2 minute read
The Students’ Journey with Dr. Lek
Maggie Brady ‘19
University of San Diego ‘23
Dr. Lek has left a lasting impact on students, families, and communities that embodies servant leadership, compassion, and determination. She has served as a role model of a confident, successful leader who constantly works to create the greatest experience for students she can. When I was a student at OLP, Dr. Lek always motivated me to be the best version of myself, to never stop growing, and to be graceful in the process. Her leadership aided in what made my experience at the Academy so great! I am forever grateful for her mentorship in my life and for the example she set of what students strive to achieve. Over the last 10 years, it is clear that Dr. Lek has made OLP a place for learning, development, and success. If the next ten years are anything like the last, then the Academy is sure to succeed even further with Dr. Lek’s selfless leadership and dedication to its values.
Reflecting on my time at the Academy, I don’t know where I would be without my teachers, mentors, but most importantly without the guidance of Dr. Lek. She is one of the most influential, impactful, and inspirational women I have ever met. I remember the first meeting I had in her office, in regards to helping me with my (once concept, now prototype) business idea. She was quick to offer any and all assistance in the ways of connections, guidance, as well as emotional support.
What inspires me most about Dr. Lek is not only her fierce leadership and dedication to OLP’s mission, but her sheer compassion for all the women at this school. I firmly believe she cares about each student’s growth and development as scholars but mainly as women. My experience at OLP, like college, is what I made of it. I took advantage of the resources it provided, but also the mentors that existed on campus. For me, that was Dr. Lek. I grew my relationship with her over the past four years and am extremely grateful to know and seek advice from her. I have come to know her on multiple levels: a principal, a teacher, a wise mentor, but also a dear friend and someone who I strive to remain in touch with over the years. She has inspired many of my aspirations and passions, mainly in the ways of expanding my network of connections, striving to understand each person from a holistic point of view, and always remembering to remain humble.
Humility, grace, and compassion are Dr. Lek’s defining qualities that make her the woman we all know, look up to, and love. She is someone whom I aspire to become some day. As we celebrate her 10th anniversary of bringing light and leadership to this school, let’s reflect in gratitude on all she has done for OLP and all the women she has impacted. I have become a true woman of heart, faith, courage, and excellence because of her.