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Example Of An Argument

ii) What is an argument? Elaborate with examples. In everyday life, people use argument to connote a squabble between people. But in critical thinking and logic, an argument is a list of statements, which consist of two or more premises or assumptions and a conclusion of the argument. To accord an argument is to provide a set of premises as reasons for giving credence to the conclusion and not necessarily to attack or criticise someone. Arguments can also be a tool to underpin other people's opinions.

Here is an example of an argument:


If you want to find a good job, you should study smart

You do want a good job

So, you should study smart.

The first two sentences are the premises of the argument and the final sentence is the conclusion. To...show more content... Therefore, the patient does not have malaria.

Referring back to the criteria that has to be fulfilling to produce a valid argument, the given example obeys the criteria with a true premise which leads to a true conclusion. This is how a valid argument is identified. For valid arguments, the addition of extra premises will not change the conclusion. A valid conclusion is deduced from a set of premises can never be changed by the addition of new premises.

b)Invalid arguments

If an argument is invalid, then it is possible for a false conclusion even though all the premises are true. It is logically possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false.

Here is an example of an invalid argument:

All actors are robots

Johny Dep is a robot.

Therefore, Johny Dep is an actor.

Now, if these premises are true, it does not follow that Johny Dep is an actor. It would follow if we mention that only actors are robots in the premises, but it does not say that. We can assume that anyone in the acting ccupation is a robot, but robots might be doing different jobs besides acting. So, the fact that Johny Dep is a robot does not guarantee that he is also an

12th June, 2013 Does the high level of Carbon Dioxide (C02) possibly harm the Earth's planetary biosphere, or has it already done so; in fact, many worldwide scientists have protested that the Earth is at its 'tipping point' but no efforts have been adapted to save the biosphere? A support of this controversial topic; congressional meeting and testimony, is from one of the top U.S. climate scientists, James Hansen to Former Vice President Al Gore, with an emphasis on the cause of C02. Beyond the ozone layer is atmospherically holey, Earth's temperature is rising, and the climate changing conversely, one that people trivialized the most is:Global warming. Increasingly, subject to concern not only via online discussion, magazine and...show more content...

How would this have happened, with the increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and if this carries on, then the earth will burn up. United States in 2006, the impact of BP oil spilled which left countless species of marine life devastated–to its demise–the communities that rely on the Gulf for natural resources. Across the nation, communities have faced devastating levels of water and air pollution as a result of coal burning power plants. In addition, every region is affected by severe weathers–droughts in the Midwest, wildfires in western states and floods in the southeast. Global warming is fundamentally changing the planet that has sustained the civilization. The emphasis is, will people continue to exploit the planet or take action by going on green–or inaction like having some social animals to be adapted to seek out only toward others. Human too, can escape the inevitable by: re–cycling, driving smart cars, using energy efficient technology or ultimately reduce the burning of fossil fuels, etc. The United States presently leads the world in the production of carbon dioxide emissions. Daily supplies come from sources such as: energy, transportation and sewage treatment, which comes from the burning of fossil fuels. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased more than 30% since the start of the industrial revolution. Carbon dioxide (C02) is a greenhouse gas discharged through

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