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News from CCMC
“Push Pause”: A Campaign of Gratitude for Case Managers
By MaryBeth Kurland, CAE
Throughout the pandemic, professional case managers faced pressure and uncertainty in every care setting, from hospitals to telehealth. Like health and human services professionals everywhere, case managers had to face an unknown pathogen and quickly learn all they could about treatment and prevention protocols.
At the same time, many faced significant personal challenges, as well. According to a survey conducted early in the pandemic by the Commission for Case Manager Certification, nearly one-third (30.5%) of respondents lost income or had their incomes reduced as a result of the pandemic. Another 21.5% of respondents suffered health issues, 20.9% reported mental health issues, 16.6% had food scarcity issues, and 5.3% lost loved ones.
Despite these burdens, case managers rose to the challenge—and continue to do so. The case management response to COVID-19 has underscored the importance of individual care plans, care coordination, and transitions of care to address the needs of individuals with the disease, particularly those at higher risk because of comorbidities. But there has been a cost borne by case managers, as well as other clinicians and medical professionals, who are facing fatigue and burnout. It’s time to “Push Pause.” To show appreciation for all that case managers have done and continue to do, the Commission launched a campaign of self-care and wellness. These offerings, circulated via social media and on the Commission’s website starting in late 2020, remind case managers of the importance of stopping to breathe, reflect, and restore themselves.
The feedback from our case man-
agement community has been so positive that we wanted to share a sampling of the Push Pause segments. It’s a reminder for all of us that stresses mount, challenges increase, and so many people are counting on us, the pause we need is only a click away. Here is some advice from the Push Pause self-care and wellness experts: • Dr. Chantrise Sims-Holliman, author, speaker, educator, and resilience coach: “Isn’t it funny that we know how to push pause on a video, we know how to push pause on our remote control? … But when it comes time to push pause for ourselves, well, we don’t do that good of a job.” • April Lewis, keynote speaker and
mental fitness coach: “There is so much power in silence. In your silence, you are giving yourself selfcare, and self-care is what you need now more than ever so you can continue to show up and serve and help everyone you are responsible for.” • Wendy Lynch, PhD, researcher, speaker and author: “Ask yourself the question, ‘If I could create a wonderful pause later in my day, what would I most look forward to?’
When you design that answer, you’re giving yourself a gift.”
It’s so easy for all of us to get caught up in our day-to-day responsibilities. This is especially true of case managers who are often juggling large case loads and trying to help as many people as they can. But we cannot deplete ourselves in the process.
To truly serve others and support our colleagues, as well as take care of those who are in our lives, we need to be good to ourselves. For that, pushing pause is critical. CM
To show appreciation for all that case managers have done and continue to do, the Commission launched a campaign of self-care and wellness. These offerings, circulated via social media and on the Commission’s website starting in late 2020, remind case managers of the importance of stopping to breathe, reflect, and restore themselves.
MaryBeth Kurland, CAE,
is CEO of the Commission for Case Manager Certification, the first and largest nationally accredited organization that certifies more than 50,000 professional case managers and disability management specialists. The Commission is a nonprofit, volunteer organization that oversees the process of case manager certification with its CCM® credential and the process of disability management specialist certification with its CDMS® credential.