Alexander_Turkey & Iran_Sep 2016_ITIN

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In the footsteps Of Alexander

TURKEY & Iran September 17 – October 7, 2016 Tour leader: Dr John Tidmarsh

In conjunction with The Near East Archaeological Foundation, Sydney University

In the footsteps of Alexander

Turkey and Iran Overview

This 21-day tour traces the footsteps of Alexander the Great as he fought his way along the coast of Asia Minor and into Persia, the heartland of the vast Achaemenid Empire. In Turkey we explore many of the cities conquered by Alexander including Bodrum, Ephesus and exquisite Priene, where Alexander dedicated a temple to Athena built at his own expense. We visit cities such as Kaunos, Perge and Aspendos which rose to prominence under the rule of Alexander’s successors and climb high into the mountains of Pisidia to picturesque remains of Termessos, whose impregnable citadel defied the Macedonian king. We then fly to Iran where we enter the world of the formidable Persian Empire destroyed by Alexander. We visit the great palaces of Persepolis and Pasargadae, the Achaemenid royal burial ground of Naqsh-i Rustam, and Hamadan, ancient Ecbatana where Alexander arranged for the execution of his old general Parmenio and mourned his closest companion, Hephaisteion. We also explore the beautiful city of Bishapur, capital of the great Sasanian king Shapur I who attempted to emulate the conquests of his Achaemenid forebears, as well as Isfahan, Pearl of Islam among whose earliest inhabitants were those Jews from Babylon and freed by the Cyrus the Great. The tour is enhanced by a series of talks and lectures by John Tidmarsh on Alexander’s campaigns and the opulent Hellenistic kingdoms which arose after his death. Some highlights  Three days based in Kuşadasi exploring sites conquered by Alexander at Didyma and Priene as well as Ephesus, one of the best preserved classical cities of the ancient world  Rarely visited archaeological sites of Kaunus outside of Bodrum and Asclepeion  Three nights in Antalya exploring the Lycian coastline peppered with wonderful Hellenistic and Roman sites at Perge, Aspendos and Termessos  The decadent palaces and museums in Tehran including the Crown Jewels Museum  Safavid sites near Hamadan and the Achaemenid period fortress of Hagmatana  Three nights staying in Isfahan, the jewel of ancient Persia  Three nights in Shiraz visiting the great classical sites of Persepolis and Pasargadae

Left: detail of the Alexander Mosaic depicting a battle between the armies of Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia, now housed in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples; and the theatre in Aspendos is considered the best preserved in Turkish antiquity with seating of up to 7000 people

Tour Price

Tour Leader

The tour price is $9,690 per person, twin share accommodation. The supplement for a single room is $1,640 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required to secure a place on the tour.

Dr John Tidmarsh is president of the University of Sydney's Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation, and a former lecturer in the Department of Archaeology. He is also Co-Director of the University's excavations at Pella in Jordan, and has also excavated in Greece and Cyprus. He has led numerous tours to Oman, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and other countries in the eastern Mediterranean.

Included in the tour price  One way economy flights between Antalya and Tehran via Istanbul and from Shiraz to Tehran  Land travel in Turkey and Iran by private coach  All accommodation in selected three to five star hotels  Porterage of luggage in and out of hotels  All breakfasts, lunches and dinners in hotels and restaurants as indicated in this itinerary  All entrance fees to sites mentioned in this itinerary  Services of tour leader throughout the tour  Qualified local guides throughout the tour  Illustrated background talks  Tips to local guides, drivers and restaurants  Visa costs for Turkey and Iran Not included in tour price    

Return international airfares Travel insurance Meals not stated as included in this itinerary Expenses of a personal nature such as laundry, phone calls and internet usage

Air travel OPTIONS The tour price quoted is for land content only. For this tour we recommend Etihad or Emirates which flies into Istanbul, where there are connecting flights to Izmir. Homeward flights are direct from Tehran. Please contact us for further information on competitive Economy, Business, or First Class airfares for Etihad, Emirates or another carrier of your choice.

Airport transfers Transfers from Izmir to Kusadasi at the beginning of the tour are included for passengers booking their flights through Academy Travel. Please contact Stuart Barrie for further details regarding transfers.

Enquiries and bookings For further information or to secure a place on this tour please contact Stuart Barrie at Academy Travel, on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email

In the footsteps of Alexander

Turkey and Iran Detailed Itinerary All breakfasts included. Included lunches and dinners are indicated by the letters (L) and (D). saturday 17 September Arrive in Izmir

Arrive into Izmir and transfer to our hotel in Kusadasi. Meet your fellow travellers over a light dinner in the hotel this evening. (D) sunday 18 September Ephesus

After a relaxed morning and a lecture from John we head to one of the largest and best preserved classical cities of the ancient world, Ephesus. On his visit here, Alexander offered to fund the completion of the Artemis Temple and have his name inscribed in the stone but the city elders demurred claiming it was not fitting for one God to build a temple to another. Returning to Kusadasi we gather this evening for our welcome dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight Kusadasi (B, D) monday 19 September Didyma, Priene & Heracleia by LAtmos

Today’s excursion takes us Priene, one of the best-preserved Hellenistic cities of ancient Ionia and a great repository of Greek art and architecture. Here we see the bouleuterion or council chamber, Temple of Zeus and the Temple of Athena Polias, funded by Alexander. We continue to Didyma, site of the famous oracle, second only in importance to Delphi where pilgrims came to worship at the Temple of Apollo in ancient times. The temple was spectacular, surrounded by 120 Ionic columns and accessed via two marble lined tunnels. The surrounding area contains several sculptures including an impressive head of Medusa. At Kapikiri on the shores of Lake Bafa we visit the often overlooked site of Heracleia by Latmos. Once an ancient Greek seaport Heracleia’s fortunes shifted with the Turkish coastline cutting the city’s access to the Aegean Sea. Overnight Kusadasi (B, L) Tuesday 20 September To Bodrum

This morning we depart for Bodrum, known as Halicarnassus in ancient times and the birthplace of Herodotus. The presiding landmark in Bodrum is the Castle of St Peter, a fortification built by the Knights of St John on a promontory over the probable site of the castle of Mausolos, King of Caria. Later, we visit the tomb of Mausolus, constructed by his wife Artemesia on such a grand scale it was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and created the term. After checking in to our hotel the evening is at leisure. Overnight Bodrum (B)

Top to Bottom: The Library of Celcus at Ephesus, fit for an important Roman provincial capital; Head of Medusa carved into stone at Didyma; Columns of the Temple of Athena at Priene, completed as a gift from Alexander the Great

wednesday 21 September Kos & Asclepion

This morning we travel by ferry to the Greek island of Kos in the Dodecanese Archipelago. Explore the archaeological park in the old town

comprising of temples dedicated to Aphrodite and Herakles and a large colonnade dating from the 3rd century BC. There are magnificent Roman mosaics uncovered in the ruins at the House of Europa and a depiction of the Judgement of Paris. After lunch in a local restaurant we visit the Asclepion, an ancient hospital built to honour the god of health and medicine following the death of Hippocrates who practised on the island. We return to Bodrum by ferry this afternoon where the evening is at leisure. Overnight Bodrum (B, L) thursday 22 September Kaunus

Heading south-east we stop at Kaunus, a sea port dating back to the 10th century BC. Archaeologically important, Kaunus features an acropolis fortified by Byzantine walls, an amphitheatre with both Hellenistic and Roman characteristics, Roman baths and several temples include the Temple of Apollo. Outside the site are six tombs carved out of the rock face in the style of Hellenistic temples complete with Ionian columns, an architrave and pediment. We continue to our hotel just outside of Fethiye, our destination for this evening. Overnight Fethiye (B, D) friday 23 September Xanthos

We visit Xanthos early this morning to escape the heat of the day. A Lycian city it was captured in 540 BC by the Persians and taken by Alexander during his conquests. The Xanthian response to the Persian siege was to retreat, destroying their own acropolis, killing their wives, children and slaves before launching a suicidal counter attack. Although the Nereid Monument and the tomb of Payaya have been relocated to the British Museum we see the Harpy Tomb and Lycian sarcophagus, the agora, acropolis and the Roman theatre. We continue to Antalya where dinner is in the hotel this evening. Overnight Antalya (B, D) saturday 24 September Aspendos

This morning we explore the Pamphylian city of Aspendos, site of a bloody naval battle in 467 BC which saw the outnumbered Greeks, dressed as Persians soldiers, outwit the Persian army in a surprise attack. The theatre in Aspendos is considered the best preserved in Turkish antiquity and with seating of up to 7000 is still used as the main venue for the Aspendos Opera and Ballet festival each June. Returning to town we visit the Archaeological museum featuring one of the best collections in Turkey. Overnight Antalya (B) sunday 25 September Termessos

Today we visit the ancient Pisidian city of Termessos. Little is known of the Pisidians, but they are referenced in Homer’s Iliad in connection with the legend of Bellerophon who defeated the fire-breathing monster of the Chimaera. Termessos first comes to light historically when Alexander the Great surrounded the mountainous city and was repelled by the Termessians in 333 BC. Approaching Termessos from the main road we

Top to Bottom: The fortifications of the Castle of St Peter built by the crusader Knights of St John; Lycian rock tombs Kaunus carved out of the rock face in the style of Hellenistic Temples; and the magnificently situated Roman theatre at Termessos

In the footsteps of Alexander

Turkey and Iran can see the Hellenistic Kings Road, city walls and cisterns. Inside the city walls is the main square with the agora and remains of the gymnasium. The magnificently situated Roman theatre with seating for over 4000 spectators gives a commanding view over the Pamphylian plain below. Overnight Antalya (B, D) monday 26 September To Tehran

Depart early this morning for our flight from Antalya via Istanbul to Tehran. After completing customs and immigration formalities in Tehran we transfer to the hotel, our base for the next three nights. Check in with time to freshen up before dinner in the hotel. Overnight Tehran (B, D) Tuesday 27 September golestan Palace – crown jewels museum

This morning our focus is the Golestan Palace Complex, built by the 19thcentury Qajar kings. Here we see the Marble Throne, an intricately carved ensemble of more than 65 pieces of stone, and a photographic exhibition of old Tehran. The afternoon is a highlight, with a visit to the Crown Jewels Museum. It showcases some of the magnificent jewellery belonging to the last kings of Iran, including the Darya-i Nur (Sea of Light), the largest uncut diamond in the world, and the ‘Globe of Jewels’, a map of the world in emerald, sapphire, ruby, and diamonds. Overnight Tehran (B, L) wednesday 28 September Tehran’s Museums

Our touring today provides us with an overview of Iran’s history and culture, with visits to several of Tehran’s well regarded museums. Our first visit is to the archaeology museum with its collection showcasing the ancient cultures of Iran, from its prehistory to Elamite and ancient Persia. Set in a 19th-century Qajar house, the glass and ceramics museum houses an extraordinary collection of works dating from the 4th millennium BC to the contemporary era. After a break for lunch we continue on to the Reza Abassi Museum. The museum has select examples of the finest artworks produced in Iran, including Achaemenid gold vessels and outstanding examples of early Islamic ceramics, calligraphy and miniatures. Dinner is in the hotel or a local restaurant his evening. Overnight Tehran (B, L, D) thursday 29 September To Hamadan

Top to bottom: Sassanid and Islamic architecture combine in this design for the Azadi or Freedom Tower in Tehran; the intricately carved Marble Throne on display in the Golestan Palace Complex; the Carpet Museum in Tehran exhibits a variety of Persian carpets from all over Iran

We depart Tehran today and head south-west to Hamadan (ancient Ecbatana). En route we stop in Qazvin, the second capital of the Safavid Empire. Here we visit the Friday Mosque and the Qajar shrine of Zadeh Hossein. After a break for lunch we continue to Hamadan via the Median fort of Nush-e Jan, site of the earliest known Iranian fire temple. After checking into or hotel, we stop at the stone lion (Sang-e Shir) which is all that remains of a funerary monument to Hephaisteion, and Ganj Nameh, where we will see some excellent examples of ancient rock-cut inscriptions before continuing to our hotel. Overnight Hamadan (B, L, D)

friday 30 September Hagmatana

Our focus today is the ancient Median and Achaemenid period fortress of Hagmatana, the capital of Medes and one of the capitals of the Achaemenid Empire. The museum here shows some fine archaeological finds including large amphorae, Acheamenid pillar bases and Parthian coffins. This afternoon we visit the Mausoleum of Esther, the Achaemenid Queen and wife of Xerxes and her uncle, Mordeccai, a site of pilgrimage for Iranian Jews. Overnight Hamadan (B, L) saturday 1 october To Isfahan

Departing Hamadan we make the approx 520km journey to Isfahan stopping at the small towns of Arak and Khomeyn, famous as the birth place of the leader of the Iranian Revolution, Ruhollah Khomeini. Arriving in Isfahan there is time to freshen up and relax before dinner in the hotel this evening. Overnight Isfahan (B, L, D) sunday 2 october Touring Isfahan

Spend a full day touring the beautiful city of Isfahan, the 17th century Safavid capital. Following the riverbank we survey three impressive bridges, the Sharestan Bridge with its eleven arches constructed from brick and stone in the 12th century, the Khaju Bridge perhaps the finest with two levels of terraced arcades and the Sio-Se Bridge one of the best examples of Safavid design. In the Armenian Quarter of Jolfa we see several churches, including the important Cathedral of Vank. After lunch, explore the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Naqsh-e Jahan Square. From the elegant Sheikh Lotfallah Shrine to the grand Imam Mosque, no expense was spared to decorate this square. The Ali Qapu Palace has some of the best acoustics in the medieval world with its innovative music room. The grandest of the grand bazaars of Iran also originates in this square, with miles of shopping for those who can’t resist. Dinner is in a restaurant in the Maidan. Overnight Isfahan (B, L, D) monday 3 October Isfahan

Our explorations continue at Chehel Sotun, a 17th-century garden palace of the Safavid kings built in the Achaemenid style. The unusual portico entrance to the palace has twenty columns: when reflected in the pool, the illusion of forty columns symbolises the forty days of mourning for the death of Mohammad’s grandson Hossein. The building’s historical wall paintings show the evolution of Iranian art and history. Before lunch we visit the Hasht Beshesht or “Eight Paradises” Palace, whose interior features impressive mosaics and moulded ceilings. The afternoon is at leisure or to shop in the bazaar. Overnight Isfahan (B, L) Tuesday 4 October Pasargadae

We depart for Shiraz stopping at the archaeological site of Pasargadae on the way. Construction of the city was begun by Cyrus the Great, an

Above: The Sheikh Lotfallah Mosque is one of the many beautiful buildings found around Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Esfahan and the music room of Ali Qapu Palace. The plaster walls and ceilings are richly decorated with intricate niches and curvature to improve and perfect acoustics

In the footsteps of Alexander

Turkey and Iran enlightened ruler who wished to create a society in which the diverse cultures of each region were respected and promoted under Persian administration. Cyrus was killed in battle before his great city was finished and the site became his final resting place. Today we visit his tomb and the ruins of his nearby gardens and palaces which were plundered by Alexander. Continue to Shiraz and check into our hotel. Overnight Shiraz (B, L, D) Wednesday 5 October Persepolis

Persepolis, the best-preserved city of ancient Persia, is our destination today. Dating from the sixth century BC, Persepolis was the home of Darius, Xerxes, and the Achaemenid kings, who built Iran into a major power of the ancient world. No expense was spared on the detailed relief decoration that celebrated their achievements. On the way to Persepolis we visit the ancient fire temple Kab-e Zaratosht and the nearby royal tombs at Naqsh-e Rostam, as well as the coronation site of the Sasanian Kings at Naqsh-e Rajab. Overnight Shiraz (B, L) thursday 6 October Bishapur

Today we visit the Sasanian city of Bishapur, built by Shapur I after he defeated three successive Roman Emperors and subsequently brought over 70,000 Roman captives to Iran to help construct his empire. The Temple of Anahita, the goddess associated with water, brought water from miles away and led through a series of underground channels (qanats) to the elegant subterranean temple. Shapur’s Palace had a Roman Mosaic Hall and a central court possibly covered by a dome. At Tang-e Chogan, on either side of a narrow gorge, there are six Sasanian rock-reliefs commemorating Shapur’s victories over the Romans and other adversaries. Returning to Shiraz the afternoon is at leisure before we gather for our farewell dinner. Overnight Shiraz (B, L, D) Friday 7 October

We transfer from our hotel for our flight to Tehran to meet international connections. (B)

Additional travel AND stopovers We are more than happy to arrange additional travel either before or after the tour dates. Stopovers on the outbound or return flight are also possible for those wishing to break their journey. Please contact Stuart Barrie on (02) 9235 0023 to discuss your requirements.

Top to bottom: Detailed decoration from Persepolis celebrates the achievements of the Achaemenid Kings; Royal tombs carved out of the rock face at Naqsh-e Rostam; One of six reliefs at Tang-e Chogan, this shows the investiture of King Bahram I by the god Ahuramazda

Hotel Information Kusadasi, charisma hotel (3 nights) One of the newest hotels in Kusadasi with balconies standard throughout, offering sea views over the Aegean. The hotel has its own private beach. Bodrum, marina vista hotel (2 nights) Overlooking the Marina and close to cafes and shops. This 75 room fourstar hotel features rooms with French balconies overlooking the swimming pool and gardens and a rooftop terrace offering al fresco dining. fethiye, ocean blue hotel (1 night) Small boutique hotel in Oludeniz approximately 10 kms outside of central Fethiye. Rooms are modern with private balconies and offer a garden or pool view. Free wifi is available in the room. antalya, Mediterra Art HOtel (3 nights) Located in the Kaleici district within the old city walls, this renovated Ottoman style house with gardens and a pool is close to all the town’s historic landmarks. Tehran, laleh Hotel (3 nights) Well located five-star hotel in walking distance of Laleh Park. Rooms are equipped with all the western comforts including satelitte television and cable television, wirelessi internet connection and air-conditioning. Hamadan, azadi hotel (3 nights) Four-star, forty five room hotel run by the well regarded Parsian Hotels group. Centrally located in the North of Hamadan. Isfahan, abbasi Hotel (3 nights) Set in a historic 300 year old building, the hotel is conveniently located in the centre of Isfahan. shiraz, homa Hotel (3 nights) This five-star hotel in Shiraz is located in a quiet, parkland district northwest of the city centre. * Hotels may be subject to change (to another hotel of equivalent quality). Any changes will be advised to all clients booked on the tour

Images right: views over the Aegean from the Charisma Hotel in Kusadasi; a room at the Marina Vista Hotel in Bodrum; the Ottoman style Mediterra Art Hotel in Antalya; the historic Abbasi Hotel in Isfahan; and the striking Homa Hotel in Shiraz

In the footsteps of Alexander

Turkey and Iran Physical Requirements of THIS tour Physical rating It is important both for you and for your fellow travellers that you are fit enough to be able to enjoy all the activities on this tour. To give you an indication of the level of physical fitness required to participate on our tours, we have given them a star grading. Academy Travel’s tours tend to feature extended walking tours and site visits, which require greater fitness than coach touring. We ask you instead to consider carefully your ability to meet the physical demands of the tour. Participation criteria for this tour This Grade Two tour is designed for people who lead active lives and can comfortably participate in up to five hours of physical activity per day on most days, including longer walking tours, challenging archaeological sites, climbing stairs, embarking and disembarking trains and/or boats, and a more demanding tour schedule with one night stops or several internal flights.

The sites of Ephesus (above) and Priene (below)

You should be able to:  keep up with the group at all times  walk for 4-5 kilometres at a moderate pace with only short breaks  stand for a reasonable length of time in galleries and museums  tolerate uncomfortable climatic conditions such as cold, humidity and heat  walk up and down slopes  negotiate steps and slopes on archaeological sites, which are often uneven and unstable  get on and off a large coach with steep stairs, train or boat unassisted, possibly with luggage  move your luggage a short distance if required A note for older travellers If you are more than 80 years old, or have restricted mobility, it is highly likely that you will find this itinerary challenging. You will have to miss several activities and will not get the full value of the tour. Your booking will not be accepted until after you have contacted Academy Travel to discuss your situation and the exact physical requirements of this tour. While we will do our best to reasonably accommodate the physical needs of all group members, we reserve the right to refuse bookings if we feel that the requirements of the tour are too demanding for you and/or if local conditions mean we cannot reasonably accommodate your condition.


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Please provide a photocopy of the photo page of your passport together with this booking form.



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a room for sole occupancy

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a double-bedded room

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Please indicate below if you have any special dietary requirements. Appropriate meals will be requested for you on all flights and group meals based on this information.



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I/we wish Academy Travel to arrange air travel from Australia. Economy Class.

Business Class.

I/we will organize our own air travel. I/we are undecided about air travel. Please contact us to discuss the available options. I plan to leave Australia before the tour commences. Planned departure date: I intend to take part in the extension tour offered in the itinerary (if applicable).

To discuss your travel arrangements please contact the travel consultant for your tour. You can also email enquiries to

D Your acceptance of booking conditions PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND SIGN BELOW DEPOSITS

A deposit of $500 per person is required to confirm your booking on a tour. Final payment of the tour fee, insurance and any additional travel will be due 60 days before departure.


If you decide to cancel your booking the following charges apply: More than 60 days before departure: $500* 60-45 days before tour start: 25% of total amount due 44-15 days before tour start: 75% of total amount due 14 days or less before departure: 100% of total amount due *This amount may be credited to another Academy Travel tour within 12 months of the original tour you booked.



If the number of participants in a tour is significantly less than budgeted, or if there is a significant change in exchange rates Academy Travel reserves the right to amend the advertised price. If this occurs you will be given the option of canceling your booking and obtaining a full refund. If an Academy Travel tour is forced to cancel you will get a full refund of all monies paid.


Occasionally circumstances beyond the control of Academy Travel make it necessary to change airline, hotel or to make slight amendments to daily itineraries. We will inform you of any changes as soon as they occur.


Full and final payment for the tour, airfare travel, insurance and any additional travel you book is due 60 days before departure. Payment may be made by bank deposit, cheque, cash or credit card. Please note there is a surcharge for payments made by credit card.

We regret that refunds will not be given for any unused portions of the tour, such as meals, entry fees, accommodation, flights or transfers.

Academy Travel reserves the right to decline the booking or terminate the holiday of any traveller.


I/we have read the information about the physical requirements of the tour in the detailed itinerary and confirm that I/we are able to meet these requirements. Signature:

Academy Travel requires all participants to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. We offer a comprehensive policy with a reputable insurer if required.

I/we accept the conditions on this booking form


A valid passport is required for all international travel. If you do not hold an Australian passport you may require a re-entry permit. Some countries require a visa to be issued before you depart Australia. We will advise you of all passport and visa requirements, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you meet passport and visa requirements before you depart.



Deposit payment

A non-refundable $500 deposit is required for each person listed on this booking form. Please indicate which method you have chosen to pay your deposit: Amount of deposit: $

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