2013 - The Rhapsodist

Page 61

Black Road

by morgan mcnabb Thought I was a million miles above but I haven’t moved an inch still standing in our tracks I touch your arms see them turning the wheel bringing me back home oh, no, It’ll never feel right seeing your sad, dark eyes darting away from mine As soon as I turn my head you’ll be gone so, I’ll close my eyes and I’ll see The way we danced in a dark kitchen swaying, dreaming of the sea until the music stops and we do too waiting, wanting to feel again As soon as I turn my head you’ll be gone so, I’ll close my eyes and I’ll hear The song we sang travelling on a dark road carrying every chord, every verse until the sun rises and we float away As soon as I turn my head you’ll be gone so, I’ll close my eyes and I’ll believe The words we spoke sitting in a garage blinded by the lamp speech and body splitting apart letting go forever because we’re seen we can see Eyes open up and I lose it all I don’t feel a thing I don’t feel a thing didn’t feel a thing


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