2024 Academy of Our Lady of Peace Commencement Program

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Thursday, May 23,

Class of 2024 | 1 OUR LADY OF FOUNDED 1882 PEACE
of 2024
Mass & Commencement Ceremony Class

2024 Baccalaureate Mass


“Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”

Principal Celebrant

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo


Msgr. Richard Duncanson, OLP Board of Trustees


Deacon Lane Litke, OLP Board of Trustees

Liturgical Musicians

Mr. Nicky Knuff and Ms. Catherine Tarlov ’21

Student Welcome

Stefini Ma’ake ’24, ASB President

Opening Song

“All Are Welcome” by Jesse Manibusan

All are welcome in this place. Behold love’s amazing grace. All are welcome! Bring your hopes, bring your dreams. Mercy flows and Love redeems. All are welcome! All belong!

First Reading

Jeremiah 29:10-14, Mia Fregoso ’24 Proclaimed in Spanish; translation below.

For thus says the Lord: Only after seventy years have elapsed for Babylon will I deal with you and fulfill for you my promise to bring you back to this place. For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the Lord— plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.

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When you call me, and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me—oracle of the Lord—and I will change your lot; I will gather you together from all the nations and all the places to which I have banished you—oracle of the Lord—and bring you back to the place from which I have exiled you.

Response: “Thanks be to God.”

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 121, Grace Sheena ’24

Response: “Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

Second Reading

Philippians 3:12-16, Mary Ann (McCormick) Cunningham ’74

Response: “Thanks be to God.”


John 4:1-15, Deacon Lane Litke

Response: “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.”


Prayers of the Faithful

Constance (De Grazier) Cresci ’74, Paula (Querin) Mills ’74, Flavia (Barajas) Soria ’74, Maria Jose Barreto ’24, Ava Bayne ’24, Constanza Hurtado Garcia ’24, Alexa Lopez de Cardenas ’24, Ereny Tanious ’24

For all Responses: “Lord, hear our prayer.”

Spanish For our world, may there be peace throughout creation, and that Your guiding hand will inspire leaders to seek an end to v iolence.

Arabic For people affected by any sicknesses and illnesses, may they find grace, strength, and courage through God’s loving mercy.

Class of 2024 | 3

For all Responses: “Lord, hear our prayer.”

Spanish For the souls of all loved ones who have died, that they may be welcomed into God’s loving arms, and have the pleasure of joining the angels and saints in Heaven.

French For our greater OLP community of current students, graduates, parents and grandparents, faculty and staff, board members, supporters, and alumnae, we all may continue to carry on the spirit of our school’s mission of unifying love in service to our dear neighbors.

Spanish For the Class of 1974 and all OLP alumnae, that we can strengthen the bonds of sisterhood by coming together, reflecting upon, and celebrating the beautiful memories and wonderful values OLP has instilled within us.

Arabic In gratitude for the parents, guardians, family members, and all others who supported the Class of 2024, that they feel God’s comforting grace and presence as they send their graduates off to college.

Offertory Song

“Pan de Vida” by Bob Hurd and Pia Moriarty

Pan de Vida, cuerpo del Señor, cup of blessing, blood of Christ the Lord. At this table the last shall be first, poder es servir, porque Dios es amor.

Presentaton of the Gifts

Desiree Develasco ’24 and Jillian Nowicki ’24

Liturgy of the Eucharist Responses

“May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church.”

“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.”

“When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.”

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“Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, Miserere nobis. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, Miserere nobis. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, Dona nobis pacem.”

“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

Communion Song

“One Bread, One Body” by John Foley

One bread, one body, one Lord of all, one cup of blessing which we bless. And we, though many, throughout the earth, we are one body in this one Lord.

Communion Meditation

“Oceans” by Hillsong United

And I will call upon Your Name and keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace, for I am Yours and You are mine.

Recognition of Alumnae Mothers & Blessing of Graduation Medals

Dr. Lauren Lek, Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo, and Msgr. Richard Duncanson

Distribution of Graduation Medals

Alumnae Mothers of the Class of 2024

Final Blessing and Dismissal

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo and Deacon Lane Litke

Closing Song

“Go Make a Difference” by Steve Angrisano & Tom Tomaszek

Go make a diff’rence. We can make a diff’rence. Go make a diff’rence in the world. Go make a diff’rence. We can make a diff’rence. Go make a diff’rence in the world.

Class of 2024 | 5

2024 Commencement Program

A Message to Our Graduates

Dr. Lauren Lek, Head of School


Leticia Oseguera, Superintendent of Schools

Valedictory & Salutatory Address

Jade Dickow ’24, Valedictorian

Sophia Shamoun ‘24, Salutatorian

Presenting of Graduates

Mr. Gilberto Moreno

Conferring of Diplomas

Dr. Lauren Lek

Introduction of the Class of 2024

Angela Jooste ’24, Senior Class President Designate

Alma Mater

Ava Harris ‘24


Recession of the Faculty, Class of 1974, Administration, Board of Trustees, Class of 2024

6 | Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Honored Graduates from the Class of 1974

Phyllis (Pisciotta) Adamo

Janet (Vesey) Aguilar

Ramona (Magee) Al-Jaber

Mary (Raynona) Amis

Dawn-Marie Bacon

Flavia Barajas

Donna (Moroney) Bassham

Kim Bautista

Joyce Bayles

Maureen (McIver) Bischak

Ramona Branch

Colleen (Miller) Carette

Rosemary (Feraldi) Carrier

Carolyn Carter

Linda (Weir) Carver

Carla (Cazares) Casey

Daina (Ratermanis) Collins

Graciela Conde

Anna Cornicelli

Constance (De Grazier) Cresci

Mary Ann (McCormick)


Julianna Davies

Laura Davis

Saverina Dia

Jeanne (Rapoza) Dontigny

Juliana Doria

Mary Ellen (Riley) Ellis

Kimberly (Barney) Erath

Patricia (Blanco) Espinoza

Silvia Fimbres de Ruiz

Victoria (Evans) DeJohnette


Ailsa (Taylor) Fleming

Roberta Franc

Lori (Snow) Frankhauser

Theresa (Bennis) Freese

Denise (Alessio) Frontiera

Sara (Chacon) Frutos

Anna (Rosciszewski) Fuchs

Margaret Gallagher

Mary Rose (Dalfio) Garbella

Georgina Garcia

Constance (Vater) Gates

Rosemary Glynn

Kathryn (Drummy) Green

Darla (Henry) Grisez

Angela (Frontiera) Hackbart

Elizabeth Harter

Jane (Thornburg) Henderson

Denise Henry

Karen Herndon

Carmelita (Kelly) Heywood

Lou Ann (Harpin) Hoffman

Yvonne (Young) Holland

Maria Hosseiny

Teresa Hubka-Dunkas

Marie (Muro) Ingrande

Cathy Jennings

Renee (Saeta) Koch

Cynthia Kohler

Linda Krcmaric

Patricia (Poulin) Kugel

Linda Landicho

Theresa Ledesma-Juarez

Nora (Skurud) Levine

Rosemary (Chee) Lewis

Debra Limon

Mary Logomasini

Marilyn (Drace) Lowry

Reina (Mendoza) Martinez

Mary McCarthy-Bernard

Patricia (Taylor) McNeely

Susanne Merchant

Marcella (Marquez) Mickunas

Theresa Moran

Paula (Querin) Mills

Guadalupe Navarro

Marita Nicoll

Theresa (Flahive) Ortega

Gail (Smiglewski) Perna

Gail (Eaton) Pinto

Michelle (Rispin) Raley

Loretta (Barrack) Rhea

Rika Rudd

Roberta (Ashton) Ryan

Elizabeth (Ross) Rye

Laura Sandell

Doreen Sanders

Cecilia (Ferreira) Santos

Leslie (Dierks) Saunders

Jean (DeCelles) Schermer

Susan (Lahmann) Schulte

Patricia (Romeo) Scott

Antonina Scotti-Bauer

Debra (Stetz) Seracini

Maria (Lopez) Severance

Bernadette (Vaughn) Simpson

Flavia (Barajas) Soria

Sandra (Gill) Sutton

Elizabeth (Phillips) Thomas

Patricia (Beversdorf)


Catherine Tilley

Martha Torres

Marcelene (Marzo) Torres

Maria (Miranda) Vazquez

Mariellen (Dowd) Wallace

Catherine Wilsie

Martha Wilson

Michael Anne Wojtkowski

Sally Yoes

Class of 2024 | 7

Congratulations from OLP Faculty & Staff

Diana Agostini

Donna Allen ‘85

Stephanie Avery

Roxanne Bennett

Rivka Bent

Sally Boettger

Molly Brown

Lisa Budrawich

Kristen Busch

Manuel Carranza

Tara Clemen

James Cooney

Danielle Coronado

Abby Cota ‘22

Debra Cota

Kelly Culver

Piaoying Deng

Emily Devereaux ‘00

Hector Escalante

Lucia Estevao Lopes

Matthew Fager

Jamie Flannery

Jennifer Flynn

Aimee Goell

Jessica Gooding

Maureen Griffin

Danilo Guasticci

Breeze Hafenstein

Suzanne Hall

Shawn Hanley

Brenna Hartman

Jessica Helwig ‘08

Anita Heveron ‘00

Jill Hicke

Monica Hickey

Scott Higby

Elsi Hildebrand ‘15

Gale Hill

Jacqueline Hillier


Karen Hsu

Lorand Irinyi

Ryan Kennedy

Nelson Kim

Alma Kim-Carranza

Jeffrey Kirschbaum

Milena Kufa

Jennifer Lamandt

Steven LaMarca

Taylor Laughlin

Dr. Lauren Lek

Vanessa Leyba

Michael Ludwig

Arielle Lugn

Stefini Ma’ake ‘98

Siobhan MacManus ‘01

Brigid Malheiros ‘04

Linnete Manrique-Robles

Julia Marentez

Genoveva Marin

Tina Martinez

Ryan Martin-Spencer

Eric McGowan

Sue McKeller

Ashley McNulty

Georgina Meza

Jennifer Meza

Gilberto Moreno

Cesar Murillo

Jessica Occhialini ‘88

Timothy Paluso

Daniela Pelayo-Beckwith

Sophia Persichilli ‘21

Elisa Pham

Colleen Prantil

Board of Trustees

Dr. Lauren Lek, Head of School

Timothy Truxaw, Chair

Paul Baribault

Cara Beauvais ’06

Francesca Castagnola

Monsignor Richard Duncanson

Chris Herrera

Dr. Steven Jones

Deacon Lane Litke

Sister Ann Bernard O’Shea, CSJ

Alana Wong Robinson ’81

Michele Schiele ’85

Dr. Seanna Thompson ’93

Joel Tubao

Danitza Villanueva ’98

Tiffany Rajski ‘07

Nicole Rayner

Dave Ritzmann

Carolyn Rucke Williams

Samantha Russo

Dr. Brandy Ann Sato

Kevin Soares

Kara Stanton

Michelline Suarez

Catherine Tarlov ‘21

Kerry Tarlov

Richard Thomas

Heather Tiegs

Julie Tran

Harrison Trubitt

Cheryl Tuinstra

Maureen Walker

Tim Weldzius

Aaron Wilker

Melissa Williams

Jacqueline Wilson

Christine Wilson ‘04

Ann Wisniew

Jackson Wyatt

Isaac Zapata

8 | Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Cord & Stole Designations

Navy, Blue, and White Cord

American Sign Language Honor Society

Gold Stole

California Scholarship Federation - 100% Membership

Blue and Gold Cord

Honor Thespian & Honor Thespian Scholars

Light Blue and Gold Double Cord

Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society

Multi-Colored Cord

National Art Honor Society

Blue, Yellow, and White Cord

National English Honor Society

Red and Gold Cord

National Hispanic Honor Society

Blue and Gold Double Cord

National Honor Society

Light Blue and White Double Cord

National Honor Society for the Dance Arts

Green, Purple, and Gold Double Cord

National Science Honor Society

Red and Gray Cord

National Speech & Debate Honor Society

White and Blue Cord

Rho Kappa Honor Society

Blue, Red and White Double Cord

Société Honoraire de Français

Teal Cord

STEM Certificate

Pink Cord

Tri-M Music Honor Society

Class of 2024 | 9

Presenting the Class of 2024

Theresa Soriano Aguilar

Fatima Aguilera

Andrea Alvarez

Alissa Alyase

Tatiana Ambrosius

Korina Krista Apostol

Abigail Elizabeth Arnold

Melania Natalie Attar

Sofia Ayesta Hollstein

Helena Lauren Baez

Katelyn Gerda Baldeaux

Mollie Kathleen Baribault

Maria Jose Barreto-Gonzalez

Natalie Elise Baumann

Kaylie Angelina Bavencoff

Ava Lisbet Bayne

Silvana Bello

Lizette Beltran Torres

Madeline Julie Bergener

Jorielle Nyla Dizon Bettinger

Morgan Lee Brady

Sophia Lorna Joy Bravo

Margaret Eve Brunton

Liliana Maria Casas Colin

Katherine Elise Celestino

Florence Ruey Sy Chang

Gabriella Ann Cimmino

Coral Lynn Clune

Christina Alexis Cornejo

Grace Alexandra Cullum

Cassara Elizabeth Cummins

Giverny Marie Cushman

Jenifer Paola Dalessio

Lindsey Claire Musni Danganan

Grace Yumiko Davis-Plascencia

Kasey Josephine Day

Emilia Grace Del Pego

Lucia Kemmitt del Rio

Kina Mae Del Rosario

Desiree Rebecca Christina Develasco

Allyson Lizette Diaz

Jade Jewel Dickow

Natalie DiMento

Jeanette Anne Dizon

Emma Isabel Dominguez

Bridget Christine Duffy

Sienna Mia Duggan

Eva Raquel Duron

Kiana L. Evans

Loundeis Jaycenth Evans

Justine Seku Fenuku

Elise Flores

10 | Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Josephine Leona Fox

Mia Miranda Fregoso

Alexa Loren Furrows

Galia Gallego-Hernandez

Angelica Carolina Garcia Bustamante

Alejandra Garcia Arredondo

Sophia Alice Goncalves

Sophia Belina Gonzalez

Ximena Gonzalez Cortez

Kitzia Fernanda Gonzalez Estavillo

Emily Azhar Gorou

Giovanina Ann Greene

Anne C. Hammes

Gabriella Rita Hanna

Ava Marissa Harris

Madeline Lee Harris

Emilia Hernandez-Topete

Savanna Jolene Hessling

Brooke Elizabeth Higginson

Emiko Keilana Hina

Mary Magdalene Holcomb

Gabriela Enid Hollman

Maria Horgan

Madison Grace Huey

Constanza Hurtado Garcia

Aiyanna Kabira Johnson

Kaylee Marie Johnson

Eva Rosa Jones

Isabel Katrina Jones

Angela Ellen Jooste

Ainsley Catherine Jordon

Camryn Paige Kalfayan

Kiana Reika Kanzawa

Mallory Brie Kaplan

Bayleigh Mae Kavanagh

Maria Fernanda Nascentes Kelley

Addison Nicole Kennedy

Elizabeth Glory Kennedy

Virginia Mary Kerr

Ava Carin Kuhn

Alexia Kuri

Kyla Sheridan Lay

Mackenzie Lydia Lazare

Gianna Ledesma-Santini

Lucy Godwin Leer

Giselle Leon

Emilie Yang Lindsey

Isabella Rose Loiselle

Mila Lynn Lopez

Alexa Lopez de Cardenas

Melody Luyun

Stefini Elaine Pouanga Ma’ake

Class of 2024 | 11

Gabriella Eireen Mallios

Jelita Ashley Malopsy

Jennine Sam Manalo

Madeline Hope Manriquez

Iliana Cristina Mariano

Maya Francesca May

Cassandra Lee Mayberry

Sophia Kathleen McCloskey

Bianca Grace McFadden

Brooke Lee McFarlane

Gabrielle Claire McGillis

Kossette Melchor

Victoria Merino Inzunza

Abigail Rachel Miner

Alexandra Mogollon Coppel

Peyton Jean Moore

Ana-Lucia Moreno

Camila Moreno-Magoni

Brianna Ivette Munoz

Valentina Munoz

Jovanna A. Murad

Sophia Grace Najor

Alexa Maria Nava Escalante

Paige Elizabeth Newlon

Emmaleigh Kay Norris

Jillian Rose Nowicki

Gianna Marie Nunes

Adriana Rubi Nunez Alcazar

Audrey Jean O’Neal

Amelia Marie Oden

Melahni Erycah Owens

Anahi Lucia Padilla Guzman

Mercedes Louise Payne

Emma Angelina Persichilli

Lorraine Grace Tenderro Prentice

Kaia Rose Prince

Juana Lizeth Pulido

Isabelle Angelica Quezada

Sara Sofia Quintero

Clara Therese Raban

Valeria Ramirez

Kelly Teresa Rickwa

Alexandra Olivia Riggs

Maura Katherine Roberts

Daniela Nicole Rodgers

Natalie Rodriguez

Jacqueline Romo

Ingrid Nicole Rubio

Emily Grace Ruta

Hanna Saenz

Gisel Salas

Lorena Wisam Salem

12 | Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Noah Lila Santos

Claire Alexandra Scelfo

Marilyn Grace Schultz

Ivanna Segovia

Maryamawit Kebede Selassie

Collette Jazlynn Shaikhvand

Felicity Elle Shallan

Sophia Marie Shamoun

Grace Marie Sheena

Olivia Anne Shull

Ellen Genevieve Shwayhat

Romina Sierra

Isabella Mia Smith

Jordan E Smith

Katie Snedden

Elizabeth Eileen Spellios

Kaylee Nwaolokpo Stearns

Ximena Suarez Gonzalez

Lauren Amber Suerth

Annie Maxine Sundstrom

Ereny Tanious

Daniela Teran Martija

Valeria Teran Martija

Sofia Elena Territo

Jessica Blair Thiss

Aaliyah Destiny Thomas

Remy Thomas

Shilo Valentine Thomas

Chloe Jane Valdivia

Aurora Maria Varriale Gomez

Olivia Hope Vasquez

Kate Michelle Walker

Ziyang Wang

Polina Weber

Marissa Bernadette Wilfahrt

Natalie Lynn Wilkins

Paulina M. Williams

Alexandra Rose Wolan

Ava Rose Wyatt

Emily Melissa Yeatts

Alana Jewel Zakar

Valentina Zepeda-Gonzalez

Yinan Zhuang

2024 Student College Decision List

Class of 2024 | 13

Legacy Graduates

Myriam Casavantes Ambrosius ‘94

Mother of Tatiana Ambrosius

Colleen Garmo Attar ‘00

Mother of Melania Attar

Martha Toscano Baez ‘72

Grandmother of Helena Baez

Ella Cubillas Barreto-Gonzalez ‘94

Mother of Maria Jose Barreto-Gonzalez

Tanya Aldaz Duggan ‘95

Mother of Sienna Duggan

Monica Escalante ‘87

Mother of Alexa Nava Escalante

Jessica Ibarra ‘93

Mother of Fatima Aguilera

Michelle Cockayne Kerr ‘90

Mother of Virginia Kerr

Eileen Esteban Lay ‘92

Mother of Kyla Lay

Stefini Ma’ake ‘98

Aunt of Stefini Ma’ake

Diana Magoni ‘87

Grandmother of Camila Moreno-Magoni

Allicia Martinez ‘98 Mother of Aiyanna Johnson

Sarah Marcotte Newlon ‘94 Mother of Paige Newton

Yvonne Perkins O’Neil ‘36 Great Grandmother of Ava Bayne

Paula Wildauer Pochodowicz ‘63 Grandmother of Amelia Oden

Carolyn Ratonel ‘84

Mother of Sophia Bravo

Erin O’Connor Rickwa ‘91

Mother of Kelly Rickwa

Sandra Stivalet Riggs ‘91 Mother of Alexandra Riggs

Marybeth McLean Roberts ‘91 Mother of Maura Roberts

Meghan Bostwick Shull ‘92 Mother of Olivia Shull

Marisea Stanley ‘01 Mother of Eva Jones

Laura Torres-Fimbres ‘88 Mother of Lizette Beltran

14 | Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Allegheny College

American University

2024 College Acceptances

Arizona State University, Downtown Phoenix

Arizona State University, Tempe

Auburn University

Azusa Pacific University

Babson College

Bard College

Baylor University

Belmont University

Bentley University

Biola University

Boise State University

Boston University

Cal Poly Humboldt

California Baptist University

California College of the Arts

California Lutheran University

California Polytechnic State Univ., San Luis Obispo

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California State University, Bakersfield

California State University, Channel Islands

California State University, Chico

California State University, Dominguez Hills

California State University, East Bay

California State University, Fresno

California State University, Fullerton

California State University, Long Beach

California State University, Los Angeles

California State University, Monterey Bay

California State University, Northridge

California State University, Sacramento

California State University, San Bernardino

California State University, San Marcos

Carnegie Mellon University

Catholic University of America

Central Washington University

Chapman University

Clark University

College of Charleston

College of the Holy Cross Colorado School of Mines

Colorado State University, Fort Collins Commonwealth University, Bloomsburg

Concordia University, Chicago Concordia University, Irvine

Connecticut College

Cornell University

Creighton University

Cuesta College

Cuyamaca College

DePaul University

Dominican University of California

Eastern Washington University

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide Emerson College

Emmanuel College

Florida Institute of Technology

Fordham University

George Washington University

Georgetown University

Gonzaga University

Grand Canyon University

Grinnell College

Hampton University

Hawai’i Pacific University

Howard University

IE University

Indiana University, Bloomington

Iowa State University

John Paul the Great Catholic University

Johns Hopkins University

La Sierra University

Lehigh University

Lewis & Clark College

Louisiana State University

Loyola Marymount University

Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University New Orleans

Macalester College

Marquette University

Marymount Manhattan College

Marymount University

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Meredith College

Michigan State University

Montana State University

Moore College of Art and Design

Morgan State University

Mount Saint Mary’s University

National University

New York University

North Carolina State University

Northeastern University

Northern Arizona University

Northwestern University

Norwich University

Notre Dame de Namur University

Nova Southeastern University

Oberlin College

Ohio University, Main Campus

Oklahoma State University, Main Campus

Oregon State University

Otis College of Art and Design

Pace Universit, New York City

Penn State University, Berks

Penn State University, University Park

Pepperdine University

Point Loma Nazarene University

Portland State University

Pratt Institute

Prescott College

Purdue University, Main Campus

Reed College

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Rutgers University, Newark

Sacred Heart University

Saint Louis University

Saint Mary’s College of California

Salve Regina University

San Diego State University

San Francisco State University

San Jose State University

Santa Clara University

Sarah Lawrence College

School of Visual Arts

Scripps College

Seattle Pacific University

Seattle University

Smith College

Sonoma State University

Southern Methodist University

St Catherine University

St Mary’s College of Maryland

St. John’s University

St. Lawrence University

Stonehill College

Stony Brook University

Suffolk University

Syracuse University

Texas A&M University

Texas Christian University

The New School

The Ohio State University

The University of Alabama

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Trinity University

Tulane University of Louisiana

Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara

University of Alaska Fairbanks

University of Arizona

University of Arkansas

University of British Columbia

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Davis

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Los Angeles

University of California, Merced

University of California, Riverside

University of California, San Diego

University of California, Santa Barbara

University of California, Santa Cruz

University of Cincinnati, Main Campus

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Connecticut

University of Dallas

University of Delaware

University of Denver

University of Hawaii at Hilo

University of Hawaii at Manoa

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Iowa

University of Kentucky

University of La Verne

University of Maine

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Massachusetts, Boston

University of Memphis

University of Miami

University of Michigan

University of Mississippi

University of Nebraska, Lincoln

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

University of New England

University of New Hampshire, Main Campus

University of New Hampshire at Manchester

University of North Florida

University of Northern Colorado

University of Oklahoma

University of Oregon

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh

University of Portland

University of Puget Sound

University of Redlands

University of Rochester

University of San Diego

University of San Francisco

University of South Carolina

University of Southern California

University of Southern Maine

University of the Pacific

University of Toronto

University of Utah

University of Washington, Seattle Campus

University of Wisconsin, Madison

University of Wyoming

Utah State University

Washington State University

Wellesley College

Wesleyan University

Western Washington University

Westmont College

Whittier College

Willamette University

William & Mary

Williams College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Xavier University

Class of 2024 | 15

Alma Mater

Set on a hill over valley royal Mountain and sea afar, Built by a love and devotion loyal, Stands Villa Montemar. Though years may pass, Other cares a’bringing, And you may not be near, Turn back our thoughts, Our hearts are singing to those memories dear. So sing to Villa Montemar, Where our hearts will be always; Sing once more to Our Lady of Peace Who deserves all our tribute and praise. With your shoulders back and heads up high And a bright gleam in your eye, Stand and cheer, loyal daughter, For your Alma Mater With a hail, hail, hail.

Ada B. Nesbit 1924

OLP Mission Statement

Founded and rooted in the Gospel values of the Catholic Church and the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, the Academy of Our Lady of Peace empowers young women in an innovative learning environment that honors the individual while fostering community, and develops faith-filled leaders dedicated to the love of God and the dear neighbor without distinction.



16 | Academy of Our Lady of Peace Academy of Our Lady of Peace 4860 Oregon Street, San Diego, CA 92116 aolp.org | 619-297-2266

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