NHA Phlebotomy National Exam 2022-2023. 300 Complete Q&A

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NHA Phlebotomy National Exam 2022-2023. 300 Complete Q&A 1. While transferring serum into an isolator tube, some blood splashes intoyour eyes. What must you do?: Rinse your eyes with water for 15 minutes

2. You are conducting a streptococcal pharyngitis test on a pa-tient. Whattransmission-based precaution should you take?: Droplet

3. You observe a glucometer reading of 250 mL/dL.You get a reading in theaverage range when you do a second test. What may have caused the firstresult?: You used too much blood

4. You are to perform a glucometer reading for a young adult while the patient's parent is in the room. The parent asks what the patient's glucoselevel is. What should you do?: Ask the patient for permission to provide the results to the parent

5. You are about to collect a blood sample when you find a cracked glass collection tube. What must you do?: Dispose of the tube in a sharps container

6. What information must be included when filling out a glucose monitorquality control record?: The date that battery is changed

7. Other than gloves, what PPE should you wear when performing venipunc-ture for a patient with pneumonia?: Face mask

8. After completing a venipunc-ture in an isolation room, what personalprotective equipment should you remove first?: Gloves

9. If you receive a needlestick injury, for what bloodborne pathogen are youat most significant risk?: Hepatitis B virus (HBV)

10. What of the following actions must you do when collecting a bloodculture?: Rub the site with isopropyl alcohol for 30 seconds

11. What solution should be used to clean a spill of cerebral spinal fluid?: Chlorine-bleach

12. After receiving a needlestick in-jury, what information must you input inthe online sharps injury log?: The department where the injury happened 1 / 18

13. What antiseptic should you use during a blood alcohol test?: Chlorhexi-dine gluconate 14. At a minimum, what personal protective equipment do you need to pre-pare to aliquot a blood specimen?: Face shield and gloves

15. A centrifuge catches on fire. In what class of fire should this situation beidentified?: Class C 16. When collecting a sample for cholesterol, troponin, and HDL blood re- sults, in which department should these tests be pro-cessed?: Chemistry

17. You collect a blood collection in a micro collection container after two failed venipuncture at-tempts. Why should you write on the medical requi- sition form that you collected the: To alert the lab of the presence of capillaryblood

18. What is the correct way to perform CPR on an infant as a medical professional?: 30 compressions, 5.08 cm (2 in) deep

19. A patient has a wound infected with MRSA (methicillin-resist-ant Staphy-lococcus aureus). You are tasked with performing venipuncture for this patient. What must you do once you complete the procedure?: Dispose of gloves uponleaving the room

20. You are about to perform the third set of blood draws for a glucosetolerance test (GTT) when the patient starts to cry and does not want to extend her arm. What isthe best thing to say?: "May I come back in an hour to perform the draw?"

21. Which of the following statements regarding standard precautions forinfection control is false?: Use both hands to recap needles

22. Antisepsis is a technique that is used on which of the following?: skin 23. How often should latex gloves be changed?: Between patient contacts 24. Once you have stopped excessive bleeding, what should you apply overthe site?: Pressure bandage 25. The patient may leave when the bleeding has stopped com-pletely, andthere are no signs of: Syncope 26. What is the difference between syncope and hypovolemic shock?: Faint-ing may be caused by pain or emotions

27. You are performing venipuncture, and a hemorrhage occurs in a limb. What must you do?: Elevate the extremity and continue applying pressure untilmore medical assistance arrives 2 / 18

28. How long should you scrub hands when washing according to CDC?: 30seconds 29. Where should you dispose of all contaminated material?: A biohazard bag 30. What is the best way to prevent infection and transmission?: Handwash-ing 31. When disinfecting a venipunc-ture site, why should you not use cottonballs?: Cotton balls leave behind small fibers

32. Alcohol that has not fully dried on the venipuncture site can lead to: He-molysis of the specimen 33. What is alcohol's purpose in bacterial testing?: Remove oil 34. What is the purpose of povi-done-iodine in bacterial testing?: Kill bacteria 35. What should you use at the venipuncture site if the patient is allergic toalcohol?: Chlorhexidine gluconate 36. What form must you and the patient sign to permit blood tests to deter-mine exposure?: HIV 37. What is required following accidental exposure to body fluids?: Docu-mentation of the accidental exposure

38. What is the first priority after accidental exposure?: First aid 39. What is the term for the following equipment: gloves, masks, gowns, faceshields, and gog-gles?: Personal Protective Equipment

40. What PPE should be worn for venipuncture?: Gloves 41. When should you wash your hands?: before and after every patient 42. What should be done if your gloves are punctured or torn?: Replace thegloves 43. Where should you dispose of used needles and lancets?: Sharps contain-er 44. According to the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, what two guidelines must all at-risk employees adhere to?: Personal protective equipment ment andHBV immunization

45. What organization establishes regulations for phlebotomists to work aseffectively and safely as possible?: OSHA

46. What guidelines protect healthcare professionals from exposure to bodyfluids, prevent ex-posure, and train for handling situations of body fluid exposure?: Bloodborne Pathogen 3 / 18


47. All phlebotomists and healthcare professionals must deem body fluidsas..: Potentially infectious 48. What information must the sharps injury log include?: Date, time, type ofsharps used, staff or patient involved (without names), location, description

49. In the case of a splash risk, what can you use instead of a full-faceshield?: Goggles and face mask 50. What independent, non-govern-mental, nonprofit organization accreditsand certifies healthcare facilities to focus on the continual importance of quality of care and patient safety?: The Toint Commission (TIC)

51. What organization established the proper order of draw for venipunc-ture?: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)

52. What should you first use to disinfect a needlestick injury?: Hydrogenperoxide 53. Starting a procedure without consent is considered: Assault 54. What should you do if a patient refuses care?: Notify a nurse and theordering physician 55. How should you obtain patient identification from a conscious patientprior to venipuncture?: Ask the patient, "What is your name?"

56. How often should laboratory equipment be cleaned?: Several times a day 57. What lab test is the least complicated to perform, with results that are asaccurate as possible and a low risk of error?: CLIA-waived tests

58. What is not considered a sharp?: Glucometer 59. What are the three types of transmission included in trans-mission-basedprecautions?: Contact, droplet, airborne

60. What types of transmission do mumps, rubella, meningi-tis, diphtheria,and influenza fall under?: Droplet 61. What types of transmission do tuberculosis, rubeola (measles), and vari-cella (chickenpox) fall under?: Airborne

62. What type of precaution is required for scabies and wound/ skin infec-tions?: Contact 63. What PPE should you use for contact-based transmissions?: Gloves andgrown 4 / 18

64. What PPE should you use for droplet-based transmissions?: Mask 65. What PPE should you use for air-borne-based transmissions?: N95 mask 66. When performing CPR, what results in a higher survival rate?: Fastercompressions 67. What is the adult compression rate during CPR?: 100-12o compressionsper minute 68. Before administering CPR in an emergency, what should you do first?: Call 911

69. When can you use hand sanitizer instead of handwashing?: When handsare not visibly soiled 70. What PPE gear should you use when dealing with and processing bloodsamples and specimen containers (i.e., vacuum tubes, urine collections), likeloading and unloading the centrifuge and carrying out diagnostic tests?: - Gown

71. What items are disposed of in a biohazard bag?: Used glucose test strips 72. What is the normal range for glucose levels?: 60-180 mg/dL 73. On what document should you record equipment maintenance and qual-ity control testing?: Equipment log 74. What happens if the centrifuge is not balanced?: It vibrates more thanusual, with more noise 75. How should glucometers be cleaned after each use?: Wiped with an alco-hol wipe 76. When obtaining patient identi-fication, which of the following informationdo you need?: Patient number, full name, date of birth

77. When drawing blood from a patient admitted for cardiac symp-toms, whataction should you take when drawing blood?: Collect the patient's blood

78. Which information is required on the requisition form for an outpatientblood collection?: Patient's billing information and test status

79. A patient has a history of syncope in previous blood collec-tions. Whatshould you do to avoid this happening?: Place the patient in a supine position

80. What should the patient do before their blood is taken for a cholesteroltest?: Sit for about 5 minutes before 5 / 18


81. What should you use when taking a sample for a coagulation test from athree-year-old patient?: Winged safety butterfly

82. What should you do if an inpatient has an IV in both arms?: Ask the nurseto turn off IVs for two minutes 83. In what position should a patient's arm be during venipuncture?: Extend-ed fully downward 84. A blood sample of a patient who ate a fatty meal before blood collectionis processing. What should you expect to find about the specimen after centrifugation?: The specimen is lipemic.

85. Before blood collection, a patient tells you he is taking warfarin (antico-agulant meds). What type of test will be affected by this medication?: PT/INR

86. You are taking a patient's blood sample to check for lithium level after adose of medication. At which level should you collect the sample?: Peak

87. How should you answer if a patient asks you why his blood is to becollected?: You should ask your provider about the test.

88. When collecting a urine sample for a culture and sensitivity test, how should you direct your patient to do so?: "You must collect a midstream cleancatch specimen."

89. What information should you provide to the patient about the venipunc-ture procedure?: "I will swab the area twice to ensure it is sterile."

90. What should you do when preparing to collect blood samples to tracka patient's medication levels?: Ask the nurse when the medication was last administered

91. What type of urine sample should a patient collect for a pregnancytest?: First morning void 92. How should you interact with a patient wearing hearing aids to ensure heunderstands the pro-cedure?: "Would you like me to repeat the directions?"

93. How should you check an ID if a patient is unconscious?: Use the IDbracelet only if attached to the wrist

94. What makes an ID bracelet an acceptable form of ID?: Worn around pa-tient's wrist only 95. When can you ask the family to identify the patient?: When the patient isalert but unable to communicate

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96. What is a requisition form?: Identification form with last name, birth date, andother information 97. All patients are subject to protection under the: Patients bill of rights 98. The patient does not have the right to: Access the health information offamily members 99. What is explicit consent required for?: Only larger, invasive treatments 100. What should a requisition form include?: the patient's full name, sex, birth date, ID number, lab test ordered by the patient's doctor, the full name of the doctor,date and time of the lab test, and your initials as the phlebotomist.

101. What is informed consent?: Clear consent from a patient after hearing a detailed explanation from the phlebotomist

102. The only time you should get consent from anyone else is: From theparent/guardian if the patient is a minor

103. What is medical malpractice?: When you continue with treatment withoutobtaining patient consent 104. Patients cannot take consent back once they have given it.: False 105. What is the most commonly selected vein for venipuncture?: Cephalicand median cubital veins 106. What must you do to find the right vein?: Always palpate the site first 107. What is the first thing you must do if you struggle to see a vein?: Palpateor massage from the patient's wrist up to the elbow

108. How many times should you mix tubes with an anticoagulant addi-tive?: Eight times

109. A patient must remain calm because high stress can cause the bloodsample to have: High adrenal hormone value

110. What is it called when you assign a unique number for patient iden-tifi-cation?: Accessioning 111. Which of the following is not one of the three primary goals of thePatient's Bill of Rights?: Promise affordable care

112. To deliver quality patient care, which actions should be avoided?: -Toomany blood draw attempts 7 / 18

-Too many punctures - Asking the patient for more details about their medical condition

113. Which of the following duties is outside the scope of the phlebotomist'spractice?: Collecting a tissue sample. 114. What organization gives out phlebotomy certifications? -National Institutes ofHealth - Center for Disease Control -Health and Human Services: None of the above

115. Implied consent to draw blood from a patient can be obtained by which action?: The patient extends their arm

116. A patient's name is spelled differently on the wristband than on the req- uisition form. What should you do?: Verify the information with your supervisoror attending nurse

117. Which of the following options is one way phlebotomists uphold theirethical obligations?: Respect for patient's privacy

118. Cleanliness and personal hygiene are important for: Personal and patientsafety 119. The term right to know refers to:: The patient's legal right to know about themedical treatments and procedures they will receive

120. What is a characteristic of geriatric patients that may make venipuncturechallenging?: The veins move more quickly if not anchored well enough

121. What is a characteristic of pediatric patients that may make venipunc-ture challenging?: They have a lower blood volume than adults

122. How must you approach drawing blood from a pediatric patient?: Youmust monitor and document the amount of blood drawn

123. Why do newborns need more blood?: They have a higher ratio of red bloodcells to plasma than adults do 124. If a patient has an IV in both arms, how long before veni-puncture shouldthe nurse turn both IVs off?: 2-15 minutes before drawing

125. How should consent be obtained in emergency blood collections?: Pa-tient consent is assumed 8 / 18

126. A timed specimen is used to measure how the body's metab-olizationof a substance, monitor anticoagulant therapy, and: Monitor changes in a patient's condition

127. What tests can be inaccurate if the patient is not fasting?: -Glucose -Cholesterol -Iron

128. A phlebotomy technician is preparing to perform a neonatal screening test. The technician should identify which of the following is the optimal timeto perform the test?: Between 24 and 72 hours after birth

129. What information is needed for the requisition form?: Patient billing infor-mation and test status 130. When should a patient begin the collection of their 24-hour urine collec-tion?: At the second void of the day

131. What test is used to screen for diabetes?: 2-hour postprandial specimens 132. What is the name for the daily fluctuations in body hormonal levels andchemistry?: Diurnal variation 133. What is the first thing to do when collecting blood using a central venousaccess device?: Discard 5 mL of blood

134. How much blood should be flushed or discarded for coagulation tests?: 20 mL

135. What do the following tests have in common: ammonia, lactic acid, ace-tone, PTH, homo-cysteine, ABG?: They all must be chilled right after collection

136. What do the following tests have in common: Bilirubin,Vitamin A, folate,vitamins A, B6, and B12?: They are all tests that are affected by light exposure

137. What do the following tests have in common: molecular diagnostic specimens, drug screening, and blood alcohol specimens?: All are used forforensic studies

138. What is the first course of action if a patient has an IV?: the other arm 139. Where should you select the site if drawing from the same arm as theIV?: Below the IV site 140. What should you document in the case of venipuncture on the same armof an IV?: Document that the draw was distal to the IV and the type of solution

141. What should you not do after disinfecting the venipuncture site?: Wipethe skin dry with a cotton ball 9 / 18

142. What should you do during venipuncture if the patient has many severeburns?: Avoid the burned areas 143. How long should a tourniquet remain on the patient?: 1 minute 144. What does not have a risk of hemolysis?: Using a huge needle 145. When collecting a sample to determine blood alcohol levels, what colortube should be used?: Gray tube 146. What do you add to a sample if it needs to be diluted?: Diluent 147. Potassium EDTA binds to what element in the blood?: Calcium 148. A failure to fast when ordered can impact a blood sample in the followingways?: Increasing its turbidity 149. How must you anchor a vein?: Place the thumb of the non-dominant handbelow the vein and stretch the skin tightly

150. What is the most common cause of blood culture contamination?: Notpreparing the selected venipuncture site properly

151. What is another name for a thrombocyte?: platelet 152. What is a common complication in capillary sampling?: -Vein collapsing -Hitting a nerve -Scarring

153. How many liters of blood does the average human adult body have?: 5 154. What can cause the rejection of a blood sample?: -Vein collapsing -Hitting a nerve -Scarring

155. What can cause the rejection of a blood sample?: -Not enough quantity -Incomplete chain of custody -Improper specimen (serum/blood/plasma)

156. What can happen if you do not allow the alcohol to dry completely afterdisinfecting the venipuncture site?: Hemolysis

157. What is the nerve most susceptible to injury during venipuncture?: Me-dian 158. What do you do if you have attempted blood draw twice without suc-cess?: Call for a more experienced phlebotomist or nurse 10 / 18

159. Which of the following additive should be used for a CBC test?: EDTA 160. The patient becomes pale and diaphoretic during venipunc-ture? Whatis going on?: The patient has syncope

161. What happens if you have collected a STAT specimen but forget to labelit with the patient ID number?: The lab will reject the specimen

162. What can be used as patient identification for inpatients?: Verbal patientidentification -Intact, attached ID bracelet -Driver's license

163. What should you do if the patient says they feel a sharp pain down thearm?: Remove tourniquet and needle ASAP

164. What does the word phlebotomy mean?: Red, blood 165. What is a venesection?: Another word for phlebotomy 166. An emergency lab test request occurs in which phase of lab testing?: Preanalytical

167. During which phase is a blood specimen tested?: Analytical 168. What is the best way to apply antiseptic agents to the site?: Use frictionin a back-and-forth motion 169. What should you say to a patient to know if they have ever fainted beforeduring a blood draw?: "Have you ever experienced difficulty in previous blood draws?"

170. If a patient faints, how long should you stay with them?: 15 minutes 171. What if the patient does not regain consciousness?: Call a nurse or aphysician 172. What should you do if a patient's artery is accidentally punctured?: Re-move the needle and apply firm pressure for 5 minutes

173. What colors are blood culture tube caps?: Blue and purple tube 174. What is the recommended blood-to-anticoagulation ratio of a tube?: 9:1 175. What if it takes longer than 1 minute to find the vein?: Remove thetourniquet,wait 2 minutes, put it back on, and try again

176. What makes some veins harder to find or more collapsable?: Dehydra-tion 11 / 18

177. What is a complication caused by blood leaking into the tissues?: Hematoma

178. You can only draw from the IV if you: Have a nurse or doctor's permission

179. What two things can help dilate veins and make them easier tofind?: Heat and exercise 180. This feature is a shield that covers the needle and retracts the needleback into the needle cap.: Resheathing device

181. What is a slowly performed blood draw called?: Incorrect blood draw 182. What can probing or too much needle repositioning within the veindo?: Hemolysis 183. What should you do when conducting a second venipuncture?: Alwaysuse a new tube when conducting a second blood draw

184. What can occur if you combine two partially filled tubes with the sameadditive?: -The blood to additive ratio will be affected -Inaccurate test results

185. How many times should you invert blue top tubes (sodium citrate)?: 3-4times 186. How many times should you invert gold top tubes (SST)?: 5 times 187. How many times should you invert green (PST) tubes?: 8-10 times 188. How many times should you invert lavender EDTA?: 8-10 minutes 189. What should you use to transfer a blood sample from a syringe to avacutainer tube?: Blood transfer device

190. What can lead to a change in the blood-to-additive ratio?: Both underfill-ing and overfilling overfilling tubes can change the blood-additive ratio.

191. Massaging the site of a capillary blood collection can lead to: Hemolysis 192. The results show false high po-tassium, indicating: Hemoconcentration 193. What bandages are recommended for most venipunc-tures?: Latex 194. When a patient's lab test must be redone for emergency reasons, whatis necessary if there is a missing/inaccurate label?: Emergency release form 12 / 18

195. What type of reaction can lead to fainting or hypotension?: Vasovagalreaction 196. What tubes are used for serum tubes with gel separator?: Red and goldcap 197. How should the blood culture be taken if a patient has an unexplained fever?: 2-3 blood culture samples must be taken simultaneously via two separatevenipunctures

198. What additive do light blue topped tubes have?: Sodium citrate 199. For how long do gray tubes for glucose preserve blood specimens?: 24hours 200. What needle gauge is not for routine blood draws, therapeutic phleboto-my, or drawing a higher volume of blood from donors?: 18 gauge

201. What type of needle system prevents the risk of needlesticks and col-lecting inappropriate specimens?: Evacuated tube system

202. What are Microtainer tubes used for?: Collecting blood from finger or heel 203. Where is the basilic vein located?: The medial side of the arm 204. Why should you not tap the site when palpating?: It can lead to hematoma 205. What do you do if you accidentally probe a nerve with the nee-dle?: Movethe needle away and reposition to find the vein

206. When should you label a patient's specimen?: After collecting the blood 207. Can you disclose a patient's lab result to a nurse?: No 208. You apply the tourniquet on a patient, and small reddish brown spotsappear below. What are these called?: Petechiae

209. What can cause hemolysis?: Shaking the collection tube too hard 210. How do you correctly insert a needle?: Insert until you feel a change inresistance (be-comes easier to slip inside)

211. What are areas of a diabetic patient more susceptible to infection?: Legor foot 212. What is the best equipment to use for collecting from an older patientwith collapsable veins?: Butterfly collection system with an ETS tube

213. From where should you collect blood from a ten-month-old infant for aroutine CBC?: Either heel 13 / 18

214. When doing a skin puncture, what color tubes should be used for WBC, RBC, glucose, and electrolytetests?: Lavender and red

215. What should you ask your patient before collecting blood for a metabo-lite pane?: "When was the last time you ate?"

216. What is the name for a protein that prompts the creation of antibodies?: Antigen

217. What is the purpose of the CDC's Contact Precautions?: To reduce the risk of spreading bacteria via direct orindirect contact

218. What protein is essential to the formation of blood clots?: Fibrin 219. Where are blood cells and platelets created in the body?: Bone narrow 220. What type of lymphocyte is in charge of creating antibodies to protectagainst foreign pathogens.: lymphocytes

221. What occurs during the diastole phase of the cardiovascular cycle?: Blood from the body fills the ventricles

222. A pediatric patient weighs 15.4 kg. What is the maximum volume ofblood to draw during a venipuncture session?: 10 mL

223. What must you do when preparing a peripheral blood slide from acapillary puncture?: Touch the slide to the second drop of blood

224. What should you do when carrying out two blood culture collections fora patient?: Collect one culture from the patient's left arm and the other from a different site on the same arm

225. How should you verify if a forensic specimen matches the requisitionform?: Case number 226. Which of the following tests can be used when collecting a peripheralblood smear from a pa-tient?: WBC differential test

227. How should you complete the screening card when collecting capillaryblood for neonatal ana-lysis?: Touch the paper to a drop of blood to saturate each printed circle of the card

228. Which of the following patients can donate blood?: A 65-year-old patientweighing 54.4 kg 229. Which of the following blood types is a universal recipient?: AB 14 / 18

230. What blood collection amounts are recommended for a 3-year-old childweighing 15.9 kg?: 40 mL 231. How much blood volume does an infant weighing 3 kg have?: 240-330mL 232. Which statements should you say when instructing a patient aboutperforming a pregnancy test?: Collect first urine sample of the morning

233. When instructing a patient about collecting a sputum spe-cimen, what statement should vou say?: Provide the specimen in the morning before eatingand drinking.

234. What additive should be used for peripheral blood smear forWBC count?: EDTA 235. What blood type should a patient with type O receive for a blood trans-fusion?: Type O 236. You are going to collect blood cultures, PTT, and testosterone levels. In what order should the following collection tubes be used?: Yellow toppedtube, blue topped tube, red topped tube

237. What should you say when explaining to a patient how to collect anat-home fecal specimen?: Do not mix urine with the fecal sample

238. Where should the neonatal screening card be dried after blood spotcollection?: Place the card on a flat dry surface

239. Which of the following measurements shows that a donor can provideblood?: Hematocrit level 42% 240. A phlebotomy technician uses a syringe to collect a blood culture set, a PTT, and a CBC test. Which of the following should the technician identify as the proper draw order?: Anaerobic bottle, aerobic bottle, light-bluetopped tube,EDTA.

241. Which type of collection is a priority?: STAT collection 242. By what order should patient blood specimens be collected?: Drug level,fasting, glucose tolerance testing 243. What is the lowest a drug gets in the bloodstream before the nextdose?: Half-time 244. When does peak level occur in therapeutic drug monitoring?: 30-60minutes after the patient takes the drug

245. What must the patient do before an oral glucose tolerance test?: Fast for12 hours before the test 246. What should be used to clean the tops of blood collection tubes?: Alco-hol 247. PKU tests are performed using 15 / 18

?: Skin puncture blood

248. What information can a blood smear provide?: Shape and amount of allblood cells 249. The following conditions are related to which blood cell: HIV, leukemia,lymphoma?: White blood cells 250. The following conditions are related to what blood cells: thrombocy-topenia and myeloprolif-erative disorders.: Platelets

251. The following conditions are related to which blood cell: Sick cell ane-mia, polycythemia rubra vera, iron deficiency?: Red blood cells

252. Before collecting a blood smear, check if the patient takes any medica-tions. Which medication can affect a blood smear's results?: -Antibiotics -Warfarin -NSAIDs

253. What word refers to the total red blood cells in proportion to the totalblood volume?: Hemocrit 254. What is the process of stopping bleeding through constricting the bloodvessels and blood clotting at a site of injury?: Hemostasis

255. What are blood clots made up of?: Platelets 256. What is it called when blood capillaries rupture?: Contusion 257. What is it called when a vein connects to an artery-changing bloodcourse?: Fistula 258. What happens during the first phase of hemostasis?: Platelets beginblood clotting 259. What happens during the second stage of hemostasis?: Coagulationcascade 260. What happens during the final stage of hemostasis?: Fibrin clot remod-eling 261. What is it called when there is excessive blood clotting?: Hypercoagula-bility 262. What is it called when there is too little clotting?: Hypocoagulablity 263. What can hypercoagulability lead to?: Thrombophilia 264. What can hypercoagulability lead to?: Thrombocytopenia 265. Which additive is most recommended for plasma testing?: lithium he-parin 16 / 18

266. What is a necessary responsibility of phlebotomists under the Needle-stick Safety and Prevention Act?: Document information in a sharps injury log

267. What is a requirement for documentation when it comes to a physicianordering a lab test?: It must include a purpose and have medical necessity

268. Sodium fluoride is used to pre-serve _ for three days.: Glucose

269. HIV stands for:: human immunodeficiency virus 270. What purpose does the multi-draw needle serve?: To draw multiple tubesof blood from the same patient during venipuncture

271. .In what order should you remove PPE?: Gloves, gown, mask 272. What makes up 55% of bloodcontent?: Plasma

273. How many types of white blood cells are there?: 5 types 274. What color tube should be used to obtain an electrolyte panel speci-men?: Green 275. What is a pathogen?: A non-infectious organism 276. What is a BBP?: Blood-Borne Pathogen 277. How should the needle bevel be facing when inserted into the arm?: Upwards

278. What is it called when a group of blood tests must be performed?: BothA and B 279. What percentage of blood volume comprises red blood cells, whiteblood cells, and platelets?: 55% 280. Infections that originate in hospitals are known as: Nosocomial infections 281. What tube contains the reversible anticoagulant citrate?: Light blue 282. Serum is: Neither a red or white blood cell B. Plasma with the clotting proteins removed C. A liquid that separates when blood coagulates 17 / 18

283. What tubes contain no addi-tives?: Red(glass) tube 284. What is septicemia?: blood poisoning caused by bacteria 285. What is the difference between plasma and serum?: Plasma containsfibrinogen 286. Serum is used more frequently for testing than plasma because: It hasmore antigens 287. After centrifugation, what is the liquid component of a sample in ananticoagulation collection tube?: Plasma

288. After centrifugation, what is the liquid component of a sample that hasclotted?: Serum 289. What is the purpose of centrifuging samples?: To separate plasma andserum 290. What layers are separated during centrifugation?: Serum, gel, cells 291. What are the un-clearly defined layers after centrifugation?: Serum withfibrin, gel, cells 292. What body system notices any internal or external changes and reactsaccordingly?: Endocrine system 293. What type of blood cell fights against viruses, parasites, aller-gens, andother pathogens?: Basophils 294. Where is the antecubital fossa located?: The bend of the elbow, front of thearm 295. What blood vessels flow from the heart to the body tissues and onlyhave smooth muscle lining its vessel walls?: Capillary blood vessels

296. 99.A winged infusion set is also known as a?: Butterfly needle 297. What does hemolysis mean?: Hemolysis is the breakdown of red bloodcells.

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