ADFAS Scandinavia_Jun 2016_ITIN

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Scandinavia Art, design and nature With Iceland extension June 24 – July 10, 2016 Tour leader: Lars Tharp

Edvard Munch, The Scream


Art, design and nature

Overview Popular NADFAS lecturer and Antiques Roadshow presenter Lars Tharp leads a tour through his native Scandinavia, exploring the distinctive history, art and architecture of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The itinerary is built around extended stays in the capital cities, with excursions to the surrounding regions. The tour visits sites ranging from the age of the Vikings to remarkable contemporary architecture and design. There is a special focus on the visual arts, with visits to royal collections, major galleries and private collections. The first half of the tour comprises four night stays in Oslo and Stockholm, impressive capitals on a ‘human scale’. We learn about Vikings and the seafaring traditions of Scandinavia, but also about the rich artistic heritage and the vibrant contemporary architecture and design scene. The second part of the tour is spent in and around Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital. We follow the illustrious royal tradition from Shakespeare’s Hamlet to Crown Princess Mary, and visit a variety of public and private art collections. Accommodation is in centrally located four-star hotels, all within walking distance of major attractions, restaurants and shops. Highlights  Island-hopping in Stockholm’s old town and a cruise to the royal court of Drottningholm in Sweden  The royal castles of Denmark – Helsingor, Amalienborg and Kronborg, Fredericksborg  The Louisiana Museum of Art outside Copenhagen, one of the world’s best private collections of modern art and sculpture  The art of Edvard Munch in museums in Olso and Copenhagen  Encounter Scandinavia’s maritime traditions at the Viking Ship Museums in Oslo and Roskilde and the Vasa Museum in Stockholm

Extension tour to Iceland In addition to the main tour, we are delighted to offer a four night extension to Iceland, a wild and remote corner of the world that has recently captivated travellers. Please see details towards the back of this itinerary.

Above: the Kronborg at Helsingor, Denmark, the setting of Shakespeare’s Hamlet Below: a large warship dominates Stockholm’s Vasa Museum; and Lars Tharp in action on Antiques Roadshow


Art, design and nature

Tour Price The tour price is $12,250 per person, twin share (land content only). The supplement for a single room is $2,850 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required to secure a place on the tour.

Your Tour Leader NADFAS lecturer Lars Tharp is wellknown in Australia and the UK through his appearances on the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow. With a degree in archaeology from Cambridge, his expertise spans several fields, including oriental antiquities and Scandinavian art and history. For several years Lars has led specialised tours abroad.

Included in the tour price          

All accommodation in selected four-star hotels One-way economy class flight Oslo to Stockholm First class train travel Stockholm to Copenhagen All breakfasts, plus seven lunches or dinners in hotels and local restaurants Land travel by air-conditioned coach Background notes on the cities visited Services of your tour leader throughout the tour All entrance fees to sites mentioned in itinerary Qualified local guides as indicated in itinerary Porterage of one piece of luggage per person at all hotels

Enquiries and bookings For further information or to secure a place on this tour please contact Erin Laffin at Academy Travel, on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email

Not included in the tour price    

International airfares (competitive quotes available) Travel insurance Meals and activities not stated as included in this itinerary Personal expenses such as laundry and taxis

Air travel OPTIONS The tour price quoted is for land content only. A number of major international airlines have flights from Australia to Copenhagen. Finnair, based in Helsinki, offer competitively prices business class fares from Australia to Scandinavia. Please contact us to discuss the best option for you.

Airport transfers Group transfers from Oslo airport at the beginning of the tour and to Copenhagen airport at the end of the tour are included for passengers booking their flights through Academy Travel. Please contact Erin Laffin for further details regarding transfers.

Below: Copenhagen’s Nyhavn waterfront, just near our hotel

Scandinavia Art, design and nature

Detailed Itinerary All breakfasts included. Included lunches and dinners are indicated by the letters (L) and (D). Begin the tour relaxed The journey from Australia to Scandinavia is a long one. To get the most from your tour we strongly suggest that you arrive in Europe a few days early to recuperate from the flight, then travel to Oslo on the day the trip begins. If you fly with Finnair, you might consider a few days in Helsinki. Please contact us to make arrangements. Friday June 24 Arrival in Oslo

Depending on your airline, most group members will arrive in the mid-morning or early afternoon. Transfers will be arranged for those who have booked their flights through Academy Travel. Otherwise there are taxies and an express train to the city centre. Rooms will be available in the mid-afternoon. In the early evening your tour leader Lars Tharp will host a reception in the hotel, with drinks and canapés. Saturday June 25 The world of Ibsen and Munch

The late 19th century was a time of upheaval and change for Norway. In 1905 the country achieved independence after 400 years’ rule by Denmark then Sweden. Oslo became the capital. Artists such as Henrik Ibsen and Edvard Munch are products of this milieu. Writing in Danish, Ibsen became Norway’s most famous literary figure, and one of the great playwrights of the western world, the father of realism in stage drama. Munch followed a very different trajectory. His melancholic and psychologically piercing paintings, where the landscape becomes an extension of the psychological state of the human figures in it, have defined him as the epitome of ‘Scandinavian noir’. Today we walk to Ibsen’s house, where there is also a museum dedicated to his life and work. We then share a welcome lunch in a restaurant on Carl Johan’s Gate, the city’s tree-lined main boulevard. After lunch we visit the Munch Museum, containing a version of The Scream and many other instantly recognisable works. (B, L)

Above: Oslo Opera House, completed in 2012 and inspired in part by Sydney’s Opera House Below: details of Edvard Munch’s Workers on their Way Home, in the Munch Museum, Oslo

Scandinavia Art, design and nature Sunday June 26 Vikings and other seafarers

Today’s sightseeing explores Norway’s proud seafaring traditions. Our first stop is the Viking Ship Museum on the Bygdoy peninsula. The museum is famous for its superb display of three large Viking ships from the ninth century, which were buried along with other goods in an elaborate Viking funeral ritual. There are also many other artefacts associated with the Vikings on display here. After a break for lunch we walk the short distance to the Fram Museum. The Fram was the polar expedition ship used by Amundsen in his search for a sea route across the arctic in the early 20th century. The Fram is preserved in its entirety in the museum, and there are excellent displays relating to Norwegian polar exploration. (B) Monday June 27 Oslo your way

This morning we stop in at the historic Grand Hotel which has operated since 1874. Ibsen dined here every day, when it was the haunt of Norway’s emergent artists and writers. The remainder of the day is free. Options include the impressive Vigeland Park, adorned with 200 sculptures by Gustav Vigeland and the Kon-Tiki Museum, documenting Thor Heyerdahl’s journeys in the South Pacific. You could also take a tour of Oslo’s striking opera house, completed in 2012 and built over the water. For great views and a bit of excitement, helicopter rides over the Holmenkollen ski jump and the Oslo Fjord are also available. (B) Tuesday June 28 Fly to Sweden

This morning we transfer to Oslo airport for our early afternoon flight to Stockholm. Stockholm is attractively situated on a chain of islands and peninsulas in an estuary of the Baltic Sea, and exploring them by land and water is a feature of our stay there. After check in and time to stroll the harbourfront and the environs of our hotel, we gather for dinner in our hotel. (B, D) Wednesday June 29 A king’s ship and a painter prince

The Vasa Museum is without doubt Stockholm’s greatest visitor attraction. The centrepiece of the museum is the Vasa, a large warship which sank on its maiden voyage in Stockholm

Above: Oslo’s Viking Ship Museum

Below: Gustav Vigeland sculpture, one of 212 individual sculptures in Oslo’s Frogner Park

Scandinavia Art, design and nature Harbour in 1628. Her 64 canons were salvaged in the 17th century but it was not until 1961 that the largely intact hull was salvaged, with the museum opening in 1988. This morning we visit the museum on Djurgården Island, not far from our hotel. We then head to nearby Waldemarsudde, the early 20thcentury home of Prince Eugen of Sweden. Known as the ‘painter prince’, Eugen studied in Paris and produced many accomplished works. He was also a collector and a patron of other artists. We have a simple lunch in Waldemarsudde’s cafe before viewing the collection and enjoying the fine harbourfront setting. (B, L) Thursday June 30 The old city – free afternoon

This morning a local guide explains the history and development of Stockholm on a walking tour of Gamla Stan – the old city. The cobblestone streets date back to the 13th century and the influence of North German architecture is evident in the coloured merchants’ houses that line the main square, as well as the stock exchange and cathedral. This afternoon is free, and there is a wide range of activities to choose from. Skeppsholmen Island, adjacent to our hotel, houses a well-regarded modern art museum and an architecture museum. Stockholm’s outdoor museum is also recommended. It preserves historical buildings from around the country and gives an ethnological survey of Swedish customs. (B) Friday July 1 The Royal Court of Drottningholm

On an island 12km inland from Stockholm is the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Drottningholm, the historic and current residence of the Swedish royal family. First occupied in 1580, Drottningholm reached its peak splendour in the 18th century. This is when the gorgeous 400-seat court theatre was built. After a morning tour of Stockholm’s town hall, a masterpiece of early 20th-century architecture, we take the ferry to Drottningholm, with lunch on the way. A guide then shows us the court theatre, after which we can enjoy the extensive neoclassical gardens and main palace building. We return to Stockholm by ferry. (B, L)

Above: Gamla Stan – Stockholm’s old town Below: the Court Theatre at Drottningholm

Scandinavia Art, design and nature Saturday July 2 Overland to Copenhagen

The final leg of our journey takes us to Copenhagen for an extended stay. Copenhagen is the home town of our tour leader, Lars Tharp, so we can expect a real insider’s view of this stylish capital city, famous for its sophistication and beauty. We travel overland from Stockholm by train, a five hour journey. On arrival in Copenhagen we transfer to our waterfront hotel, our base for the next week. We welcome Copenhagen with dinner on the Nyhavn waterfront. (B,D) Sunday July 3 Castles and modern art in North Zealand

Denmark boasts Europe’s oldest continuous monarchy, and the country’s identity has been very much forged through its royal house. Today we visit two important estates of the monarchy. The first is the vast palace and gardens of Frederiksborg, just north of Copenhagen. Built for Christian IV in the early 1600s, the architectural style of the palace building is ‘Dutch Renaissance’ whereas the gardens are Baroque. We then head to the northern tip of Zealand to the most famous of Danish castles, the Kronborg at Helsingor. Better known to English speakers as ‘Elsinore’, the setting of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the castle was a cutting-edge piece of military architecture when it was completed in the late 1600s, and it is probable that Shakespeare visited it. We inspect the impressive ramparts and exterior of the castle. Our final stop for the day is the Louisiana Art Museum, a few kilometres south of Helsingor. Comprising a sculpture park and several exhibition pavilions, this superb private museum hosts major international shows to complement its fine collection of 20th century works. We return to Copenhagen in the evening. Monday July 4 Renaissance and Classical Copenhagen

Today we explore some of Copenhagen’s historic districts by coach, foot and canal boat. This morning we take a coach to the 16th-century Kastallet citadel and then walk through the Frederikstad quarter. Designed for Frederick V as an aristocratic quarter, the crowning glory are the four Amalianborg Palaces, the most refined example of Rococo architecture in Europe. We tour the interior of one of the

Above: Frederiksborg Castle Below: modern sculpture at the Louisiana Art Museum

Scandinavia Art, design and nature palaces. This afternoon we make an initial exploration of the Christansborg and Christianshavn areas on a canal boat tour, learning much about the history of these sites on the way. (B) Tuesday July 5 Collections of merchants and Monarchs

Today is devoted to two private residences and their collections. In the morning we walk to the King’s Garden, the city’s largest park. Within the gardens is the Rosenborg Palace, a delightful jewel-like palace built for Christian IV. Intended as a summer house, the fantastical turrets and moats are a good example of Dutch baroque (Christian, perhaps Denmark’s most impressive ruler, was much impressed by Holland’s economic and artistic achievements.) Inside the palace are the Danish Royal jewels and many other fine works. After a break for lunch in the park, we walk to the nearby David Collection. Founded by lawyer CL David, the collection is well-known for its Islamic art and artefacts and its excellent 18th century paintings. (B)

Above: Rosenborg Palace, withing the King’s Gardens

Wednesday July 6 The Emergence of Scandinavia

Below: Frederik Vermehren’s The fancy-bread vendor, from the Hirschsprung Collection, depicting rustic Danish life in the 18th century

This morning we take a harbour ferry across to Christianshavn, a charming district of canals and historic buildings. Once again it was Christian IV who was responsible for the development of this part of the city. Christian hired Dutch engineers and architects to design a network of canals and warehouses, in the hope of emulating Holland’s spectacular economic success. Today Christianshavn is a fashionable and relaxing area. In the afternoon we cross back to the old city to visit the outstanding National Museum. The museum’s collection includes remarkable pre-historic finds, a 6th-century ‘pre-Viking’ ship and fine silver and gold of the Viking era. (B) Thursday July 7 Art: private and public

We begin the day at the Hirschsprung Collection, a private art museum in a parkland setting just north of the old city. Heinrich Hirschsprung was a wealthy 19th-century industrialist and his collection gives an unrivalled account of the development of Danish art in the 18th and 19th centuries. After refreshing our eyes and minds in the city’s botanical gardens we explore the State Museum of Art. This large institution is one of the most

Scandinavia Art, design and nature impressive in Europe. It contains the former royal collection of European old masters – with superb Italian and Flemish works, a fine collection of Scandinavian work, a large bequest of 26 paintings by Matisse, and a striking 20th century and contemporary art wing. The museum also has an excellent cafe and other facilities. (B) Friday July 8 Kings and Vikings

Although Danes are keen to point out that there is much more to their culture than Vikings, they share the Viking tradition along with Norway and, to a lesser extent, Sweden. This morning we travel by coach to Roskilde, about an hour west of Copenhagen. Here, on a fjord, was a Viking settlement and the Viking Ship museum here contains two ships, as well as excellent archaeological and interactive displays. Roskilde was also the first capital of the Danish kingdom, centuries before Copenhagen. A visit to the important cathedral, and the monumental royal tombs within, will confirm this. There will also be time to enjoy Roskilde’s attractive town centre. (B) Saturday July 9 Danish Design, strolling & shopping

Our final full day is spent exploring the numerous sites of interest in and around Strøget, the one kilometre pedestrian street that runs through the old town. We will call in at the fine neo-classical cathedral, the medieval Round Tower and the Trinitas Church. Strøget is also where Denmark’s best design stores are located. Some like Illum’s Bollighus and the Poul Henningson lighting store are as much museums of modern design as commercial enterprises. We end the tour with a bang, literally! We head to the celebrated Tivoli Gardens, looking fine after a recent restoration. After catching the early evening pantomime performance we dine in one of the Tivoli’s best restaurants and stay for the 10.30pm fireworks. (B,D) Sunday July 10 Departure

This morning after breakfast there is a transfer to Copenhagen’s Kastrup airport for onward and homeward flights.

Above: Matisse’s The Green Line, in the State Museum of Art, Copenhagen

Below: the nimb in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen

Scandinavia Art, design and nature

Hotel Information Oslo, Scandic Victoria Oslo (4 nights)

We have chosen this hotel for its very central location, close to the harbourfront and within easy walking distance of major galleries, shops and restaurants. Past groups have found the service very friendly, but the hotel building is functional rather than charming, and the breakfast room is frequently crowded. Stockholm, Radisson Blu Strand (4 nights)

This four-star hotel has an excellent location on the waterfront, in the financial district about five minutes’ walk from the historic ‘Gamla Stan’ (old city) island. There are good shops and restaurants in the vicinity and pleasant walks to be had along the waterfront. We have booked superior water view rooms. Copenhagen, Nyhavn 71 (8 nights)

The Nyhavn 71 occupies an old merchant’s building on the harbourfront. Once a seedy area for sailors and their acquaintances, Nyhavn has been transformed into one of the city’s best districts for dining and strolling the waterfront. Water buses connect to many parts of the city, and it is a short walk to the Copenhagen’s main square and shopping district. We have booked executive rooms, as the standard rooms in this hotel are not large.

Weather The weather in Scandinavia in June-July should be very pleasant with long days and mild-to-warm temperatures. Expect daytime temperatures to range between 12 and 17 degrees with an average 12 hours of sunshine. Evenings become cooler dropping into single digits requiring a warmer jacket and some light layering. For those taking the extension tour, Iceland is described as having a subarctic continental climate with cool summers and no dry season. Temperatures range between 7 degrees in the evening rising only marginally to an average of 12 degrees in the daytime. Please remember that the weather in these northern latitudes can be highly changeable, so a weather-proof jacket, some warm clothing and an umbrella are recommended.

Above: a room at the Scandic Victoria Hotel, Oslo; and a superior water view room at the Radisson Blu Strand, Stockholm

Below: an executive room at the Nyhavn 71 Hotel, Copenhagen

Extension tour to

Iceland Overview We are delighted to offer a four night extension to Iceland, a wild and remote corner of the world that has recently captivated travellers. A pristine natural environment, beautiful mountains, glaciers and coastline and the presence of several very active volcanos are the main attractions. Iceland was settled by the Vikings, from whom the current population is descended. The Viking culture, described in the Icelandic sagas and numerous archaeological sites from the Viking era are also a major attraction. We are based in a very comfortable hotel in downtown Reykjavik for our entire stay, with excursions to the north and inland. Cost of Iceland extension A minimum of six travellers is required for the extension to proceed, and the final cost will depend on the exact number of travellers. We estimate the cost of the extension to be around $3,000 per person, including the following:    

Return economy class airfares Copenhagen-Reykjavik Four nights’ accommodation in Reykjavik Breakfasts, a dinner and two lunches Private excursions with an experienced local guide

Please note that tour leader Lars Tharp will not be undertaking the Iceland extension.

Detailed Itinerary Sunday July 10 To Iceland

Late this morning there is a transfer to Copenhagen’s Kastrup airport for our afternoon flight to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. Due to time change, we arrive in the mid-afternoon. Meet your local guide at the airport and transfer to central Reykjavik, with time to check in and explore the centre of the city. We gather for dinner in a local restaurant. Monday July 11 Explore Reykjavik

Reykjavik is one of the world’s smallest capital cities, but there is no shortage of interesting sites. After a talk, we visit the settlement museum, right under our hotel. After a panoramic

Above: Grundafjordur, Iceland Below: Harpa Hall is a thrilling contemporary building, with complex steel and glass architecture and vast interior spaces

Extension tour to

Iceland coach tour we also visit the excellent National Museum, containing many Viking-era finds. This afternoon we tour the Harpa Hall, a thrilling contemporary performing arts centre, with elaborate steel and glass architecture and vast interior spaces. This performing arts complex is inspired by Iceland’s glaciers and volcanoes, and is another outstanding example of the region’s contemporary architecture (if we are lucky, we may also get to attend a performance here). Later on there is the option of taking a harbour tour to see arctic puffins in their natural habitat. (B)

Above: the Gullfoss waterfalls

Tuesday July 12 Geysers and waterfalls

Today’s full-day coach tour takes us first to Iceland’s most historic site, Pingvellir. Here the world’s oldest known parliament convened in 930AD and our visit is a window on Iceland’s unique history and culture. Pingvellir is located in a beautiful national park, and the drive to the site takes us through a singular landscape of lava flows, volcanoes and thermal springs. After lunch at a local restaurant we continue to Geysir. The impressive thermal springs here have lent their name to the same phenomenon all over the world. Nearby are the Gullfoss waterfalls, following the line of the meeting point of two of the Earth’s tectonic plates. (B, L) Wednesday July 13 Journey to the Centre of the earth

Above: traditional ‘turf roof’ buildings of the Old Farmhouse at Laufas

This morning we travel north along remote coastlines and fjords to the Snaefells Peninsula. The peninsula is dominated by a conical volcano, Snaefellsjökull. Here amid a setting of sea and wild terrain, is where Professor Lidenbrock begins his descent in Jules Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth. On our way up to Snaefelles we stop at a number of sites associated with the Vikings and enjoy the beautiful rocky cliffs and birdlife of Arnarstapi at the foot of the volcano. Our farewell lunch is at the Budir Lodge, one of Iceland’s finest restaurants located on a beautiful river inlet. We return to Reykjavik in the early evening. (B, L) Thursday July 14 Departure

We transfer to Reykjavik airport today. Most travellers will have an early morning departure in order to catch connecting flights in Copenhagen. (B) Above: walking through Pingvellir national park

Physical Requirements of THIS tour Physical rating It is important both for you and for your fellow travellers that you are fit enough to be able to enjoy all the activities on this tour. To give you an indication of the level of physical fitness required to participate on our tours, we have given them a star grading. Academy Travel’s tours tend to feature extended walking tours and site visits, which require greater fitness than coach touring. We ask you instead to consider carefully your ability to meet the physical demands of the tour. Participation criteria for this tour This Grade Two tour is designed for people who lead active lives and can comfortably participate in up to five hours of physical activity per day on most days, including longer walking tours, challenging archaeological sites, climbing stairs, embarking and disembarking trains and/or boats, and a more demanding tour schedule with one night stops or several internal flights. You should be able to:  keep up with the group at all times  walk for 4-5 kilometres at a moderate pace with only short breaks  stand for a reasonable length of time in galleries and museums  tolerate uncomfortable climatic conditions such as cold weather  negotiate steps and slopes on archaeological sites, which are often uneven and unstable  get on and off a large coach with steep stairs, train or boat unassisted, possibly with luggage  move your luggage a short distance if required A note for older travellers If you are more than 80 years old, or have restricted mobility, it is highly likely that you will find this itinerary challenging. You will have to miss several activities and will not get the full value of the tour. Your booking will not be accepted until after you have contacted Academy Travel to discuss your situation and the exact physical requirements of this tour. While we will do our best to reasonably accommodate the physical needs of all group members, we reserve the right to refuse bookings if we feel that the requirements of the tour are too demanding for you and/or if local conditions mean we cannot reasonably accommodate your condition.

Above: the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Drottningholm, the historic and current residence of the Swedish royal family Below: detail of Edvard Munch’s The Haymaker, in the Munch Museum, Oslo

About ADFAS Travel ADFAS Travel is the official travel program of the Association of Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Socieities (ADFAS). Each year we offer a carefully chosen range of tours designed to appeal to our 6,000 members around Australia. ADFAS Travel helps to support the activities of ADFAS, including sponsorship of young artists and contributions to the preservation of sites around Australia. ADFAS Travel is managed by Academy Travel, a specialist provider of cultural tours. Each year Academy Travel organises around 50 journeys to Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia and the Americas, each focusing on a distinctive historical, artistic or cultural theme. Academy Travel is an Australian-owned travel company, founded in 2004.

Carefully planned itineraries All itineraries feature a carefully thought out balance of walking tours, gallery and museum visits, scenic excursions, dining and performances.

Like-minded groups A like-minded group of ADFAS members from Societies around Australia. Share your journey with fellow travellers who are in tune with your way of seeing the world. A maximum of 22 participants – not too small and not too large – creates a convivial atmosphere.

Long stays Perhaps the most appealing feature of our program. No whistlestop tours, no 7.00am departures, day after day. In most destinations we enjoy three or four nights to really get to know the place.

Special experiences A private viewing of the Sistine Chapel or the Museum of Modern Art in New York? Tickets to a sold-out performance of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra? Many of our tours feature top-flight events not usually offered on group tours.

Expert tour leaders Expert leadership by NADFAS and ADFAS-approved lecturers, who combine academic expertise with a genuine passion for the places you visit. Under their expert guidance you see rather than just look, hear rather than just listen and understand rather than just observe. Your travel experience is transformed.

In-depth information With extensive printed tour materials, including detailed tour notes, destination guides, and daily programs, you’ll build up a coherent understanding of the country you’re visiting, not just a fragmented set of facts. These materials are also available in electronic format.

ADFAS travel

The Association of Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies


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I am travelling:

a room for sole occupancy

on my own

with a friend or family member.

a twin-bedded room

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a double-bedded room

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Please indicate below if you have any special dietary requirements. Appropriate meals will be requested for you on all flights and group meals based on this information.



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Please indicate below if you have any serious health issue that may affect your travel insurance coverage, your physical capacity to undertake some activities on tour or may otherwise need to be considered by the tour leader/manager during the tour.



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ADFAS travel

The Association of Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies


Your travel plans

I/we plan to undertake additional travel before/after the tour and would like ADFAS Travel to organise this (please describe destinations and length of stay required below).

I/we wish ADFAS Travel to arrange air travel from Australia. Economy Class.

Business Class.

I/we will organize our own air travel. I/we are undecided about air travel. Please contact us to discuss the available options. I plan to leave Australia before the tour commences. Planned departure date: I intend to take part in the extension tour offered in the itinerary (if applicable).

To discuss your travel arrangements please contact the travel consultant for your tour. You can also email enquiries to

D Your acceptance of booking conditions PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND SIGN BELOW DEPOSITS

A deposit of $500 per person is required to confirm your booking on a tour. Final payment of the tour fee, insurance and any additional travel will be due 60 days before departure.


If you decide to cancel your booking the following charges apply: More than 60 days before departure: $500* 60-45 days before tour start: 25% of total amount due 44-15 days before tour start: 75% of total amount due 14 days or less before departure: 100% of total amount due *This amount may be credited to another ADFAS Travel tour within 12 months of the original tour you booked.



If the number of participants in a tour is significantly less than budgeted, or if there is a significant change in exchange rates ADFAS Travel reserves the right to amend the advertised price. If this occurs you will be given the option of canceling your booking and obtaining a full refund. If an ADFAS Travel tour is forced to cancel you will get a full refund of all monies paid.


Occasionally circumstances beyond the control of ADFAS Travel make it necessary to change airline, hotel or to make slight amendments to daily itineraries. We will inform you of any changes as soon as they occur.


Full and final payment for the tour, airfare travel, insurance and any additional travel you book is due 60 days before departure. Payment may be made by bank deposit, cheque, cash or credit card. Please note there is a surcharge for payments made by credit card.

We regret that refunds will not be given for any unused portions of the tour, such as meals, entry fees, accommodation, flights or transfers.

ADFAS Travel reserves the right to decline the booking or terminate the holiday of any traveller.


I/we have read the information about the physical requirements of the tour in the detailed itinerary and confirm that I/we are able to meet these requirements. Signature:

ADFAS Travel requires all participants to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. We offer a comprehensive policy with a reputable insurer if required.

I/we accept the conditions on this booking form


A valid passport is required for all international travel. If you do not hold an Australian passport you may require a re-entry permit. Some countries require a visa to be issued before you depart Australia. We will advise you of all passport and visa requirements, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you meet passport and visa requirements before you depart.



Deposit payment

A non-refundable $500 deposit is required for each person listed on this booking form. Please indicate which method you have chosen to pay your deposit: Amount of deposit: $

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ADFAS travel

The Association of Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies

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