Florence_Residential_Sep 2016_ITIN

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Florence & the Italian Renaissance September 17 - 30, 2016 Tour leader: Dr Nick Gordon

Benozzo Gozzoli, Procession of the Magi, Medici Chapel


& the Italian Renaissance

Overview The Renaissance in Italy is one of the most dynamic periods in European history, and Florence was its undisputed centre. The city’s unique amalgam of commercial enterprise, wise republican government, great families and individual virtuosity created a society like no other at the time. Enriched through banking, manufacturing and trade, independent from the constraints of the medieval church and infused with enthusiasm for the classical past, the citizens of Florence created distinctive political identities and visual worlds which still captivate. Today the visitor is rewarded with a host of great art, architecture and history, but most visitors to Florence stay only a few days and see only the main sites – enough time to admire the beauty, but insufficient to truly understand this great city. This 14-day residential-style tour offers time to unravel and fully appreciate the complex history, society and culture of Renaissance Florence under the expert guidance of tour leader, Dr Nick Gordon. A program of walking tours, museum and gallery visits in the city is complemented by excursions to important sites in Tuscany. Accommodation is in a perfectly located four-star hotel, and a number of lunches/dinners in selected local restaurants are included. Some highlights  Seven days in Florence, exploring the society, history and especially visual arts of this city during the Renaissance  Full day excursion to Siena, the medieval precursor to the Italian Renaissance  A day in the beautiful Val d’Orcia, famed for its rolling hills and cypresses, and the beautiful Renaissance town planned by Pope Pius II in celebration of his birthplace  The Benedictine abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore  Excursion to San Gimignano, one of the only surviving tower societies from Tuscany’s Middle Ages  Private visit through Vasari’s Corridor, which houses the Uffizi’s collection of artists’ self-portraits  Detailed and illustrated background talks

Left, Brunelleschi’s iconic cupola rising above the city of Florence remains one of the most visible landmarks in the Arno valley, and the rolling hills and vineyards of southern Tuscany, home to Chianti and Brunello di Montalcino

Tour Price The tour price is $7,330 per person, twin share (land content only). The supplement for a single room is $1,870 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required to secure a place on the tour. Included in the tour price  13 nights’ accommodation at the four-star Hotel Berchielli  All breakfasts and seven lunches and dinners in hotels and local restaurants as indicated in the itinerary.  Land travel in Italy by air-conditioned coach  Services of an Australian tour leader throughout the tour  Extensive tour notes  All entrance fees to sites mentioned on itinerary  Services of a local guide at selected sites  Porterage of one piece of luggage at the hotel  Tips to local guides and drivers Not Included     

International air fares, taxes and surcharges (see below) Airport transfers if not coordinating with group flights Travel insurance Meals not stated as included in this itinerary Items of a personal nature such as laundry, phone calls or internet use

Air travel OPTIONS The tour price quoted is for land content only. As there are no direct international flights into Florence, we instead recommend flights into and out of Bologna with Emirates. There will be one group coach transfer from Bologna to Florence (return) to coincide with the scheduled Emirates arrival and departure. Please contact us for further information on competitive Economy, Business or First Class airfares.

Enquiries and bookings For further information or to secure a place on this tour please contact Erin Laffin at Academy Travel, on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email erin@academytravel.com.au

Images right, the spectacular staircase at the Antinori winery in the Chianti region (photo by laboratorio_recreativo, flickr); and Masaccio’s depiction of St Peter Healing with His Shadow, in the Brancacci Chapel (1426), is set on the streets of Renaissance Florence

Tour Leader Dr Nick Gordon has a PhD in European history and a University Medal in history for his study of Florentine art, society and politics from the University of Sydney. He has taught European cultural and intellectual history at universities across Sydney for 10 years, has run courses on western art for adults since 2009, and has led tours for Academy Travel since 2007. His knowledge and interest in art comes from his research and his practice as a painter.


& the Italian Renaissance

Detailed Itinerary All breakfasts included. Included lunches and dinners are indicated by the letters (L) and (D). Want to arrive relaxed? The flight from Australia to Italy is long and can be tiring. To regain your energy and get the most from the tour you might like to consider breaking the journey with a stopover en route, or spending a few days in Italy before the tour commences. Please contact us to discuss the options available. Saturday 17 September Arrival

The Emirates flight arrives at Bologna in the early afternoon, where you will be met by your tour leader. We then join our coach and transfer directly to Florence, a trip of approximately 2 hours. After time to check-in we’ll meet for a light dinner in a local restaurant near our hotel. (D) Sunday 18 September Palaces and Paintings Above, famed scholar Politian and the young Giovanni de’ Medici, future uncle of Francois I of France, by Ghirlandaio in the Sassetti Chapel Below, Michelangelo’s Pietà in Florence, one of the masterpieces in the recently reopened Museo del Opera del Duomo

Today we explore the art of Renaissance Florence in its context by looking at how art and architecture were used by those who commissioned them. After a talk in the hotel, we visit Palazzo Davanzati, a beautifully restored patrician palace, and Palazzo Strozzi, one of Florence’s grandest Renaissance palaces, which speak volumes about how the city’s elite impressed themselves on their neighbours and visitors. After a welcome lunch at an excellent local restaurant, we look at masterpieces in situ by Ghirlandaio, Filippino Lippi and Masaccio, who revolutionised western European art with their “vanishing point” perspective, careful depictions of Renaissance life and subtle storytelling. (B, L) Monday 19 September Sculpting Public Image

From the 13th to 16th century, Florence was governed by its guilds – powerful professional bodies that regulated industry and commerce. The guilds were also responsible for overseeing (and paying for) many of Florence’s monuments, and were highly competitive in the lengths they would go to outdo one another. This morning we visit Orsanmichele, a church-come-granary often thought of as the laboratory of Renaissance sculpture because of the works the guilds commissioned for it, by masters including Donatello, Ghiberti and Verrocchio, Leonardo’s teacher. After a break for lunch, we visit the recently renovated Museum of the Opera del Duomo, the institution patronised by the Wool Guild which has overseen the building, decoration and maintenance of the cathedral for 700 years. It has accumulated an extraordinary collection of works, including a Pietà by Michelangelo, several key works by Donatello, and the original Doors of Paradise by Ghiberti. The late afternoon and evening are at leisure. (B)

Tuesday 20 September San Gimignano and Volterra

Florence’s medieval towers, a symbol of the conflict between the city’s warring factions, were forcibly cut down by the government in the 13th century. They survive, however, in San Gimignano, a celebrated town that paints a vivid picture of medieval Tuscany and preserves beautiful frescoes by masters such as Benozzo Gozzoli. Our excursion today takes us to San Gimignano and then on to the town of Volterra, famous for its production of alabaster, which has a stark Romanesque beauty. Its regional museum contains the startling Deposition altarpiece by Rosso Fiorentino. Lunch today is in a simple country restaurant. Returning to Florence the evening is at leisure. (B, L) Wednesday 21 September Artisans

Florence’s wealth and fame are built on the skill of its artisans, many of whom we have come to regard as artists of the highest standing. This morning we tour the Oltrarno, home to a large population of humble artisans and immigrants in the Renaissance and now the district where many of Florence’s artisans have set up shop and practice crafts that are rapidly disappearing. After visiting the Brancacci Chapel for Masaccio and Masolino’s extraordinary depictions of episodes from the life of the Peter set in the poorer streets of Florence, our tour takes us to the workshops of local artisans. The afternoon is at leisure. (B) Thursday 22 September florence’s art treasures - Sculpture

The sculptors of Florence revolutionised the art in the first half of the 15th century, achieving feats that had not been done since the fall of the Roman Empire, and developing the highly realistic aesthetic that defines our idea of the Italian Renaissance. Today we trace the development of sculpture in the Etruscan and Roman periods in the Museum of Archaeology, through to the stunning Renaissance works of Donatello, Michelangelo and Giambologna in the Bargello. Our tour also takes us to the less well-frequented Opificio delle Pietre Dure, the headquarters of the art restorers which has a fine museum of inlaid semi-precious stonework, a Florentine speciality. The evening is at leisure. (B) Friday 23 September Florence’s art treasures - Painting

After a talk in the hotel, we spend the morning at the Uffizi galleries, taking in masterpieces by Giotto, Botticelli and Leonardo. Here we chart the genesis of Renaissance Italian art, from its origins in the Byzantine “darkness” of the Middle Ages to the exaggerated and emotional extremes of 16th-century Mannerism. After a break for lunch in the gallery cafe, we have a guided visit of the Vasari Corridor, a collection open for special bookings only, stretching across the Ponte Vecchio and up to the Palazzo Pitti. It contains the Uffizi’s priceless collection of artists’ self-portraits. In the late afternoon and evening are at leisure. (B)

Above. Botticelli’s Spring is one of the most well-known paintings in the Uffizi, and in the world. It can be read as a series of allusions to the all-powerful Medici family Below, Donatello's David is one of the many treasures in the Bargello Museum, an outstanding national sculpture collection

Florence & the Italian Renaissance Saturday 24 September

Southern Tuscany

We journey into Southern Tuscany today, beginning with the sprawling Benedictine monastery of Monte Oliveto Maggiore. Here we have a guided visit of the cloister’s frescoes, the work of Signorelli and Il Sodoma. We continue through the picturesque hills of the Val d’Orcia, stopping at vineyards and small towns, towards Pienza. This town was the birthplace of Pope Pius II (Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini) and he later planned its redesign as a showcase of classical and rational humanism. We enjoy a group lunch here, and return to Florence in the late afternoon. The evening is at leisure. (B, L) Sunday 25 September Medicean Florence

Above, Renaissance Pienza perches on top of a hill in the scenic Val d’Orcia and is a natural “balcony” for enjoying the tranquil countryside Below, the lovingly conserved gardens of the Villa Gamberaia in the hills outside of Florence

The Medici are Florence’s most famous dynasty, growing in strength from medieval bankers with houses throughout Europe, to hereditary dukes of 16th-century Tuscany. Today, after a morning talk, we take the family as a case study for Florentine art patronage, seeing works they commissioned from Benozzo Gozzoli in the Medici Palace’s Chapel of the Magi. We also visit the nearby monastery of San Marco, which the Medici patronised, and in which Fra Angelico painted exquisite frescoes for the monks’ cells where he lived. Their clear colours and delicate beauty resonate in the peaceful cloister and reveal why this “angelic” friar-painter was one of the most sought-after of his day. After a break for lunch in the area, we visit San Lorenzo, the Medici’s neighbourhood church, where Cosimo the Elder is buried beside the turbulent artist whose career he fostered, Donatello. The evening is at leisure. (B) Monday 26 September Remembering the Renaissance

Recovering and preserving the past and drawing inspiration from it was at the heart of the Renaissance and has continued to be an ongoing mission. This morning we look at diverse examples of how Florentine artists have been inspired by the past: Michelangelo’s sculptures in the Medici Chapel, Alberti’s Rucellai Chapel, whose extraordinary proportions were inspired by the Holy Sepulchre, and the works of Marino Marini, a 20th-century Tuscan sculptor inspired by his region’s Etruscan heritage. After a break for lunch, we visit the Stefano Bardini Museum. Bardini was one of Florence’s most important antiquarians in the 19th and early 20th century, and amassed an extraordinary collection of art. His contacts also made him one of the movers and shakers in the international art trade, and he wasn’t beyond commissioning forgeries to meet the market’s demand. (B) Tuesday 27 September Siena

Today we take a private coach to Siena. The city was Florence’s main rival and, before the devastation of the plague in 1348, even eclipsed it in power and glory. Siena’s strong economy, founded on its position as papal banker, and distinctive form of government sponsored a flourishing culture and ushered in a new chivalric mode of painting. We will see Ambrogio

Lorenzetti’s frescoes of Good and Bad Government and Simone Martini’s Madonna in Majesty, both in the Palazzo Pubblico. After a break for lunch, we visit the cathedral and its museum, with sculptures by the Pisano family and Duccio di Buoninsegna’s monumental Maestà. In the late afternoon we return to Florence. On our way back to Florence, we stop for dinner at a country restaurant. Overnight Florence. (B, D) Wednesday 28 September pantheons of Science and Letters

Florence’s achievements extend well beyond the visual arts and the city has played a similarly important role in other fields. This morning, we visit the city’s science museum, dedicated to Galileo Galilei, who lived and worked in Florence under the protection of the Medici Dukes. We also visit Florence’s pantheon – the church of Santa Croce, a large Franciscan basilica that conserves precious frescoes by Giotto and other medieval masters. It became a pantheon for Florence, and later Italy’s great men, with Dante, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Galileo and Rossini all honoured here. In its peaceful cloister is Brunelleschi’s Pazzi Chapel, a Renaissance triumph of carefully calculated and deceptively simple architecture. After a break for lunch we travel by private coach to the spectacular Antinori winery in the Chianti region. The contemporary building, partially enclosed by a hill, and surrounded by the Tuscan countryside, is a testament to the combination of innovation, respect for traditions and confidence that have made Italy what it is. After a tour of the winery, we taste the wines of one of Tuscany’s oldest wine producing families. Returning to Florence, the evening is at leisure. Overnight Florence (B) Thursday 29 September San Miniato Al Monte and Villas

Florence is surrounded by villas, green spaces and places offering panoramas over the city and the surrounding countryside. These locations have often been highly sought after, and their gardens have helped define what an Italian garden should look like and how one ought to live. We begin our tour this morning with a visit to San Miniato al Monte, a tranquil monastery-church above the city with exquisite views. We continue our tour by private coach to Fiesole to visit the Villa Medici, a 15th-century villa built according to the principles of Roman authors. After our farewell lunch at the exclusive Villa San Michele, with its excellent views over Florence, we visit the magnificent gardens of Villa Gamberaia. Nestled in the hills outside of Florence, the gardens have had an enduring influence of garden design and are lovingly restored and conserved today. Returning to Florence by coach, the evening is at leisure. (B, L) Friday 30 September Departure

There is an early morning coach transfer to Bologna Airport to meet the departing Emirates flight. (B)

Above, Siena’s Piazza del Campo Below, Marino Marini’s pomone, female figures inspired by Etruscan and early Roman art

Florence & the Italian Renaissance

Hotel Information Florence, Hotel Berchielli (13 nights)

Above: Our hotel is a stone’s throw from the Ponte Vecchio, once the province of Florence’s butchers but now lined with the sumptuous shops of goldsmiths and jewellers

The 4-star Berchielli is a modern luxury hotel overlooking the Ponte Vecchio on the banks of the Arno. The hotel’s central location makes it the perfect base for our extended stay with many museums, restaurants and shops an easy walk away. Rooms are well-sized and elegantly furnished with all modern inclusions including air conditioning, satellite TV, minibar, internet access and a safe. From the Berchielli you step out onto via Borgo Santi Apostoli, a wonderfully preserved medieval streetscape with very good local dining options. www.berchielli.it/eng

Below: Hotel Berchielli, Florence

Weather on tour September is a pleasant time to travel in Italy, the summer heat and crowds have passed and the early autumn harvests have begun. Expect average maximum temperatures of 20º – 25ºC during the day, and minimums of 12º - 15ºC at night. It is reasonable to expect passing showers on a few days, but not heavy rain.

Combining tours Caravaggio on the Sea Cloud II 30 September - 17 October Tour Leader: Dr Kathleen Olive ‘Collect’ Caravaggios while touring Malta and Sicily on the Sea Cloud II and continuing on to vibrant Naples and Rome. Venice: City, Republic and Empire 4-18 October, 2016 Tour Leader: Robert Veel Explore the wonders of Venice and its unique history and art over two weeks on this easy-paced, residential tour. Turkey: Classical, Byzantine and Ottoman 5-22 October Tour Leader: Judy Roberts See beyond surface of Turkey’s diverse art and history with a week in Istanbul, before exploring Cappadoccia and the Aegean coast. Sicily and the Aeolian Islands 7-23 October Tour Leader: Dr Estelle Lazer Enjoy Sicily, from its ancient Greek temples, Norman mosaics, Arabinfluenced architecture, to its extraordinary food and scenery.

Physical Requirements Of THIS tour Physical rating It is important both for you and for your fellow travellers that you are fit enough to be able to enjoy all the activities on this tour. To give you an indication of the level of physical fitness required to participate on our tours, we have given them a star grading. Academy Travel’s tours tend to feature extended walking tours and site visits, which require greater fitness than coach touring. We ask you instead to consider carefully your ability to meet the physical demands of the tour. Participation criteria for this tour This Grade Two tour is designed for people who lead active lives and can comfortably participate in up to five hours of physical activity per day on most days, including longer walking tours, challenging archaeological sites, climbing stairs, embarking and disembarking trains and/or boats, and a more demanding tour schedule with one night stops or several internal flights. You should be able to:        

keep up with the group at all times walk for 4-5 kilometres at a moderate pace with only short breaks stand for a reasonable length of time in galleries and museums tolerate uncomfortable climatic conditions such as cold, humidity and heat walk up and down slopes negotiate steps and slopes on archaeological sites, which are often uneven and unstable get on and off a large coach with steep stairs, train or boat unassisted, possibly with luggage move your luggage a short distance if required

A note for older travellers If you are more than 80 years old, or have restricted mobility, it is highly likely that you will find this itinerary challenging. You will have to miss several activities and will not get the full value of the tour. Your booking will not be accepted until after you have contacted Academy Travel to discuss your situation and the exact physical requirements of this tour. While we will do our best to reasonably accommodate the physical needs of all group members, we reserve the right to refuse bookings if we feel that the requirements of the tour are too demanding for you and/or if local conditions mean we cannot reasonably accommodate your condition.

Above: the Palazzo Medici-Ricardo reflected on the cobblestone streets of Florence

Below: the streetscapes of Siena, a city perched on Tuscany’s rolling hills

About Academy Travel Each year Academy Travel organises around 50 journeys to Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia and the Americas, each focusing on a distinctive historical, artistic or cultural theme. The aim of every Academy Travel journey is to combine the pleasures of independent travel with the benefits and shared enjoyment of a group. Academy Travel is an Australian-owned travel company, founded in 2004. The company’s staff includes both academic experts and travel professionals with over two decades’ industry experience. We also have our own office in Rome which organises our tours in Western Europe. This means we have direct control over the selection of hotels, restaurants, coaches and local guides, guaranteeing superior quality.

Carefully planned itineraries All itineraries feature a carefully thought out balance of walking tours, gallery and museum visits, scenic excursions, dining and performances.

Like-minded groups Share your journey with fellow travellers who are in tune with your way of seeing the world. A maximum of 20 participants – not too small and not too large – creates a convivial atmosphere.

Long stays Perhaps the most appealing feature of our program. No whistlestop tours, no 7.00am departures, day after day. In most destinations we enjoy three or four nights to really get to know the place.

Special experiences A private viewing of the Sistine Chapel or the Museum of Modern Art in New York? Tickets to a sold-out performance of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra? Many of our tours feature top-flight events not usually offered on group tours.

Expert tour leaders Our tour leaders combine academic expertise with a genuine passion for the places you visit. Under their expert guidance you see rather than just look, hear rather than just listen and understand rather than just observe. Your travel experience is transformed.

In-depth information With extensive printed tour materials, including detailed tour notes, destination guides, and daily programs, you’ll build up a coherent understanding of the country you’re visiting, not just a fragmented set of facts. These materials are also available in electronic format.

academy travel

tailored small group Journeys



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tailored small group Journeys



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To discuss your travel arrangements please contact the travel consultant for your tour. You can also email enquiries to info@academytravel.com.au.

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A deposit of $500 per person is required to confirm your booking on a tour. Final payment of the tour fee, insurance and any additional travel will be due 60 days before departure.


If you decide to cancel your booking the following charges apply: More than 60 days before departure: $500* 60-45 days before tour start: 25% of total amount due 44-15 days before tour start: 75% of total amount due 14 days or less before departure: 100% of total amount due *This amount may be credited to another Academy Travel tour within 12 months of the original tour you booked.



If the number of participants in a tour is significantly less than budgeted, or if there is a significant change in exchange rates Academy Travel reserves the right to amend the advertised price. If this occurs you will be given the option of canceling your booking and obtaining a full refund. If an Academy Travel tour is forced to cancel you will get a full refund of all monies paid.


Occasionally circumstances beyond the control of Academy Travel make it necessary to change airline, hotel or to make slight amendments to daily itineraries. We will inform you of any changes as soon as they occur.


Full and final payment for the tour, airfare travel, insurance and any additional travel you book is due 60 days before departure. Payment may be made by bank deposit, cheque, cash or credit card. Please note there is a surcharge for payments made by credit card.

We regret that refunds will not be given for any unused portions of the tour, such as meals, entry fees, accommodation, flights or transfers.

Academy Travel reserves the right to decline the booking or terminate the holiday of any traveller.


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Academy Travel requires all participants to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. We offer a comprehensive policy with a reputable insurer if required.

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A valid passport is required for all international travel. If you do not hold an Australian passport you may require a re-entry permit. Some countries require a visa to be issued before you depart Australia. We will advise you of all passport and visa requirements, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you meet passport and visa requirements before you depart.



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A non-refundable $500 deposit is required for each person listed on this booking form. Please indicate which method you have chosen to pay your deposit: Amount of deposit: $

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tailored small group Journeys


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