2 minute read
Second Semester (Spring)
ACC-120 Prin of Financial Accounting BUS-270 Professional Development ECO-251 Prin of Microeconomics MKT-120 Principles of Marketing 4 3 3 3
Third Semester (Summer)
BUS-115 Business Law I BUS-137 Principles of Management ECO-252 Principles of Macroeconomics HUM-115 Critical Thinking
Fourth Semester (Fall)
ACC-121 Prin of Managerial Accounting BUS-153 Human Resource Management BUS-125 Personal Finance COM-231 Public Speaking 3 3 3 3
4 3 3 3
Fifth Semester (Spring)
BUS-147 Business Insurance BUS-239 Bus Applications Seminar CTS-130 Spreadsheet MKT-223 Customer Service WEB-140 Web Development Tools
Total Credit Hours Required
3 2 3 3 3
Business Administration Diploma (D25120)
The Business Administration Diploma is designed as a supplemental program to provide a basic understanding of business principles and practices for students enrolled in or completing a non-business related program� The diploma is not intended to be a stand-alone credential leading to employment in a business field�
First Semester (Fall)
ACA-115 Success & Study Skills ACC-120 Prin of Financial Accounting BUS-110 Introduction to Business BUS-115 Business Law I BUS-137 Principles of Management
Second Semester (Spring)
BUS-153 Human Resources Management BUS-125 Personal Finance BUS-270 Professional Development CIS-110 Introduction to Computers ECO-251 Prin of Microeconomics ENG-111 Writing and Inquiry
1 4 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 MAT-143 Quantitative Literacy MKT-120 Principles of Marketing MKT-223 Customer Service
Total Credit Hours Required
3 3 3
The Cosmetology curriculum is designed to provide competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles, and hands-on fundamentals associated with the cosmetology industry� The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment which enables students to develop manipulative skills� Course work includes instruction in all phases of professional imaging, hair design, chemical processes, skin care, nail care, multi-cultural practices, business/ computer principles, product knowledge, and other selected topics� Graduates should qualify to sit for the State Board of Cosmetic Arts examination� Upon successfully passing the State Board exam, graduates will be issued a license� Employment is available in beauty salons and related businesses�
The Mountain Tech Spa, an on-campus spa facility, provides practical experience for Cosmetology students under the direction of College faculty� The Cosmetology program is approved by the:
North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners
1207 Front Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 733-4117 Fax: (919) 733-4127 www�nccosmeticarts�com
Specific Program Requirements
1� General college admission requirements� 2� Submission of proper documentation is required by the Spa Therapies and Operations Department and the NC Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners prior to class start� Required documentation includes
Hepatitis B record, current government-issued photo ID showing date of birth, and social security card� 3� Completion of required Hepatitis B vaccine� First dose to be completed by the first day of class� Second Hepatitis B vaccine to be completed at least one month after the first dose� Third dose must be completed six months after the first� 4� To earn hours, Cosmetology students must be physically present in the laboratory� When leaving a laboratory, students must clock out� 5� Students must be able to differentiate between colors with or without reasonable accommodations and be comfortable working directly with chemicals found in products used in the cosmetology industry�