“Volunteers are love in motion”.
ABN: Just tell us a little bit about yourself. Getu: Born, grew up and studied in the capital Addis Ababa, I graduated in Journalism & Communication from Addis Ababa University. I had served as freelance writer for various print media. Moreover, I worked at the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency (currently called EBC) for twelve years. I had mainlyproduced different TV shows for Africa Journal, News coverageand 120 Entertainment Programs.
I received various awards for my memorable TV productions at ETV / EBC. In 2008 a French- based TV witnessed my reputation from the audience and named me “ባለ ንሥሩ ዓይን ጋዜጠኛ - A Journalist with an Eagle Eye”. My three TV shows were translated in French and aired via the station. With the producer‘s invitation, I had the opportunity to pay visits to Germany, Italy, France and Belgium where I was able to gain insight into Europe’s socio - cultural reality and media landscape.
By: George Yehish
Journalists, Getu Temesgen
Our first ABN 10 questions corner brings you one of the most popular Ethiopian journalists, Getu Temesgen who is known for his unique presentation and program content. Getu had worked at the former Ethiopian Radio & Television Agency (now EBC) for over a decade, mainly at the SUNDAY ENTERTAINMENT SHOW with which he managed to reveal and produce fascinating and hidden human-touch stories. He has received various awards, including Green Hero and Tana Awardsfor his magnificent documentary films and related TV shows.Moreover, he was named as “A Journalist with an Eagle Eye” BY a French TV station. New social ABN’s Editor-in-Chief AKLILE TSIGE now takes the opportunity to talk to Getu on his media business and related issues.
Abyssinia Business Nework መጋቢት
ወር 2012 March 2020