2 minute read
By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher
Life in The 20s: Happy 2020-YOU!
ust the other day Kassidi asked me about how I was – how my life was – in my twenties. Since she is in her twenties now, I felt that was fair game and that I could answer honestly without reservation.
I spent my twenties in the mid 1980s and early 1990s, so Kassidi had grand visions of debauchery of this time period, primarily thanks to 80s movies and unfortunate pop culture television retrospectives. I’m afraid my answers were a disappointment based on what she knew as depicted by The Breakfast Club, stories from Studio 54, which was still happening in the 1980s, and various tragic life stories of the 80s Brat Pack.
My twenties weren’t a time infused with crazed nightclubs on the daily, scandalous misadventures, $300 a day cocaine habits and lost weekends. Sure, I had acquaintances who lived that life, but I had issues spending money on anything I couldn’t wear, drive or live in. Mr. Kaminski can attest to that since I had to build out an entire room as a closet in the first high-rise apartment we lived in together to house my wardrobe. My dollars went to Neiman Marcus, Tootsie’s, Mercedes Benz and such. Heck, as a female, I didn’t even have to pay to get into clubs, and I certainly didn’t have to spend money on drinks. It was the 80s after all back when ladies appreciated being treated as ladies with no strings attached.
Fast forward to today, and both of my babies are living their twenties in the worst of the twenties: 2020, 2021 and now, 2022. And I’m over it. One year ago, I started On the Porch with Patti because I was done talking about the Rona or anything remotely negative – I was done with the bad and knew we all were headed back to the days when Corona meant beer. As I sit here on my porch one year later, the dreaded “C” word still rears its ugly head daily and now has reproduced!
The twenties that my babies are experiencing today are a double dose of disaster. They are twenty-somethings living through the terrible twenties. And here we are on the eve of a new year that is 2022 – a double dose of twenties.
I personally think the coming year needs an entirely new identity – a fresh start sans the dreaded twenty reference yet again. There’s just too much bad mojo. You know, kind of like when Coke decided to become New Coke. Well, now that I think about it, that didn’t work out so well.
In my world, the coming year will not be referred to as 2022. It will absolutely be a more positive 2020-YOU! Why? Because I want the new year to be all about you – making you the best possible you that you can be! And that’s the message that I’m imparting to my twenty-something babies. Despite what’s going on in the world, do your best, be your best and make the year a success for you.
Happy 2020-YOU! See y’all next week – on the porch!
Patti and Kassidi enjoying the twenties – 20 degree weather in Colorado!