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A-B Tech’s Assessment of Student Achievement������������������������
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
18 A-B Tech’s Assessment of Student Achievement
A-B Tech’s Mission is “Dedicated to student success, A-B Tech delivers quality education to enhance academic, workforce, and personal development�” The College utilizes multiple measures of student achievement to monitor, in part, success in meeting the Mission, including: 1� Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Outcome Measure – (This is a cohort driven, eightyear measure of student completion that is collected annually by the federal government�) 2� North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Performance Measures – (These are seven student success measures that are tracked annually by NCCCS� Performance on these measures are reported annually to system colleges and are linked to state performance funding�) 3� A-B Tech Student Retention and Completion Data - (These are cohort-based measures of student success that were derived from the College’s participation in national Achieving the Dream and statewide Completion by
Design projects�) As A-B Tech is dedicated to student success, the College expects that at minimum performance on national and state measures will meet or exceed those of peer institutions� It is the goal of A-B Tech that performance on each of the above measures will exceed the performance of peer institutions� On measures where national and state peer data are not available, the College expects to achieve established minimum annual thresholds with the goal of meeting or exceeding established annual targets� These thresholds and targets are based on historical performance data�
The most recent performance results for A-B Tech are presented below (For questions regarding any of the data provided below, please contact the Research and Planning Office at (828) 398-7175�)
The IPEDS Outcome Measure (OM) survey component provides the award and enrollment statuses of four degree/ certificate-seeking undergraduate student cohorts and eight sub-cohorts at degree-granting institutions� Student completion awards are collected at four-year, six-year, and eight-year status points after students have entered the institution� A-B Tech has selected the eight-year status point as our official completion rate� A-B Tech expects performance on this measure, at a minimum, to meet or exceed the national average for 2-year colleges in the US� The College’s goal is to exceed the national average by at least 10%�
A-B Tech’s Graduation Rate National Average 29% 25.2%
Goal Status Goal Exceeded
NCCCS Performance Measures
The Performance Measures for Student Success Report is the North Carolina Community College System’s major accountability document� This annual performance report is based on data compiled during the previous year and serves to inform colleges and the public on the performance of the system’s 58 community colleges� Currently there are seven system-wide student success measures: 1� Basic Skills Student Progress 2� Student Success in College-Level English Courses 3� Student Success in College-Level Math Courses 4� First Year Progression 5� Curriculum Completion 6� Licensure and Certification Passing Rate 7� College Transfer Performance A-B Tech expects performance on the following measures, at minimum, to meet or exceed the state average for all 58 community colleges� The College’s goal is to exceed the state excellence level�