Empowering and educating women since 1882
Welcome to The Academy of Our Lady of Peace ACADEMY OF
Class of 2022
Table of Contents 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7
Zero Block & Block G Pilot Online Learning Academy Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy Class Placement Criteria Summer School Offerings Athletics & Cheer Try Outs
Questions? Contact the Office of Admissions
619.725.9118 | admissions@aolp.org
Service Learning & Uniforms College Prep: Counseling Resources
Spring Welcome Night You Are Invited!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 6:30 PM The Class of 2022 and their parents are invited to a special night just for you: Spring Welcome Night!
What is Spring Welcome Night? Spring Welcome Night is an evening of special activities for new students and their families. OLP student leaders are introduced and the Class of 2022 will take their first class photo. Parents will have the opportunity to learn more about the CSJ charism and partnership and volunteer opportunities. The presentation will also offer suggestions for how to best support your OLP student.
The Academy of Our Lady of Peace has a wide system of support to help students succeed both academically and socially. Each student is assigned to a counselor and an Assistant Principal for personal and academic support throughout their four years at OLP.
OLP Administration Team 1. Dr. Lauren Lek, Head of School, 2. Jessica Hooper, Assistant Head of School, 3. Marlena Conroy, Assistant Principal & Director of Campus Life, 4. Aaron Gonzalez, Assistant Principal for Athletics, 5. Teri Heard, Assistant Principal of Curriculum & Instruction, 6. Chris Boyer, Director of Technology 2 OLP Welcome Kit
Important Dates ✓ ✓
Event or Requirement
March 1 ✓
Summer School Registration Opens: Online
March 19
Online Enrollment Deadline: Registration & Transportation
March 22
5:00-7:00 PM
March 24
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
April 1
Admission with Distinction Ceremony & Course Registration Class of 2022 Course Registration Day
Summer Sports Camp Registration Opens
April 24
6:30 PM
Spring Welcome Night
April 30
Summer School Registration Closes OLP Physician Physicals on Campus ($25 Fee)
June 9
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
July 1
Final Transcripts, Immunization Records and Physician Physicals Due
August 1
Volleyball Tryouts Begin
August 6
Cross Country, Golf, Tennis Tryouts Begin
August 8
8:00 AM
Frosh Orientation Day (Required Attendance)
August 9
8:00 AM
August 10
8:00 AM
Class of 2022 Pictures & Meeting (Required Attendance)
August 13
7:45 AM
First Day of School
August 15
2:45 PM
Competitve Cheer Tryouts Begin
Dec. 17-20
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Frosh Study & Tech Boot Camp (Required Attendance)
Final Exams (Required Attendance)
Zero Block, Block G & Pilot Online Class Learning Academy Course Options As students and parents begin preliminary course selection planning, it is important to consider that OLP offers the opportunity for students to take more than the standard 6 blocks per semester. Students may choose to enroll in Zero Block, Block G and/or Pilot Online Learning Academy courses. The tuition for the 2018 - 2019 academic school year includes the opportunity for students to participate in 7 year-long academic courses. Students wishing to supplement their course load with additional academic course offerings (more than 14 semester courses) will be charged a $450 fee per extra semester course ($900 for year-long courses).
The primary purpose of Zero Block, Block G and the Pilot Online Learning Academy is to offer students greater access to broader course selections. More specifically, Zero Block, Block G and online classes free up space in a student’s schedule by adding an additional period into her academic rotation so that she may take more electives in a subject of interest or move more quickly into advanced courses. Zero block meets from 6:45 am – 7:35 am (Mon. – Thurs.) and Block G meets from 11:05 am - 12:05 pm (Mon. – Thurs.). Students who do not wish to enroll in an additional curricular class during Block G will participate in a faculty-monitored study hall period. Approximately 50% of the OLP student body elects to take a study hall during this time. Any student who requests dropping a 15th course offering (Zero Block, G Block, or online course) after April 1, 2018 will not be issued a refund.We staff our schedule according to enrollment, and as such need an accurate commitment from students.
»Zero Block, Block G & Online Course offerings for frosh include Speech & Debate I, Algebra I, Christian Morality, Scripture I, Robotics, Spanish I & II, Ballet Folklorico, Dance I, Drama I & II, Digital Photography, Art I & II, Video Production I/II, and Health.
OLP Welcome Kit 3
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) OLP strives to develop mastery of 21st-century skills in each student in order that she becomes an engaged agent of change in our global society. Technology plays a critical role in the way we collaborate and communicate in that same world. OLP requires that all students have access to the tools of the 21st-century via a mobile device. With respect to OLP’s mission and the economic diversity of our families, OLP does not mandate the specific device each student uses, but rather, has adopted a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) policy that outlines minimum specifications for whatever device a family chooses.
This policy and practice guides the use of interactive instruction and learning that connects our students more meaningfully to the world outside, and, just as effectively, the world outside to the classroom.
2018-2019 BYOD Minimum Requirements Laptop Specifications (Mac/Windows/ChromeBook) Screen Resolution 1024x600 or higher Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n Battery Life 4 hours System Age Younger than four years Software Google Drive App or Google Drive Desktop Client
Carpools & Transportation If interested in forming a carpool, please register online at www.aolp.org/carpool by June 1, 2018. A list will be compiled by zip codes and will be mailed back to families in July to assist in the effort to form carpools. Interested in investing in transportation to and from OLP? Complete the Transportation Survey at http://www.aolp.org/home/transportation/ by March 19, 2018.
4 OLP Welcome Kit
For reference, below is the percentage of the student body that uses the following types of devices: Apple OSX (MacBook) = 72% PC (Windows) = 14% Chromebook = 14%
Class Placement Criteria
Course Offerings
English class placements are made based on the following:
Semester Courses: Art I/II, Speech & Debate I, Health, Intro to Dance| 3 weeks | $475.
» HSPT Entrance Exam scores » 7th & 8th grade Language Arts Grades
» Teacher Recommendations » Entrance Exam Essay
Math Class Placements are made based on the following: » HSPT Entrance Exam Scores » 7th & 8th grade Mathematics
BIOLOGY Honors Students must have scored both a national composite score of 80% or higher and a CSQ score of 120 or higher on the High School Placement Test. Eligibility for this course is noted on the student’s course selection worksheet.
» Teacher Recommendations » OLP Math Placement Exams
OLP Curriculum Guide To learn more about pathways, courses and prerequisites, access the 2018 - 2019 Course Description Guide at w w w. a o l p . o rg /a c a d e m i c s/ courseprofiles.
Summer School
Biology Students must have scored a national percentile composite score of 60% or higher on the High School Placement Test. Eligibility for this course is noted on the student’s course selection worksheet.
World Language placements are based on the OLP placement test, which was taken in conjunction with the math placement test.
Questions About Class Placements? Contact: Mrs. Teri Heard, Assistant Principal of Curriculum & Instruction Email: theard@aolp.org
Full Year Courses: Beginning Algebra, Algebra 1*, Algebra II*, Algebra II Honors*, Biology*, French III* and Spanish II and III* all run June 18 - July 27 for $825 each (* denotes prerequisites for eligibility). Visit www.aolp.org/academics/summer-school/ for more information and to register for classes.
Summer School Daily Class Schedule 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
English Review Course This three-week course serves as a remedial course for students who have been admitted to OLP, but have not demonstrated appropriate grade level reading comprehension, writing, vocabulary or grammatical skills. This course is open to all students, but some will be required to take the course, contingent upon their admission. The course will adequately prepare students
Three-Week Course FIRST SESSION: JUNE 18, 2018 - JULY 6, 2018 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm SECOND SESSION: JULY 9, 2018 - JULY 27, 2018 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Fee: $250
for high school English courses.
Enroll now online at
Enrollment Please read the course descriptions and review the prerequisites for each course prior to registering. Class space is on a first come, first served basis and all registrations and payments must be completed online. There is a payment plan option.
aolp.org/academics/summerschool/ before April 30, 2018.
Questions? Contact Summer School Directors, Mrs. Susan Antolin or Mr. Gilberto Moreno at summerschool@aolp.org with any questions.
OLP Welcome Kit 5
OLP Athletics OLP Summer Sports Camps Instruction is offered by premier OLP coaches. Registration will begin April 1, 2018. See the website for more details, including dates, times and fees. All freshmen are required to have a physicians physical completed after June 1, 2018 to be valid for the entire academic year. All physicals are due to the OLP Office of Admissions by July 1, 2018. OLP recommends having an annual physical with your regular physician during the month of June, but if this is not possible due to timing and insurance coverage, physician physicals will be available on the OLP Campus on Saturday, June 9, 2018 to complete this requirement. All physicals must be completed and signed by a physician with a MD or DO credential.
OLP/Saints Sideline Cheer Team All incoming frosh can try out for the OLP/ Saints Cheer team. The commitment begins on June 19, 2018 and includes weekly practices. There are practices during the summer (with scheduled vacations) and then both before and after school during the school year.
» Interested? Come learn more at the informational meeting, Tuesday, April 10, 2018 in the OLP Theater from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
Athletic Offerings » Fall: Cross Country, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball » Fall/Winter: Cheer & Surf » Winter: Basketball, Soccer, Water Polo
» Spring: Lacrosse, Track & Field, Swim & Dive, Sand Volleyball, Softball, Archery » Annual Club Sport: Equestrian
Tryouts will take place Wednesday, April 25, 2018 – Thursday, April 26, 2018 from 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM in the OLP Event Center.
» Questions? Contact the Head Cheerleading Coach, Mr. Casey Popp at cheer@aolp.org. Sideline cheer continues through Winter sports. Competitive cheer runs from October through March. Student athletes may compete in both.
Service Learning Service Learning All OLP freshmen, sophomores and juniors are required to complete 25 hours of service each year with an officially recognized nonprofit organization as part of the OLP graduation requirements. Freshmen may begin to record their service for the 2018- 2019 school year as of June 1, 2018. Check out the OLP website, www.aolp.org/faith-service/service-learning/ for verification directions and information about interesting and unique service learning opportunities. Questions? Contact Director of Service Learning & Retreats, Mrs. Katie Wilson at kwilson@aolp.org.
OLP Uniforms are supplied through Mills Uniform Company. Uniforms can either be ordered in person at the Kearny Mesa Mills Store, 3949 Ruffin Road, Suite D, San Diego, CA 92123, or online at millswear.com. Their phone number is 858-836-2181. The school code is 125. There are many uniform offerings; some are required while others are optional. Please visit our website and look for “Uniform Requirements” under the Student tab to review the uniform offerings and OLP dress code.
6 OLP Welcome Kit
College Prep: Counseling Resources A Four-Year Plan OLP college counselors are available to help students and their parents with the careful planning and consideration that is required when preparing for college admission.
Beginning with a four-year academic plan in the frosh year, the OLP counseling program assists students in selecting colleges or universities that match their interests, goals and abilities.
Counseling Objectives for Incoming Frosh » Introduce counseling services
(academic, college, and personal)
» Introduce Family Connection: College and Course Planning Website
» Clarify Academy of Our Lady of Peace graduation requirements and Integral Student Outcomes (ISOs).
» Develop four-year academic plan, based on student’s interests and goals
» Review the University of California and California State Universities admission criteria (A-G Requirements)
Family Connection by Naviance
» Discuss co-curricular opportunities at Academy of Our Lady of Peace and how student involvement can enhance a college application
» Begin a college resume » Practice college entrance exams (PSAT)
» Explore summer
The OLP Class of 2022’s class color is blue!
enrichment programs
frosh Counselors
OLP uses Naviance’s Family Connection, a web-based college and career planning service designed especially for students and families to provide useful information for college and career decisions. Family Connection is linked with each counselor’s office to allow them to track and analyze data about each student’s college and career plans. It provides up-to-date information that is specific to our school.
Mrs. Jill Hicke Last names begin with A-K (9th/10th) & Sisters & Scholars Coordinator jhicke@aolp.org
Ms. Monique Muther Last names begin with L-Z (9th/10th) mmuther@aolp.org
The “Sisters and Scholars” program works to meet the needs of students who have identified learning challenges. The program coordinator works as an advocate and resource for students who have been officially diagnosed with the need of special learning accommodations.
OLP Welcome Kit 7
Academy of Our Lady of Peace | 4860 Oregon St., San Diego, CA 92116 | www.aolp.org | 619-297-2266