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5 Policy list

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4 Strategies

4 Strategies

Policy 1 – Smart parking spaces

Smart parking spaces must be launched along with the app in places with higher density, which will locateempty parking spaces, create pickup areas for taxis and carpooling, andhavedesignated parking spaces for people with determination.


Benefits – Helps reduce waiting transit waiting period, reduces unnecessary emissions from vehicles due to waiting, reduces congestion, and helps people with determination.

Policy 2 – Carpooling

Dubai RTA must introduce a carpooling network within the national taxi app and incorporate it with smart parking spaces to create convenient pick-up locations without disrupting the flowing traffic.

Benefits – It helps minimize taxi costs, lowers private car emissions and congestion, and increases public transit choices, lowering trip time.

Policy 3 – Smart buses

RTA must introduce electric buses by the year 2023 and launch a series of buses fixed with sensors to monitor the air quality, temperature, and humidity of the area.

Benefits – helps reduce CO emissions and increase precise & live tracking of air quality data of the region

Policy 4 – Scenario planning

The planning authority should implement the use of digital twin for planning, which should be a criterion for developers to use to access their projects before construction

Benefits – helps predict possible threats and challenges, helps mitigate the effect of development in theearly stages so thattheplanners and policydevelopers can takenecessary steps to curb it, and finally keeps a check on the use of resources, energy, and waste management.

It also helps keep track of the city’s climate based on development.

Policy 5 – Energy pockets

The planning authority and the energy corporation of Dubai must allocate spaces for solar farms and storage units for green hydrogen in neighborhoods that are away from the city (such as academic city, silicon oasis) to mitigate the use of energy from conventional to renewable.

Benefits – Creates an alternative renewable source of energy that can be used during peak hours to reduce carbon emissions; this will help improve the air quality of Dubai.

Policy 6 – Solar parking

The RTA and energy corporation of Dubai shouldincorporate solar car parks within high-density areas of the city along with EV charging stations to help generate renewable energy and promote the use of electric vehicles in the city

Benefits – integration of solar car park will help produce renewable energy, which can be supplied back to the grid to reduce the use of conventional energy; this will help reduce the emissions and help benefit the goal of net zero Dubai. Also, by adding EV charging stations, it will become more accessible for people to start using electric cars, which will create awareness and promote the use of renewable energy.

6 Summary

The UAE's culture and economy have historically weathered difficult climates, but if the effects of climate change are allowed to worsen, the country's progress toward economic diversification and thegeneral well-beingofthepeoplewouldbe delayed. The researchoutlinedthemanyreasons why Dubai could host the climate change summit. Dubai is making great strides toward its netzero energy consumption target of 2050 because to its innovative use of technology in the energy production sector, particularly at the green hydrogen and barakah nuclear plant. Dubai's Department of Electricity and Water Authority's (DEWA) excessive water use app is a great illustration of how the city has utilized ICT into resource management and emission reduction measures.

Expo 2020 is a landmark initiative being transformed into a technological showcase and a model for other cities to utilise in the form of a "smart district." Although Dubai's infrastructure is firstrate,it isn't good enough whenit comes to tacklingclimate change's effects on thecity's airquality, temperature increases, and citizens' health. Emissions from a variety of urban sources are mostly to blame for these problems. Strategies have been developed to address these issues, with a particular emphasis on mobility measures like smarter parking lots, carpooling, and smart buses, all of which may cut down on pollution and increase the number of people who use public transportation.

The report concludes with a discussion of scenario planning, which will aid the city in evaluating the situation and mitigating the repercussions prior to development. We also developed strategies for integrating emerging energy technology into our everyday systems. In conclusion, the research demonstrates why Dubai deserves to host the summit, and the strategies established will assist the city in addressing current and future climate change challenges.

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