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Horse Magazine turns
ASK A Masterminder
Small & Supercharged Mastermind is an online group supporting small equestrian and rural businesses and, as such, is bursting with amazingly knowledgeable people with lots to share. Each month we’ll be asking them a question and members will be sharing their top tips… this month’s question is… ‘TELL US HOW YOU OVERCOME SOCIAL MEDIA BLOCKS?'
Heidi Hunter-Cope and Thea Roberts, Horsefest
“Share something useful – we tap into our HorseFest experts for top
tips to share. Remember to have fun - there are always funny stories to share about our horses! Take a break – occasionally take a day off to recharge.” www.horsefest.org
Photo: Martha Lily Photography
Amanda Marshall, 3 Donkeys Clothing “I am not a naturally descriptive creator, so ‘content block’ can be rather difficult to overcome. “I deal with it by ‘just shutting off’, stop stressing about it and refocus on other things. By taking time out for myself, inspiration often appears and allows me to regain momentum. A day off has not hurt my account so far.” www.3donkeys.co.uk
Ruth Chappell, Dressage Anywhere
“Revisit the posts that worked really well and think about how you can incorporate that into your social
planning. Failing that, revisit older blogs and refresh the imagery but use quotes and snippets to update it.”
Emma Batcheler, Hooves & Love
“I get a lot of inspiration when I’m out
hacking. I find my mind switches off from the day to day and I let it wander. Inspiration and ideas start flowing and the hardest part is I have nothing to write it down on!”
Jane Brindley, Horse Riding With Confidence Scotland
“When I can’t think of something new then I
repurpose something old. I dig out an old post and say the same thing in a different way to give my message another chance to be seen.”
Emma Michael, Emma Michael Social Media Consultant
“I look at what is trending on Instagram, take inspiration from trends and captions, then my creativity starts to flow again.” www.emmacmichael.com
Tracey Cole, Tracey Cole NLP
“When those blocks strike, it’s good to remember that people love value, so give them something of value, a piece of helpful advice or answer an FAQ.
“We’re all a bit nosy, so tell us a bit about yourself and your life away from your business. I write down anything of interest and keep notes on my phone for times when I’m really stuck!” www.traceycolenlp.com
Abbi Grief, Abbi Grief Photography
“I schedule posts as and when I think of them, otherwise I end up over-thinking things and make the process quite complicated for myself.
Find out more about the Small & Supercharged Mastermind group: www.rheafreemanpr.co.uk