46 1.40 -0.93 -0.61 -1.52 ASI 633 184 TM 19 BPI 286 HWI 276 56% 72% 53% 59% ABS PROVEN SI OMMELSTAD Bull ID: 252NR11979 NASIS: 85UUP15 Sire: ROEN 11690 Dam: 174 MGD: FAGERLIN 142 Breeder: Anne Mette og Geir Arne Ommelstad, 2870 Dokka
sire • High production ASI OMMELSTAD $20 RRP $55 Sexed Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 101 19% 126 62% 102 30% 20 0.27 215 11 0.03 AUST ABV 61%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 117 121 108 117 141 104 112 2.40 2.10 0.91 140 136 118 136 117 124 119 Norwegian Proof Daughters: GENOMIC 100+100+45 2.88 0.55 -0.15 2.94 0.00 1.74 3.35 2.11 1.12 3.14 2.30 -1.10 -0.07 1.24 0.80 0.38 2.15 39% 442 SI TM 53 41% 33% 61% BPI 202 HWI 156 ASI 143 NR SKOIEN Bull ID: 252NR12222 NASIS: 85UUT10 Sire: STORFLOR 12027 Dam: ANNELI 0891 MGD: JENSINE 0836 Breeder: Line Borgerud Skøien og Ole Hjerpaasen, 1550 Hølen
• #8 gBPI sire • #3 Health Weighted Index (HWI) • #8 daughter fertility
NR SKOIEN $25 RRP $55 Sexed #1 Total Merit #8 gBPI
Slettebo P x Pollestad x Vamman
Halbostad x Hooen x Sesseng
6 | ABS AUSTRALIA Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 101 21% 118 59% 101 25% 34 0.48 338 14 -0.01 AUST ABV 57%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 101 115 97 105 122 92 100 1.10 0.70 0.17 116 119 96 117 98 117 117 Norwegian Proof Daughters: GENOMIC 60+30+12 -0.01 1.37 0.12 -0.02 0.40 0.67 0.42 0.83 0.07 0.77 0.38 0.27 0.10 0.51 0.76 1.22 0.26 TM 32 35% 645 SI 38% 30% 57% BPI 260 HWI 192 ASI 233 SKJEFSTAD PP Bull ID: 252NR12188 NASIS: 85UUT07 Sire: HALBOSTAD 12006 Dam: HELENE 1335 MGD: HANNA 1274 Breeder: Sidsel og Christian Meyer, 2850 Lena
SKJEFSTAD PP • #2 homozygous polled sire • High udder health • Adds teat length • Calving ease $26 RRP $55 Sexed Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 104 20% 133 58% 102 24% 36 0.44 478 26 0.08 AUST ABV 57%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 113 131 97 125 115 95 104 2.10 1.60 -1.35 129 124 120 123 115 113 132 Norwegian Proof Daughters: GENOMIC 0+0+65100+80+0 -0.37 1.25 -1.49 1.75 -2.20 0.75 -0.75 2.14 0.15 1.39 -0.27 2.27 -0.70 1.75 2.45 0.49 -0.02 TM 45 35% 761 SI 37% BPI 331 29% HWI 280 57% ASI 260 NR FINSLAND P Bull ID: 252NR12228 NASIS: 85UUT11 Sire: SLETTEBO P 11996 Dam: KIRSTEN 1147 MGD: CHARLIZ 0944 Breeder: Herbjørn Follerås, 4646 Finsland
NR FINSLAND P • #2 gBPI sire • #1 Sustainability Index (SI) sire • #7 daughter fertility sire $16 RRP $55 Sexed Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain #2 gBPI #2 True Polled
Ofstad P x Olterud
x Nordbo
Sitje P x Nymoen P x Skei
• #3 homozygous polled sire
• Short gestation -11 days
• #4 daughter fertility sire
• Great feet and legs
2023 NORWEGIAN RED SIRES | 7 Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Overall Type Mammary System Feed Saved Milking Speed Temperament Likeability Survival Gestation Length SCC Mastitis Resistance Daughter Fertility -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Gestation Length Calving Ease Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: 154 Herds: 154 102 55% 102 55% 99 41% -11 94% 110 70% 100 63% 106 53% 22 0.43 -38 11 0.19 100 98 -9 36% AUST ABV 51%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 104 96 108 141 115 109 118 0.70 1.40 0.33 117 108 118 113 122 99 95 Norwegian Proof Daughters: 1060 35+70+16 0.72 0.25 0.88 1.10 -0.60 0.89 0.78 0.59 -1.34 1.22 0.72 0.20 -0.99 0.93 1.64 -0.88 0.50 MAURSTAD PP Bull ID: 252NR12009 NASIS: 85UUP11 Sire: SITJE 11655 Dam: BENTE 519 MGD: LILJEFOT 459 Breeder: Liv Oddrun Maurstad og Andre Husom, 2690 Skjåk
MAURSTAD PP $24 RRP ASI 449 175 TM 25 BPI 221 HWI 194 47% 51% 48% 50% ABS PROVEN SI $55 Sexed Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 101 18% 133 72% 101 31% 26 0.28 429 9 -0.13 AUST ABV 72%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 93 112 103 106 120 99 110 0.60 -0.30 -0.11 132 124 121 125 120 114 116 Norwegian Proof Daughters: GENOMIC 0+15+1030+0+0 -0.53 -0.01 -0.51 1.77 0.70 0.18 0.82 1.97 -0.68 -0.22 -0.74 0.80 0.09 0.12 -0.06 -0.40 -0.43 TM 32 44% 458 SI 46% 36% 72% BPI 172 HWI 129 ASI 163 SAUSVATN PP Bull ID: 252NR12116 NASIS: 85UUS06 Sire: OFSTAD P 11919 Dam: BENDIKTE 392 MGD: 311 Breeder: Endre, Gro Estensen & Bengt Hansen, 8960 Velfjord
High production
Great temperament
Calving ease
$20 RRP $55 Sexed
• High
#3 True Polled
Skogmo x Vamman x Skogset
8 | ABS AUSTRALIA F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length 0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 2.0 Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -0.42 -0.05 -0.06 -0.46 0.07 -1.25 -0.73 -0.06 0.07 0.67 0.60 -0.27 1.13 -0.10 -0.01 0.01 -0.41 119 112 108 116 115 107 107 Norwegian Proof Daughters: G Herds: G Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 115 109 117 92 106 100 101 -0.50 -0.30 0.45 25+15+00+0+23 25 0.37 202 11 0.03 102 21% 99 62% 100 26% AUST ABV 60%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G BARUP PP Bull ID: 252NR12085 NASIS: 85UUR08 Sire: SKOGMO 11869 Dam: 895 MGD: 939 Breeder: OLE E. BARUP, 7856 JØA
TM 24 37% 440 SI 39% BPI 168 31% HWI 127 60% ASI 175 $24 RRP $55 Sexed F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length 0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 2.0 Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance 0.27 0.06 1.17 0.15 0.40 -0.02 -0.05 -0.28 0.09 1.01 0.30 0.31 -1.50 -1.08 -0.66 -0.01 0.62 119 116 109 119 115 108 102 Norwegian Proof Daughters: G Herds: G Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 103 103 96 90 97 106 106 0.50 0.40 0.47 25+20+23 37 0.45 510 43 0.30 101 27% 117 56% 102 34% AUST ABV 55%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G BALLANGEN Bull ID: 252NR12063 NASIS: 85UUR11 Sire: ALM 11876 Dam: 760 MGD: LADY GAG 652 Breeder: Kirsti og Øyvind Hansen, 8540 Ballangen Alm x Lomheim x Bosnes BALLANGEN BALLANGEN TM 17 37% 749 SI 39% BPI 317 33% HWI 225 55% ASI 300 $20 RRP F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length 0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 2.0 Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance 0.33 0.99 0.83 1.16 1.27 -1.85 -0.21 0.45 0.69 0.84 0.90 0.47 -0.52 1.34 0.97 1.51 0.17 117 107 118 115 121 100 99 Norwegian Proof Daughters: G Herds: G Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 96 98 112 111 108 107 96 1.00 1.10 0.81 50+60+40 20 0.33 82 20 0.24 101 18% 118 64% 101 22% -1 88% Gestation Length AUST ABV 63%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G ALAND PP Bull ID: 252NR12139 NASIS: 85UUS05 Sire: AGHOLT 11942 Dam: 427 MGD: 388 Breeder: Aaland Samdrift Da, 6796 Hopland Agholt x Vamman x Tunheim ALAND PP
TM 28 37% 382 SI 39% BPI 167 30% HWI 118 63% ASI 168 $20 RRP $55 Sexed Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain #3 gBPI
Storflor x Roen x Sandstad
• STORFLOR son (non-active sire at 342 BPI)
• High TM and production sire
• Great milking speed
• High daughter fertility
2023 NORWEGIAN RED SIRES | 9 Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 102 20% 123 59% 102 24% 33 0.41 408 31 0.19 AUST ABV 57%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 93 106 94 110 122 118 122 1.40 0.80 0.21 139 128 110 137 126 120 109 Norwegian Proof Daughters: GENOMIC 70+40+10 -0.32 1.54 0.65 1.22 0.30 -0.57 0.02 1.61 -0.04 -0.05 -0.08 0.01 0.04 -0.04 1.67 1.46 -0.39 TM 40 35% 694 SI 38% 30% 57% BPI 301 HWI 234 ASI 253 NR REM P Bull ID: 252NR12211 NASIS: 85UUT12 Sire: SLETTEBO P 11996 Dam: 1047 MGD: 986 Breeder: Ingbjørn Rem, 6210 Valldal Slettebo P x Flittie x Reitan 2
NR REM P • #6 gBPI sire • #7 Health Weighted Index (HWI) sire • #6 Sustainability Index (SI) • Quiet with milking speed $24 RRP $55 Sexed Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -1.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0 Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 102 19% 101 63% 100 32% 14 0.16 192 13 0.06 AUST ABV 62%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G 110 116 106 119 106 114 100 1.30 0.00 0.28 139 131 105 139 121 124 115 Norwegian Proof Daughters: GENOMIC 65+1+14 1.73 0.31 -0.78 1.85 -0.10 2.00 1.97 0.75 1.08 1.50 0.99 -0.36 0.61 0.96 -0.11 -0.43 0.12 TM 44 40% 317 SI 42% 33% 62% BPI 147 HWI 124 ASI 102 NR HASSELBERG P Bull ID: 252NR12202 NASIS: 85UUT14 Sire: STORFLOR 12027 Dam: 642 MGD: SNEHVIT 609 Breeder: Vidar Hasselberg, 8219 Fauske
$24 RRP $55 Sexed
#6 gBPI
10 | ABS AUSTRALIA F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length 0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 2.0 Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance 0.66 1.48 0.60 0.39 1.85 1.67 1.16 -0.15 1.83 0.05 0.20 2.07 0.41 0.83 0.12 -1.71 0.94 130 128 120 125 113 116 101 Norwegian Proof Daughters: G Herds: G Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 93 100 109 73 112 99 109 1.80 -0.40 0.69 0+20+090+0+35 16 0.26 84 20 0.24 99 17% 98 57% 99 21% AUST ABV 57%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G NR HULTGREN PP Bull ID: 252NR12254 NASIS: 85UUU09 Sire: JO-ONSTAD P 12064 Dam: 904 MGD: 686 Breeder: Ørjan Hultgren, 7970 Kolvereid Jo-Onstad P x Meland P x Seim NR HULTGREN PP
TM 42 33% 338 SI 36% BPI 145 27% HWI 91 57% ASI 142 $18 RRP $55 Sexed F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length 0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 2.0 Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance 0.52 0.06 0.96 -0.41 0.02 -0.34 -0.02 -1.17 -1.16 0.76 -1.30 -1.90 0.45 -2.14 -0.80 0.16 0.57 109 101 96 110 111 103 101 Norwegian Proof Daughters: G Herds: G Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 126 106 102 108 95 108 101 0.10 0.50 -1.07 0+0+535+25+0 22 0.23 344 6 -0.13 101 13% 98 58% 98 24% AUST ABV 56%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G NR SANDE PP Bull ID: 252NR12225 NASIS: 85UUT15 Sire: LONE 12021 Dam: 627 MGD: ETNE 1226 Breeder: Emma Lise og Erlend Sande, 5560 Nedstrand Lone x Hammeren x Amdal NR SANDE PP SANDE PP TM 20 34% 382 SI 36% BPI 128 28% HWI 101 56% ASI 130 $18 RRP $55 Sexed F Udder Attach R Udder Height Udder Cleft R Udder Width Udder Depth Front Teat Pl. Rear Teat Pl. Teat Length 0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 2.0 Stature Strength Body Depth Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width RLSV RLRV Foot Angle Index Protein Protein % Fat Fat % Milk SCC Udder Feet & Legs Body Mastitis Udder Health Daughter Fertility Calving Ease Gestation Length Milking Speed Temperament Protein Protein % Milk Fat Fat % Daughter Fertility SCC Mastitis Resistance -0.24 0.46 0.89 0.85 -0.49 0.94 1.29 -0.87 0.80 0.60 0.50 0.19 1.24 0.74 -0.96 -0.71 1.25 98 112 101 96 76 110 106 Norwegian Proof Daughters: G Herds: G Norwegian Type Daughters: G Herds: G 95 104 114 101 108 94 99 0.00 0.40 0.63 2+20+31 37 0.38 619 0 -0.39 101 21% 110 61% 101 56% -3 77% AUST ABV 46%Rel Daughters: G Herds: G Gestation Length BRUMUNDDAL PP Bull ID: 252NR12062 NASIS: 85UUR04 Sire: KOPEN 11875 Dam: 1195 MGD: 409 Breeder: Noahs Ark Samdrift Da, 2387 Brumunddal Kopen x Seim x Ravn BRUMUNDDAL PP BRUMUNDDAL PP TM 16 32% 578 SI 35% BPI 194 29% HWI 146 46% ASI 198 $24 RRP $55 Sexed Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain Maximise Genetic Gain #6 True Polled
The Norwegian Red breeding goal
Total merit index
• TMI (Total Merit Index) is used to identify the best Norwegian Red bulls to become elite sires for use throughout Norway.
• 14 traits and indexes are grouped into an index called TMI, with production, udder health, udder conformation, and fertility indexes receiving the highest relative weights within the TMI.
• The relative weights in the current TMI give optimal genetic response for all important traits in the Norwegian Red breeding goal.
Trait averages and standard deviations for purebred Norwegian Reds in units converted from breed average of 100 and standard deviation (SD)* of 12.
Milk yield
Protein yield
Fat yield
Protein percent
Fat percent
Temperament No. of inseminations, heifers
No. of inseminations, cows
Calving to first insemination (CFI)
Calving ease, direct
Clinical mastitis
Somatic cell count (SCC)
Body weight
Average milk per lactation for lactations 1-3 (kg)
Average protein per lactation for lactations 1-3 (kg)
Average fat per lactation for lactations 1-3 (kg)
Average % protein per lactation for lactations 1-3 (%)
Average % fat per lactation for lactations 1-3 (%)
Rump height in lactation 1 (cm)
Lact 1 daughters classified with good temperament (%)
Number of inseminations in heifers until pregnant
Number of inseminations in cows until pregnant
Days from calving to first insemination for lact 1-4 (days)
No calving problems when bred to 1st lact heifers (%)
Lact 1-3 daughters not treated for clinical mastitis (%)
SCC for lactation 1-3 daughters (cells/ml)
dry matter intake compared to 700 kg cow
*68% of the population is within ±1 SD (±12 points) of the average, 95% within ±2 SD (±24 points) of the average, etc.
E.G. Milk Production: the average kg of milk for lactations 1-3 is 8,144kg (17,955 lbs.). For Milk yield=112 expect +274kg (604 lbs.) for total milk yield of 8,418kg (18,559 lbs.) per lactation.
E.G. Stature: average 1st lactation cows have rump height of 136.8 cm (53.9”). For a bull with Stature=112 expect an average daughter to be 1.13 cm (0.44”) taller. For Stature=88 an average daughter would be 1.13 cm (0.44”) shorter.
E.G. Calving ease: 88.0% of calvings of 1st lactation heifers, attributed to sire of calf, have no difficulty. For a bull with direct calving ease=112 expect 3.5% better or 91.5% of calvings of 1st lactation heifers with no calving difficulty due to sire of calf.
(kg) Average mature (live) body weight (kg) 8,144 285 339 3.52 4.18 136.8 91.4 1.45 1.59 76.3 88.0 89.3 70,645 -0.65 610 274 8.9 10.7 0.05 0.09 1.13 2.3 -0.05 -0.05 -2.2 3.5 1.9 -7,948 -0.18 12.1 Trait Definition Average proof in units (kg, %, etc.) Expected difference from average when Norwegian proof is +1 SD (or +12 index points) above 100
OFSTAD P OFSTAD P MELAND P KOLBU P OKSJALE P DALSBYGDA P KNAPPHOLEN SIRE 266 252 182 171 141 134 256 142 190 136 202 126 196 279 169 144 18 82 626 672 526 467 201 334 28 37 30 28 3 14 0.33 0.44 0.42 0.18 0.12 0.25 384 515 306 672 -124 50 19 34 -5 6 -7 -6 0.04 0.17 -0.27 -0.32 -0.02 -0.11 73 67 75 69 69 80 BPI HWI ASI SI Protein Protein% Milk Fat Fat% Rel% OKSJALE P DTR Production Index Fertility Index Beef Index Udder Health Index Udder Conformation Index Feet & legs Conformation Index Claw Health Index Polled and Undesirable Recessive Genes Calving Traits, Milking Speed, Other Diseases, Temperament and Liveweight (Total for all) 23 11 7 8 28 6 4 8 5 Trait Relative weight (%)*
*The relative weight (%) is the percentage of emphasis put on a trait in the group of traits in the TMI
Relative weights on individual traits included in the TMI.
Udder conformation index20.5% of
• The udder conformation index consists of nine traits viewed from the exterior of the cow. These udder traits are weighted in such a way that a high score for udder index reflects a durable and functional udder.
• Udder conformation traits are scored by breeding advisors using a linear scale. The udder trait definitions are harmonized with definitions for dairy cattle populations in other countries. The udder conformation index consists of:
Daughter fertility index11.4% of TMI
• The Norwegian Red is likely the most fertile breed of dairy cattle in the world due to sustained selection for increased fertility for over 40 years.
• The fertility index was recently improved by replacing non-return rate with number of inseminations. Number of inseminations is biologically very similar to non-return rate, but it has more genetic variation since cows requiring more inseminations are penalized more heavily than cows with just one unsuccessful insemination. The
fertility index consists of:
Calving ease index2.9%
of TMI
• The frequency of calving difficulty in the Norwegian Red population is very low compared to other breeds.
Temperament index0.5% of
• This trait is scored by farmers on first-lactation heifers and is reported to the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System. They use a scale of 1 to 3, where 1 is easy, 2 is average and 3 is uneasy.
Production index27% of TMI
• The production index is based on data collected by the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System.
The production index consists of:
Trait Relative weight (%)
• Paternal calving ease (calving ease attributed to sire of calf) was recently added to maternal calving ease (how daughters of a bull perform when they calve) to make up the calving ease index.
• Long-term selection for calving ease since 1978 has resulted in a low frequency in calving difficulty even though the two calving ease traits have low heritability.
• Rump angle is an important trait related to calving difficulties. With the move to GS, maternal calving ease has a lower reliability compared to reliability under the progeny test program. The indirect information on rump angle in TMI now adds significantly to the accuracy for selection to improve maternal calving ease.
The calving ease index consists of:
Calving ease, paternal Calving ease, maternal Rump angle
Udder health index13.4% of TMI
• Udder health (mastitis) causes the greatest economic losses of any disease in dairy cattle. The Norwegian Red now has a low frequency of clinical mastitis (CM) due in part to genetic progress in resistance to mastitis.
• SCC is the 305-day lactation geometric mean of SCC.
• Somatic cell count (SCC) and CM are highly correlated genetically, meaning that selection for SCC (the trait with higher heritability) will result in indirect selection for CM (each are influenced by some of the same genes). A low incidence of clinical mastitis makes it important to include SCC from an economic standpoint and, also, for indirect selection to continue to improve clinical mastitis resistance.
The udder health index consists of:
Trait Relative weight (%)
• Breeding advisors record foot and leg conformation traits together with other conformation traits. These are rear legs rear view, foot angle and rear legs side view.
The foot & leg conformation index consists of:
Udder depth Front teat placement Rear teat placement Udder balance Fore udder attachment Rear udder width Rear udder height Udder cleft Teat length 19.6 13.2 15.3 6.6 12.3 3.0 6.8 13.9 9.3
Trait Relative weight (%)
Number of inseminations, heifer Number of inseminations, cow Calving to first insemination 22 45 33
Trait Relative weight (%)
of TMI
legs, side view
view Foot angle
50 50
Foot & leg conformation2.5%
Rear legs, rear
Not included
Kg milk Kg fat Kg protein Protein (%) Fat (%) -16.0 47.0 37.0 Not included Not included
Trait Relative weight (%)
Somatic cell count Clinical mastitis 66 34
Trait Relative weight (%) 20.7 31.0 48.3 93 100 96 99 99 93 147 102 73 121 146 142 95 93 99 102 97 95 106 99 97 101 106 101 105 99 107 100 108 102 -5 2 1 -1 0 -5 109 -16 59 19 41 68 98 101 100 99 100 101 **** 18 4 16 9 10 4 1 2 2 3 Midtigaren P x Forseth Skjelvan x Eggtroen P Saur PP x Holmas Ponnistus x Olstad Enger x Garvik Nymoen P x Eik Overall Type SCC Mammary System Mastitis Resistance Dtr. Fertility GL Feed Saved Survival Bull Fertility No. Dtrs No. Herds Pedigree MELAND P DALSBYGDA P
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