Ergonomically is Excellent: High Comfort level for learners Such a layout could rely on only two plasma screens one / two groups
Desired Characteristics: Pedagogical Effectiveness through flexibilty
Operational Efficiency through reconfigurability ARS: Audio response system is important
Disadvantage in all three layouts: The Instructor is on the side he could be at the center in front of the smart board There should be a white board Lack of scanning and printing facilities Advantages of the above layout 32 Students Suitable for team work Learner friendly (Ergonomically sound)
Disadvantages: Ergonomically not sound for two students, Lack of scanning and printing facilities Advantage: All stakeholders sea each other, group work is possible
Disadvantages: Students do not sea each other group work is difficult Ergonomically not sound Final Conclusion Based on the above notes: • A 25 student’s classroom is expected to be small and only one large screen is enough • The instructors console should be at the center of the class • It is preferred that each student sees all his classmates • A printing and scanning facility is necessary • In the third layout, if the left arc is mirrored such that all students see each other it would be better. • Installing 4 Plasma Screen is redundant in a 25 students classroom • If all students have their labtops, why then need these screens, in a networked classroom (file sharing, VC and Instructor and Headsets)