2 minute read

Associate in Engineering - Civil Engineering Pathway �������������

Associate in Engineering - Civil Engineering Pathway

First Semester (Fall) Credits

ACA -122 College Transfer Success CHM-151 General Chemistry I EGR-150 Introduction to Engineering ENG-111 Writing and Inquiry MAT-271 Calculus I

Second Semester (Spring)

DFT-170 Engineering Graphics ENG-112 Writing/Research in the Disc GEL-111 Geology MAT-272 Calculus II 1 4 2 3 4

3 3 4 4

PHY-251 General Physics I 4

Third Semester (Fall)

COM-231 Public Speaking MAT-273 Calculus III PHI-240 Introduction to Ethics PHY-252 General Physics II 3 4 3 4

Fourth Semester (Spring)

CSC-134 C++ Programming (or HUM 110 Technology and Society) ECO-251 Prin of Microeconomics EGR-220 Engineering Statics HIS-112 World Civilizations II MAT-285 Differential Equations 3

3 3 3 3

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College


Course Descriptions

The following section contains descriptions of courses offered by Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College� The following example explains each component of the course description entry�

When only three numbers are listed, the middle number always designates Lab Hours� Credit Hours are always the last number�

Courses that must be successfully completed prior to registering for this course.

General Subject

Course Number (see below) Course Title Class Hours

Lab Hours

Clinic, Co-op, or Shop Hours

Credit Hours

Courses that must be taken prior to or at the same time as this course

*AVL 101 Life in Asheville

Prerequisite: ASH 100 Corequisite: AVL 101

1 3 0 3

This course explains how to have fun in Asheville� The best places to dine, directions to famous places, dates of local cultural and civic events, trails for hiking and biking� Course Description

Course Numbers consist of three digits, and numbers are assigned as follows: • The first digit indicates the year the course is normally taken�

A first digit of “0” is used for Guided Studies courses� • The second digit denotes the credential for which the course is intended: 100-109 and 200-209: Courses for stand-alone certificate and diploma programs. 110-189 and 210-289: Courses for associate degree programs; these courses may also be used in certificate and diploma programs� Please examine each course description before registering and determine if all prerequisites have been met� Prerequisites shown are those courses that must be successfully completed before attempting further study� In certain cases the department chairperson, or vice president of Instructional Services may waive some prerequisites�

*Credit by Examination is not available for courses marked with an asterisk because of the nature of the course and in some cases safety requirements in the use of equipment. Any exceptions must be with the approval of the department chairperson.

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