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NEW TITLES 5 The Study of Language 5 Digital Communication and Media Linguistics 5 The Cambridge Introduction to Intercultural Communication 5 Morphosyntax 5 Camino al español 5 GENERAL LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS 6 The Babel Lexicon of Language 6 Thinking like a Linguist 6 Introducing Linguistics 6 Languages of the World Third Edition 6 For the Love of Language 6 The Study of Language Seventh Edition 6 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language Third Edition 6 How Languages Work Second Edition 6 APPLIED LINGUISTICS 7 Corpora in Applied Linguistics 7 Mobile Assisted Language Learning 7 Beyond CLIL 7 SLA Applied 7 The Cambridge Introduction to Applied Linguistics 7 Vocabulary in Language Teaching Second Edition 7 Introducing Language in the Workplace 7 Key Questions in Language Teaching 7 Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition 8 Second Language Writing Second Edition 8 Linguistics and English Literature 8 How Second Languages are Learned 8 Introducing Second Language Acquisition Third Edition 8 ELT 8 Pluricultural Language Education and the CEFR 8 Testing for Language Teachers Third Edition 8 Engaging Language Learners in Contemporary Classrooms 8 GRAMMAR & SYNTAX 9 Construction Grammar 9 A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar Second Edition 9 An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Second Edition 9 Grammar 9 Syntactic Constructions in English 9 Lexical-Functional Grammar 9 The Lexicon 9 Working with English Grammar 9 Introducing Syntax 10 Analysing English Sentences 10 HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS 10 The History of Spanish 10 LATIN AMERICAN LANGUAGES 10 En Contexto 10 Introducción a la lingüística hispánica Third Edition 10 MORPHOLOGY 10 Introducing Morphology Third Edition 10 Word-Formation in English Second Edition 10 PHONETICS & PHONOLOGY 10 The Lexical and Metrical Phonology of English 10 Phonetics 11 Phonology 11 PSYCHOLINGUISTICS & NEUROLINGUISTICS 11 First Language Acquisition Third Edition 11 RESEARCH METHODS Research Methods in Language Attitudes 11 Designing and Evaluating Language Corpora 11 Introducing Linguistic Research 11 SEMANTICS & PRAGMATICS 11 The Geography of Words 11 Cross-Cultural Pragmatics 11 Meaning in English 11 SOCIOLINGUISTICS 11 Introducing Language and Society 11 Language Contact Second Edition 11 English Around the World Second Edition 11 Conversation Analysis 11 Contents Cambridge.Affordable.Flexible. We believe in making textbooks accessible to all students. Our titles are available in a range of formats, including digitally for institutional access. HB = Hardback PB = Paperback EB = eBook HE = digital institutional subscription access from the Higher Education website CO = digital institutional perpetual access from Cambridge Core The Study of Language Eighth edition George Yule Easy to follow, simple to understand, broad yet concise coverage – this fundamental introduction now has more study questions and November 2022tasks. 246 x 189 mm c.420pp PB, 978-1-00-923340-8HB Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 X
NEW Linguistics titles from Higherwww.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooksEducation 5 The Study of Language Eighth edition George Yule Easy to follow, simple to understand, broad yet concise coverage – this fundamental introduction now has more study questions and November 2022tasks. 246 x 189 mm c.420pp PB, 978-1-00-923340-8HB Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 X LinguisticsandCommunicationDigitalMediaWithCaseStudiesinJournalism,PR,andCommunityCommunication Aleksandra Gnach Wibke Weber Martin Engebretsen Daniel Perrin Digital Communication and Media Linguistics With Case Studies in Journalism, PR, and Community Communication Aleksandra Gnach, Wibke Weber Martin Engebretsen, Daniel Perrin A multidisciplinary and timely presentation of digital communication and multimodal texts from the perspective of media linguistics. October 2022 246 x 189 mm c.280pp PB, HB 978-1-108-74827-8 c. £29.99 / c. US$38.99PaperbackX INTRODUCTIONCAMBRIDGETHE COMMUNICATIONINTERCULTURALTOGuidoRingsandSebastianM.Rasinger The CommunicationtoIntroductionCambridgeIntercultural Guido SebastianRingsM. Rasinger Provides concise, up-to-date overviews of key topics, a variety of staggered tasks, and 18 case studies for in-depth discussions and more. October 2022 254 x 178 mm c.280pp PB, HB, EB, HE 978-1-108-82254-1 c. £24.99 / c. US$32.99PaperbackX Morphosyntax Constructions of the World’s Languages William Croft Taking a functional approach, this book provides a thorough overview of Morphosyntax, and sets out a framework for syntactic constructions. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics August 2022 244 x 170 mm 340pp PB, HB, EB, HE 978-1-107-47461-1 Paperback £35.99 / US$46.99 X Camino al español A Comprehensive Course in Spanish Second edition Consuelo de Andrés Martínez Nadezhda Bonelli, Christine Cook Anthony Trippett Now in its second edition, this textbook is designed to lead adult beginners to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. December 2022 244 x 170 mm c.500pp PB, 978-1-108-71936-0HB Paperback £39.99 / US$49.99 X
Higher Education | Language & Linguistics www.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooks 6 GENERAL LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS The Babel Lexicon of Language Dan EricaHazelMattLesleyMcIntyreJeffriesEvansPriceGold An engaging and accessible A-Z of linguistics from the expert team behind Babel:The Language Magazine June 2022 216 x 140 mm c.200pp PB, HB, 978-1-108-81408-9CO Paperback £19.99 / US$27.99 P Thinking like a Linguist An Introduction to the Science of Language Jordan B. Sandoval Kristin E. Denham Integrated practice and discovery problems in various languages encourage students to think analytically and scientifically about July 2021language.247 x 174 mm 248pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-316-63520-9HE Paperback £23.99 / US$31.99 X LinguisticsIntroducing Theoretical and Applied Approaches Joyce Bruhn de Garavito John W. Schwieter Offers a contemporary approach to the study of language. The engaging, thought-provoking discourse of this book makes it accessible to all learners. January 2021 246 x 189 mm 626pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-71065-7HE Paperback £41.99 / US$54.99 X Languages of the World An Introduction Third edition Asya Pereltsvaig Requiring no background in linguistics, this book introduces readers to the rich diversity of human September 2020languages.244 x 170 mm 500pp PB,23 b/w illus. 40 tables HB,EB,HE978-1-108-74812-4Paperback£29.99 / US$39.99X For the Love of Language An Introduction to Linguistics Second edition Kate TonyaBurridgeN.Stebbins An engaging introduction to human language and the role of linguistics in understanding its fundamental design, acquisition and functions. February 2020 255 x 190 mm c.680pp PB,107 b/w illus. 103 tables EB,HE978-1-108-70101-3Paperback£69.99 / US$89.99X The Study of Language Seventh edition George Yule Easy to follow, simple to understand, broad yet concise –this fundamental introduction now has more study questions and new January 2020tasks. 246 x 189 mm c.420pp 60 colour illus. 39 tables PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-73070-9HE Paperback £24.99 / US$31.99 X The EncyclopediaCambridgeof the English Language Third edition David Crystal A fully updated third edition that provides comprehensive coverage of the history, structure and worldwide use of the English November 2018language. 276 x 219 mm 582pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-43773-8HE Paperback £30.99 / US$40.99 P How WorkLanguages An Introduction to Language and Linguistics Second edition Carol Genetti A fully revised introduction to language in use, containing in-depth language profiles, case studies, and online multimedia November 2018resources. 246 x 189 mm 704pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-45451-3HE Paperback £42.99 / US$59.99 X
Higher Education | Language & Linguistics www.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooks 7 APPLIED LINGUISTICS Corpora in Applied Linguistics Second edition Susan Hunston This completely rewritten second edition provides a thorough introduction to corpus research from the point of view of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge Applied Linguistics May 2022 229 x 152 mm c.300pp PB, HB, 978-1-108-44118-6CO Paperback £27.99 / US$34.99 P Mobile LanguageAssistedLearning Concepts, Contexts and Challenges Glenn Stockwell A contemporary overview of recent theory, research, and practice of MALL which is immediately applicable to language teaching contexts. Cambridge Applied Linguistics January 2022 229 x 152 mm c.300pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-45642-5CO Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 P Beyond CLIL Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning Do OliverCoyleMeyer Offers an innovative, holistic and evidence-based pedagogic approach to deeper learning for all subjects of schooling. July 2021 246 x 189 mm 226pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-82372-2HE Paperback £24.99 / US$31.99 X SLA Applied Connecting Theory and Practice Brian HitomiTomlinsonMasuhara This book connects SLA theory and practice in ways that are relevant and accessible to students, researchers and practitioners. May 2021 244 x 170 mm 420pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-45853-5HE Paperback £29.99 / US$38.99 X The AppliedIntroductionCambridgetoLinguistics Susan Conrad Alissa Hartig Lynn Santelmann A comprehensive and up-to-date textbook that brings applied linguistics alive while preparing students for the field with hands-on July 2020practice. 246 x 189 mm c.414pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-45581-7HE Paperback £32.99 / US$42.99 X Vocabulary in Language Teaching Second edition Norbert Schmitt Diane Schmitt Written by two top vocabulary specialists, this updated edition gives a state-of-the-art introduction to vocabulary teaching and testing. July 2020 244 x 170 mm 286pp PB,15 b/w illus. 10 tables HB,EB,HE978-1-108-70160-0Paperback£27.99 / US$35.99X LanguageIntroducingin the Workplace Bernadette Vine This introductory textbook summarises key topics from up-todate workplace discourse research, with over 160 international examples. Cambridge Introductions to Applied Linguistics June 2020 247 x 174 mm 302pp PB,illus. 2 tables 23 exercises 17 b/w illus. 8 colourHB,EB,HE978-1-108-71287-3Paperback£24.99 / US$32.99X Key Questions in Language Teaching An Introduction Alessandro G. Benati A concise introduction to the key concepts, principles and recurring issues in language teaching. February 2020 246 x 189 mm 226pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-44140-7HE Paperback £25.99 / US$32.99 X
Higher Education | Language & Linguistics www.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooks 8 Key Questions in Second AcquisitionLanguage An Introduction Bill AlessandroMeganVanPattenSmithG. Benati An introduction to the key questions that drive the field of L2 acquisition research, including its historical December 2019foundations.247 x 174 mm 232pp 5 b/w illus. PB, HB, EB, HE 978-1-108-70817-3 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99 X Second Language Writing Second edition Ken Hyland Provides an introductioncomprehensiveaccessible,andpracticaltocurrenttheory and research in second language writing and their classroom applications. July 2019 247 x 174 mm 320pp PB,63 b/w illus. 34 tables HB,EB978-1-108-45641-8Paperback£27.99 / US$35.99X Linguistics and English Literature An Introduction H. D. Adamson This undergraduate textbook introduces English literature students to the application of linguistics to literary analysis. Cambridge Introductions to the English Language April 2019 247 x 174 mm PB,21 b/w illus. 2 maps 11 tables 364ppHB,EB,HE978-1-107-62305-7Paperback£22.99 / US$30.99X How LearnedLanguagesSecondare An Introduction Roger Hawkins A comprehensive introduction to second language learning for newcomers to the field, with frequent summaries and supporting November 2018activities. 247 x 174 mm 346pp 8 b/w illus. PB, HB, EB, HE 978-1-108-46843-5 Paperback £23.99 / US$31.99 X Introducing Second Language Acquisition Third edition Muriel Saville-Troike Karen Barto Third edition of the leading interdisciplinary introduction to second language acquisition, covering linguistic, psychological and social aspects. Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics December 2016 247 x 174 mm 244pp illus. 23 tables 63 exercises 5 b/w illus. 2 colourPB, HB, EB, HE 978-1-316-60392-5 Paperback £26.99 / US$35.99 X ELT andLanguagePluriculturalEducationtheCEFR Judith Runnels Nick Saville This volume discusses a pluricultural approach to language education which consists of learning-oriented, sociocultural and intercultural praxis informed by the CEFR. November 2021 328pp 978-1-108-93266-0PB Paperback £47.99 / US$54.75 E Testing LanguageforTeachers Third edition Arthur Hughes Jake Hughes This book provides an accessible guide to concepts in language testing and the testing of specific skills and systems. July 2020 298pp PB, EB, 978-1-108-71482-2CO Paperback £32.95 / US$51.00 F Engaging Language Learners ClassroomsContemporaryin Sarah ZoltánMercerDörnyei Principles and practical actions for creating active engagement and involving students in shaping the way they PB,March 2020learn.EB,CO978-1-108-44592-4 Paperback £29.99 / US$46.25 S
Higher Education | Language & Linguistics www.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooks 9 GRAMMAR & SYNTAX GrammarConstruction Thomas Hoffmann A comprehensive cognitive account of English morphology and syntax that covers topics such as language acquisition and variation and change. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics July 2022 247 x 174 mm 350pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-107-60112-3HE Paperback £29.99 / US$38.99 X A IntroductionStudent’s to English Grammar Second edition Rodney BrettGeoffreyHuddlestonK.PullumReynolds A new edition of the groundbreaking undergraduate textbook on modern Standard English grammar, now completely rewritten and November 2021updated. 246 x 189 mm 418pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-00-908801-5HE Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 X An Introduction to English StructureSentence Andrew Radford A readable introduction to English syntax and syntactic theory, argumentation and description, suitable for students with little prior October 2020knowledge. 244 x 170 mm 432pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-81330-3HE Paperback £29.99 / US$38.99 X Grammar A Linguists’ Guide for Language Teachers Tom MelindaRankinWhong An engaging guide to grammar, this book introduces linguistic theory and language acquisition research to language teachers. October 2020 216 x 138 mm 214pp PB,1 table HB,EB, 978-1-108-73695-4CO Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99 P inConstructionsSyntacticEnglish Jong-Bok Kim Laura A. Michaelis With exercises based on real language data, this volume gives a comprehensive introduction to construction grammar, focusing on May 2020English. 247 x 174 mm 366pp PB, HB, 978-1-108-45586-2EB Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 X GrammarLexical-Functional An Introduction Kersti LouisaRachelBörjarsNordlingerSadler A step-by-step introduction to lexical-functional grammar, using data from English and a range of typologically diverse languages. June 2019 247 x 174 mm 228pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-316-62165-3HE Paperback £25.99 / US$33.99 X The Lexicon James Pustejovsky Olga Batiukova An accessible introduction to lexical structure and design, and the relation of the lexicon to grammar as a whole. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics January 2019 247 x 174 mm 440pp PB,101 b/w illus. 39 tables HB,EB,HE978-0-521-54795-6Paperback£25.99 / US$33.99X Working with English Grammar An Introduction Louise Cummings Explores English grammar through three real-world applications of language development, language disorders and dialects. June 2018 247 x 174 mm 390pp PB,4 b/w illus. 35 tables HB,EB978-1-108-40207-1Paperback£23.99 / US$33.99X
Higher Education | Language & Linguistics www.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooks 10 Introducing Syntax Olaf HeddeKoenemanZeijlstra This lively textbook introduces readers to the formal theory of syntax, presenting contemporary insights without unnecessary technical detail. Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics April 2017 247 x 174 mm 314pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-107-48064-3HE Paperback £23.99 / US$31.99 X Analysing English Sentences Second edition Andrew Radford A step-by-step introduction to English syntax and contemporary syntactic theory, full of helpful features for students and instructors alike. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics August 2016 247 x 174 mm 592pp PB, HB, EB, 978-0-521-66970-2HE Paperback £33.99 / US$46.99 X HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS The History of Spanish A Student’s Introduction Diana L. MargaretRansonLubbers Quesada Provides students with an engaging and thorough overview of the history of Spanish and its development from Latin. October 2018 247 x 174 mm 452pp PB,34 b/w illus. HB,EB,HE978-1-316-50794-0 Paperback £30.99 / US$41.99 X LATIN LANGUAGESAMERICAN En Contexto Manual de redacción para estudiantes universitarios Luis EnriqueOchoaGonzález Romero Provides non-native students and heritage speakers with the necessary tools to write effectively in August 2021Spanish. 254 x 178 mm 268pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-72928-4HE Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 X Introducción a la lingüística hispánica Third edition José Ignacio Hualde Antxon Olarrea Anna María Escobar Catherine E. Travis Cristina Sanz A comprehensive and accessible introduction to Spanish linguistics, complete with exercises that help students master concepts in the text. August 2020 247 x 174 mm HB,78 b/w illus. 10 maps 69 tables 612ppEB,HE978-1-108-48835-8Hardback£49.99 / US$64.99X MORPHOLOGY MorphologyIntroducing Third edition Rochelle Lieber A lively and hands-on introduction, this text is intended for undergraduates with relatively little background in linguistics. Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics August 2021 247 x 174 mm 292pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-95848-6HE Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99 X inWord-FormationEnglish Second edition Ingo Plag The book enables students with little prior knowledge of linguistics to engage in their own analyses of complex words. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics July 2018 247 x 174 mm 258pp PB,39 b/w illus. 36 tables HB,EB,HE978-1-316-62329-9Paperback£31.99 / US$41.99X PHONETICS PHONOLOGY& The Lexical and Metrical Phonology of English The Legacy of the Sound Pattern of English John T. Jensen A thorough rule-based exploration of the major phonological phenomena of English, applying lexical, metrical, and prosodic May 2022approaches.228 x 152 mm c.320pp PB, HB, 978-1-108-79491-6CO Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 P
Higher Education | Language & Linguistics www.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooks 11 Phonetics A Practical Introduction Ratree Wayland An accessible and comprehensive breakdown of how speech is produced, acoustically-transmitted, analyzed, and interpreted by the human December 2018brain. 247 x 174 mm 304pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-40707-6HE Paperback £25.99 / US$35.99 X Phonology A Coursebook Robert Kennedy This thoughtfully ordered introduction to a wide range of phonological phenomena is accessibly written to assist student September 2016understanding.247 x 174 mm 376pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-107-62494-8HE Paperback £28.99 / US$37.99 X &PSYCHOLINGUISTICSNEUROLINGUISTICS First AcquisitionLanguage Third edition Eve V. Clark Fully updated throughout, this new edition provides a comprehensive exploration of how children acquire a first language effectively. March 2016 247 x 174 mm 586pp PB,15 b/w illus. 87 tables HB,EB,HE978-1-316-50760-5Paperback£32.99 / US$45.99X RESEARCH METHODS Research Methods in AttitudesLanguage Ruth Kircher Lena Zipp An interdisciplinary guide to traditional as well as cutting-edge methods for the study of language July 2022attitudes.244 x 170 mm c.475pp PB, HB, 978-1-108-81166-8CO Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99 P Designing LanguageEvaluatingandCorpora A Practical Framework for Corpus Representativeness Jesse BethanyDouglasEgbertBiberGray This volume introduces a new framework for conceptualizing and achieving corpus representativeness in a rigorous, yet practical way. April 2022 228 x 152 mm 250pp PB, HB, 978-1-316-60588-2CO Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 P LinguisticIntroducingResearch Svenja FranziskaVoelkelKretzschmar An introduction to linguistic research, giving a full overview of research across the discipline, with exercises and student projects. September 2021 247 x 174 mm 320pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-316-63642-8CO Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99 P SEMANTICS PRAGMATICS& The Geography of Words Vocabulary and Meaning in the World’s Languages Danko Sipka An engaging celebration of global linguistic diversity, with plenty of fascinating cases of cross-linguistic variation in each chapter. December 2021 229 x 152 mm 272pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-79501-2CO Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 P PragmaticsCross-Cultural Juliane House Dániel Z. Kádár Provides a corpus-based and empirically-derived framework which allows language use to be contrastively examined across September 2021linguacultures.229 x 152 mm c.280pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-94954-5CO Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99 P
Higher Education | Language & Linguistics www.cambridge.org/linguisticstextbooks 12 Meaning in English An Introduction Javier Valenzuela A lively, up-to-date and compact introduction to semantics, accessible to those with no prior knowledge of linguistics. Cambridge Introductions to the English Language April 2017 247 x 174 mm 302pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-107-48016-2HE Paperback £22.99 / US$30.99 X SOCIOLINGUISTICS SocietyLanguageIntroducingand Rodney H. Jones Christiana Themistocleous An accessible and entertaining textbook that introduces students to sociolinguistics in a real-world context, with issues they care about. Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics February 2022 244 x 170 mm 250pp PB, HB, EB, 978-1-108-71285-9HE Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99 X Language Contact Second edition Yaron Matras Revised edition of a seminal introduction to language contact, providing an overview of the field and its most recent developments. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics September 2020 247 x 174 mm 426pp PB,30 b/w illus. HB,EB,HE978-1-108-44008-0 Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99 X English around the World An Introduction Second edition Edgar W. Schneider A lively and accessible introduction to world Englishes, setting a range of global varieties in their historical and social contexts. Cambridge Introductions to the English Language July 2020 244 x 170 mm PB,30 b/w illus. 18 maps 4 tables 306ppHB,EB,HE978-1-108-44226-8Paperback£24.99 / US$32.99X AnalysisConversation Rebecca Clift The first textbooklinguistics-basedonconversation analysis, illuminating the universals of interaction across a rich array of languages. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics September 2016 247 x 174 mm 334pp PB,25 b/w illus. 1 table HB,EB,HE978-0-521-15719-3 Paperback £28.99 / US$38.99 X
ISBN TITLE AUTHOR UK PUBEUROPEAN&DATE 9781108822541 The Cambridge Introduction to Intercultural Communication Guido Rings , Sebastian M. Rasinger 01/10/2022 9781107474611 Morphosyntax William Croft 01/07/2022 9781316635209 Thinking like a Linguist Jordan B. Sandoval, Kristin E. Denham 01/07/2021 9781108710657 Introducing Linguistics Edited by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito, John W. Schwieter 21/01/2021 9781108748124 Languages of the World Third Edition Asya Pereltsvaig 03/09/2020 9781108701013 For the Love of Language Kate Burridge, Tonya N. Stebbins 06/02/2020 9781108730709 The Study of Language Seventh Edition George Yule 30/01/2020 9781108437738 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language Third Edition David Crystal 29/11/2018 9781108454513 How Languages Work Carol Genetti 08/11/2018 9781108823722 Beyond CLIL Do Coyle, Oliver Meyer 15/07/2021 9781108458535 SLA Applied Brian Tomlinson, Hitomi Masuhara 20/05/2021 9781108455817 The Cambridge Introduction to Applied Linguistics Edited by Susan Conrad, Alissa Hartig, Lynn Santelmann 30/07/2020 9781108701600 Vocabulary in Language Teaching Second Edition Norbert Schmitt, Diane Schmitt 16/07/2020 9781108712873 Introducing Language in the Workplace Bernadette Vine 11/06/2020 9781108441407 Key Questions in Language Teaching Alessandro G. Benati 20/02/2020 9781108708173 Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition Bill VanPatten, Megan Smith, Alessandro G. Benati, 05/12/2019 9781107623057 Linguistics and English Literature H. D. Adamson 04/04/2019 9781108468435 How Second Languages are Learned Roger Hawkins 22/11/2018 9781316603925 Introducing Second Language Acquisition Third Edition Muriel Saville-Troike, Karen Barto 15/12/2016 9781107601123 Construction Grammar Thomas Hoffmann 31/05/2022 9781009088015 A Student's Introduction to English Grammar Second Edition Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Brett Reynolds 30/11/2021 9781108813303 An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Second Edition Andrew Radford 15/10/2020 9781316621653 Lexical-Functional Grammar Kersti Börjars, Rachel Nordlinger, Louisa Sadler 20/06/2019 9780521547956 The Lexicon James Pustejovsky, Olga Batiukova 17/01/2019 9781107480643 Introducing Syntax Olaf Koeneman, Hedde Zeijlstra 13/04/2017 9780521669702 Analysing English Sentences Andrew Radford 04/08/2016 9781316507940 The History of Spanish Diana L. Ranson, Margaret Lubbers Quesada 04/10/2018 9781108729284 En Contexto Luis Ochoa, Enrique González Romero 19/08/2021 Higher Education from Cambridge University Press These titles are available as eTextbooks on the Higher Education platform for institutions for access and can be purchased individually or as a collection. Please ask your librarian to contact librarysales@cambridge.org for more information.
ISBN TITLE AUTHOR UK PUBEUROPEAN&DATE 9781108488358 Introducción a la lingüística hispánica Third Edition José Ignacio Hualde, Antxon Olarrea, Anna María Escobar, Catherine E. Travis, Cristina Sanz 06/08/2020 9781108958486 Introducing Morphology Third Edition Rochelle Lieber 26/08/2021 9781316623299 Word-Formation in English Second Edition Ingo Plag 12/07/2018 9781108407076 Phonetics Ratree Wayland 06/12/2018 9781107624948 Phonology Robert Kennedy 22/09/2016 9781316507605 First Language Acquisition Third Edition Eve V. Clark 17/03/2016 9781107480162 Meaning in English Javier Valenzuela 27/04/2017 9781108712859 Introducing Language and Society Rodney H. Jones, Christiana Themistocleous 03/02/2022 9781108440080 Language Contact Second Edition Yaron Matras 10/09/2020 9781108442268 English Around the World Second Edition Edgar W. Schneider 30/07/2020 9780521157193 Conversation Analysis Rebecca Clift 08/09/2016
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