1 minute read

Floating Fever

by adam carnes

A traveling showboat splashes wishes on wires high and starboard The sense that it makes is childish when it first starts. Clouds misting the gypsy waves that Caress simple taste Away from brave palettes. Following stars and Fallen to slumber.

The color is seven shades of green Sounds ping pong with crest and trough Numbing the sensation exhaled Dumbing down the thoughts Strumming and drumming up the courage to Dream.

Time and space Split water with precise solar understanding. She is there and God is there. Smiles cascade and Panoramically flash and meld to circumstances, New beliefs held there are now old and are now past. Power leaves the form of greed behind Tragedy now so sublime Travesty the storms alert me to Awake.

Climbing out of slumber, The navigating sky bludgeoned by fog. The taste of sea air Complex and coarse with waves crashing onboard. She has grown angry and upset the course. The mast cracks while it snaps under hellacious winds. The attack leaves only the plank to walk. The split in water shocks the senses to Awake.

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