Spiritual Journey Essay

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The stress and strain of life's obstacles sometimes take us off course. Rivers have always seemed to play a major role in religion. The bible says Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist at the Jordan river, and as Jesus prayed, the Heavens opened. In the Hindu religion they believe in seven sacred rivers; the Hindus believe bathing in the Ganges river will cleanse them of their sins. I felt it was essential to illustrate a stable boat in my river of spirituality drawing. I believe our spiritual journey leads most of us on an array of river paths. Some rivers have clear skies with rocks along the way; other streams supply jagged lightning.

My grandmother used to say to me, "Isaiah, your life is going to flash before your eyes." I was...show more content...

I am sure a lot of my classmate's families were negatively impacted by the project also. I would of felt heartbroken if my child did not pick me as well. This was the stage of my life that my spiritual river took a bend for the worst, it worsened the relationship I had with my mother, and it psychologically affected me.

At the age of ten I began to play a sport called punch ball, it was similar to baseball. I was good at this game, and the children in my school began to respect me. I became popular during my fifth grade school year. Since I was already accustomed to my mother's abuse; I used schooling and sports as a means of escape from my broken home . At this stage of my life, my river was quiet because I psychologically taught myself to avoid the rocks and eddies my mother put on my path. The acceptance I received from my peers gave me a sense of purpose, I felt truly valued for the first time in my life.

At the age of twelve I entered junior high school. I was assigned to a rough public school in the Bronx, the school was not in our local district, so I did not know most of the children that attended. I began to become fond of girls and they seemed to like me as well; the local school boys did not enjoy the popularity I was given by the opposite gender. I was approached by the school's bully, he became a vicious animal along my riverbank. I did not tolerate being

My Spiritual Journey through Life Essay
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Buddhism began with Siddharta Gautama in the 6th century B.C.E., he was originally Hindu but formed Buddhism when he saw the four sights of an old man, a sick man, a dead man, and an amendicant. He feels that was his sign to go for a spiritual journey. He tries Jainism and performs asceticism, extreme fasting. Gautama felt there should be something more than Jainism. After eating, he sits under the Bodhi Tree and becomes enlightened with the idea of Buddhism. The Sutra is the book of teachings for Buddhists like a bible to a Christian. He makes the four noble truths that life involves suffering, suffering is from desire, to end suffering you must end craving, and to end craving you must follow the 8–fold path. The 8–fold path is a way to...show more content...

Since I arrived early, I took a walk around the temple and its ground. The smell of flowers filled the air from the incense they were burning. Incense sticks are burned to release the good smell from the lotus flower to offer the gods and pay respect to the Buddha along with clearing the sky. Buddha statues and lotus flowers were around the entire temple and land. The lotus flower represents purity, spiritual awakening, and faithfulness to the Buddhists. Before entering any part of the holy buildings, you must take your shoes off because shoes have a lot of filth on them, they do not want to make their temple dirty also, and they want to preserve the floors as long as they can. When entering the temple I noticed there were no pews, there were only cushions and small tables lined up. Siddhartha Gautama was in the middle of the stage and was the largest statue, since he is the founder for their religion. Apples were placed in front of him as an offer to tell him how blessed they are for all that they have. Observing the people walking around I noticed that some wore monastic robes of a grayish color and a tan color. Wearing the robes represented the monks promise to live a life without materialistic ways of the society. They choose to live as simple as they can; also the Master and his monk shave their heads to not give into vanity but to remain simple. When the service began, I sat off to the

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Buddhism : A Spiritual Journey

My spiritual journey began as a child who was enrolled in St. Cyril's Catholic kindergarten in Danville, Pennsylvania. Most prominently, I remember going to the Chapel and praying as a class. One of our assignments was to think about someone who needed a prayer. I would listen to the other children who were praying for their parents, grandparents, and pets. I remember talking to my mom one evening about who I should pray for. At the time, she talked to me about my cousin who was a soldier in the United States Army, and explained to me that he was deployed to Iraq. She told me that I could pray for him to return safely. When it was my turn to share who I was praying for, I told the class I prayed for him. I don't remember how many times we went to the chapel during the week, but I remember praying for him for a few weeks. I also recall our teacher taking us around to each stained glass in the chapel and telling us a story about each window. I do not remember too much of the story she was telling, as I was just interested in looking at the sunshine projecting through the glass. After kindergarten, we moved to an even more rural area, called Watsontown, Pennsylvania. I was enrolled at this school district from first grade until twelfth grade. From this point forward, religion seemed to be presented to me in an undesirable way for a child. In first grade, I remember having a Halloween party day where we could dress up in costumes and get candy from our mailboxes. I loved being

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"Kaylan, I am scared I will not see you in heaven," my dad said to me crying one day. That is the very moment that I reflect on when thinking about my spiritual pilgrimage. I had accepted Christ into my life at a young age, but did not fully understand the depth of that relationship that I was entering into. I made poor decisions my first two years in high school, and after realizing my choices I was making, my dad questioned if I truly accepted Christ in the first place. I knew I had accepted Christ into my life and received the gift of the Holy Spirit; however, I fell into temptation and quenched the Holy Spirit when alerting me what I was doing was very wrong. My junior year was a year full of healing and restoring for both me and my family. I believe that was the beginning of my spiritual pilgrimage in that sense that I was finally understanding how to participate in the grace to grace relationship with God. My parents quickly removed me from the public high school I was attending and placed me into a small Christian high school. My youth group leader's wife, Mandy, was the math teacher, and she quickly became my mentor for the next two years. I had met with her several times before, but was never truly honest with her about my struggles and difficulties of understanding my relationship with God. As we began to meet, she challenged me to reflect and understand the temptation that I fell in to, but to also reflect on who I am in Christ and how to enter back into that

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My Journey As A Spiritual Journey

As I reflect back on my spiritual journey, I remember times of questioning God, praying in times of need, and asking why certain things happen the way they do. My journey has brought me through rough patches of my life and times of life learning lessons. Looking back at the past and up until now, I was not the one to attend church every Sunday and pray before every meal. I questioned some of the ways my church wanted us to learn about God. I even questioned God about certain events in life and why they happened. I look back on this as a way to show me how learning from God and about him is not always done in a church. As I make my way through nursing school, I have also learned that many individuals turn to their spirituality, find their faith, or pray that their belief will bring them comfort. My spiritual journey has taught me lessons of each these through good and bad times. My spiritual journey was not perfect and I am still learning from it. This journey has taken me through good times in my life and some really rough times in my life. The bad times never stopped me from changing my faith in God or staying mad at him. I have always learned in church, Sunday school, and church camps that God has a plan for everyone. Those plans will not be perfect and will not be easy. These plans will teach me about life and who I am becoming today. At the beginning of this journey, I had no clue about my faith in God. At this time in my life, I was around the age of five and was Get

My Journey On My Spiritual Journey
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My Spiritual Journey

A spiritual journey is the search of God in our lives. This journey often helps us to find the true inner meaning in our life. It doesn't matter whether you go to church or not, nature is leading us to God. My spiritual journey began when I first moved to the United States. I was four years old when I left Haiti with my father and twin brother and heartbroken to leave my mom behind. My dad seized the opportunity to go to America where he would create a better future for us. Growing up was hard because, for most of my life, my mom was absent. But I was fortunate, and even without the guidance of my mom, I learned perseverance that one day we'd reunite. This was the major step towards finding my faith and becoming a child of God. The church became a place that I would go to pray to God in hopes of reuniting with my mother. Every Sunday, my brother and I would attend church services by ourselves. My father could not attend because he had to work many jobs to support us as well as my mother in Haiti. Life was hard on me because I felt a part of me wasn't complete. Attending Saint Mary's church somehow seemed to fill that void. I enjoyed going to Sunday services so much that my brother and I decided to attend Sunday school. Through Sunday school I was learning everything I could about God and his impact in my life. After many years of going to church, my brother and I decided that we should become alter server. Being an alter serve was the best decision I have made. Not

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Where am I now? Where am I headed? What am I being called to do? How had God gifted me and how that aligns with the first three questions? All seemingly simple questions, but moreover they are questions that have caused a multitude of sleepless nights pondering the answers and the implications of what those answers signify. I am not typically an introspective person by nature and the idea of searching inward is not only difficult, it's also a fight against the notion that I'm only daydreaming or navel gazing and consequently, not being productive. The root of this thinking is not difficult to determine, I need search no further than my father to comprehend where this originated. Determined, persevering, and forward thinking would be...show more content...

At forty four years old the idea of asking the question where am I headed or who would I like to become seems a bit late, however it's a question that need to be asked. I believe I'm headed along the same trajectory as where I am now, albeit further down the road. Having a positive impact on those work with, as well as my clients is of paramount importance to me and at the core of what I feel called to do. Oswald Chambers wrote "Never allow yourself this thought, "I am of no use where I am," because you certainly cannot be used where you have not yet been placed." (Chambers, Utmost) My mission field is wherever I am and whomever I am next to. The question of who would I like to become requires a slightly more creative response. Romans 8:29 is God's answer for who I am to become, "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters." (NIV Bible, Rom 8:29) How does one say humbly that I wish to become "Jesus"? Rather than state it, I have taken the approach to do my best to emulate him in my dealings with those I come in contact with on a daily basis.

Based on the strengths test my five top themes were:


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My Reflection On My Spiritual Journey

My Spiritual Journey When I think of spiritual formation I think of the pearl that is formed on the inside of an oyster. Oysters do not know that they are part of the important process of making pearls of great price. We are like that oyster, we are going along content as can be and then suddenly something happens in our lives to cause pain or irritation. Slowly we are forced to examine ourselves and see that this pain is not going away so we start to create ways of making life work for ourselves in spite of our pain. If we turn to God we begin to grow as a result of the pain and we start to develop ways to embrace the pain. As a result we are building something we didn't even know we needed. We form a beautiful pearl in the midst of our...show more content...

My dad and my little brother Tim were traumatized on a level that could not be measured because of the events of that day but, the whole family was changed forever. This was my first experience with genuine pain and suffering. My brother and I were very close, we were in the same grade and shared a lot of the same friends. I desperately missed him and struggled on a deep emotional level about living life without him. At one point within the first week I remember crying out to God asking him to take me too so that I could be with Paul. Watching my parents navigate surviving the death of a child, through an accident that could have been prevented, was excruciating. Each of my siblings responded differently to the death of our brother but every one of us was grappling with inexplicable grief. My fear of God became overwhelming as I recalled all the things that Paul had done just within the past several nights, wondering if he was in purgatory, if he would make it to heaven, and where I would go if I were to join him. The teachings of the Catholic church, about the state of our soul when we actual die were weighing heavy on my heart. Paul had been going through a typical stage of teenage rebellion and his life was far from honoring to God. He had recently heard the gospel at a rally that a mutual friend persuaded him to attend but, I hadn't seen any evidence of him choosing Jesus. What was his eternal fate? I was so fearful of hell and damnation, I knew he had not Get

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Buddhism Spiritual Journey

Buddhism primarily incorporates a diversity of beliefs. As it seeks to attain spiritual enlightenment, it has been assessed 'not as a religion' but more as 'a set of philosophical values' in which an individual can essentially in control. Buddhism does not point an individual's path but seeks to guide them on their 'spiritual journey' which ultimately makes them one with their soul.

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My Personal Spiritual Influences On My Family

This paper is written to share my personal spiritual journey. I will discuss the influence my family has had during my upbringing on my religious and spiritual practices. I will additionally share how my spirituality has changed and evolved over time as I married and now have a family of my own. This paper will describe how spirituality has determined and motivated my personality and the adult I have become. This will help me to expound on how my personal spiritual beliefs will establish a respectful, collaborative, and caring relationships with my future clients.


From the time I could comprehend that certain people, beliefs, behaviors and things had value, I have held my family in a high level of importance. I enjoyed being a part of my family and since I was the first child of my parents and the first grandchild of both sets of grandparents, I was doted on. This was never so apparent as the advantageous attention I received from the grandparents. Throughout my childhood, I was safe, secure, felt loved, was taught right from wrong and attended church and Sunday school regularly. The values and attitudes that were taught in the church were modeled at home. The early focus on God and Christ became imprinted in my mind and became a solid part of my personality even as an adult.

Early Years I was born in a small town in South East Alabama called Dothan. My mother and father's parents lived in the same town and I was blessed to spend a large quantity of time with them. I see this time now as quality time that truly instilled in me my beliefs that have stayed with me all these years. My granddad owned a grocery store within the less privileged area of the community and I spent a lot of time there with him. I saw first–hand my granddad's spiritual kindness and generosity towards all people in this part of my life. He frequently bailed people out of jail anonymously, helped them when they did not have food or paid someone's power bill when they were about to have the electricity turned off. I learned later that my granddad was not always a good Christian example. He had previously been an alcoholic, smoked cigarettes, was unfaithful to my grandmother, could be mean spirited and was

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When one asks about how my spiritual journey began, it did not begin when I was born nor did it begin shortly after that. My spiritual journey began when I was seven–years–old. Having been born in Malaysia, the most common religions there are Buddhist and Hindu; I grew up with both religions. In the summer of 2006, my immediate family moved to Vancouver, Washington for my dad's job, it was then when I was introduced to Christianity and further grew my faith. However, my journey thus far has not been an easy ride, I've had to face many inner adversities.

(1) The most significant moment in my spiritual journey was when I partook in water baptism. Being baptized was the number one most significant event in my spiritual journey because when I was submerged underwater, I felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit which filled me and I could feel all my burdens being lifted away. Ever since the day I got baptized, I had a deeper relationship withGod and it taught me to surrender everything onto Him in every circumstance of life. Another significant moment in my spiritual journey is seeing prayers being constantly answered by God. Although I know prayers are not immediately answered when one prays, I believe in the three different answers granted by God; yes, no, and not yet. Personally, each of these three answers are not flat out one word answers. Yes means that God gives you what you want, no means God have something better planned out for you and doesn't give you what

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My Spiritual Journey

My faith journey has been challenged throughout my life. I have had many ups and downs, and many times when I questioned my faith. Although those times were rough, I found comfort in God and knowing that He is always there for me. One of my favorite quotes is "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13. This quote got me through tough times when my faith was shaking. In the past, my faith had been challenged on numerous occasions. The very first time that my faith was challenged was when I was nine. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes (T1D). This was so hard for my family and I to cope with and to understand. I did not know anything about T1D nor all the strains that came with it. I blamed God for giving me this disease, I had asked him "Why me, what did I do to deserve this?" I spent a lot of time seeking for this answer. A few days after being diagnosed with T1D I had received the news that my grandpa had passed away. This was really hard for me to deal with and to understand why it happened so soon. My sophomore year of high school was really difficult for me. I had lost both of my grandmas that year. I tried my best to cope with the fact that I would not get to see them at holidays anymore, that they would never see me graduate high school, or that I would not be able to hear their wonderful and happy voices anymore. It reached the point that I had mostly given up on God. I was not ready to say goodbye to some of the people that

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A Reflection On My Spiritual Journey

People all over the world have their particular belief about spirituality. Even within the same religion many have their own spiritual views. Some believe that going to church once a week will save them. Other's views set a prayer cycle, though good, it may become redundant and lose meaning. But beside the point, it seems most people blame God and leave His side when He does not help them out in times of hardships. However, there are a small group of those who produce positive energy–more so when hard times come–and continue to believe. To me that is the key element of the matter–belief. My spiritual journey goes something like this. As far back as I can remember, I was blessed being raised in a loving Seventh–day Adventist home. I was taught to go to church every Saturday morning at nine am and know my Sabbath school lesson plan. Loving the Lord and praising Him was always been real clear to me and how crucial it was to worship the heavenly father. Growing up in the church and learning Christian values along with how to live my life glorifying God has made me realize how fortunate I truly am. I could not have asked for a better upbringing. The church that I attended was more conservative on the spectrum, which shaped my perspective of God and the church. I was told that whatever the world had to offer to the human race was not worthy and was temporary whereas what God had to offer was eternal. As I matured and became a teenager it began to be more and more challenging

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Reflection On My Spiritual Journey

As I reflect on my spiritual journey, I cannot help but marvel at the grace God has lavished on me. Looking back on my early childhood, I can honestly say that I cannot remember a day without Christ being the center my life. Much of this was due to the fact that I grew up in a very strong, Christian household. Time and time again, my parents would (and still) never cease to show Christ's love and mercy for me. However, although I was surrounded and shown the Gospel by both my immediate and church family, I never felt pressured into my faith. Although I grew up as a "pastor's kid" and was baptized as an infant, my family made it very clear to me that it was my own decision to accept Jesus Christ into my heart and that no one could do this...show more content...

In everything that I do, I want to give God the glory and praise and to have my life be a reflection of His love and faithfullness. I desperately want to be a part of this team because of my heart for China and for ministry. Ever since I was in high school and went to Rockbridge for Prayer Over Night with my YoungLife leader and I first heard about IECS, the Lord has placed in me an overwhelming desire to go back to China and to serve through this ministry as a way to advance His kingdom in China. Additionally, I know that this would be an incridible opportunity to give back to YoungLife as a supporter of your outreach, because of the way that it has greatly grown and impacted my faith. As a team member, I understand that though I am going to serve and teach English to Chinese college students, I am being invited to build relationships with the students and to earn their trust so that I can ultimtely love and share the gospel with them. I am aware of the dangers of sharing the gospel in China due to their communist government and the need to be both careful and flexibile, but know that the Lord will do incredible things in and through us and will protect us. After watching an IECS presentation and getting to know an IECS Chinese college while on Summer Staff at Lake Champion this past summer, I know that many, if not all, of the college students who we will be ministering to place their values on Get more content

The Journey Of My Spiritual Development

It was at a very young age that I knew there was something very different about me. I could never put my finger on it, but I always felt like something inside made me different from everyone else around me. In almost ever setting or place. I have always felt there was something going on internally that I could not explain, but it is as if I knew from the time I could see and hear that I was not alone in this journey called life. And in reflection, I see that God was certainly always there watching patiently every step of the way. The power of God sovereignty observing each growth spirit, failure and experience day after day during every passing moment brought about physical and spiritual of transformation. One of the cornerstones in my spiritual development started when I was age eight. At the time I was living in an orphanage in Grand Rapids Michigan because my father had died suddenly at age 38 and my mother was in a rehabilitation center recovering from a serious heroin addiction. One day an older African American woman showed up at the facility towards the end of the day. I could see her talking with one of the caretakers at the facility. They kept talking and every few seconds they would turn around and look in the direction where I was standing. I knew in my heart they were talking about me, but I could make out what they were talking about. One thing was for sure, I hated living with the 30 other orphaned boys in a barracks type setting like something

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My Spiritual Journey

Faith and Reason in My Own Spiritual Journey A spiritual journey is the search of God's purpose through a person's life. This journey often helps us to find the true inner meaning in our life. It doesn't matter whether you go to church or not but some spiritual connection with God's somewhere in our daily life. I was four years old when I left Haiti with my father and twin brother and heartbroken to leave my mom behind. My dad seized the opportunity to go to America where he would create a better future for us. Growing up was hard because, for most of my life, my mom was absent. But I have been fortunate, and even without the guidance of my mom, I learned perseverance that one day we would be reunited. , was the major step towards finding my faith and becoming a child of God. Every Sunday, my brother and I would attend church services. Going to church for us was a way to cope without our mother. My father required multiple jobs to support us and my mom in Haiti that he couldn't really attend church with us. Saint Mary's church became a big part of my life and shaped who I became today. Attending Sunday services wasn't the only things I did, I joined their Sunday classes to learn more about my Catholic faith. As Catholic, I felt that I had to participate in the church as much I could. Therefore, after three years attending church there, my brother and I decided that we should become alter serve and help the church. Being an alter serve was the best decision I have made.

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My personal religious and spiritual journey began as a young child in Long Island, New York. In fact, my parents and grandparents often took me to church activities in addition to Sunday services. I was taught how to pray by my parents as a child and I went to Bible study classes at church. My grandmother Hannah in my opinion was a calm, wise, caring, affectionate, and strong woman of faith. I regularly liked to asked her questions because, she was very patient with me. I always said, if I had a daughter I would name her after my grandma Hannah as I admired her strength. I attended Catholic schools from first grade to twelfth grade, where I also had religious education classes. I'll never forget my fourth–grade teacher Sister Mary, she was a firm teacher but, she always encouraged my class. She would tell us you can achieve anything in your life if you try hard, pray and stay strong in your faith. In my opinion I had several positive major formative influences in my life. After, high school I went to nursing school in Hicksville, Long Island New York called Vocational Extension Board Practical Nursing School, a 12 month program. I enjoyed my clinical rotations and having the opportunity to interact with many people as a young nursing student. Mrs. Arthur one of my nursing instructors was very supportive to the nursing students when we had our oncology clinical rotations. It was very difficult to remain positive and not be heartbroken when caring for patients with Get more content

My Spiritual Journey Essay

Religion and science are the two biggest forces to affect humans in a brief and truth. The end of science is beginning of the religion. Science is studying of material, which is researching the truth, and it must be partitioned to knowledge and theory. Religion is maintaining people's hearts. The purpose of religion is also studying the truth, but it more focus on the life and experience. Jane Goodall is the author of "In The Forest Of Gombe". In her article, looking for the definition of human beings and science and religion is not conflicting with each other; those are Jane Goodall's spiritual journey. Like many Christians, she also shakes faith in God when she faces to suffering and death. However, she...show more content...

The gap is only 1% between chimp and human genes, which means that Goodall finds the pure goodness of human nature in chimpanzees. In the observation of chimpanzees, the behaviors are similar to humans social behavior. Goodall refers "I heard sounds of greetings as Fifi and her family joined Melissa and hers" (147). Through this process, she finds many precious qualities of chimpanzees. Chimpanzee have a variety of postures and gestures to communicate with others. The core of this finding is that chimpanzees not only have family ambience, but also have a friendship. Such behaviors and thinkings are almost the same with human beings. However, people cannot only pay attention to chimp's resemblances. The most pressing problem is how humans and other creatures get along well. As Goodall asks "Were we going to go on destroying God's creation, fighting each other, hurting the other creatures of His planet" (Goodall 150). Chimpanzees and humans have common behaviors and minds, so medical research uses chimpanzees and other primates as experiments. Some scientists want to observe animals in the effectiveness of new drugs and toxicity who are closest to humans. Some are looking for the pathogenesis of some diseases or genes. No matter what kinds of animal experiments, which are completely, damaging the rest of life on earth. The animal experiment just satisfies such curiosity and longing

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The Spiritual Journey Of Jesus


I have chosen Worship as my most favoured Christian discipline. Worship comes to me as a natural practice to give thanks and gratitude to Jesus for all he's done and is doing for all humanity. I praise and pray on a daily basis, either through quiet reflective time in prayer to listening to worship music in the car, work and at home. Worship allows me to give thanks for the incredible gifts Jesus has given me and keeps my mind focused my spiritual journey in Jesus. Jesus is worth all the worship and praise as it says in Romans 12:1–2: "I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable, or well pleasing and perfect." Summarise your original understanding of the discipline before the course started Being a new Christian I quickly learnt symbolic acts of worship involved singing, praising and partaking in communion at Sunday church. Worship to me is about giving thanks to the Trinity. Remembering how much Jesus loves us and what he endured on the cross for us is a vital part of remembrance through worship through partaking in the communion. I didn't realise that through worship I would receive such clarity and truth through the Holy Spirit and a knowing that God sent his only son

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My faith has always been a question mark, and even now, writing about it worries me. A generalized sense of my faith could be summed up as doing what I think and feel to be "right." To address my spiritual journey, I think I should start from the beginning. I grew up in Shipshewana, a small town up north in Indiana. We lived in an insignificant neighborhood, with a church at the end of the street. I only lived there until I was about 5 years old, but I can recall many memories of growing up. My family never attended church together–and the most religious thing I can remember doing cohesively is visiting a nativity scene during Christmas in town–and I do not even believe we stayed for the entire thing. I was taught to believe in God, and to accept all as my brothers and sisters. I used to be giddy over the idea that my "friends" were also my brothers and sisters. The idea of faith was present but never addressed. I used to journey down the road of my neighborhood by ...show more content...

My faith and mental & physical health started to become very important to me. I began to run, and started mapping out the parks in Fort Wayne that I had ran. I started reading scripture every day, and taking sacred time at USF seriously. I practiced mindfulness, and tried new things. This year so far has been one filled with self–discovery.

I know now what God means to me. I might not attend church every Sunday, but I invest time to practice my faith. I see the holy spirit in acts of love all around me, and he is constantly in my life. I try to dwell on the "rules" the bible has set. I think the "gut feeling" is a significant feeling that is guided by God's hand. Even the small things like picking up apiece of trash, or apologizing when it is difficult. He is in all the beauty of nature that I experience on my runs, or in all the good news I hear. He is in the face of the people I love, and is the wheels to my vehicle to future

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What Is A Spiritual Journey Essay

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