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The Sexy Sentences of 2015
Chiedono a gran voce bagnato stare in piedi nuovo, il giardiniere. Clamoring wet stands new, the gardener. - Oskar Gambony-Steding
Microwaving his dinners had become a “3 to 4 minute” unwanted wait in his busied life when he could not keep his depression at bay, and the “1 minute to let stand” was nearly murderous. - Brian Longacre
In the small, humid space between the inside satin top of my fur felt bowler and the wispy surface of my balding scalp, there is a sacred space, a womb, where ideas swirl and swell, pipping to be known. - Brian Longacre
The shattered mirror dragged behind, taunting her for the rest of her miserable days. - Hope Burnett
The loose blue strands of night had split, so that the sun rose up in sheets of white against the hospital, like reams of paper. - Grey Wolfe LaJoie
Eventually the sun rose, and in the melancholy midday heat one August, Pozzo and Aysel found they had so many leftover mason jars full of lightning bugs that their closet couldn’t hold them anymore and, brittle and brown as crumbs of toast, they lost their flicker and wilted. - Grey Wolfe Lajoie
The tv still glowed against her mother’s skin, and its gray light made her seem as pale as aspirin. - Grey Wofle LaJoie
Since the day you and I met nearly a decade ago, he has taken up the habit of visiting my dreams and whispering in my ear that single soft syllable reserved for him and me: Mom. - Porscha Orndorf
Forgotten Words
by marklar klepac