Absolute Magazine issue 120 Summer 2015

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Index only thing missing is



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46 48 52 54


60 70 74 80 84 90 100 112


index page

welcome page

gadget dps a couple of images and text malpass pics and text

some text for gresham blake face of pride text

pride pics and text

Managing Editor - Lizanne Harris - lizanne@absolutemagazine.co.uk Features Editor - Victoria Marie Emerson - info@absolutemagazine.co.uk Account Manager - David Hall - david@absolutemagazine.co.uk Account Manager - Online - Dan Chapman dan@absolutemagazine.co.uk Designer - Pete Hayward (South Beach Media) - info@absolutemagazine.co.uk Guest Editor - Stuart Pritchard Owners - Publishers Simon Darcy Abbott - simon@absolutemagazine.co.uk

ABSOLUTE is owned and produced by Make a Difference Media Ltd New England House Brighton BN1 4GH

David Camici - camici@absolutemagazine.co.uk connect with us www.absolutemagzine.co.uk facebook/absolutemagazine twitter/absolutesussex instagram/absolute_mag

Cover Shot Clothing - Gresham Blake Hair / Styling - Forde Hair / Jess Eaton Photography - Darren Black Model - First Model Management London Location - Pg Fruits Brighton



Editor’s Letter Hi all, Welcome to the second issue of the new and

I take my hat off to those that managed to

improved ABSOLUTE magazine.

keep on going through the whole weekend

I would like to begin on a serious note,

(yes, my friends...you know who you are), and

our hearts go out to the family of the man

only regret that I am a slight lightweight and

who lost his life at this year’s ‘Paddle Round

needed my bed on a few occasions!

the Pier’. This was an unfortunate tragedy

Shakedown was fun, if a little rainy. Where

which happened at this wonderful family. It is

oh where is our British Summer? Yet, you have

incredibly sad when something goes so wrong

to love a Brightonian though, (that includes

and our support continues for those hard

Hove and the rest of Sussex by the way), as

working volunteers who put on this incredible

we traipsed in our wellies to the festivals and

event every year.

the summer’s open air cinema on the beach

We have really enjoyed reading your

is still being used and is busy come rain or

feedback on the last issue and gathering

shine. I am looking forward to trying two

information on what is going on in our city.

new restaurants that have both just opened

What a couple of months it has been! First and

in Hove, ‘Sky Fall’, (specialising in lobster and

foremost I have to mention PRIDE. It was an

burgers) and ‘Latino America’ that sounds like

amazing weekend and fabulous to see so many

steak heaven. Two of my favourite foods, so I

likeminded people in the one city celebrating

will give you more of an in depth low down in

our diverse and open nature, which is why we

the next issue.

all love it here in the first place. It was a joy

As always please contact me if you have

to party with colourful characters, dance to

news or a story you wish to share with us, we

the best tunes played by the wold’s top D.J’s,

may just share it with the rest of our readers

drink in so many different establishments and all right by the sea.

Enjoy! With Much Love



News Put On Your Dancing Shoes

are sourced, where possible, from British suppliers and only natural ingredients free from preservatives, artificial flavours and colourings with no hydrogenated fats are used.

Raise Bakery has been established for over

six years, selling to businesses, including

retailers, wholesalers and airlines directly

and decided to open the store based on customer requests and to reach consumers

directly. Launched with a brand new range of

I’m a huge fan of Soul II Soul (yes, I wore

gourmet doughnuts inspired by a recent trip

Travelfox trainers and a swinging gold

to New York, ice cream sandwiches, twenty

medallion back in the day), so it is with great

varieties of brownies and ‘create your own’

excitement to hear that they will be joining

milkshakes, there are also healthier choices

Simple Minds (another band that brings

of gluten free and vegan options available.

back many good memories), The Vamps,

If you fancy a bit of your own ‘British

Jessie J, Rae Morris, The Proclaimers

Bake-Off’ style at home, there is also

and The Shires at Boomerang, Hickstead

a retail space offering all the tools and

Showground, West Sussex, which will take

ingredients you need to whip up some

place on the weekend of the 12th and 13th

culinary baked goods from scratch at home.


The new store also features a community

In addition to watching some of the world’s

workspace for freelancers and those who

most renowned artists, there will also be

work from home. As well as power points

an opportunity to soak up the atmosphere

and superfast broadband, customers will

at gourmet pop up restaurants, indulge in

be able to reserve a space for meetings

delicious street food and sample alternative

and workshops (You will no doubt find

entertainment away from the main stage.


If that isn’t enough to wet your musical





appetite, be prepared for more bands and

details to be announced over the coming weeks so stay tuned and see you there! For




Boomerang on Facebook at Boomerang

Naughty but nice

on Twitter.

There is a new family run bakery in town,

Hickstead and follow @BoomerangHicks TICKET INFORMATION Early Bird Day Ticket £39.50 Standard Day Ticket £45 Weekend Ticket £75 Tickets are on sale NOW and available from www.BoomerangHickstead.com


selling baked goods, sweet treats and yummy

desserts based on classic British baking techniques with an American influence. Raise, bake all their products from scratch

at their factory in Worthing. Ingredients



100 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2EB

Movie Night

Water World Sussex audiences will be able to immerse

of South Africa and Mozambique. Her

Brighton’s Big Screen open air cinema re-

without getting their feet wet as the Ocean

realm of the ocean’s most feared predator

14th August – 13th September 2015 with

themselves in the wonders of the ocean

Film Festival World Tour returns to Brighton Dome (Corn Exchange) on the 14 September.

Originating in Australia, The Ocean Film

Festival will showcase two hours of footage

taken above and below the water’s surface, celebrating divers, surfers, creatures of

the deep and the beauty and power of the sea.

The scenes showing at the festival

of divers swimming with great whites is

sure to have you on the edge of your seat! Highlights





Devocean: South African born Bruno

spent the majority of his life in or on the water. However in 1998 a tragic event left

underwater journey takes her into the

– the shark. The often feared creatures are portrayed in a very different light, one

turns to the beachfront this summer from the

its biggest and best movie line-up to date. The gigantic 40sqm screen will showcase

of beauty and respect. It´s an adventure

over 90 movie screenings including: Inter-

A Small Surfer: Known as the Flying

Paddington, Guardians of the Galaxy, Dirty

full of risks and passions - on one breath! Squirrel, Quincy Symonds may well be the best six-year-old surfer and skater on

the planet. The Queenslander only started surfing about 18 months ago and, in a very

short time, has captured the attention of the

stellar, The Goonies, Frozen Sing-Along,

Dancing & Blade Runner, plus coverage from the Grand Prix. The venue will also

host this year’s Rugby World Cup Fan

Zone from the 18th – 20th September 2015. Situated on Brighton Beach next to the

surfing world, gained multiple sponsors

Pier and the Wheel, Brighton’s Big Screen

social media. Prepare to be gobsmacked!

made from converted shipping containers

and garnered a fanatical following on www.oceanfilmfestival.co.uk

will include a brand new stylish beach bar, and reclaimed wood, along with pop-up

restaurants from some of the cities most

loved restaurants including Chilli Pickle.

him a paraplegic. In an instant he plunged

Daytime films starting at 2pm are FREE

from carefree surf guide, sailor, scuba

with evening films starting at 5pm from £3

diver and traveller to the depths of despair. A chance wave and the restorative powers

per person...

of the ocean showed Bruno a new path in life, one that would be rich, full, diverse

and salty. Devocean is an inspirational

Tickets are now on sale at


twitter @brightonsscreen

story of life’s lessons as taught by the sea. Following



freediver Hanli Prinsloo along the coast




Lets get Digital Brighton Dome has announced that it

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing - Artista Social Club’s upcoming events

as the ‘hub’ venue for the fifth Brighton

On the Thursday of each month at 7pm, there

Following a hugely successful Brighton

& Gallery, which gives everyone a chance

will once again host a number of events

is a free monthly meet up at Artista Studio

Digital Festival taking place in September.

to have a look around their studio, function

Festival in May, the team at Brighton Dome

room, gallery and bar. It’s a great opportunity

are gearing up to what is hotly tipped to be the

to meet others from the arts, music or

biggest Brighton Digital Festival to date.

fashion industries in an informal atmosphere

Brighton Dome has partnered with the

(remember to bring those business cards),

Brighton Digital Festival to host at least six




relax a bit and even have some fun.


“Anyone who leaves us their business cards

Lighthouse Long Progress Bar. A

powerful mix of talks, presentations,

or contact details is automatically entitled to


hour studio hire over the next two months”

one session (from 1 hour to 8 hours) at £15 per

workshops and vanguard performances, two-day




some of the most exciting creatives and thinkers





creating culture, connecting people and improving




Brighton Mini Maker Faire. An annual

showcase bringing together the most inspired, talented and ambitious makers and 3,000 excited visitors to share the fun

of making. There will be robots, crafting, musical instruments, cosplay, electronics, weaving





Reasons to be Creative. A three-day

conference with a festival vibe including talks from the very best international creative and developer speakers plus web

over of

designers the








DConstruct. A one-day gathering super





provoke, entertain and stimulate with their thoughts on this year’s theme of

“Designing the Future”. 11 September.

Brighton SEO. A one-day search marketing

conference and series of training workshops



Well Dressed People

Wednesday, 26 August at 7pm, Euro-Mernet

Located in the prestigious Duke Street

Studio, will be bringing you feature films

independent fashion boutique specializing

screenings are all free entry and open to all.

both women’s and menswear clothing.


public, this is the go-to fashion store for

take place on the 2nd Thursday of

quality togs. With a choice of high end

Peanut butter Mic & Mellow Jam - On Fri,

McQ by Alexander McQueen and Paul

a Music Performance, Open Mic and Jam

necessary to let you know there is a sale

will be a bi-monthly night of impromptu

wiggle on there, to shop until you drop.

Peanut Butter Mic & Mellow Jam




Euro-Mernet Film Club - From

Film Club in association with Artista

of the Brighton Lanes, Mottoo is an

fortnightly from around the globe. Film

in sophisticated, cutting edge style for

Comedy Cuts - Comedy Cuts is Free




Addressing the real life needs of the

Starting on the 10th September. It will

weekend to workwear and casual to evening

every month at 10pm. Utterly Bang!

brands such as, Marithe, Francois Gibaud,

28 August, 20:00 – Sat, 29 August, 02:00

Smith to name just a few, we felt it only

Session will take place at Artista Studio. This

on…and suggest you get a fashionable


Mottoo - 12 Duke St, Brighton

is a new concept in interactive music

01273 326633

and Jam Session all rolled up into one!






events. Music Performance, Open Mic

The format of the evening is to have an

open mic session (any kind if performer

bringing together some of the best speakers

welcome, for example spoken word/music/

in the world of search. 18 September.

singing), then a musical performance from

Let’s get real conference, Culture

a guest act and to top off the night they

24. This one-day conference brings a

have a good old jam session at the end.

range of experts, artists and thinkers

Performers, open mic acts and audience are

together to help us make more out of our

encouraged to interact and all play some

digital cultural heritage. 23 September.


Creative spontaneity is not only



music together. Some instruments and

and students from schools that are part

and brighten up some otherwise grey

Life Drawing - A 2 hour life

The ceremonies at Brighton Dome will

into this creativity before we even open.

assorted percussion objects are provided.

of the RFU’s All Schools programme.

drawing session will take place on

feature a performance of World in Union

– 20.30. You are free to walk in on

Brighton (for Japan) and Chestnuts Primary

Wednesday 2nd September from 18.30

the day, however there are spaces are limited to 10 so we advise booking

in advance to avoid disappointment

boards, this seemed the perfect way to tap “I think the artwork they have produced

from Westdene Primary School, from

is fantastic - really vibrant and interesting

School from Bletchley, Milton Keynes (for

i360 site on Brighton beach to take a


- and it is well worth coming to the

look where you can also see the tower construction which is progressing rapidly

£10 per head to take part - bookings@

and will be completed within weeks.”

Arista Studio and Gallery - 42 Waterloo St,

the tallest building in Sussex, having

United Kingdom

fact the construction is not yet complete.


Power Station, which previously was the

The Brighton i360 tower is now officially


Brighton and H ove, East Sussex BN3 1AY,

reached 120 metres high, despite the

TEL: 01273 778105

It is now already taller than Shoreham tallest structure, and Sussex Heights in

A Proper Brighton Welcome for Japan and Samoa Rugby Teams Brighton





to host a Rugby World Cup 2015

Welcome Ceremony for Japan and Samoa





The ceremonies will be a celebration

of the Team’s achievements and will include Team friends and family as well

as the local community and will be an official welcome to England and Wales

for the Team featuring their presentation of





World Cup 2015 Participation Medals.

Other Welcome Ceremonies will be

taking place in venues across the country, including



Standing Tall and Brightly Coloured Recently a team of top international graffiti

Brighton & Hove, which was the tallest building, and other famous landmarks such as Chichester Cathedral and the Gatwick





The tower is an incredibly elegant and

artists added to the allure of the i360 build,

beautiful piece of architecture, soaring

eye catching images. The local artists that

to see the tower revealed in all its glory

covering 100 meters of hoardings with made this happen were Aroe, Gary, Rebus, Jiroe, Vodka, Morf, Warg, Ster and Past, as well as Yes B from Essex, Rench from

up into the sky and it will be fantastic when the square jacking tower, used to build the tower, is removed next month. Segments of the glass pod, which has been

Reading, Nottingham’s Alert and Europeans

designed and built by leading cable car

Germany, who both now live in the UK.

the autumn and then work will begin on the

Twesh, from Italy and Relay, from

Said chief executive at the i360, Eleanor

Harris, “One of the things I love about this city is the creative buzz. When Aroe approached us to paint our hoardings

designers POMA, will arrive in Brighton in

beach buildings, to create a stunning new

events and visitor centre and restaurant. The



to open next summer.


track .


Eastbourne Bandstand and Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in Cardiff who will be welcoming the twenty best teams as

they arrive for th Rugby World Cup 2015.

Each ceremony will have four Cap and Medal Bearers which will be

16 to 24 year olds representing the legacy of Rugby World Cup 2015.

Twitter: @TheBrightoni360 Facebook: Brighton-i360 Pinterest: Brightoni360 www.brightoni360.co.uk

They are selected from local clubs and educational




players, Young Rugby Ambassadors







www.absolute.fatsoma.com www.nexthotmodeluk.com nexthotmodeluk@gmail.com

The Brighton Design Icon P Gresham Blake is a design led tailoring business with over fifteen years experience, combining traditional skills with modern techniques. By listening closely to their client’s needs and requirements they are able to design and create pieces that are truly personal to them. They boast a highly skilled and creative team who are passionate about the Gresham Blake brand. Only using the very best cloths from British mills and weaving their own in house fabrics which are not available anywhere else. Gresham and his wife, Fal, launched the Gresham Blake brand in Brighton at the height of ‘Cool Britannia’ in 2000. Since then, Gresham’s eye-catching creations for high-profile clients including Ray Winstone, Steve Coogan, Jimmy Page, Plan B and Norman Cook (aka Fatboy Slim) have brought him fashion industry recognition and an ever-growing army of customers attracted by his signature combination of quality garments with a quirky twist.










22 20


The Gresham Blake SS15 ready-to-wear collection was a bit on the fruity side! Full of elaborate and juicy prints the SS15 collection included a multitude of vibrant tailored items; from banana 2 piece suits (bold prints with a classic fit), slick tailored shorts to a limited edition range of footwear, the collection also included a selection of more traditional classic mohair suits and chinos which could be teamed with a multitude of printed shirts and accessories from the collection

SS15 was a great success for the brand with the Lemon print and banana prints being best sellers. Many of it items pictured can now be found in our Summer Sale.

The AW15 collection will be arriving in September and has an underlying theme of adventure and wildlife, expect parachuting shirts, floral prints and more.


Images by darren black photography

20 Bond St, Brighton, BN1 1RD

hair by Gary forde hair brighton

01273 609587

make up by jess eaton

143 Commercial Street, London, E1 6BJ

location is TG Fruits Brighton

020 7375 0365

clothing by gresham blake



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Come and sample our hot dishes, sushi and cocktails

We look forward to serving you

38 East Street, Horsham, West Sussex. www.wabi.co.uk T: 01403 788140 E: info@wabi.co.uk

All Things Brighton Beautiful

Forde Hair, 160-161 North Street, Brighton Tel: 01273 323319 www.fordehair.co.uk

/fordehairnorthstreet /garyforde

Model Behaviour Is the next Cara, Kate or David Gandy hiding in the streets of the UK? Have you ever vogued along the North Laines of Brighton, posed upon the prom or strutted over the South Downs, imagining it to be your catwalk? If there’s one person who can change the life of any aspiring Sussex super-model, it’s Gareth Roberts; Director of FIRST London and judge of the Grand Final of Next Hot Model UK, taking place on 4thSeptember at Brighton’s iconic Grand Hotel.





o stranger to Sussex, Gareth Roberts has risen through

It was in 2007 that Gareth made the bold move to set up an

the hallowed ranks of the model world to become a

alternative to the existing conventional model agencies available at the

fashion force-to-reckoned-with, and is now offering one

time in London and brought to life his very own agency FIRST London.

lucky local girl and boy the opportunity to be signed to his internationally-

Leaving behind the impersonal ethics of conventional “factory style”

acclaimed model agency; FIRST.

agencies, FIRST’S mission was to create a boutique and management-

Gareth began his model industry career at Elite Premier, where he rose quickly through the ranks to become the agency’s Head Booker, helping

focused environment in which to nurture new talent and provide focused direction for established models.

managing the careers of fashion icons such as Naomi Campbell, Claudia

Starting with a modest roster of 30 girls and 1 gent, our high-flyer

Schiffer and Linda Evangelista. Our super-scout was key part of the team

now has over 300 models on his books, representing models not just from

responsible for starting the careers of many famous models such as Giselle

the UK but from all across the globe, from New York to LA, Iceland to

Bundchen, Sophie Anderton and Heather Stolher to name but a few, and

the Ukraine. And he isn’t stopping there. True to his original mission,

so the winners of Next Hot Model UK will certainly be in good hands!

FIRST has a UK-wide network of scouts continually searching even the

After 9 years of service at Premier, Gareth was head-hunted to start

remotest areas of our country for “The Next Big Thing”

a branch of the Next Model Management network in London, where

Totally in awe of this charmer’s achievements (and hoping for a few

he was responsible for launching the careers of luminaries such as Anja

tips on how to hit the big time!), we managed to pin the Next Hot Model

Rubik and Karolina Kurkova, as well as the TV career of divine Alexa

UK judge down and get some model answers….




Q What made you get into fashion and the modelling world?

portfolio to the client through to trying on the designer’s clothes and

It was pure fluke. Some might say in the wrong place at the right time. I

showing them how you walk in them.

came back from Australia and moved in with two nurses, one of whom

Q What are your long term plans for FIRST?

had a friend who was a fashion photographer.

To develop and expand the brand, embrace all the new opportunities that

Q What has been the high point of FIRST in its past few years?

social media presents and ultimately world domination.

We have recently created an off-shoot of the agency in Dubai.

Q What has been the most bizarre moment so far?

Q Very exciting! Why have you teamed up with Next Hot Model

Where do I start? I think it would easier to answer what is the least

UK ?


We are always looking for innovative ways of scouting new models and so

Q What brands do you love working with and why?

to team up with such a respected and high profile model search as Next

I guess if I was to be a purist it would be the New Generation as I love

Hot Model was a dream come true. Oh, and their team are fun and “get”

seeing them evolve and feel that I was there at the beginning.

the industry.

Q Who has inspired you?

Q What advice would you give to models entering the business?

I take inspiration from many people and experiences, but I guess Carol

Enter with an open mind. It’s an amazing opportunity. And what’s the

White, my ex-boss. She was the person who taught me everything. I

worst that can happen? Dreams can come true.

want to be her when I grow up.

Q What advice can you offer people who have had knock-backs?

Q Any advice for the younger model?

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and try again. Many of the top

Remember that being a model is not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. It means

models we know today were rejected by several agencies before they

looking after yourself from a health and fitness point of view. Being the

found a home.

best you can be. The competition is tough.

Q What do you not like about the modelling industry?

Q Any advice for the male and female winners of Next Hot Model

I don’t like the way there are less and less leaders and more and more



Get ready for a life-changing experience.

Q What happens during a casting?

Q What’s next for you?

Depending on what the casting is for, it can be as simple as showing your

Bed. photos by Malcolm Tam and Ele Berrie



Enter with an open mind. It’s an amazing opportunity. And what’s the worst that can happen? Dreams can come true.”





Hot Model 2015

The beauty of the South of England has been explored and no stone has been left unturned in the search to find The Next Hot Model 2015.


hroughout February to Aug the annual Next Hot Model

which will see the top 15 males and 15 females enter the Grand Final

Competition have held heats across 16 of the major towns and

Catwalk Show.

cities of the South from Bournemouth, right over to Brighton &

Eastbourne and up as far as Guildford and Bristol in a bid to find aspiring

Held at the prestigious Grand Hotel Brighton on 4th Sept, the Grand

and unsigned models who dream of ditching the high street for the cat

Final Catwalk offers the lucky 30 the exciting opportunity of strutting

walk and enter the glossy world of high-fashion. Run in partnership with

their stuff in front of the UK’s media and fashion experts, including

the London-based and internationally-acclaimed model management

Gareth Roberts, Founder of FIRST London, Darren Black top high

company FIRST Model Management London and multiple influential

fashon photographer,” Next Hot Model UK founder Fatosh Kalan and

media partners, the project aims to discover and mentor potential male

some special guests to be announced .

and female models, offering them a platform to showcase their talent and launch their careers.

If all that isn’t enough, the winning ‘Hot Girl’ and ‘Hot Boy’ will strut away with an incredible once in a lifetime prize; a luxurious trip and


Teams of talent scouts have been travelling through town centres,

professional photo shoot in the paradise destination of the Seychelles

supermarkets, malls and events casting their professional eye over the

Islands, compliments of the NHM hotel partners, The Hilton Labriz,

South’s beautiful people, signing up over 2000 entrees to the competition

Indian Ocean Lodge and the world famous Bird Island Lodge.


The project aims to discover and mentor potential male and female models, offering them a platform to showcase their talent and launch their careers.

The exclusive Grand Final 2015 event itself

VIP table bookings for the Grand Final 2015

promises to be a night of VIP glamour and

are available at £650 per table, seating 10 guests

excitement as Next Hot Model and FIRST

and include a Al La Carte Gourmet Buffet

Model Management London present ‘The

from the award winning chefs at the Grand

Grand Final.’ Featuring not only a stunning

Hotel Brighton.

fashion show from the 2014 finalists parading clothing collections from Café Bleu USA,

VIP seats are available at £70 each plus booking

Mottoo and RTH


London with hair

and makeup by Forde Hair and Beyond Foundation, guests will be entertained by

Both VIP tickets also include free VIP entry to

incredible live performances throughout the

SHOOSHH nightclub for the exclusive after

evening. Headlining will be the hotly-tipped

party, and are available on request from NHM

Sussex-based singer Miss Larissa Eddie fresh

EVENTS LTD by emailing nexthotmodeluk@

from supporting Lionel Richie’s UK tour’ with


support from songstress ‘Miss Kyla White’ and ‘DJ Mike Gorgeous’ and I think you will



agree you have all the ingredients for one of the

Gallery seat tickets to the event are £20.00

For more information, please visit

biggest and VIP fashion events on the South

per person, plus booking fee and are available



to purchase at http://absolute.fatsoma.com/



The exclusive Grand Final 2015 event itself promises to be a night of VIP glamour and excitement.




The Brighton music scene: What should we be listening to?

By Polly Humphris


usically, Brighton should have it all, but somewhere along

everyone wanted to be in a band and DJing and club culture in Brighton

the line it seems our underground club culture got lost

suffered for that.

beneath a pile of boozy stag and hen dos and the big name

“I don’t think Brighton has as collective a mentality as Bristol,

DJs we wanted to attract went elsewhere. Thanks to a new wave of radio

Manchester, London, or even Birmingham yet and great things

stations pushing the music and DJs that make Brighton current, our

are born out of collective mindset, which was the idea behind

pretty seaside city is finally blossoming into somewhere you can hear

1 Brighton FM really – let’s create a big family and promote

some cracking tunes and have a good dance. And you don’t even have

each others nights and gigs and get everyone from all over the

to be out to do it. Polly Humphris spoke to DJ and Radio Presenter,

community involved.”

Mickey Cee, founder of 1 Brighton FM, the latest underground station on Brighton’s musical block, to find out what we should be listening too.

So, that’s the concept behind the station? My musical tastes are extremely varied and I’ve been collecting vinyl for over 20 years now right across the board from hip hop, soul, funk,

What’s your opinion on the Brighton music scene?


disco, boogie, house, techno and Balearic – everything and anything

I think it’s getting stronger. I was really frustrated with it for a long

really, and my idea was to set up a station that reflected and shared the

time. Everyone instantly says ‘Brighton’s great; it’s got loads of good

love that I have for different genres. I set up a company called Alias

nights,’ but it hasn’t – the bigger, more leftfield names don’t come to

Music and Community Projects, bought in two directors: Christopher

Brighton generally and if they do come, there’s limited places for them

Galloway of the Soft Rocks collective and Sam Buckley, whose got

to play except for Audio, or The Green Door Store. For a long time

studios up in Kemp Town – and the three of us launched 1 Brighton FM

from the mid-2000s, young people seemed less interested in music and

to represent underground club culture and a broad range of music – we

more interested in throwing beer around and falling all over the place;

play everything apart from commercial rock and pop.


Steve Mason and Martin Duffy

Is there nothing already in place in Brighton like that?

you can go and just have a good dance to some really good music.

No. I’ve got to be honest; I can’t turn on the radio in Brighton and

“There’s a buzz about 1 Brighton FM; there’s a buzz about

listen to the kind of music that we play. There’s an awful lot of commercial

clubs like Patterns – young kids everywhere want to be DJs and

rock and pop stations, and a few good specialist shows on a Sunday like

Producers again and you’ve got people straight out of school

Juice in conjunction with Totally Radio, but nothing else.

making incredible music. That’s very exciting and the place that

“1 Brighton FM was born out of my frustration as a DJ and

radio stations such as ours have in the music scene is to get a

promoter in Brighton, which I find can be very cliquey at times.

generation of fresh ears listening to brilliant music and getting

It was about pulling promoters and talent from everywhere to

inspired by it.”

work together for one aim – we’ve stepped it up a notch with some better-known DJs like Steve Mason from the Beta Band,

Sounds ace. How do we tune in?

Martin Duffy from Primal Scream, and Balearic Mike - the

We’re internet based at the moment – www.1brightonfm.co.uk

knowledge of music on there has blown me away. It’s extremely

- but we’re applying for a community radio license to be on air now -


the Ofcom licensing application process only comes round to your area between every three and five years and East Sussex is this summer, so I see

Do you think the scene in Brighton is finally evolving now,

that as a good omen. You can sign a petition and support us through the

into something a bit more collective?

website now as well as have a listen to some brilliant music.

Yes, it’s definitely starting too. Patterns nightclub has just opened on Marine Parade and is bringing in a strong caliber of DJs that weren’t coming down before. Patterns is a strong prospect and I think we need a couple of smaller venues like Plastic People in Shoreditch was; somewhere





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Health and Beauty News S U M M E R S AV I O U R S We all look forward to a summer of sun-kissed skin, which instantly makes us feel better, blemishes are reduced and we just look healthier all round. Alas, unless you have managed a holiday over the last few months you may be lacking in a bit of bronze and glow. Where oh where has our British summer been? Thank goodness then for a little bit of extra help from some of the best beauty brands about.

We Love:

When the sun does shine (on those occasional

above the cupid’s bow of your mouth, (that’s an

Beauty brand Delilah’s Sunset

days or when you have travelled to a far flung

inside trick to give the illusion of a fuller top

Matte Bronzer, £34.00.

place), sunscreen is a must! Brand new this

lip), to give your skin a sun -kissed glow or a d a

So finely milled, this silky smooth bronzer

summer, Benefit has got it covered with the

couple of drops to your moisturizer for all-over

glides on to the skin and doesn’t leave any

SPF 45 Dream Screen Suncreen, £25.


cakey residue. Available in two shades (light

I can’t bare thick sunscreen on my face that, a)

medium, and dark medium – as shown here),

makes it shiny and b) makes it sweat, so I am

BOTH AVAILABLE AT DEBENHAMS Churchil Square Shopping Centre, Brighton

the matte texture stops skin from looking too

always more than pleased to find something

sweaty (ladies a little glow can be added, but high shine from over-heating isn’t a good look on anyone). Dust this bronzer on the areas that would naturally be hit by sunlight such as the forehead, bridge of the nose, collarbone and shoulders.

Hear Me Roar

that can protect my skin from the rays, (at my age you have to think about this), and feels comfortable to wear. The silky matte sunscreen from Benefit is truly invisible on the skin. The ultralight formula is oil and fragrance free and absorbs instantly in to the skin, protecting it

I have noticed many of us Sussex ladies running

from aging with sun damage. Easy to apply with

to and fro from the school drop off or pick-up to

an ingenious shake ball, silky smooth, non-

their exercise class, then off to the supermarket

chalky and a suitably high SPF. It’s a winner.

etc. and there isn’t time to change two or three times on a daily basis. Finding something a little bit different in ‘work-out-wear’ has

Another fab product from Delilah is their

become quite popular and there is a little bit of

Colour Blush, £26.00.

a competition in the gyms and studios of the

This one in Clementine is a gorgeous peachy

South. Yes, I have seen women eyeing up the

pink. Wear it high on the apples of your cheeks

leggings of a fellow exerciser…no longer is plain

for an instant youthful, healthy glow.

Benefit’s Sunbeam is liquid sunshine in a bottle

black the style of choice.


(£19.50), and will give a subtle golden bronze

Check out these gorgeous bits from We Are

6 Bartholomews, Brighton, East Sussex

glow to your skin. Dot and blend this little

Handsome. Putting the funky in to your work

County BN1 1HG, United Kingdom

ray off golden light on brow bones, the bridge


of the nose, high on the cheekbones and just


+44 1273 776774



Extra Sculpt Volume Mascara and Extra Sculpt Waterproof Mascara (£8.90).


mascara was two years in the making, wth Kiko Milano working in collaboration with world famous Japenese designer, Makio Hasuike, Oriental style with a beautiful fan-shaped brush and elements such as shea butter and marine extract along with other innovations make this a mascara that gives a panoramic volume effect, for lashes that look multiplied in thickness and length. wearehandsome.com

A New Brand In Town

With prices starting from as low as £3.90 for

Renowned make up brand Kiko Milano has

lipstick and and nail polish from £2.90, Kiko

opened in Churchill Square Shopping Centre,

Milano provides professional, high quality

the first of its stores in Sussex.

make-up and skincare at an affordable price that suits every budget. We have picked three

Kiko Milano is a leading Italian brand of

of our favourites from them.,,,,

cosmetics, make-up and skin care products

CREAM CRUSH EYESHADOWS (£6.90), comes in 16 new colours. A range of bold,

and offers safe and effective beauty products as

Power Pro Nail Lacquer (£4.90) The exclusive

bright and buildable creamy long-lasting

well as face and body treatments of the highest

formula and guaranteed salon performance

eyeshadows. Highly pigmented, they deliver

quality, created to satisfy women of all ages.

make this polish standout. Designed to give

high performance colour and texture allowing

nails the ultimate hard-wearing, chip-resistant,

you to experiment with brave new looks.

In the new store, customers will be able to

professional-looking and super shiny colour

browse over 1,500 professional make-up and

delivering flawless long wear results.

Russell Pl, Brighton BN1

skincare products and advanced accessories,

2RG, United Kingdom

including 200 eye shadows, 180 lipsticks, 30

+44 1273 735171

mascaras, and over 200 nail lacquers.



Gym Myths Debunked Trawling through Facebook… the ways of keeping fit with the rights and wrongs and dos and don’ts are in so many status updates and blogs. We asked our resident fitty to give us a few home truths …..



WILL MAKE YOU BULKY This is a common concern for both men and women when it comes to resistance training.

aren’t going away and somehow managing to

muscle mass than women, which makes it a

morph into fat cells; rather, they are simply

lot easier to put on mass and women have

shrinking. This allows the body to conserve

too much oestrogen to build large muscles.

energy when a person’s daily activities don’t require as much muscle mass, muscle cells

The accepted belief is that lifting heavier

Just about all of my female clients have

weights equals bigger muscles and using

this concern when they start training with

lighter weight is the best way to slim down

me, but lifting heavy weights will help you

and tone. But is this really true? If you lift

lose body fat faster and keep it off longer.

regular fitness; a better figure, improved

heavy weights you will be well on your way to

It also helps retain the muscle you already

strength and dexterity and more stamina. But

looking like the hulk? New research reveals to

have while losing the fat and gives ladies

few are aware of what happens to your muscles

us that using heavier weights is actually more

that “toned” appearance they strive for.

when you neglected them and allow them

beneficial if your goal is to burn body fat. If you want to be stronger and toned but still look slim, the suggestion is to challenge yourself with heavier weights and fewer repetitions. A study that looked at women doing both low and high intensity resistance exercises found that those who lifted heavier

New research reveals to us that using heavier weights is actually more beneficial if your goal is to burn body fat.


than the women who lifted the lighter


weights with increased repetitions.

take quite a bit of energy to maintain. Most people understand the benefits of

to be inactive. as your body transitions to a sedentary state, the muscles undergo a reversal. The myth that muscles turn to fat when a person stops exercising probably stems from the fact that people who body-build or otherwise exercise quite a bit, who then stop exercising, tend to start looking a little squishy around the edges. There are a few different

calories and had a bigger metabolic boost

weights with fewer repetitions burned more


Muscles and fats are made up of very

things that contribute to this, but primarily it all comes down to caloric intake. Specifically, people who exercise regularly tend to accustom

different types of cells that have completely

themselves to eating quite a bit more food

muscle a woman can build versus how much

different functions. Skeletal muscles get

than people who maintain a relatively healthy

muscle a man can build. Differences in body

larger when a person exercises primarily from

body weight without exercising. Once they

size, body composition and hormone levels

hypertrophy; in other words, the person

stop exercising though, they instantly lose

affect your body’s ability to put on muscle.

isn’t gaining more muscle cells rather the

the need for the calories used during their

Women don’t have enough testosterone to

ones they have are just getting bigger. After

workouts, which is often quite significant.

get big muscles with simply just lifting heavy

a person stops exercising the muscle cells

Over time as their body loses muscle mass,

There is a difference between how much


weights. Men have approximately 40% more


h the body needs significantly fewer calories

hear someone say “I want abs”. Why? Because

clients to take a rest day after the heaviest

even when they aren’t working out.

we all have abs, the muscle is there! It is just a

work out of your week (usually leg day), and

matter of making them visible and to do this a

to have at least one day off at the weekend.

So bottom line is, people who exercise regularly who suddenly stop, tend to

combination of a great diet and exercise regime

gain fat quickly because they don’t adjust

is needed. You cannot have one without

nervous system, your brain and your body.

their food intake to compensate for their

the other. Ramp up the cardio, coupled

Every time you place physical stress on your

decreased caloric needs, not because muscle

with strength training for faster results.

body you need to give it time to recover to be

cells are somehow turning into fat cells.


fitter, stronger and support your metabolism





If you think making the gym your second

Resting is crucial for your muscles, you’re

for the next time you work out. If you’re going to get at it every day how is your body going

home is a great way to get results, think

to recover? Getting sufficient sleep to allow

again. Overtraining is a sure fire way to stop

your muscles to repair after intense workouts

the corner doing thousands of sit-ups in

any muscle growth, instead of your body

helps to improve your basal metabolic rate,

his quest for a six pack? While he may be

rebuilding its muscle tissues, it will continue

the amount of energy your body needs daily

developing unbelievably strong abs, he won’t

to break it down. This means you’re actually

at rest. Your metabolism needs to be pushed

be doing anything to reduce the layer that

start to lose muscle. You need to train smarter,

to use the food that is stored in your body

is covering those muscles. In order to see

not longer. When you are in the gym, give

to produce energy. Interval training is one

this specific group of muscles, you must

110%. Push your muscles, then give them the

effective way to do this. In order for it to

lower your overall body fat percentage.

rest they need to grow bigger and stronger.

work at top speed, you need appropriate

Abs are made in the kitchen, and you cannot out train a bad diet, if a flat tummy is your goal diet is the key to unlocking the six pack.

rest, which means days off the gym.

Have you ever seen the guy laying in

Toned abs come from a combination of interval training, utilising carbs effectively, getting adequate sleep, keeping your stress levels low, and of course selecting the right training moves. You can do crunches until you pass out, and you still might not get a six pack. Why? If you have a high percentage of body fat, your abs will be covered with

Scheduling rest days is crucial, your body

Never work out more than five days a week. Try to exercise either on alternate days or on weekdays only you will also lose motivation quicker if you work out every day. Make sure you get enough sleep. Don’t let these myths derail or discourage you from achieving your goals, training in a

fat. It is impossible to spot reduce fat,

needs to recover, especially after a tough

gym doesn’t have to be an awful experience if

therefore working a specific area of the

session. If you work out every single day you

you know what to do. The best thing about a

body will not rid the fat from that area.

could injure yourself or over train, which

fitness lifestyle is that you are always learning.

Abs are made in the kitchen, and you

keeps your muscles from rebounding and your

cannot out train a bad diet, if a flat tummy is

body from improving. That’s even true if you

For more information or feedback

your goal diet is the key to unlocking the six

are a casual gym goer. It is highly important

email : rossgaffneyPT@yahoo.

pack. I can’t help but laugh a little bit when I

to schedule rest days, I tried to tell all my

co.uk Twitter: @rossgaffney




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All things Bright-on Beautiful Bringing over 25 years of hairdressing experience to Brighton, Forde Hair’s founder and owner Gary Forde heads up a unique team drawn from throughout the UK and Europe. They pride themselves in making sure their clients will never get stuck in a ‘hair-rut’ and will always be noticed for their crowning glory.

alking in to an interior of rustic wood,


It is easy to see the experience that Gary and his Forde team have, just

seriously cool wallpaper, all with a glamorous

by looking at the creative visuals they produce. The Raw collection, shot

yet industrial feel, you get the feeling that you are walking

by Brigton based photographer Mark Vessey is a collection of eight hair

into a salon that knows its business well, with a staff ready to

images produced just in the one day, which as an ex-Fashion and Beauty

pamper to your every hair need.

Editor, I can tell you is no mean feet…

UK Ambassador for leading electrical and brush line Corioliss (at the

“It was a fast paced day and myself and the Forde crew really

recent Hair magazine awards, Corioliss won best brush line), famous

worked hard to achieve such distinctive portfolio”.

for spotting new model faces, creating new and interesting techniques

As well as being a session stylist at events including Graduate Fashion Week

and running such an on trend salon, you could say Gary has his finger

and Brighton Fashion Week, Gary also enjoys his role as session hairdresser

in many pies!

with our very own Sussex mag, Absolute. His strong collaboration with hot young designer Eaton Nott has also earned Gary the reputation as the

Working with leading specialist hair title HAIR, Gary recently produced

‘go-to’ man in Brighton for on-trend, fashion forward hair styling.

a fabulous editorial collection at the Powis Street Studio in Brighton. Featuring up and coming model Gloria, (scouted from Brighton’s very

The most important thing for Gary and his team however is to send home

own Grand Hotel), in which he takes her hair through a journey of 5

happy clients. We all know it’s quite easy to get stuck in a hair rut, but that

ways in 5 days… These are styles that clients can pop in to the ‘Style Bar’

is something that the Forde crew just won’t allow.

at the Forde salon and have recreated for themselves without having to


have a complete hair overhaul. It’s a very New York type of thing, where

“Forde clients constantly want their hair to evolve – and as their

women on a regular basis pop in to their salon for a blow-out (blow dry

stylists we feel responsible for this journey”, says salon owner

to us Brits!)

Gary Forde.


“ Forde clients

constantly want their hair to evolve – and as their stylists we feel responsible for this journey.”

To ensure this remains the rule, every client enjoys a full consultation at the commencement of their hair journey at this fabulous salon.

“This time is allocated as a one-to-one conversation with our client to not only be assured of their personal well-being, but to hone in on their hair health and happiness.” The result needs no explanation as Forde Hair have a wealth of very loyal clients….all with fabulous hair! Forde Hairdressing, 161 North Street, Brighton, BN1 1EZ 01273 323319 Facebook Twitter



FIZZ & FOOD My Slice

The word Shandiz originates from

Royal Oak

a small town in Iran, known for its authentic traditional dishes. Shandiz is a family run business located in the heart of Hove, offering traditional homemade Persian dishes, to infuse your Middle Eastern taste buds. They really take pride in their food, as everything is made from fresh, using only the Check out the new authentic Roman pizza bar, serving up fresh and healthy pizza al taglio –pizza by the square slice- inspired by the street food vendors of Rome. Their light and crispy pizza dough is made with the best wheat and soya flours and is naturally leavened for a minimum of 48 hours. With lower levels of gluten, yeast and salt than

finest ingredients, by their dedicated Persian chef. The restaurant is decorated with Persian antiques with the walls resounding with the sound of classical Persian music. Staff are friendly and welcoming and aim to make this a rich, authentic dining experience to remember

The Royal Oak at Poynings has been under its current ownership since 1996. Enjoy stunning surroundings and views from our Sussex Downs location, just a short drive from the vibrant city of Brighton and Hove. The kitchen team is headed up by Dominque Toussaint and Simon May, assisted by Nick, Kyle and their enthusiastic (and busy!) team. This


is the place to hunker down on a rainy

most pizzas, one slice of their baked

day or enjoy a sun-filled garden when

dough contains only 125 calories.

that golden globe in the sky appears!

Delicious and not so unhealthy!


They change the delicious pizza toppings daily and have a range of vegan and gluten free options, as well as homemade salads, toasted Italian sandwiches, cakes, ice-cream, cordials and quality coffee.


Established in Hove in 1992, Orsino Italian Restaurant is a family owned restaurant for locals in the know, serving a large variety of Italian dishes at its very best. With a relaxed atmosphere and very


A Lebanese, North African and Middle

friendly staff, Orsino Italian Restaurant

Eastern restaurant on Brighton’s busy

offers all the traditional dishes you’d

Western Road, A Taste of Sahara gives

expect in an Italian restaurant and also

seaside dwellers a taste of the exotic at a

includes many more sophisticated dishes

very reasonable price. With its delicate

according to your taste at the time.

Arabian food and décor created with care


to reflect the typical Mediterranean story

main restaurant, bar and coffee shop is

leading Japanese Chef Mike Dodd and

books and holiday brochures – all pierced

organised over 2 floors and open 363

DJ Norman Cook, Okinami offers an

Moroccan tin lanterns, heavy wood and

days a year, with 3 separate private rooms

authentic Japanese culinary experience

rich colors – Sahara Restaurant has a

over 3 other floors, offering private dining

based around two fundamental principals

look which reflects the diverse flavors

or party rooms for any occasion and a

– the quality and freshness of ingredients.

of its immensely flavorful menu (North

special set menu for any type of event.

African, Middle Eastern, Lebanese, and

The comprehensive restaurant menu offer

Vegetarian menu). From Halal Kebabs

a wide range of food, with a selection

to Tagines and Couscous, Sheesha Patio

of freshly cooked fish, meat and Italian

and Mint Tea; one’s Middle Eastern

dishes, including pasta, fresh hand-made

and Iranian favorites are offered by the

pizzas and a large selection of vegetarian

restaurant’s kitchen, along with some

dishes made on the premises. They also

lesser known dishes that will tempt the

offer Gluten free & Vegan dishes. If you

more adventurous diners. In particular,

don’t fancy a full on meal then this is a

the restaurant’s mezzes prove popular,

great place to sit in the bar area sipping

the sharing concept somehow suited to

on a cocktail or partaking of a slice of

this kind of cuisine, particularly when

cake from their delicious desert menu.

accompanied by the BYOB policy.

Al Duomo

Oki Nami

Nu Posto

NuPosto brings the authentic Naples Pizza and Bar experience to Brighton. Finest ingredients are used to create fabulous Pizza, The style is totally different to what someone in the UK or America would normally be used to. The dough is made in house with a “plunging arm’ dough machine imported from Italy and is cooked very quickly in an oven at around 400 degrees. The result is a very light puffy crust with the odd char mark

Oki-Nami Japanese restaurant was

and the interior is liquidy, probably what

first based in Hove for thirteen years

you would describe as ‘soggy’. Neapolitans

before moving to its new home in the

love it like this! They eat it with a knife

heart of Brighton at 6 New Road next

and fork (it’s not suitable for picking up as

popular longest established family run

to the Theatre Royal. It’s an eclectic mix

a slice) and they then mop up the liquid

Italian restaurants, offering a warm,

of contemporary interior design mixed

left on the plate with the puffy crust. I

friendly Italian atmosphere with

with the period Regency features of

think it’s a bit of a Marmite thing...you

authentic Italian restaurant food. The

the listed building. Now co-owned by

either love Neapolitan pizza or you don’t.

Al Duomo is one of Brighton’s most



Memories Of India

A new culinary journey to India and

super friendly. You can enjoy bar meals and snacks over a relaxing drink in the

Brighton’s Newest Cocktail Bar and

Tropical Bar (bamboo clad with the best

Late Lounge with beautifully prepared

bar stools in town) or indulge yourself

drinks, an eclectic interior, Brighton’s

in the comfort of the Bali Brasserie

best DJs and a central location (right

restaurant. Eating at Brighton and

opposite the seafront and only minutes

Hove’s premier Indonesian-Malaysian

walk from Churchill Square Shopping

restaurant is an experience you won’t

Centre); The new No.1 Middle Street

forget. A tribute to the quality of their

Bar is expected to be the hottest spot for

cuisine was The Bali Brasserie being

trendy socialites and cocktail enthusiasts.

the Pansub continent. Here they create

chosen to cater for H.R.H. Prince

a modern mix of culinary skills, which

Charles at the Brighton Royal Pavilion.

is carefully researched by their qualified and skilful chefs from varied parts of India to provide healthy and delicious

An added bonus are the Karaoke nights and a great pool table. TEL: 01273 323810.

food. The executive chef has got an immense amount of passion and skill for culinary art and has worked with some

No.1 Middle Street

The owners are always at the venue, personally welcoming guests and making sure to take every care to ensure that their needs are catered to. Hospitality is at the heart of this venue, catering for the party needs of hens, stags regular party

China Garden

goers, tourists and businessmen alike. During the week the well lit venue

of the leading restaurant chains in the

with large bay windows is clean, calm,

UK and abroad. Delight in a distinctive

fresh and playing subtle lounge music,

creative menu and first class service.

but as the weekend commences you can expect to enjoy disco lights, club music, Latin nights and a busy club scene either

Bali Brasserie

at the main bar or VIP Late Lounge. If you are looking to enjoy excellent service and skilfully prepared cocktails then this is the place to visit. China Garden has been serving Chinese, Cantonese and Dim Sum

Blue Mango

cuisine for the past 30 years. You will receive a warm welcome at this beautiful restaurant, conveniently situated on the corner of Preston Street with a great view This is one of my favourite places in Brighton and I would rather

and a capacity of 150, offering the ideal

keep this gem to myself…but then I

setting for an intimate meal with family

wouldn’t be doing my job properly!

or friends, but also the ability to cater

Blue Mango at Brighton Marina

for private parties. What sets this apart

represents the pinnacle of chefs fusing

atmosphere of the Far East, right here in

from other Asian style restaurants in

art with culinary excellence. “We aim

East Sussex. Owner TC (Tanjit Calais),

Brighton is the wide variety of delicious

for our food to be a feast for the eyes,

and his chefs bring you the very best of

dim sum dishes which are served daily

mouth and soul”… a bold statement

Indonesian and Malaysian dishes at the

12-4pm while the A La Carte menu runs

for sure! I can certailnly say that the

Bali Brasserie restaurant and they are

right through the day from 12 noon.

service and food here is impeccable.

Experience the culinary delights and


of the sea. There is a fully licensed bar


More than just a great Indian restaurant,



SEATED ON THE SEA ….Practically There are not that many restaurants directly on the seafront of Brighton and Hove that lend themselves to an evening meal.




e have a few daytime din-

to ask the waitress on and she is indeed

I can’t abide it when a tuna steak has been

ing options and of course

very knowledgeable about the whole I360

overcooked, so was happy to cut in to a

the obligatory fish and

building process. Not just a pretty face and

pink-as-you-like, flashed to the pan steak

chip shops and ice cream parlours but

an attentive waitress. You really could not

that literally melted in the mouth. My

apart from that we are surprisingly limited.

find a restaurant closer to what will be an

partner’s verdict on his Calzone, (of which

Riddle and Finns (was once Due South),

iconic landmark of Sussex.

the chef was happy to reinvent the filling to

and Alfresco seem to be our only upmarket and centrally located options. I visited Alfresco on a warm evening (at last our summer seems to have arrived) and sat upstairs in the Rotunda, looking out to sea, with a sun dipping to my right


his taste, and a dish which he usually has at

Day or night Alfresco gives the closest you can get to beachfront dining, offering lovely food in a superb location.

one of his regular haunts), was that it was lighter and less ‘doughy’ than his usual and got the expert calzone eater thumbs up! By day the Shoreline Restaurant, which is practically on the pebble beach, with the

and a beautifully coloured sunset. The

Alfrescos head chef, John Dickson has

front of the restaurant opening out on to a

Rotunda restaurant has an art deco feel to

won 2 AA rosettes at his previous job at

terrace, is an ideal setting for lunch, drinks

it and reminds me a little of the captains

Burnham Beeches and was also Sous Chef

and coffee and would make the perfect set-

deck on a ship. Completely surrounded by

at Cliveden House, so we are looking for-

ting for a wedding reception.

glass windows and the terraces outside, in

ward to something a bit special. The food

Day or night Alfresco gives the closest

a contemporary room of deep reds, it’s a re-

is ‘modern Italian classics’ and I admit to

you can get to beachfront dining, offering

laxing and sophisticated venue with stun-

taking quite some time to choose as there

lovely food in a superb location.

ning views. From my seat I can see the Sus-

is nothing worse than food envy!

sex coast line at its best, the West Pier, the

My dining partner and I share a starter of

still sea, the lilac skies and to my partner’s

Calamari (the black aioli dip is lovely) and

great joy the advancement in the building

Crab Terrine (light and fresh). My next

of the I360, which he has a lot of questions

course of Tuna Steak Salad is delicious.


http://www.alfresco-brighton.co.uk/ TEL: 01273 206523



Q A &


Q&A With SUSSEX Best Chef

Chaula’s Indian Restaurant is an authentic Gujarati restaurant sat in the South Lanes, providing traditional dishes originating from Gujarat, alongside a menu of all-time favourites from all over India. Head Chef: Jagdamba Jagdish Prasad Dangwal





experiment and they were definitely

Chef Jagdamba started

experiments, but, that didn’t matter as it

his career in 1999 in his

was just home cooking after all!

hometown, Mumbai, in India. He brings

Talking about inspiration, it was my

over 10 years of experience at luxury hotels

mother who inspired me to cook. I usually

and restaurants such as Supreme Heritage

stayed with her in kitchen and helped her

Hotel Mumbai, Imperial Palace Hotel

with the cooking and at the same time

Mumbai, Hyatt Regency Mumbai, Royal

learnt new stuff all the time. Slowly, I took

Kamat Restaurant Solapur, Vista Do Ria

over her kitchen giving her a well-earned

Resort and Albert Abela Sharjah Dubai.

rest, at least for a while until I started my

That’s a lot of expertise!

job. After that, it was my wife who took over from me in the kitchen at home.

Q: Did you cook when you were growing up and if so who inspired you?



Before you become a chef, did you

Yes, I started cooking when I was a

think that’s what you would be doing

child. I found cooking really good fun

eventually or did you picture something

and I never felt bored with it. There was


a whole new world of colourful spices to

A: To be honest, I had two dreams in my

play with and I enjoyed creating new tastes

life. One was to be a chef and the other was

and flavours with every single cooking

to become a soldier in the Indian Army.


I always liked the personality behind the Indian Army and what it stood for; smart, disciplined and hardworking. The other thing that appealed about joining and very typical of a young boy was that it would give me the chance to play with a variety of weapons and armours, which happens to be a hobby of mine now. I was extremely patriotic and approved of the idea of defending your country in its time of need. I chose the life of a chef instead but my patriotism will never fade.

Q: What was it that got you into cooking: Cook books, TV, your parents?


My parents are the main thing that

got me to where I am now. Since my childhood, I heard my parents talking about my relatives becoming chefs in big hotels and famous restaurants and earning prestige as well as fortune. So, something clicked in my mind and I decided then and there to follow in my elder’s path and aim to become a chef (rather than join the army).


Is there a signature dish at Chaula’s

Indian Restaurant that would be difficult to find anywhere else?


Yes. It’s called Fish Malvani and is

available in our Lewes and Brighton restaurants. This curry is originally from Malvan in Maharastra, India. Malvan is a costal area where fish curry with rice is a local food and is very popular in India. The curry is coconut based, hence a medium spiced curry with salmon fish in it. Our customers love it. BRIGHTON 2-3 Little East Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1HT. TEL: 01273 771 661 LEWES 6 Eastgate Street, Lewes, East Sussex County BN7 2LP LEWES – TEL: 01273 476 707



EASY PEESY Piccolo A Restaurant that ‘does what it says on the tin’…. Welcoming, yummy, central and easy on the pocket.


By Polly Humphris


iccolo is an example of that


young, hungry children (one adult, two

tomato and oregano sauce for £6.00, and

rare restaurant anomaly

under 6s: a combination that rarely ends

a spag bol with a rich, well-seasoned meat

that manages to team a

in nothing but indigestion and tears), a

ragu that both kids not only finished,

central Brighton location with decent

point that was immediately picked up on

but asked for more of for £6.00 – what’s

food and prices that make you question

by the attentive staff who promptly came

not to love? Regardless of the more than

whether you’ve read the menu properly.

to my rescue with paper, colouring pens,

reasonable cost, everything tasted good.

Sat right in the middle of Brighton’s

drinks and garlic bread to tide them over.

You don’t go to Piccolo for a Michelin-

tourist throng, just minutes from the sea

When the inevitable drink spill occurred,

starred experience, you go to get fed and

and seconds from the Lanes – an area that

it was dealt with quickly and without

watered well; something they do with

seems to inspire in most eateries a sense of

fuss; when the littlest one got restless, she


entitlement to charge double figures for

was distracted and made to laugh, taking

most starters.

her seat once more and tucking into her

Which isn’t to say it’s drab; it’s not. There’s

spaghetti Bolognese. Bravo Piccolo: you

lots of colour on the walls, and there’s

are a restaurant that caters for real family

always a buzz of people milling about

meals, not those quiet, tidy and seamless

outside lending it that busy bustle you

family meals of parents’ wild imaginations.

expect from an Italian restaurant. Piccolo

And so the food. Five juicy king prawns

market themselves as a family restaurant

in butter, garlic and white wine for £5.50;

and that they are; I walked in with two

a huge Hawaiian pizza with a delicious


The House of Piccolo, Brighton. 56 Ship St, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1AF 01273 203701 piccolo-restaurant.co.uk

Bravo Piccolo: you are a restaurant that caters for real family meals, not those quiet, tidy and seamless family meals of parents’ wild imaginations.



Dinner2Go Fancy a quiet night in with gourmet food, but can’t cook, won’t cook or just can’t be bothered? Then it’s time to call upon Dinner2Go, your Brighton-based foodie taxi service to do the hard work for you. Forget your dinner jacket, just put on your PJs, put your feet up and get a delivery right to your doorstep from your favourite restaurant or takeaway in Brighton and Hove.

Dinner2Go is a food delivery service,

“I had a craving for tapas in the sun, so I

bringing your favourite meals straight to your

ordered some from Aguadulce via Dinner2Go

home or office. And we’re not just talking

and within 30 mins, I was enjoying tapas and

about your usual chain takeaway stuffed crusts

sangria in my sunlit garden- heavenly!”

and dough balls. This is restaurant-quality fare

Customer - Sarah Sherred, Hove

direct from Brighton and Hove’s coolest and

It’s not just the customers that are reaping

downright awesome restaurant brands. Think

the culinary rewards. Dinner2Go’s corporate

brands like Aguadulce, Brighton Pagoda, Al

services are helping restaurants all around

Duomo, Gars, YO Sushi, Memories of India

Brighton and Hove to reach out to new

and many more at your own kitchen table.

markets, providing them with a new and

Even dessert is covered with Brighton ice cream

exciting platform to attract the hungry hordes.

connoisseurs Boho Gelato available at your

Dinner2Go provides a tried and tested food

beck and call. Whether your guilty pleasure is

delivery service that makes the whole ordering/

Sea Salt Caramel, White Chocolate & Choco

accounting/reporting side of things a whole lot

Chips or Mango Yoghurt, you’ll get your just

easier for the whole restaurant team, and allows

desserts ready for those long Summer nights!

them to concentrate on what really matters –

Dinner2Go has a modest £10 minimum

creating exceptional dishes!

order policy (Not including delivery charge) and the service runs seven days a week from

Visit: www.dinner2go.co.uk/ to place your

12pm through to 11pm. If you fancy a tipple

order and to find out about corporate services

then there is even an off license delivery service

or email info@dinner2go.co.uk for more

from 5pm to 11pm.




Azaro Azaro are super ecstatic and proud to bring the people of Brighton and Hove real authentic “Desi” Indian “Feel Good Food” prepared and served as you would find in any in traditional Indian kitchen.


They opened for business just over a year and a half ago and in that short

Azaro are very proud of the way they use ingredients too, which are all

space of time they have claimed a truly unique position and identified a

sourced locally (Hove) where possible. This allows them to receive fresh

niche in the market which will rejuvenate the traditional minded Indian

produce, especially their fish and vegetables, delivered on a daily basis, as

Curry houses and street food concept forever.

they are only a stones throw from the beach! Thanks to the guys at Fish

They appreciate that as a nation there are no people more serious about Indian Food outside of India than we are, here in the United Kingdom.

Furthermore Azaro understand and hugely appreciate the value in

Indian cuisine is still regarded as their national dish today, and at Azaro

supporting small local independent family run businesses and suppliers,

they feel they can take this a step further for the benefit of their diners

like themselves. Again most importantly, they are great believers in

and ensure that they take ownership of this, so it remains their national

focusing on offering a simplified menu of 10 main dishes creatively

dish for many years to come....

presented, instead of spreading themselves thin and attempting a menu

Their menu is fresh & simple and takes their guests on a gastronomic

of 50-75plus dishes, they focus on quality over quantity each and every

journey through India by offering dishes from the diverse regions of the

time and give their guests the option to specify how they would like their

country. India is more a continent than a country and has so much more

flavour/spice levels from Mild, Regular Hot and even true Desi style,

to offer than Thali’s and street food.

(Desi meaning truly authentic Indian style), thus ensuring that each and

From Goa, Kerala, Hyderabad, Maharashtra and as far as the Kashmiri

every single dish is “Tailor made” for your individual pallet.

mountains, based on credible market research and the conducting of

It doesn’t stop there, Azaro ensures all of their herbs and spices are all

numerous focus groups with the local councils Azaro has identified that

sourced from bespoke suppliers and they use Ayurvedic ingredients such

people want to eat “Real” food and not the British enhanced version,

as Turmeric, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Saffron, Cumin seeds, fenugreek,

hence the reason why they have gone back to basics and ensured each one

curry leaves, coriander and ginger to name a few, all of which contribute

of their dishes are prepared using only the finest ingredients, but are also

towards immense medicinal healing properties. So out goes the thinking

presented and cooked in the traditional method as it has been done for

that Indian food at Azaro is unhealthy because the truth is the traditional

many many years in India.

method of cooking and the use of the many herbs and spices makes their

One great example of this is their signature Hyderabadi Dhum Biryani



food good for the body, mind and soul.

which is made with the finest Indian Basmati rice, traditional herbs,

All of Azaro’s meat and fish dishes undergo a 24 hour marination

spices and then covered with a flour dough to lock in the flavours and

process, which draws out and enhances the flavours to their fullest . With

infuse the aromas, a true way to enjoy a real biryani, Hyderabadi style!

most of their cooking done using their own traditional gas and charcoal

(Images of this dish and lots of other mouthwatering dishes can be seen

clay ovens (Tandoors) a wholesome and healthier culinary experience is

on their website).

delivered every time you visit.


Tandoori food is always going to be extremely healthy as it is cooked

currently in the top 3 restaurants collectively from over 253 restaurants

without oil and grilling on charcoal which allows any excess fat in the

in Hove and are on top of Google search listings for BEST Indian

meat to simply melt away. They ensure all their Tandoori dishes are

Restaurant in Brighton and Hove.

cooked on the charcoal which gives it a real authentic taste as compared to gas ovens.

As a result of their endeavours Azaro have this year been nominated for the National Curry Awards 2015, who have commended them on

Catering for all tastes, the variety of vegetarian options Azaro offer

how they have revolutionised the Curry scene in Brighton and Hove

are just as important and a perfect example of this is their signature dish

Azaro firmly believes that their cuisine deserves not only mention on the

Vegetable Kolapuri- a traditional dish from the state of Maharashtra in

ingredients and cooking process but also from a more cultural prospective

Western India which is made with all fresh, seasonal vegetables. (Please

service is just as important, hence why they only short-list and recruit the

refer to their outstanding Reviews regarding this delightful dish)

best associates who have previously worked for luxury and leading high

Despite the short period of time that Azaro Hove has been opened,

end brands such as American Express Travel, Giorgio Armani, Hyatt

they were delighted to be nominated by the House of Commons to

Group, ITC Hotels and the Estee Lauder Luxury Division, and have

represent Hove for the National Tiffin Cup Curry Awards 2014, not

hosted various national presidents such as Mr Vajpayee, Pervez Musharraf

only this they have been very fortunate to host our very own Foreign

and president Bill Clinton himself all at a Special State Banquet which

Minister Mr William Hague, who visited Azaro and commented very

took place at the Hyatt in Kathmandu.

enthusiastically on how delicious their Chicken Tikka was after sampling

You really must visit and meet the team at Azaro for the most authentic

it. He went further to add that it was possibly the best Chicken Tikka

& flavoursome spring lamb sheekh Kebabs, melt in your mouth Chicken

he’s ever had! Quite some endorsement!(A video of this actual footage

Tikka (Mr William Hague’s personal favourite) or Paneer Shashlik, giant

and conversation can been viewed on Azaro’s Facebook and twitter feed,

fresh and locally sourced Tandoori Prawns, or bite into their signature

(please search Azaro Hove Facebook).

Tandoori lamb chops or savour a variety of Vegetarian dishes.

Azaro continues to receive a multitude of reviews and accolades from the likes of the Gluten Free Society, International award winning

Azaro: where from the moment you enter through their doors the “Feel Good Factor” begins and all five of your senses come alive.

author and food columnist Peter James, numerous other re-known Food Bloggers and countless guest reviews on how amazing their food really is

15 Church Rd,

and also the meticulous effort that is put in to ensure that they are always


offering outstanding customer service each and every visit, hence in the

BN3 2AF,

short time that they have been open and “live” with Trip Advisor they are

01273 900007





BRIGHTON PAGODA The West Quay Brighton Marina, BN2 5UF 01273 819053 www.brightonpagoda.co.uk #brightonpagoda delivery avialble via www.dinner2go.co.uk

Child’s Play Sussex and the South Coast has so much to offer when it comes to providing child friendly things to do, areas to visit, places to eat and drink and fun activities. We asked the team in the know, CHILD FRIENDLY BRIGHTON, for some fresh ideas on what to do with your children over the holidays and weekends. •Makerlab 1st August - 5th September 2015 MakerLab will be holding A Youth

▷ CODE your own mobile App

The Outdoors Project believes “Nature

▷ CREATE the next big tech idea

makes you nicer, enhancing social interaction,

Technology Festival this Summer Holidays

▷ DISCOVER a future you never dreamed of !

value for community and close relationships”.

with over 50 events to get young people

Half day and full day courses available

Please see the website for full details, activity

building awesome stuff with technology! For

All events take place between 1st August - 5th

lists and dates for this Summer 2015: www.

ages 6 and above with all levels and abilities

September 2015 @ The Brighton MakerLab,


catered for in a safe environment, taught by

114 London Road, BN1 4LJ

industry professionals and teachers! MakerLab

Specific event details can be found on their

is Brighton’s first technology education space

website http://makerclub.org/

for 7-16 year olds. Learn to invent any-thing with sessions in coding, game design and robot building! The Brighton MakerLab is kitted out with 3D printers, it’s own laptops and a range of awesome electronics, it’s fully insured and all staff are DBS checked. The space is

•Outdoors Project

one of the first of its kind in the Country and

August The Outdoors Project run high-energy

hosts after-school clubs, weekend workshops

adventure Holiday Clubs and Activity Days,

and tech workshops. MakerLab is designed

suitable for children aged 6-12 years old. Their

from the ground up on the simple ethos that

all-weather, outdoor clubs take place in local

everyone should know how to create cool stuff

parks and green spaces, and are perfect for

– like robots and automatons and electronic

developing friendships, trust, teamwork and

textiles and scribbling machines and cardboard


• Fishers


Fishers Farm Park is an award winning

monsters and, well, you get the idea! Kitted

This Summers’ sessions will be held at various

attraction, set in the heart of West Sussex

out with all the components and technology

parks across Brighton including: St Ann’s Well

countryside, and offers a great family day of

to make teaching science, engineering and

Gardens, Hove Park, Withdean Complex and

fun, adventure and discovery. No matter what

electronics super fun, it’s a unique educational

Preston Park.

time of year you visit, there is so much to do,

space that’s specialising in creative learning


1st August – 21st

Awarded “Best National After School Club

with a good combination of outdoor and

through technology.

2014” in the What’s On for Junior Awards

indoor activities. Outdoors there are lots of

▷ LEARN to program with Minecraft

2014, they offer sessions including Bushcraft

play areas such as enormous bouncy pillows,

▷ EXPLORE worlds in Virtual Reality

Survival Skills, Air Toys, Forest School, Nerf

tractor rides, go karts, trampolines, rock wall

▷ DESIGN your own video games

Games, Castaway Survival Games, Rock

climbing, zip wires, helter skelter, climbing

▷ BUILD your own robots

Climbing and their very own brand of Muddy

frames and merry-go rounds, mazes (and lots

▷ MAKE circuit boards from playdough


more). There is the ‘Alpine Lodge’ which has a


skating rink and toboganning, there are even ‘Bumper Boats’ in the

• Nymans


Pirates Bay open all year round. There are lots of special events such

Is a garden lovers’ home - a place to relax all year round and enjoy a

as “meet the animals” shows, family discos, and pig racing! There are

peaceful country garden and one of the National Trust’s most eco- friendly

pony rides, and secret woodland trails for nature lovers. There are lots

properties and they aim to inspire a more sustainable way of living.

of animals to see in the animal barn, and regular ‘animal handling’

There is a large shop and plant centre with a special collection of plants

sessions where the kids can hold, stroke and learn about a wide range

grown on site, a cafe offering a choice of seasonal food made in house, and

of animals from a very old tortoise, to unusual ducklings and rabbits.

a Grab & Go kiosk in the tea garden.

There is also lots of indoor soft play separated into different zones

Every day there are guided walks and talks in the garden and woods, a

according to age group. Comfy seating close by for adults, so that you

small gallery in the house with changing exhibitions for every season, a

can relax while keeping an eye on the kids!

second-hand bookshop, shop tastings and mobility tours of the garden

There are several child friendly eating outlets here as well, and each one has a ‘mum’s microwave’ for heating up baby milk / baby food. The restaurant has lots of highchairs and there are real saddles at the ordering counter made into stools for the children to sit on when ordering – a bit of fun!

and woods. For children there are natural play trails, geocaching in the garden and woods, pick up and go activities and school holiday trails. In July and August the garden is open for evening performances of open-air theatre and Jazz. Set in the meadow, with stunning views across

In all, it is a really friendly attraction to visit, the staff are very

the Sussex Weald, our annual programme of open-air performance and

welcoming and helpful. My advice, arrive early to give yourselves

music has plenty of choice for all, whether you’re looking for a play that

enough time to see and do everything here! For more information

all the family can enjoy or a performance of Shakespeare.

about what there is to see and do, please visit the website:

Gates open for picnics an hour before performances begin. Ticket


prices vary, booking essential. For more information about what’s on over the summer visit the website: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/nymans/things-to-see-and-do/events/

• Brightons • Lucys

Big Screen

14th August – 13thSeptember

Little Forest School

Brighton’s Big Screen announces its return for 2015 with a movie line-

Dates: Every Wednesdays during the summer holidays

up jam packed with blockbuster, classic and family movies. The much-

5th August, 12th August, 19th August, 26th August

loved open air cinema event will return to Brighton beachfront from

Lucy’s Little Forest School held in the Wilderness Wood and

the 14th August – 13thSeptember 2015 with its biggest and best movie

Stanmer Park

line-up to date. All daytime showings are FREE to attend with showings

Enjoy adventures in the wilderness! Wilderness wood is an

from 5pm onwards from £3 per person. The new gigantic 40sqm, 8mm

inspirational environment, with 62acres of woodland, wilderness

screen will showcase over 90 movie screenings including: Interstellar,

café and play area, which includes mud kitchen, zip wire and loads

The Goonies, Frozen Sing-Along, Paddington, Guardians of the Galaxy,


Dirty Dancing & Blade Runner, to name a few, plus live coverage from

The activities provided are Forest School based adventures

the Grand Prix. Brighton’s Big Screen is also excited to announce that the

including story telling, Gruffalo, wild things as well as fairy/elf ’s.

venue will host this year’s Rugby World Cup Fan Zone from the 18th –

Bushcraft and woodland baking. The possibilities are endless but

20th September 2015.

it’s all about exploring, adventures, and getting muddy, Being warm

Situated on Brighton Beach next to the Pier and the Wheel, Brighton’s

and feeling comfortable, Meeting new people and working together

Big Screen 2015 will also include a brand new stylish beach bar, made

adults and children alike.

from converted shipping containers and reclaimed wood, along with

Come and join a forest school group. Lots of summer activities available, please see the website for further details.This is for children aged 2-12 Years.

pop-up restaurants from some of the cities most loved restaurants including Chilli Pickle. To book tickets go to: www.brightonsbigscreen.com. Daytime films

For more information please go to

starting at 2pm are FREE with evening films starting at 5pm from £3


per person.



• Arthropod


Every Thursday and Friday in August 6th,7th,13th,14th,20th,21st,27th & 28th Imagine an artist studio, toy shop and science lab and you are close to getting what Arthropod Arts is all about! They believe that creative relationships will nurture the next generation of artists, scientists, inventors and makers. Creativity and fun are at the heart of what they do and they believe that through the process of creating something, transformational things can happen! This summer join Anna and Sharon from Arthropod Arts for their Art & Science workshops!

• Playbus

Fantastic themes each week to:

Various Dates – Please see below

Create amazing artworks with clay foam, Felt, water colours & more.

The play sessions are free, open to all and will be offering a range of

Experiment & make your own slime, volcanoes & bathbombs.

creative activities, exciting play equipment and loose parts. Families

£5 per hour per workshop. Aged 6+

are welcome but children under the age of 8 will need to have adult

Timetable on website www.arthropodarts.co.uk

supervision. Older children can come and go as they choose. As well as the Playbus Team the sessions will be run in partnership



session, including National Play Day. Come and join the Active for

Mon 17th Aug 2- 4 pm

Life team and have a go at the Active for Life challenge, tag rugby and

Wed 19th Aug 10 am– 12 pm Fairytales



Children of all abilities and backgrounds have the chance to play freely

Pirates & Mermaids

Tue 18th Aug 2- 4 pm

Wizard’s Adventure

together, interact and make new friends. Every child has the right to play

Thu 20th Aug 10am –12pm

Indian Dance Story

and the Play bus are committed to promoting the importance of play

Have fun making props and then use them to create imaginative dances to great music.

wherever they work. The bus carries a wide range of equipment including • physical play such as scooters, bikes, sports equipment, stilts and

£9 per child / £7 concession / £8 each sibling All materials and refreshments included

juggling equipment.


lots of items to stimulate different aspects of play which include:

• indoor activities such as books, card games and Lego. • creative play through the provision of art materials, face paints, music, and group games. • challenging play which includes activities such as bonfires, climbing and working with tools. • imaginative play which can involve dressing up and role playing with other children or staff. • all children under 8 must be supervised by a responsible adult • some of the activities can be messy, please wear appropriate clothes For more information and the latest updates visit:


the People

A brand new addition to the UK festival scene, reveals its debut line-up. Taking place in Preston Park in Brighton on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September 2015, TTP is a 5,000 capacity, non-camping music and arts festival founded by local music promotions company One Inch

www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/playbus Monday 3, 4, 6, 7 August

Kingswood and Milner Estate, Brighton

Wednesday 5 August

National Play Day, Hove Park

Badge. Together The People’s primary focus is to celebrate Music, Food, Community, Film and Arts within the city of Brighton by delivering a high quality, creative, family friendly and socially aware flagship event

Monday 10 to Friday 14 August 67 Centre park, Moulsecoomb Monday 17 to Friday 21 August HaybourneRoad Playground, Whitehawk Monday 24 to Friday 28 August Hangleton Park, Hangleton

Wed 19th & Thu 20th Aug 2-4 pm The 4 Elements Choreograph a dance about the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. This will be created over two afternoons using props and inspiring music.

5th – 6th September

If you’re coming along, please remember


• Magic

with Active for Life who will be coming to every Monday and Wednesday

accessible to all and kids under 11 get in FREE all weekend!With great music very much at the heart of the festival, TTP’s debut line-up reflects an eclectic mix ofnew talent, beloved legends and contemporary


stars. Headlining the main stage on Saturday are irreverent Welsh pop collective Super Furry Animals and Brighton folk-rock stalwarts The Levellers, political poet and master singer-songwriter Billy Bragg and Mercury-nominated producer/MCGhostpoet amongst others. Sunday will see 1960s Motown legends Martha Reeves & The Vandellas take to the main stage, along with instrumental duo Public Service Broadcasting, folk songstress Lucy Rose and Roots Manuva who was recently dubbed “England’s greatest rapper” by The Independent. More Brighton talent will be represented with psychedelic hip-hop outfit Dizrali & The Small Gods and local party providers Carnival Collective opening the stage. The very special guest headliner for Sunday at Together The People will be revealed soon! There will also be plenty of family fun on offer! On the main stage on Sunday afternoon audiences will be treated to one of the theatre shows round: The Cat In The Hat, based on the much loved book by Dr

• Zippos

Seuss. Expect towering hats, mischief and an imagination recharge! Ever

August 20th – September 1st

popular book and TV series Horrible Histories will also be taking to the

And now…OMG! Zippo’s are back with a brand-new 2015 show, and

stage on Saturday with their brilliantly funny educational theatre show

that’s what they’ve called it. For a good reason – it’s so brill you’ll be

‘Barmy Britain’; a breakneck rollick through 1,000 years of our great land

shouting it out! This year’s sparkling production features world-renowned

that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages!

musical clowns the Rastellis, the beautiful horses and High School riding

Art Installations and exhibition spaces curated by Studio 45 and

of Summer, and human-pyramid acrobats the Zulu Warriors.

Cassette Lord, with a number of workshops including spray painting

Hand-balancer Kremena was a gold medal-winning gymnast for her

and street art, screen printing, pottery, lino-cut, woodblock printing and

native Bulgaria before turning her talents to the sawdust ring; handsome

circus skills plus, interactive fun for kids.

and daring Salvatore will make hearts beat faster as he flies high in chains.

With a wealth of exciting producers on their doorstep, Together The

Climax to the show is the nerve-tingling motorcycle Globe of Terror,

People will offer festival-goers the very best in local independent food

with four bikers racing horizontally inside the tiny space while – seen here

and drink. Street Diner will present ‘Street Food Revolution’ including

for the first time – the Globe splits open as they ride!

Dead Good Burrito, Ahimsa, Fries Guys, Guerrilla Grill and Sultans

The World’s Greatest Ringmaster, Norman Barrett MBE, also trains

Delight. There will also be several bars serving beverages from local

and presents his much-loved budgies in an act seen recently on television’s

breweries. More information on the food and drinks TBA

‘Sunday Night at the London Palladium’. Star clowns the Rastellis have won top awards all over the world.


Historians have traced the roots of the Rastelli family to the 17th century.

Weekend Tickets

100 years ago, Enrico Rastelli was the world’s cleverest and most famous

£70 + booking fee – Adult Weekend (16+)

juggler. The Rastellis took to clowning in the 1920s. Older brother

£37.50 + booking fee – Child Weekend (11-15 yrs.

Oreste turned down a promising classical career as a pianist to follow

Must be accompanied by adult 18+)

the family’s comedy tradition as clown. Zippo’s Circus has tempted the

£0 – Infant Weekend (under 11yrs.

current generation to make their first British appearances for over thirty

Must be accompanied by adult 18+)

years. In the musical routine they’ve perfected, Oreste is joined by his

Day Tickets

brother Vittorio and sister-in-law Hajni, and audiences also love the

£39.50 + booking fee – Adult Day (16+)

brothers’ take on the classic ‘broken mirror’ routine.

£20 + booking fee – Child Day (11-15 yrs. Must be accompanied by adult 18+)

Zippo’s Circus is at Hove Lawns, by the King

£0 – Infant Day (under 11yrs.

Alfred Leisure Centre, BN3 2 WW

Must be accompanied by adult 18+)

Tickets from the circus box office open on site daily,

Disabled customers are asked to purchase their tickets via Ticketmaster

or book in advance on 0871 210 2100.

& call the dedicate line (0800 988 4440) to arrange a carer ticket and

Full venue details, show times and online booking at:

obtain further information.





Loud & Proud

V Mr & Mrs Proud, the search for the next big act Brought to you by the team behind London’s Proud venues and formerly the Hanbury Ballroom, Proud Cabaret Brighton opened this historic venue as a glamourous, retro supper club offering a sumptuous, seasonal three course menu and a selection of the best entertainment around. With cabaret, burlesque and a variety of performances before, during and after dinner bookings and a host of new, diverse club nights, Proud Cabaret promises a memorable and unique experience like no other.


roud Cabaret is known for the amazing venue of domed

It was a raucous and thoroughly entertaining evening with

ceiling, rich velvet, crystal chandeliers , murals on the

a variety of drag acts, boylesque, burlesque and a variety of all

walls and burlesque entertainment. It is decadence at

things fun.

its finest, rather like an old time New York Speak Easy.


Cherry Liquor was crowned Mr Proud for his extremely funny

Sponsored by Betty Lou’s boutique, this Summer Proud Cabaret

drag act consisting of an excellent Maggie Thatcher and Nun act,

held the 2015 Mr and Mrs Proud competition. Consisting of two

while the title of Mrs Proud went to singer/burlesque dancer

rounds, the search for unusual, flamboyant cabaret performers

Lilian Lake who performed a saucy musical number from the


film Burlesque and also did an excellent Jessica Rabbit.

Contestants were chosen by submitting a short clip of their act

The prize was a selection of pamper packages and most

and then whittled down from there to appear in front of the

importantly a year’s contract a a performer at Proud Cabaret….

judges and a discerning audience.

so get yourself down there and check out the talent for yourself.


photos by david.org and iso400.com



Brighton shines with Pride The city of Brighton and Hove sparkled with rainbow technicolour over the weekend of Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of August as Pride 2015 danced into town.


arking the 25th Brighton

The festivities begin with an all-singing,

Pride the event has grown

all-dancing Community Parade through the

David Raven, Danny Eade and Alice Denny

almost beyond recognition

streets of Brighton on the Saturday morning,

soaring above the crowds on their own float,

and is now widely regarded as one of the largest

with celebrations continuing in Preston Park

the Community Parade paved the way from

(and best!) UK Pride events, celebrating the

with a huge festival event. On the other side

Hove Lawns magically though the rainbow-

city’s vibrant lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans

of town, The St James Street plays host to the

bright city. Everything from the herds of wild


city’s biggest and boldest street party, closed to

animal costumes courtesy of ‘andwhatarts’

the traffic all weekend.

and ‘Mandinga Arts’ and samba dancers

Starting out as a small march in 1973






arranged by the Sussex Gay Liberation Front

This year the Community Parade excelled all

to the scores of charities and organisations

just seven years after the decriminalisation of

expectations as the streets of Brighton & Hove

representing the LGBT community via the

homosexuality, Brighton Pride now attracts

filled with joyous participants in a riot of colour

Freedom To Live campaign placards, the


for the most spectacular parade to date.

Brighton Pride Community Parade ensured the




including Fatboy Slim, Boy George, Alison

Community groups, charities, businesses

city was wrapped in Pride rainbows, thrilling

Moyet and Paloma Faith and over 200,000

and supporters joined forces for a remarkable

everyone it passed with its high-octane cocktail

revellers all celebrating diversity and promoting

city-wide spectacular, filled with music, love

of celebrations and campaigning.


and laughter. Lead by the uber-fabulous


At the end of the rainbow parade laid Preston




Park playing host to the official Brighton Pride

to the unforgettable Electric Dreams finale

Festival 2015. Delivering a world-class line-up,

from Eighties legends The Human League, the

the Main Stage, which has become the jewel

Main Stage line-up kept Pride-goers partying

in Brighton Pride Festival’s crown entertained

from noon till dusk.

thousands with its spectacular and diverse mix

Panti Bliss, Peter Tatchell, Spirited Films

of the world’s finest live music, performances,

and BrightonPride25 ensured Pride’s campaign

DJs, speakers and LGBT campaigning.

Freedom To Live remained a pivotal part of

From the hip house of Hercules and

Pride Brighton’s Main Stage celebrations,

Love Affair, the sensational live band of Ella

reminding everyone as they celebrated how far

Henderson, the Grammy award-winning sounds

we still have to go to ensure everyone around

of Ms Dynamite, the chart topping sensation

the globe has the Freedom To Live regardless of

that is Foxes, the queen that is Mary Lambert,

gender or sexuality.

the divine dubz diva that is Tulisa, the brilliance

Pride Brighton and Hove 2015 delivered a

of Bright Light Bright Light, the sunshine

day to remember. A day where the people of

sounds of Blooms, the delightful Christopher

Brighton shone bright together. A day where

Haul, Brighton’s Carnival Collective and the

Sussex shined with Pride.

spelling binding performance of Luke Fincher

Photos © ChrisJepson.com


Pride Brighton and Hove 2015 delivered a day to remember. A day where the people of Brighton shone bright together. A day where Sussex shined with Pride.




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K West Hotel & Spa Overview Honey…..I missed the train! No problem. We cover the places to stay overnight in London. Fashionable and urban, K West Hotel and Spa has all you need to smooth out a hard day in the big smoke.


It’s pretty cool to know that when

The Studio Bar is light and airy and the

huge beds, with the smallest room being just

you stay at K West Hotel, you are

perfect spot to catch up on my work emails.

under 300 sq ft. At the upper end of the scale,

following in the footsteps of many

Plugs are conveniently situated by every

the six spectacular K Suites offer the ultimate

a superstar who graced this place

seating area, and with a few friendly-on-the-

experience. Dramatic walls of glass divide the

in the 60’s when it was the BBC Building

eye, trendy bodies dotted around the space,

bedrooms from the lounge areas, which are

Kensington House. An endless list of Rock ‘N’

this seems to be the place where creative types

fitted with Bose surround sound entertainment

Roll royalty has stayed, played and misbehaved

meet up over coffees and laptops. There are also

systems, a 42” plasma screen television and

at K West – Bob Marley and the Wailers,

complimentary iMacs for guests to use in the

ultra-comfy sofas.

Bowie, The Kinks and Roxy Music to name

snug area around the corner of the bar.

to properly spread out in and Aromatherapy

a few. Since becoming a hotel, the venue has

Situated in one of London’s most up-and-

Associates toiletries are also in the suites, and

continued to strike a chord with musicians,

coming districts, Shepherds Bush, the urban

the bathrooms have been fitted with designer

who often stay whilst playing at nearby music

retreat is on the doorstep of Westfield shopping

Philippe Starck double-ended baths and

venues O2 Shepherds Bush Empire and the

centre, one of the largest retail destinations


Apollo. So, I am feeling pretty rock chick when

in Europe with over 240 shops. Fashionable

After a delicious Bloody Mary burger (they

I enter the clean, contemporary, Philippe Starck

areas such as Notting Hill, Portobello Road

do a large range of US style ‘dude food’) served

lamp adorned reception, noticing immediately

and Kensington are also just a short walk

in a New York style space on the mezzanine

a rather pleasant looking cocktail bar running

away, which also makes this hotel the perfect

floor above the Studio Bar, I can’t help but hear

the length of the Studio Bar area. It’s been a

weekend-up-town shopping trip bolthole.

the music floating up from where the DJ has set

long day!


Two-metre square beds

All 220 guestrooms offer generous space, in

up for the night (Friday and Saturday evenings).

cool calm colours, a great sound system and

Time to sample a cocktail or two. The studio


bar is now a moodily lit, music infused hub of

also sampled a Mojito as I can normally suss

environments (which is apparently very good

activity and the cool kids.

out a good cocktail anywhere on just this….It

for you!) Alas my energy levels and a slightly

was very, very good!

hungover head didn’t allow for me to use the

Industrial style pendant lamps hang low over raised tables, and textured silver wallpaper

Walking back to my room I passed The

K Fit gymnasium but at a glance (and normally

by Dixon & Turner gives the bar a modern

Library Room where about ten or so ladies

being quite the gym bunny), I could see that

edge. The polished dark walnut-wood flooring

were lounging on comfy sofas and armchairs,

this is a properly functioning fully equipped

brings warmth to the area, which is opened

surrounded by statement Andy Warhol style

gym and not just some afterthought.

up with the use of floor-to-ceiling mirrored

artwork. With a large flatscreen and low coffee

It would seem that K West Hotel and Spa has it

pillars and relaxed seating arrangements. Up-

tables filled with photography and design

all under control, in one urban, yet restful place

cycled furniture is used to create high backed

books, I can see why this would make the

to stay.

booth seating along the back wall, separated

perfect spot for a chill out zone for guests and


by silver and black voile curtains to create

these chicks look very comfortable indeed.

Prices start from £125 per room per night,

intimate VIP style corners, which make th

Food and beverage full, I slept like a log to

and the K Suites are from £540 per night

eperfet place to cuddle up with a partner. Chic

get up early enough to try out the spa. Awarded

including VAT. Spa packages are also available

black and white artwork depicting musicians

the top rating of “5 Bubbles” in the 2014 Good

and include overnight accommodation and

hang above each booth and even the drinks

Spa Guide, K West’s holistic spa not only looks


menu has been injected with some Rock ‘N’

fabulous with a twinkling hydrotherapy pool,

Roll swagger, with six signature Bourbon

steam room and sauna, but also offers a range

K West Hotel & Spa, Richmond Way, London

Whiskey Cocktails available, plus the quirky K

of exclusive treatments, such as the ‘Snow

W14 0AX

West special ‘Pickleback’ shot of Jack Daniels

Paradise’, which mimics the Finnish experience

For reservations, please call: 020 8008 6600 or

whiskey accompanied with a shot of pickle. I

of alternating between freezing and steamy

visit www.k-west.co.uk



Booking is required

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in the tiny village of Poynings, has been serving great food and drinks under its’ current ownership since 1996.

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Dreamy Days At The Races What a marvellous few days at the races it was …. So giddy up and make sure you attend this show next year.


est Sussex is the proud home to The All

The Longines Royal International Horse Show has everything from

England Jumping Course, Hickstead, one of

the thrills and spills of international showjumping to the elegance and

the premier equestrian venues in the world.

glamour of champion show horses and ponies.

Almost every great show jumper, horse and rider, has competed at

Visitors experienced the exhilarating buzz of the country’s best scurry

Hickstead since they first opened their doors back in 1960. Now in its

ponies and event riders galloping across-country as well as indulging in

54th year the world-class course is equally as renowned for polo, showing,

the luxury of the gourmet dining and hospitality packages available.

dressage, driving, weddings and even eventing. However arguably the

The international showjumping classes got underway from Thursday,

most highly-anticipated and must-visit event in the calendar has to be

with the highlight of this day being the new-look Amlin Plus Eventers’

The Longines Royal International Horse Show, which uniquely sees the

Challenge, which was back at Hickstead by popular demand. This

elite of many equestrian disciplines compete side by side.

extremely popular class, in which eventers go head-to-head over a range

We had the pleasure of attending the Longines Royal International

of coloured poles and fixed cross-country fences, was designed by Richard

Horse Show, that took place between Tuesday the 28th July through

Taylor, an integral member of the course-building team behind the

to Sunday 2nd August 2015. This prestigious six day event is now the

eventing championships at the Asian Games and the Beijing Olympics.

venerable age of 108 and one of the oldest and biggest outdoor equestrian shows in the country.

As the week progressed, Friday featured the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup class, where teams of four riders were competing to qualify for the

Hickstead has hosted the Longines Royal International Horse Show since 1992 and is proud to have Her Majesty The Queen as Patron of the

series final in Barcelona. It is the only chance British fans had to see their team compete on home soil and so tickets were in high demand.

R.I.H.S, together with Mrs. Anthony Andrews as Patron of Hickstead

Saturday’s Templant Events Queen Elizabeth II Cup was one of the

itself as well as the legendary idol and Sussex resident Dame Vera Lynn

most coveted titles in the national showjumping circuit and was so

D.B.E O.B.E as Vice Patron.

impressive to see, while Sunday’s finale was the Longines King George V Gold Cup, one of the oldest and most prestigious classes in the world.



The Longines Royal International Horse Show has everything from the thrills and spills of international showjumping to the elegance and glamour of champion show horses and ponies.



The show also played host to hundreds of national showjumping

making an effort. Ladies Day also saw the Charles Owen-sponsored

classes, including the peak of winter national showjumping qualifiers -

shopping village become a hive of activity as keen shopaholics stocked up

the British Showjumping Winter Finals. There was also carriage driving,

on equine accessories, tack, equipment and fine clothing.

scurry driving, side-saddle classes and plenty more to keep the crowds entertained.

This is certainly an event to watch out for and book for next year. Standard day entry to the show is from £16 for adults and from £8 for

As well as the plethora of showjumping and eventing classes, the

children, with weekly passes from £75 and £45 respectively.

The Longines Royal International Horse Show featured an exclusive

For those who fancy splashing out on some luxury VIP treatment,

championship show for showing riders, and wa the culmination of many

Hickstead offers private ringside boxes with unparalleled views of the

months of qualifications throughout the winter. Each year attendees have

International Arena. Whether it’s for a special occasion, just a treat for

the honour of witnessing a host of prestigious classes for many types and

you and your friends, or a touch of corporate hospitality, you can relax in

breeds of horse and pony, as very best of these battle it out for the British

style and enjoy fine cuisine, an official show programme, an all-inclusive

Horse Society Supreme Horse and the Underwood Supreme Pony

drinks package and an individual host as all the action unfolds right there


before you. Package prices are from £140 per person, with additional

The most glamorous occasion of the week had to be the highlyanticipated ‘Ladies Day’ held on the Saturday, in aid of the Mark Davies

options available for a full range of bespoke hospitality services from branded interiors and product placements to rider meet and greets.

Injured Riders’ Fund. On this day of high heels, bubbles and thrills, visitors were encouraged to dress up to the nines and there were some


wonderful sights to see of splendid hats and finery. A host of prizes were

The Longines Royal International Horse Show available from

on offer to the most elegantly attired ladies and it was good to see many

www.hickstead.co.uk or call 01273 834315




Prestige Watches & Exquisite Jewellery NECKLACE 18ct white gold opal & diamond. ÂŁ2,995 We have a fabulous range of jewellery in stock, or can design, create and repair jewellery in our own workshop.

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The Personal Touch Nestled behind the Hove beach huts and the grand entrance of Medina Villas, is a new and exciting boutique travel and concierge company, with the flair of London’s buzz and the ease and personal touches that belong right here in Brighton and Hove.

k GoBespoke was set up just over a year ago by Louisa Tubman

The three girls pride themselves on looking after their clientele on a

(originally an interior designer). Her love of travelling, attention to detail

much more personal level than most other concierge companies, “we

and her wide-spread connections in the City enabled her to quickly see

always try to meet with our clients, rather than just speak on the

the potential, and need for a down-to-earth concierge company that

phone, which enables us to offer a more personal service immediately,

understood the demands of modern life and this often meant people

even down to hand delivering tickets the night before a match or the

didn’t always have the time to plan their next dream getaway or cooperate

racing, to get a last minute present idea to a client on Christmas eve”,

event. Partnering with the world’s most exclusive hotels, resorts and event

a far cry from the big London agencies where customers are often just a

companies, Louisa started developing a business that could deliver tailor-

number, with hefty joining fees included. Yes, here is a huge difference!

made travel, sporting and entertainment solutions to both individuals

There are no such fees at

and companies.

your holiday to a corporate summer party with no extra cost to you the

Quick to flourish on the concierge company radar, Olivia Winter soon upped sticks from her PR, Event Management and Marketing job


Gobespoke; they sort out everything from

client; they get their commission from their suppliers so it won’t cost you a penny extra for their services. Genius!

in London to join Louisa in Brighton, closely followed by Charlotte van

These savvy girls, (all blonde, gorgeous, bright and super friendly),

Scheul, a bilingual hottie with a fantastic little black book of contacts, a

are breathing new life in to the often stuffy and uninspiring world of

well stamped passport and a background in PR.

events, concierge and travel. Asking them what their favourite holiday




We may deal with some of the most luxurious events and locations in the world but there really is nowhere like Brighton”.

destination is, the girls are quick to tell me they all super keen on Ibiza

We asked for a round-up of their August and September top

-not only because they have the most exceptional and widest range of

ten events that have taken place (keep these in mind for next

villas on the island on their books – but because they love the unique mix

year), or the future events we shouldn’t be missing…..and

of tranquillity and party atmosphere. This summer they are busy sending

here they are:

clients to the island and have sorted out all their concierge needs, from boat trips to restaurant bookings, and VIP tables at the most desired clubs. “I love working with a client to put their ideal break together”


1 0



says Olivia, “We often have over the moon clients sending us their holiday snaps while they are away!”

August – A fantastic time to visit Barbados for the Caribbean

And their most unusual customer demand to date? “The most outthere request was from a chap who wanted to buy a trip in to Space”

sugar harvest – weeks of rum soaked fun!

Brighton Pride – 1st – 2nd August (It was the best yet and we can’t wait for next year!)

says Charlotte, “but our day to day business is mainly organising events

FA Community Shield, Wembley – 2nd August

and sports tickets; football and rugby are always in high demand, and

Cowes Week, Isle of Wight – 8th – 15th August

we’re getting very excited about the Rugby World Cup. The Monaco

Notting Hill Carnival – 30th – 31st August

Grand Prix turned out to be very popular this year, as we had some

7th September

Burning Man Festival, Nevada, USA – 30th August –

great yacht hospitality deals. Although in June it was all about the Polo

US open, New York – 31st August

and Wimbledon of course!”

Italian GP, Monza – 6th September

Most of all, these girls made the most of a summer of fun in Brighton, seeing Fatboy Slim at Pride and going toShakedown, “We may deal with

Start of the Rugby World Cup – 18th September Ibiza closing parties – Last 3 weeks of September

some of the most luxurious events and locations in the world but there really is nowhere like Brighton”. Contact team Go Bespoke for more info, packages and prices info@gobespoke.net

ABSOLUTE READERS: Book with and get 10%

31 Medina Villas, Hove, Sussex, BN3 2RN 01273 726 846

off any event until the end of October.




I love working with a client to put their ideal break together” says Olivia, “We often have over the moon clients sending us their holiday snaps while they are away!”



p A couple of days away..... Take a boat out to watch Whales or make use of the volcanic natural swimming pools. Swim with dolphins in the Marine Reserves, try your hand at windsurfing or paddle boarding….



o be honest the only thing I knew about Madeira before my

of movie stars and the Bratpack. With three swimming pools, spa and

recent visit, is that there is a cake of that name and that they

tennis courts placed carefully in their surroundings, so as not to spoil any

make wine, which I always presumed to be a sickly sweet desert

of the hotel’s old school appeal, I can see why this is a place where many

style drink. So, I was venturing in to completely unknown territory when I jumped on British Airways’ first flight from Gatwick to the island.


of the famous have stayed including Winston Churchill. Dining that evening at the hotel’s Ristorante Villa Cipriani,

Flying over the island, you can’t fail to notice how green it is, blanketed

overlooking the ocean and the sparkling lights meandering up the hills

with vibrant colours and deep valleys, sugar coated in places with white

was a truly romantic experience and even if you are not staying at the

and pastel painted homes and terracotta roofs stretching up the hillsides.

Belmond Reid’s Palace I would suggest a visit to this restaurant.

Arriving at the very cosmopolitan city of Funchal, it was noticeable

I’m not much of a walker (other than rushing through the streets of

how very proud of their country the locals are. There is a calmness

Brighton and the occasional amble on the Downs) but Madeira offers

and pride in the clean streets and even in the busiest areas the place is

itself up to be walked upon! Grabbing a cable car from the centre of

spotless. The Old Town’s narrow cobblestone streets are lined by historic

Funchal (where a statue of football star Ronaldo resides…yes, he is

buildings, some dating back to the 15th century, and the area is full of

from Madeira), I am confronted with the stunning views of the terraces

life and spirit with a variety of shops, bars and restaurants. The “Arte de

meandering up the hillside, where homeowners risk great heights to

Portas Abertas” public art programme has transformed the Old town

plant their vegetables and flowers in the rich soil. I can see why this city

into a permanent outdoor art gallery, with over 200 works of art by guest

is often described as a Garden City. They have the harmony of urban life

artists painted on the doors of Rua de Santa Maria.

and a rural landscape spot on.

Basing myself at Belmond Reid’s Palace, A luxurious hotel set in

The cable car stops at the village of Monte. Here you can try ‘basket

subtropical gardens and perched dramatically on a cliff-edge overlooking

running’. No, this isn’t making baskets but rather sitting in a large woven

the Atlantic Ocean, I felt like I had walked in to an old world glamour

basket big enough for two and guided (quickly, very quickly, in fact it is


quite hair-raisingly speedy), down a steep hill by two men on the back

If you have any spare time, take a boat out to watch Whales or make

steering the basket with ropes. A little like tobogganing without the snow.

use of the volcanic natural swimming pools. Swim with dolphins in the

If you fancy something a little more sedate, the beautiful Mount Palace

Marine Reserves, try your hand at windsurfing or paddle boarding….it’s

Tropical Garden in Monte is worth a visit, with more than 1,000 plants,

all there to try. Perhaps a couple days just isn’t enough!

oriental gardens and sculptures dotted everywhere, it would be easy to spend a few hours here. From this point, you will either need sturdy legs or a car to continue


your travels through the flower strewn mountains (they are honestly

Prices for a stay at Belmond Reid’s Palace start from 295 Euro (£213) per

everywhere and of a huge variety), or the more arid and rocky Nature

night, including taxes, in a charming room with breakfast. For further

Reserve, Ponta de São Lourenço. Spectacular volcanic rock formations

information or to make a booking, call the Belmond UK Reservations

makes this place look exactly like a setting from the film The Lord Of

team on 0845 077 2222 or visit BELMOND.COM.

The Rings. All this walking works up quite an appetite and I would definitely

British Airways offers direct flights from London Gatwick (LGW) to

advise stopping off at the restaurant Quinta do Furão in the village of

Funchal, Madeira (FNC) from £61 each-way, travelling Nov 1 - Feb 29,

Santana. The food here was excellent, the scenery just stunning and I


managed to try quite a few different types of Madeira wine, which I have realised I have quite a taste for and it isn’t just a sweet desert wine, in fact

For reservations visit

there a quite a few types including dry or mediums and I made sure to

ba.com/madeira or call

bring back a couple of bottles on my return from duty free.

0844 493 0758.




Grand Cafe � Late Lounge Love food? Love coffee? Love music? Love Bohemia‌

Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Traditional Afternoon Tea is also served daily from 3pm till 6pm

(booking is advisable for afternoon tea.)

Open hours 9am-1am (Sunday-Thursday) Till 3am Friday and Saturday Food is served everyday from 9am-9pm (except Saturday's 8pm)

www.bohemiabrighton.co.uk 54-55 Meeting House Lane, Brighton Telephone: 01273 777770 Free wifi and newspapers. Follow us on Twitter & Facebook

Flying the Sussex Nest….. Kurumba - The Maldives in a nutshell


ussex-by-the-sea has its many charms; the sea, the rolling

Maldivian style with open air showers and sunny ocean-side balconies, the

countryside, quaint little villages and action-packed towns

resort’s signature Deluxe Bungalows and Deluxe Beachfront Bungalows

and cities. It’s easy to have the perfect staycation in Sussex

each feature their very own private garden containing an outside

with so many adventures to be had right on your doorstep. However, if

shower and spacious decking veranda for sunset tipples. The bungalows

you want to escape to sunnier climes, then allow us to point you in the

themselves are hidden amongst the lush fragrant tropic flora just yards

direction of a completely different sanctuary of enchanting colours and

from the pure white beaches corralling the island. Each boasts a giant

adventure; ‘Kurumba Maldives’, The Maldives’ very first private island

free-standing bathtub, a luxurious dual-basin bathroom, a glass-walled

resort. A whole new world to inhabit and explore, this 5 star resort’s

shower and a king-sized bed to collapse into after a hard days sunbathing!

peerless blend of luxury and tranquillity tempts many a visitor to its

If that isn’t enough to send you to seventh heaven, guests wanting

sandy shores time and time again.

even more luxury and privacy can opt for Kurumba villa rooms, starting

Flights from Gatwick are 13.5 hours to Malé International Airport and

with the Private Villa with Jacuzzi, and the Garden Pool Villas that offer

so weary travellers will welcome Kurumba’s convenient location just 10

plunge pools within your private open-plan courtyard with rain shower

minutes from the airport. Upon reaching the resort and having received

to cool off. Kurumba’s Deluxe Pool Villas are even more sumptuous with

welcome refreshments from the staff, the journey will soon become a

the additional luxuries of a large private pool with a waterfall, day bed

distant memory as you sink your feet into the powder soft sands and feast

and wooden terrace.

your eyes on the azure waters of the Indian Ocean, lush gardens ablaze

For those who want a taste of the ultimate A-list lifestyle, the largest

with frangipani, hibiscus and bougainvillea stretch across the island and

and most extravagant villa on the island is the Royal Kurumba Residence.

shady coconut groves loom over 180 luxury bungalows and villas.

Measuring a whopping 768 square metres in diameter and housing two

Visitors certainly have their every need catered for with no less than

bedrooms, two private pools, a huge living area and veranda, this opulent

nine categories of accommodation. What they all have in common is a

suite has played host to celebrities, local dignitaries and even heads of

fresh and modern design, plus plush state-of-the-art facilities. Whilst the

state. Well if you can’t beat them, join them!

introductory Superior and Deluxe rooms have a graceful contemporary



Visitors certainly have their every need catered for with no less than nine categories of accommodation. What they all have in common is a fresh and modern design, plus plush state-ofthe-art facilities.



Our discerning Sussex foodies will be well-catered for with a total of

an oasis of serenity in the heart of the island. Here, guests can enjoy a

8 restaurants based within the resort, serving an eclectic selection of the

dedicated yoga session, unwinding in the relaxation lounge, de-stressing

world’s finest cuisines. Deciding whether to visit the main restaurant for

in the single or couples treatment rooms or indulging in reflexology and

unhurried all-day dining, savour far-eastern sushi and teppenyaki at the

exotic body wraps and polishes. For a more romantic experience “The

over-water Hamakaze or to feast within the palatial Lebanese décor of

Spa Under the Stars” offers couples a chance to watch the sunset whilst

Al Qasr is not an easy decision. Making a choice between the delicious

enjoying a unique cowrie shell massage using local hand-pressed Coconut

Indian, Chinese and Italian menus of Mahal, East and Duo, respectively,

oil. Life at the Kurumba Resort isn’t just for the sun and spa-seekers –

is equally difficult. For guests who want to season their meals with a pinch of Maldives

the sporting and adventurous amongst us have a whole smorgasbord of

romance, Thila offers a unique beachfront setting in which to dine; relish

activities to entertain. The Sports Centre offers a fully-equipped gym,

the finest grilled seafood by candlelight surrounded by a panoramic vista

pool, and three floodlit tennis courts and if water sports are your passion

of the ocean. Finally, those wishing to make the most of their private

the Dive School offers a full range of PADI diving courses. Explore the

garden, balcony or hired yacht can request an intimate dining experience

spectacular dive sites of The Maldives as dazzling shoals of iridescent

for two.

tropical fish, (friendly!) reef sharks, manta ray and turtles wait to greet

For those social butterflies that are looking for more of party atmosphere, the resort features three bars: Kalhu, for karaoke kings,

Once you’ve met the fishy locals, try your hand at Kayaking, water-

Athiri, set on the beaches for the best sunsets and the lively Beach Bar,

skiing, windsurfing and parasailing at the spectacular Water Sports

where guests can share a cocktail and convo in the company of live bands

Centre and keep the littl’uns entertained with the Fun Tubes and

and local dance acts.

Banana Rodeos. This is all in addition to a wide-range of fascinating local

No resort is complete without a spa and Kurumba certainly delivers on that front. Surrounded by soothing reflection ponds, the Veli Spa is



excursions including a Sand Bank Picnic, the ever popular sunset cruises and even night-fishing under the stars.


Surrounded by soothing reflection ponds, the Veli Spa is an oasis of serenity in the heart of the island. Here, guests can enjoy a dedicated yoga session, unwinding in the relaxation lounge, de-stressing in the single or couples treatment rooms or indulging in reflexology and exotic body wraps and polishes.



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Many of our sales go on behind closed doors. Many of our properties are sold without ever going on the open market. Register your requirements to gain access to our full portfolio of stunning homes. We specialise in quality properties of all shapes and sizes. From period villages homes and Town houses to bespoke new build propertiesand apartments, our portfolio of homes is truly diverse. Many of these properties are on our website, but often, at our sellers’ request, they aren’t. Instead they’re ‘quietly marketed’ and sold without ever being openly marketed. So if you’re looking for that next rather special home and want a full view of the market, please do contact us to discuss your needs. We will handle your request with discretion and professionalism.

Beyond your expectations

West Hoathly, West Sussex ÂŁ1,500,000 A beautifully presented family home set within stunning gardens of approximately 0.27 hectares (0.67 of an acre) with lawns, landscaped gardens and a picturesque lake. The property offers over 3000 sq ft of accommodation including 4 bedrooms, 3 receptions and a kitchen/breakfast room. EPC:D

Wivelsfield Green, East Sussex ÂŁ1,450,000 A substantial and beautiful seven bedroom Grade II listed family home spanning over 5,000 sq ft. Situated in a secluded 1.74 hectare plot (4.308 acre) with an indoor swimming pool, tennis court, garaging and stables.

Hamptons Haywards Heath Sales. 01444 316791 | haywardsheath@hamptons-int.com

Malpass MarketsMeat The Family Sussex is famed for being home to an enviable host of local independent food suppliers, providing the discerning foodies of the area with highquality and delicious produce all year round. Standing proud and covering most of Sussex and Kent is an incredible example of a family business whose passion for their produce has allowed them to become the areas first call for unbeatable quality meats; Malpass Markets.

ow trading in Brighton, Hastings,

shop happy to help you and going out of his way

and we now we have 5 stores as well as still



to make sure that you get the best service and

servicing our loyal Market customers.

Tonbridge with markets at Rye,

produce. Jamie is a member of the Worshipful

Q. Was there one specific product or moment

Langney, Sevenoaks, Chichester and Ford

Company of Butchers, a Freeman of the City

that signified a breakthrough ‘eureka’ moment?

the Malpass family established themselves

of London and a fully qualified chef. Jamie’s

My training in butchery started on the markets.

in the meat trade 200 years ago. Now seven

enthusiasm for all things food is boundless so

It was clear to me that families would make the

generations later the family is still doing what

feel free to ask him anything you need to know

effort to attend markets which was separate

it does best but has moved with the times,

especially about meat! We certainly did…..

from the weekly shop at the supermarket. This



meant my customers were keen on making a

branching out from the meat trade and offering a large range of other products. These include

Q. Starting with the obvious – how, where and

saving. I realised I then had an obligation to

cheeses, hams, sauces, frozen foods, the finest

when did Malpass start?

offer my deals to the average family at a retail

cuts of meat and kitchen essentials, all sold

A family-run business right from the start,

level. We have also captured a strong wholesale

from their retail outlets This new concept was

Malpass Markets dates back to over 200 years. I

element servicing nursing home and pubs for

the brainchild of owner Jamie Malpass and

oversee all parts of the business; you’ll see me on


offers wholesale prices direct to the public..

the shop floor striking deals with our customers,

The company also supplies restaurants, nursing

driving a forklift in our plant or annoying my

Pubs, nursing homes, families. We service also a

homes, schools and hotels as well as direct to

office staff with ridiculous requests!

lot of people in the health industry, who want

Q. So how has the company grown since

to consume a lot of protein, with our big sellers

your takeover as owner? Was there a plan of

being 5kg of chicken breast £20, or lean mince

Jamie oversees everything that goes on and is

investment or has the growth been organic?

1.8kg £10.

responsible for providing the succulent meats

Malpass has had a strong market presence

Q. Was leaning heavily in the direction on

that you see on the shelves. Jamie is extremely

throughout the years. Over the last few years

high quality top end produce a conscious thing

hands-on and you will always find him in the

I have added the retail element to the markets

or just coincidental?

the retail trade. Working together with his experienced team,


Q. Who are your key clients?


our products are amazing for the price we charge. Our customers just can’t complain.” I started my career as a Chef, so for me quality

asked for Buffalo or animal hearts, sweetbread

Five stores at present looking to open a sixth

is as important as price! I love the fact that I can

is making a comeback.

this year.

Q. Keeping up with consumer trends - how

Q. And what of the future? Anything in

does Malpass ensure it stays at the cutting-

the pipeline that you’re particularly looking


forward to getting your teeth into?

How many people are now part of the Malpass

To be honest, we’re not that interested in being

We have a 5-star rating which I’m very proud of.


cutting-edge. For me it’s more about being

We are currently in the process of applying for

We are roughly at around 50 staff members. My

able to continue with good-quality products

an ECC Licence enabling us to trade overseas.

Depot team is the largest and we run two shifts

and keeping the prices low. For example this

to enable the stores to be fully stocked. Each

weekend I was able to buy Chicken Portions at

that was seemingly impossible to please?

store has 5-10 staff members and then there is

a rate whereby I can slash the regular price by

We are lucky enough to turn any situation


almost half. Normally £6.49 per tray (1.6kg)


this week I could slash the price to 3 trays for

amazing for the price we charge. Our customers

£10. That’s a saving of £9.47.

just can’t complain.

offer families a great product, which is fresh, unprocessed and reasonably priced.

Q. The team must be pretty large these days.

Q. And where are you sourcing your products? Is there an eco-angle? We are lucky to be able to source our meat

Q. Do you offer placements to younger

Q. Have you ever had to deal with a client

This is because our products are

Q. And, finally, you’re based in Sussex,

locally as well as overseas. We buy directly

workers to learn the trade?

near Brighton the epitome of cool, Do you ever

through Smithfields in London.

We have staff from all walks of life here and

wonder where it all went right?

we’ve taken on apprentices before. We were

I have my family past and present to thank for

order you’ve ever had to handle?

recently involved in a Government-run

our family name, along with my amazing team

We are inundated with special orders and do

program to assist young people who were out

members. I’m very lucky to have the support I

our best to source these items wherever that

of work to get back on the ladder.

do as I’m not easy!

Q. What’s the most unusual product or

journey takes us. There are a lot of creative chefs out there, which we love! We are sometimes

Q. So how many stores and clients do you have on the go at the moment?



Parliament’s not the only house seeing plenty of movement.

After every election since 1979, the property market has seen an increased level of activity. For buyers this means a better selection of properties for sale. For sellers, there are more people looking for property, so it is a great time to market your home. Unusually, the run up to the 2015 election was busier than expected. In March we agreed the highest number of sales in a single month for two years and April has also been extremely busy. So if we can help you with your moving plans or update you on the current market value of your home, please call us today.

Hamptons Haywards Heath

Sales. 01444 316 791 haywardsheath@hamptons-int.com Lettings. 01444 316 793 haywardsheathlettings@hamptons-int.com

www.hamptons.co.uk Please dial in full. For terms & conditions, please ask in branch.

Hamptons Brighton & Hove

Sales. 01273 796 157 brightonandhove@hamptons-int.com Lettings. 01273 796 159 brightonandhovelettings@hamptons-int.com

Beyond your expectations www.hamptons.co.uk

Cooksbridge, East Sussex ÂŁ3,950,000 A magnificent Grade I listed property built in the style of Sir Christopher Wren around 1686 by Theobald Shelley. The property offers flexible and beautifully maintained accommodation spanning over 7700 sq ft.

Haywards Heath, West Sussex From ÂŁ1,275,000 A pair of beautiful new homes in a convenient location and yet in a setting with a definite rural feel. Designed with traditional elements blended with contemporary interiors. These wonderful homes offer extensive family accommodation set in wonderful gardens. CGI images used.

Hamptons Haywards Heath Sales. 01444 316791 | haywardsheath@hamptons-int.com

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