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Autism: A Real Challenge

Autism spectrum disorder (autism) is a complex, lifelong developmental condition that typically is diagnosed in early childhood and can impact a person’s social skills, communication, relationships, and self-regulation. Autism is different for everyone and affects people differently and to varying degrees. Autism consists of a certain set of behav- low-income, or non-English primary language.

• Boys are approximately 4 times more likely to have an autism diagnosis than girls of the same age.

• Girls may display characteristics of autism differently than boys and might go undiagnosed because of their different presentation.

The cause of autism is unknown. The

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Kathy Lynch iors, which is why it is referred to as a spectrum condition.

In 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Community Report on Autism revealing the following:

• Prevalence of autism rose to 1 in every 36 eight-year-olds in 2020, more than twice as great as the 2004 rate of 1 in 125.

• The Covid-19 pandemic interrupted the identification of children with autism, which may have long-lasting effects resulting from delays in identification and initiation of services.

• Children who receive an autism diagnosis by the age of 4 are 50% more likely to receive services.

• For the first time, more Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Pacific Islander children were identified with autism than were White children.

• Children of color may receive their diagnosis later than White children because of stigma, lack of access to health care services, noncitizenship, disease is very complex and no two people are exactly alike. Autism probably results from multiple causes. Some of the causes of or contributors to autism might be genes, environmental factors, problems with growth of certain areas of the brain, and problems with metabolism. continues on page 36

The CDC recommends all children be screened for autism 3 times—at 9 months, 18 months, and 24 or 30 months. Early identification is associated with better outcomes. Intervention should start as soon as an autism diagnosis is suspected. Children who receive early intervention can show marked strides in their overall development and quality of life and receive the needed educational and home care support.

It is important to remember people present at different ages and with different behaviors. Although signs and symptoms of autism usually are seen by age 2 years, some children show signs earlier and some later. Each person has a unique pattern of behavior and level of severity.

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Jacqueline Abel

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Howard Mason, rph, ms

Vol. 29, No. 2, April/May 2023. CareManagement (ISSN #1531-037X) is published electronically six times a year, February, April, June, August, October, and December, and its contents are copyrighted by Academy of Certified Case Managers, 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd. #330, Palm City, FL 34990; Tel: 203-454-1333; Fax: 203-547-7273.

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