“Just do it.” Sound familiar.


What an iconic advertising slogan. Name of the company?
See, most of you know. And what their product is. Nike, the running shoe and other sporting products.
Why is that? It is because of advertising and it is not by hearing or seeing an advertisement or (ad for short), one or two times. It is because you heard or seen the ad over time on a consistent basis.

This ad may dated a few people.
Name the company that gave you this line, Where’s the beef ? Another iconic catchphrase. Wendy’s, of course.

A catchphrase is an expression recognized by its repeated saying to over and over as it becomes a well-known phrase. Such phrases often originate in popular culture, typically spread through word of mouth and a variety of mass media especially movies. Movies gave the world the catchphrases such as:

“I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.” The GodfatherParamount Pictures
My favorite,“Bond, James Bond” James Bond Films

You know these advertising and movie catchphrases because you heard them constantly heard or saw them on various media platforms such as TV, radio, movies and print media. It could have been in the same hour, another time slot, or different day, different movie. The result of Consistent Advertising.
Fellow Toastmasters and guests. Constant advertising is an important key to our Toastmasters club and letting the public know about us and what we offer.

“Here's looking at you, kid” Casablanca
Tonight, I would like to show you how vital it is to advertise in a consistent way for our club.
According to Shopify.com, advertising is a marketing tactic involving paying for space to promote a product, service, or cause.

The goal of advertising is to reach people who are most likely to be willing to pay for a company's products or services and entice them to buy.
In our case, we would like to get people to come to our meetings and become contributing members by doing speeches, taking on meeting roles and possibly moving towards becoming a club officer.
According to Toastmasters, my job as Vice President Public Relations (VPPR) is the responsibility of coordinating an active public relations and publicity program for this club.

What were doing now:
Articles in print media.

Have these efforts had an effect on the number of people joining and the club retaining members who come on a consistent basis? The answer is not really.
The majority of people who attend our Toastmasters meeting are basically the same people. We would like to have more people like you to add variety to our mix.
Profile of Toastmasters. This information is from a fact sheet presented from Toastmasters International.
The facts are taken from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
300,000 members.

Yet, there has been a -17.6% reduction in growth.
The retention rate for Toastmasters is 49.8%. Not bad at all.

New members: 104,300.
Member tenure which means how long they stay in Toastmasters is 2.9 years.
Being a member of Toastmasters takes dedication to stay on the course especially with Toastmasters’ Pathways (an interactive and flexible education program) and understanding its requirements. Writing, prepping and practicing speeches are all time consuming.
The hardest part of my job as the VP of public relations is identifying people who can benefit from Toastmasters. You just can’t go after everybody anymore.
The big step is targeting people, so they know who we are and will use our services.

With the other officers of the club, we are trying to think and implement some actions to increase the public’s awareness of our Toastmaster club.
One of the actions that we are pursuing is advertising on a radio station called The SUMMIT.FM which is alternative rock music with a huge focus on local music that broadcast locally on 90.7 FM Youngstown.

What makes the SUMMIT. FM, a viable vehicle for advertising for Toastmasters. It goes after a demographic (the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex) that we may be looking for.

The elements of an effective radio advertising campaign are Reach and Frequency. Reach is the number of times the listener will hear the adverting message within a set period of time. Frequency is the average number of times the listener will actually hear your message.
Radio ads typically run in 15, 30, and 60-second spots. Even a very short ad can be very effective. For best results, the ads should during the same time slot every day, and multiple times per day and week, so that the target listeners hear them over and over. This is constant advertising.
One of the main goals behind advertisements is to convince or persuade an audience to take a specific action.
At this point, the officers have amended the budget of $300-$500 for advertising on The SUMMIT. FM.
As I’ve been researching and going over how important consistent advertising is. My conclusion is that I’m suggesting that we do not use radio advertising because we would not be able to consistently reach the audience we want.
The results would not be in our favor such as getting new members and building awareness for our Toastmaster club in the Youngstown area.
I do have some suggestions to use the amended money in a different direction such as.
Newspaper advertising can target specific demographics (the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, sex and occupation) that are traditionally more difficult to reach through other mediums.
This allows our club to be more effective by targeting niche audiences including those in specific geographic areas.
This targeted advertising can range from simple inserts to regulate weekly sections in local newspapers and other special publications.
Print / Newspaper advertising can integrate page to web features with QR Codes to link readers with relevant information about the club and our location.I would like to use QR code on the club’s flag page.


Readers often clip and save information including special events, featured on friends and family, coupons and more.
Print/Newspaper advertising can be customized to meet any budget.

Low Cost Ways For Consistent Adverting For Our Club
• Photos of new members in the print media.
• More videos of the meeting posted online.
• More photos of the meeting posted online.
• Better use of our YouTube channel, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts.
• Better use of Meetup.com, a group meeting website.
In closing, what we need from all of you. If you have suggestions on how to bring Toastmasters to the public, the officers and I would appreciate that.
In essence, there is something in each and every one of you that got you here at this meeting. Was it something in some advertisement, word-of-mouth, goggling local Toastmasters clubs? Something made you walk through that door tonight. If we work together with word of mouth, being here at most meetings and being a productive not passive Toastmasters member.
We would be able to do as one the famous line says “Just do it?”
Madame Toastmaster.
This E-Book contains material that may have not be included in the actual speech due to time constraints.
If you would like to hear the actual of The Importance of Consist Advertising Speech from my podcast “What I Said At Toastmasters” just scan the QR Code or click the link for SoundCloud and the link for YouTube.

Soundcloud Podcast 14 - What I Said At Toastmasters
https://soundcloud.com/user-27867553/what-i-said-in-toastmasters-podcast-14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66wSCuGd4pc&t=529s
YouTube- Podcast 14- What I Said At Toastmasters
Thank you so much for reading. Arthur Byrd, Toastmaster.