7 minute read
Abide by International Law
Egypt through the 1959 agreement with Sudan have apportioned 100% of the Nile waters for themselves and have left behind the nine Nile Basin countries with zero meter cube allocation. That agreement is still valid and active for the two countries of Egypt and Sudan. So currently the rest of us, the nine countries, according to that agreement, have a zero meter allocation. So that is the status now in terms of utilizing the Nile waters. For example, the electricity coverage in Egypt is more than 98% while it is around 35% in Ethiopia. In terms of water use for irrigation also, Egypt has developed close to 4 million hectares of land; Sudan Egypt is afraid of the fact that this “ has developed close to 2 million hectares of land while Ethiopia has used only limited amount of its dam will generate water resources. Also in all other upper basin countries, there are a self-reliance irrigation potential but the developed portion is very minimum. Therefore, in terms of energy generation and overall GDP Egypt has the largest share among psychology among all the Nile Basin counties. other African Ethiopia’s decision to build the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam /GERD/ remains to be a matter of survival. Ethiopia, indeed, has undertaken some countries to build projects in the Blue Nile Basin such as Tana Beles Hydroelectric project which has a capacity to generate 460 MW, Fincha hydroelectric project and some their own dams irrigation projects around Lake Tana and Fincha. Nonetheless, these are not very substantial projects with their Special Edition of GERD 2020 ልዩ እትም 2012 Abyssinia Business Nework // ABN when compared with what has been developed over the past years in Egypt and Sudan. For the first time Ethiopia ventured to build GERD that is planned to generate some 6000 MW. This intention is misunderstood especially by Egypt that the project will own resources. ” 24
Gedion Asfaw / Eng. / Chairperson, National Panel of Experts and Technical Negotiating Team
A B A Y reduce the water allocation of Egypt psychology among other African truth in this notion. But it is now and Sudan, which Ethiopia and the countries to build their own dams being challenged by all upstream upstream countries do not recognize with their own resources.” countries, including Ethiopia. Now the self proclaimed water allocation. the accepted behavior is to agree on There is also an international law equitable and reasonable utilization
Over the past years Ethiopia has that any country that develops of the Nile waters. opposed the 1959 agreement its resources should take into including the development projects consideration downstream concerns You cannot behave now as you in the two downstream countries. that the development shall not inflict used to. This is 21st century that
The Toshika Irrigation project and significant harm. international laws and orders should
Sinai Irrigation project have taken be respected. Countries are now the waters of the Blue Nile out of Egypt has developed close to 4 building their respective capacities the Basin which is against customary million hectares of land and built diplomatically, militarily and law. The upstream countries can carry dams, inflicting significant harm on economically and the population out similar projects, taking the waters upstream countries by foreclosing of the Nile basin countries is of the Nile out of the basin which is development of water resources exploding. an inter-basin transfer. and claiming all the waters of the Nile among the two downstream Thus the use of Nile waters should
This is rarely done in other countries countries. only be governed by international
Egypt carried out inter basin transfer principles of equitable and of the Nile without consulting with People think that only upstream reasonable use and not causing other basin countries. They have countries could cause significant significant harm. transferred the waters of the Nile in harm on downstream countries, to the desert, consisting of five lakes. but downstream countries cause With regards to the changes in the
They are wasting the water through significant harm by foreclosing number of turbines, Ethiopia wants evaporation on Lake Nasir and all water dependent development to optimize the energy production
Toshika Lakes. activities So we have to really and the generation capacity as understand that downstream related to the number of turbines. So
International water law supports and countries can cause significant harm the optimum solution was to have promotes the use of water in one’s on upstream countries. 13 instead of 16 turbines. That territory of any sovereign country. has nothing to do with negotiations
There is also a provision that within There was an understanding with Sudan and Egypt. The change a given geographical territory every that Egypt’s act was hegemonic, was done in connection with our nation has the right to develop its showing and relying on military power generation capacity and resources. power, and using the waters of achieving the same energy output the Nile Basin without consulting of 15,700GWh/year with reduced “Egypt is afraid of the fact that this with upstream countries. There number of turbines. dam will generate a self-reliance are, of course, some elements of
hopes and dreams to the realization of the dam
getting Image
As far as diplomatic effort is concerned, Ethiopia has not, in deed, focused on making unnecessary noises Ethiopia , however, has launched various diplomatic tours to Europe, the Middle East and other parts of the world, deploying its diplomats, politicians and scholars to reveal Ethiopia’s stand and negotiations on GERD. Our embassies are well aware of what is going on and trying to explain the current situation to the international community.
It’s advisable for Egypt to come to terms with Ethiopia’s proposal on the filling and operation of the Renaissance Dam. More significantly, Egypt has to look for other alternative sources of water for it has plenty of deep ground water; they have also begun desalination of Mediterranean and Red Sea waters, and other ways to reduce their reliance on the Nile. Egypt may be afraid of the fact that this dam will generate a self-reliance psychology among other African countries to build their own dams with their own resources.
''The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is the dam of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.”
Negotiations should continue among Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt in order to
settle the disagreement. GERD is not the only dam in the world. There are 8,000 large dams worldwide and close to 240 agreements and treaties between upstream and downstream countries. Ours is not the first or the only negotiations going on among the three countries.
There has never been war over water sharing. So Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt should keep negotiating and resolve their differences. There is no other alternative; resorting to conflict will not ensure the water security of Sudan and Egypt. It will even make it worse if there is conflict in the region.
Despite the uncomfortable and inconvenient political climate, I am optimistic that the countries will resolve their differences. Of course, transboundary negotiations take time. The CFA negotiations, took some 13years; the Colombia, the United States and Mexico negotiations all had taken time.
All have to understand that there are millions of people along the Blue Nile, utilizing the water since Millennia, and the population is growing at an alarming rate. Whether the downstream countries like it or not people will continue to use the waters of the Nile. No one can prevent farmers living along the Nile River from using the water and break the spiritual connection that exist among these people.
It’s my dam, your dam and our dam. This is a motto that Ethiopians at home and abroad should adopt. GERD belongs to Ethiopians who have contributed their finance, knowledge, time, energy, hopes and dreams to the realization of the objective of the dam.
GERD is a dam of this generation; it will be a dam of future generation. It is the dam of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It is not only Ethiopians but also other African nations who should recognize that the Renaissance Dam is a symbol of self-reliance. Special Edition of GERD 2020 27