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Argumentative Essay On Discrimination
In the context of this argument, discrimination is the unjust treatment of groups of people, specific in this argument, women and racial minorities. Discrimination often involves unfair denial of opportunity to a woman or minority from a source of power. While discrimination is wrong, it is not all the same and it does not all come from the same source. Discrimination can stem from things like emotions, specifically fear or hatred, rules and laws, and society. To compare discrimination, you must be comparing situations with the same cause. Comparing discrimination with different causes does not work since they are not coming from the same foundation. Comparison needs the same foundation so similarity in the situations are taken into consideration. The cause is a big enough difference that makes the cases incomparable. In discrimination cases, a situation that began from fear will be vastly different than a situation that began from a law. The reasoning for discrimination and how to handle the problem will be different. These situations have to be dealt with separately and they should not be compared as they are not similar enough for comparison.
Universities give women and minorities special consideration because, throughout history, women and racial minorities have been given the disadvantage of applying to and getting into colleges. The unequal consideration of women and minorities for spots going to or teaching at colleges have led to the creation of higher learning
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To stand or not stand? That is the question regarding the recent controversy with the National Football League. Many football players have protested against America's oppression of African Americans and other minorities by linking arms with their peers, and kneeling while the National Anthem , The Star Spangled Banner, played in the arenas. Those who oppose this form of protest, feel as though by not standing with hand over heart, the players are disrespecting our country and the veterans who fought for it. They have also called those who are protesting "bad Americans". Both sides have their own ideas of "America the Beautiful", and has their own idea of what patriotism is. What exactly is patriotism? What does a "bad American" look like? Maybe with a little more understanding of what patriotism is, we can begin to unravel the meaning of a "good American". Only by doing so can we start to weigh in on what is right and wrong within this controversy This type of protest has been going on years before Colin Kaepernick decided to sit down during the national anthem in August 2016. The African American gold and bronze medalists of the 1968 Olympics, raised their fists during the national anthem becuase they wanted to stand up against the oppression of minorities and human rights. On the website Politifacts, Louis Jacobson wrote that, in March 1996, Mahmoud Abdul–Rauf, who converted to Islam, "said he did not believe in nationalistic ideologies, according to the New York Get more content
Climate Change
Global Warming, much of what does or does not happen forty years from now rests on our actions or inactions taken between now and then. The crucial question is whether we should pour all our resources into mitigation – reducing our carbon emissions. According to scientists who study the climate there are other environmental problems; "we now face a global crises in land use and agriculture that could undermine the health, security, and sustainability of our civilization". Rather than worry too much about emissions, we should accept the world is going to get warmer anyway and adapt to global warming by building better flood defenses and developing drought resistant crops.
We cannot dispute that automobiles, factories, and power plants, displace an unprecedented twenty tons of carbon monoxide– per person – per year. There needs to be a reduction in emissions, yet we cannot focus on this aspect of global warming alone. There are many indicators that climatic change is influencing the frequency and intensity of natural catastrophes. If scientific global climate models are accurate, the present problems will be magnified in the near future.
Already scientists have observed that more than 75% of the recent economic losses are caused by natural hazards which can be attributed to wind storms, floods, droughts and other climate related hazards. In the year 2008, the U.S. state of Iowa was on the front pages of newspapers all around the world.
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Who am I? What is it that defines that personality? Anzaldua argues in her essay that the language is what defines one's identity. Language is indeed an important component of culture, and culture is known to be a crucial definer of identity. People uselanguage to connect to their identities and communicating their realities and values to themselves and to the world around them... In other words, language is important because people use it to express their thoughts and beliefs. "People evolve a language in order to describe and thus control their circumstances" (Baldwin 109). Consequently, language does not necessarily define identity as much as identity defines language. People decide on...show more content...
Tan clearly mentions in her story that she had to speak two different languages to her Asian mom who had her own made up English. Tan relates to both her Asian descent and American belongings by using her mom's made up English to speak with her mom, and uses the proper English to give lectures and speak to most Americans. On the same grounds, Anzaldua learned through her life experiences to frequently use multiple types of English, and many other Dialects of proper Spanish and Mexican Spanish. She uses each language to communicate, connect and affiliate to specific people according to their background. This proves that the assumption that language defines culture and identity fails. What happens to the people who speak many languages, do they not get the benefit and pride of belonging to a certain community? Rather the contrary, they belong to multiple communities and they choose which group they want to communicate with and with which language. People have the ability to switch from a language to another to be part of a group and this supports the idea that identity defines and shapes language, and not the opposite.
Language is used as a way to identify with people, but it is also used to distinguish between them. People use language to differentiate between people and associate them to a specific culture and community according to the language they speak. America is known for having a diverse
In order to have a good argumentative essay, there are a few important standards of critical thinking that is needed to be found in the essay such as the clearness, accuracy, importance or relevance, sufficiency, depth, breath and precision that is stated by Nosich. The strength of this argumentative essay is consider weak because it does not capture the interest of the reader and was not persuasive enough; even though from the introduction of the argumentative essay includes full sentences and a good opinion, the argumentative essay is all objective. The introduction includes too much of the emotional appeals, such as when it wrote " Day after day the number of people worshipping this icon has been growing since the birth of this creature. well to many it may seem harmless idol but in my opinion, Mickey Mouse is an 'devil in disguise' influencing the minds of young and old people to adopt the culture of the 'devil' which doesn't blend will with the moral values of society and should be banned". To improve the introduction, the writer should include of all objectives statements relative facts and appeals to the mind of people who agree or disagree with the topic.
Oftentimes, the definition of social justice can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. The true definition of social justice is often structured by governmental implications but is the fair and proper administration of laws to each individual conforming to the natural law. Equality is supposed to be equally distributed amongst individuals nationally, but can sometimes be taken advantage of and be taken away from people who deserve it the most. Generally, those who view social justices as a right, also value people above profits. Socialjustice describes the concept of society where justice is achieved in every aspect of society, rather than just the administration of the law. Overall,social justice gives society the ability to have a voice of laws that may be broken but give a sufficient argument to be heard by the supreme court. Equality is a major issue that has been demanded by society for centuries. In Victor Fleming's film The Way of All Flesh, released in October of 1927, the story describes the life of Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta Lacks was an African American woman from Baltimore who eventually died of cervicalcancer in 1951. Before she died some of her cancerous cells were taken without her permission and the cells have been reproducing in laboratories around the world ever since. The question is, does taking the cells of a woman who was eventually going to die break the laws of social justice, or was this a necessary action to take in hopes of eventually finding a