2019 Sustainability Report - Abu Dhabi Ports

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A b u D h a b i Po r t s


On behalf of the board of Abu Dhabi Ports, I am

be achieved through the cultivation of long-lasting

pleased to present our company’s Sustainability

relationships with our customers, and by evolving the

Report for 2019.

portfolio of services we bring to the marketplace.

The United Nations sets out clear standards for

However, these business goals do not stand in isolation.

clean energy, sustainable economic growth, healthy

Committing our resources across a wide range of

ecosystems, and increased resource efficiencies –

environmental initiatives, aimed at nurturing and

considerations that resonate strongly within the UAE.

protecting our environment, preserving our seas, and maintaining marine biodiversity, remains a critical

“The devotion to sustainable development lies at the heart of the UAE’s vision for its future, and our country can lay claim to being one of the most progressive and sustainable societies in the region.”

factor in how we gauge success. This year’s report details the progress made in integrating sustainability across our operations, employing technological and workplace innovation to reduce emissions and waste, whilst supporting the UAE’s economic diversification efforts and enhancing

Through a comprehensive implementation plan,

our community and social responsibility.

the UAE Government has set specific goals and has mapped out a framework to accommodate, meet

Through our business, values, and activities each one

and deliver on their commitment to the highest

of us has a role to play and, most importantly, we can

international standards at federal and local levels.

all make a difference in how we contribute towards the benefit of our society and the environment which

Since our first report, published last year, we

we share.

have expanded our mission at Abu Dhabi Ports to incorporate a long-term sustainability strategy

We thank you, our stakeholders, partners and

that adheres to the United Nations’ Sustainable

customers, for your continued support and we look

Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 and seeks to balance

forward to working together in the collective pursuit of

the commercial, environmental and social dimensions

excellence and sustainability.

of development. Across our operations and supply chains, our management team has endorsed the concept of sustainable growth in line with long-term business objectives. We know that establishing Abu Dhabi as a premier trade, industrial, and logistics hub can only



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