Development of Volitional Qualities of the Personality of Young Football Players in The Process of T

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Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities | ISSN 2795-4846 | Volume 6 | July-2022

Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN: 2795-4846 Volume 6 (July-2022) Available online:

Development of Volitional Qualities of the Personality of Young Football Players in The Process of Training Alimov Tojiddin Yakhshiboyevich Lecturer at the Pedagogical Institute of Termez State University

Abstract: The article considers the possibilities of using the training process as a means of developing the volitional qualities of the personality of young football players. The subject of the research is the process of development of volitional qualities of the personality of young football players within the framework of classes at a sports school. Theoretical ideas about the volitional qualities of a personality as an object of psychological and pedagogical research are described. The volitional qualities implemented in various types of activities, the features of their development among elementary school students are considered. Keywords: football, volitional qualities, elementary school students, sports activities, personal development. Introduction. In recent years, much attention has been focused on sports in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The past decade will be remembered by the country for the World Cup, which caused a great resonance and united different generations. This gave a good impetus to the formation of a special role of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle in the country, more and more parents began to send their children to sports [1, 2]. Due to various life circumstances, only a few of them will break into the champions, however, sport, one way or another, will help young athletes in later life: thanks to it, children will be able to cultivate their best qualities. Medicine is also closely connected with the field of sports. Those who have experienced sports injuries in their lives, one way or another, delved into the study of the anatomy of the body. Most athletes know how muscles work and are interested in the maximum capabilities of the body [3, 4]. The focus of our work is on younger students who have just begun to study and will soon become the foundation of modern Uzbekistan [5, 6, 7]. Some of them are professionally involved in football, getting used to dealing with stress from childhood, overcoming difficulties and discipline themselves. But is it possible to improve young football players if we start active work on developing their psychological qualities? Historically, outstanding strong-willed qualities are significant and bring immortal glory to famous heroes. Since ancient Greece, there have been legends about warriors who earned fame thanks to their resilience and courage in battles that turned history upside down [8, 9, 10]. Despite the fact that with the development of civilization, the cognitive abilities of people began to bring more benefits to society, volitional qualities remain the most important link for personal growth. Modern schoolchildren, who grow up in the era of rapidly developing information technologies, face a large number of distractions from childhood and devote less time to mental and physical development - qualities that are vital for any person [11, 12, 13]. To achieve success, it is necessary to be focused on the ultimate goal, resist temptations and limit oneself, which makes the problem of forming the volitional qualities of the personality of younger students one of the most relevant areas of theoretical and applied research. The problem of will,


Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities | ISSN 2795-4846 | Volume 6 | July-2022

voluntary and volitional regulation of human behavior and activity has long been a subject of heated debate and discussion among many scientists and psychologists [14, 15, 16]. The will manifests itself in the fact that a person works, studies, rests for a long time and at the same time certainly moves towards a certain goal that he himself has set. He is able to give up something in the name of a goal that may not bring much joy, but at the same time is necessary. Will is the regulator of consciousness, which is expressed in the ability of a person to perform certain actions and actions for the sake of a goal, despite the difficulties. According to D. Y. Turdimurodov [22], any expression of a person’s will can be expressed through a combination of such qualities as endurance, initiative, perseverance, organization, determination, independence and courage [23]. In many scientific papers, it is noted that this definition needs to be clarified, because volitional qualities reflect not so much arbitrary control as volitional regulation associated with intense volitional efforts. For example, among sports psychologists it is customary to divide volitional qualities according to the degree of their significance for a particular sport [17, 18, 19]. Volitional qualities are necessary for a person to achieve success in various areas of development. Despite the fact that genetics plays a certain role in the development of the volitional qualities of a person, the will is part of the formed consciousness. We agree with the point of view of D. Y. Turdimurodov, who indicates that the primary school age is a period of positive changes in terms of organization and self-control of the emerging personality [20, 21]. Considering the characteristics of the age group of younger schoolchildren, we note that entering school and studying in the lower grades makes significant changes in the life of a child [22, 23]. The established order of his life, his social position in the team, and family, social group is changing dramatically. Football is the most popular team ball game in the world. Constantly working as a team, football players face competition every day on the football field and in the gym, contacting each other. One should agree with the point of view of D. Y. Turdimurodov and Ya. M. Abdullaev, who argue that the development of volitional qualities in the process of playing football occurs in situations of overcoming various obstacles associated with the expenditure of volitional efforts [24, 25]. A football team is a complex mechanism that works taking into account all the characteristic features of footballers playing in the squad, who simply need not only to interact with teammates, but also to be independent individuals. The training process of athletes involved in individual sports (athletics, artistic gymnastics, and boxing) is fully controlled by specialists, affecting their lifestyle as well [26]. In a football team, due to the large number of players, this is extremely difficult to do; each player is left to himself. An important role in the development of volitional qualities is played by the personality of the coach. Many modern specialists are good motivators and psychologists who bring their wards to a new level through the psychological impact on the players, taking into account their leading features. Some head coaches use professional psychologists to help improve team performance. The more a person is motivated, the stronger his system of self-regulation is formed, the better it compensates for undesirable personality traits, temperament and character that hinder the achievement of the goal. For the formation and development of volitional qualities in a sports school, certain conditions must be created and a correct system of training must be built. As an example, consider the activities of one of the best football academies in Uzbekistan, the Neftchi club (the age range of pupils is 12-14 years). The school program is called "Culture of Football", its main directions are the development of a culture of play, behavior and life, creativity and creativity. Unprecedented conditions for living, learning and training process have been created for young football players: from the age of 13 they live in a sports boarding school in order to devote more time to football and get used to an independent life. Moreover, not only coaches, but also teachers work closely with young athletes, who try to develop individual cognitive qualities in each player so that he can realize his potential even outside the football field.


Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities | ISSN 2795-4846 | Volume 6 | July-2022

According to the results of statistical analysis, significant differences between the values of the parameter were revealed. Volitional self-regulation at the ascertaining and control stages. As a result of the formative influence, the ability to regulate one's state and adequately respond to external influences developed. Significant differences were noted in the parameter - persistence, which indicates positive changes in the characteristics of the volitional sphere of the participants in the training process. Also, significant differences between the data at the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment are observed in the group of football players in terms of the parameter - persistence. In terms of power, there is a significant difference. Significant differences in the indicator - self-control indicate the development of a person's ability to maintain inner peace in difficult moments: during the training process, football players often face stress and tend to get out of a state of mental balance, however, the rules of the game allow you to regulate excessive aggression on the field. In order not to be removed from the field and "not go too far", the players must control themselves. Conclusion. The author considers it possible to state that the content characteristics of the volitional qualities of younger students can be positively transformed in specially organized conditions. Will is a part of consciousness, therefore it is not an innate quality, but is formed and developed in the process of becoming a person. Volitional qualities play a key role for a person to achieve success in their area of development. When considering the characteristics of the age group of younger schoolchildren, the author cited the facts that entering school and studying in the lower grades make significant changes in the life of the child and significantly affect the further development of the personality and adaptation to adulthood. Sport has a positive effect on improving the volitional qualities of a student. If this is a team sport, then the child learns not only to be physically strong, but cognitively stable, sociable and versatile. The development of volitional qualities is carried out under conditions of specially organized influence, taking into account the age-psychological characteristics of elementary school students. References 1. Yakhshiboyevich, A. T. (2022). Problems of the training process structure of young middle distance runners. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4, 275–277. 2. Yakhshiboyevich, A. T. (2022). Features of Formation of Motivation to Go into Sports in Students. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 2(3), 1-4. 3. Даминов И.А. Спортивная деятельность - как фактор влияния на личность дзюдоистов / И.А. Даминов // Academic research in educational sciences. Volume 2, Issue 4, 2021. –pp. 1322 1329. 4. Даминов, И. (2021). Совершенствование технико-тактической и подготовки юных дзюдоистов. Общество и инновации, 2(11/S), 175–180.


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