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Ancient History Teacher Professional Development Tour: Ancient Greece and Rome With extensions to Egypt and the Bay of Naples January 2017


Professional development tour for history teachers Overview Academy Travel is delighted to present an outstanding professional development opportunity for current History teachers, student teachers and those with a keen interest in Ancient History. This 11-day program is designed to cover key syllabus areas from the new VCE Ancient History syllabus. The itinerary begins in Athens, with guided visits to the city’s top museums and ancient sites, including a walk along the Panathenaic Way. The group will then journey to the Peloponnese to investigate the history of Sparta and Mycenae. After flying to Rome, our experts will guide the group through the sites of Classical Rome, Campus Martius and Ostia Antica. We are also offering a pre-tour option to Egypt (subject to local conditions) and an extension to the Bay of Naples.

Above: Our 2015 Ancient History Teacher PD tour at the Capitoline Museum courtyard in Rome.

This carefully planned program will be escorted by an experienced tour manager and include a series of guided tours, on site visits with experts and workshops, alongside time for sightseeing, shopping and soaking up the local cultures.

Below: The ancient Greek theatre of Epidaurus.

Tax deductibility In most cases, this tour will be fully tax deductible for full or part time History teachers. Please speak to your tax agent for professional advice. Some teachers may be able to have all or part of the tour fee subsidized by their school’s professional development program (letter of support available on request). Professional development

Below: The Forum of Pompeii – included on our optional Cities of Vesuvius extension.

Academy Travel is a provider of professional development overseas study tours for teachers. This study tour program contains 38 hours of PD addressing 2.1.2, 6.2.2, 6.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Each additional option includes another 16 hours. About Academy Travel Academy Travel is one of Australia’s most experienced and respected providers of educational travel. Since 2005, we have provided study tours for Australian high schools, universities, teacher professional development and private groups.


Tour information Dates 11-day itinerary (land only), 6th-16th January 2016 Tour price $3,590.00 per person, land only, twin-share. The supplement for a single room is $650.00 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required to secure your booking. Inclusions • • • • • • • •

All hotel accommodation (usually 3-star) in twin-share rooms with ensuite facilities (single supplement available) All breakfasts and 5 dinners One way economy flight Athens-Rome with a local airline All land transportation by private coach and public transport All entrance fees as per itinerary Local guides, lectures and workshops as per itinerary Services of a tour manager Academy Travel document wallet and luggage tag

Above: Some of the artworks contained within Athen’s National Archaeological Museum. Below: Rome’s Piazza Navona is built on the site of the Stadium of Domitian.

Not included • • • • • • • • •

Return international airfares to Europe Airport transfers at start and conclusion of tour Any required visas for non-Australian passport holders Travel insurance Meals and activities not stated in the itinerary Personal expenses Cost of obtaining/renewing passport Single room supplement The optional extensions to Egypt and/or the Bay of Naples

5-day Egypt pre-tour option 1st-6th January $1,560.00 per person twin share (single supplement available).

Below: Hatsheput Temple in Luxor – included on our optional Egypt extension tour.

Includes airport transfers, accommodation, all breakfasts, all dinners, land transportation, entrances to sites, local Englishspeaking tour manager, flights Luxor-Cairo and Cairo-Athens, travel visa. 5-day Bay of Naples extension 16th-20th January $1,680.00 per person twin-share (single supplement available). Includes accommodation, all breakfasts, 2 dinners, land transportation, entrances to sites, tour manager and transfer to Rome airport at conclusion of tour.


Tour information Academy Travel is a fully licensed travel agent. We can also assist with any additional travel arrangements, such as flights, insurance, transfers and hotels. Airfares Academy Travel is able to arrange flights on your behalf. Please indicate on your booking form if you would like us to provide you with a quote. You should budget between $2,200 and $2,600 for return economy flights.

Above: Climb Mount Vesuvius for views into the crater and across the beautiful Bay of Naples.

The main tour program begins in Athens at 5pm on Friday 6th January. If you are arranging your own individual flights, you will need to ensure your flight arrives in Athens by at least 2pm on that day. The tour program ends after breakfast on Monday 16th January. Dates differ for the extensions. We can also provide a quote for airport transfers in Athens and Rome on request and pre or post tour hotel accommodation. Travel insurance

Above: Ancient artwork from the Armarna period. Below: The cyclopean walls at Tiryns were so named for the sheer size of the boulders used to create them.

Academy Travel requires that all participants have comprehensive travel insurance. We can arrange a policy with Suresave for $145.00 per person (for persons aged up to 49 years). Please indicate on your booking form if you are interested in this policy and we will provide you with the Product Disclosure Statement. Please note that additional premiums may apply due to age, pre-existing medical conditions and/or additional travel. Accompanying partners / Non-teachers We welcome partners of teachers to accompany them on tour, and we do understand that not all activities may be of interest to non-teachers. Alternative activities for accompanying partners can be suggested by the tour manager (please note there are no refunds/discounts for unused portions of the tour). Non-teachers with a strong interest in the subject matter are also welcome. Passports and visas Your passport must be valid until late July 2017 or will need to be renewed prior travel. We require a photocopy of the photo page of your passport at least 8 weeks prior to departure. Australian passport holders do not require a visa to travel to Europe. Non-Australian passport holders will be advised of their visa requirements after confirmation of booking, however, it remains the responsibility of the individual traveler to ensure this process is completed. For those opting for travel to Egypt, the cost of your travel visa is included in the package price. 4

Syllabus links – VCE course

Syllabus content – Greece Unit 3 and 4: Ancient History Area of study 1, Living in an ancient society: Greece (800-454 BC) Area of study 2, People in power, societies in crisis: Greece – The Peloponnesian War (460-403 BC)

Tour content Background lectures by the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens Guided walking tour of the Panathenaic Way Site visit in Athens to the Acropolis Guided visit of the New Acropolis Museum Guided visit of the National Archaeological Museum Guided visits in Sparta to the ancient ruins and the Archaeological Museum Guided visits to the ancient sites of Mycenae and Tiryns, and the Archaeological Museum

Syllabus content – Rome Unit 3 and 4: Ancient History Area of study 1, Living in an ancient society: Rome (c.700 – 146 BC) Area of study 2, People in power, societies in crisis: Rome – The fall of the republic (133-23 BC)

Tour content Background lecture by Dr Kathryn Welch Background lecture by Agnes Crawford Guided visit of the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Guided visit of the Capitoline Museum Guided walking tour of the Campus Martius Guided visit to the Ara Pacis Guided visit of the site of Ostia Antica

Syllabus content – Egypt option Unit 2: Ancient Egypt Area of study 1, Egypt: The double crown Area of study 2, Middle Kingdom Egypt: Power and propaganda Unit 3 and 4: Ancient History Area of study 1, Living in an ancient society: Egypt (1550332BC) Area of study 2, People in power, societies in crisis: Egypt – The Armarna period (1391-1292BC) Syllabus content – Bay of Naples option Unit 3 and 4: Ancient History Area of study 1, Living in an ancient society: Rome (c.700 – 146 BC) – using the cities of Vesuvius as case studies of Roman cities

Tour content Guided visit to the National Archaeological Museum, Cairo Guided visit the ancient sites of Giza, including the Pyramids and the Sphinx Guided visits to the sites of Ancient Armarna Guided visits to the Temples of Karnark and Luxor

Tour content Background lectures by Dr Estelle Lazer Background lecture by the Herculaneum Conservation Project Guided visit of the National Archaeological Museum, Naples Guided visit of the site of Herculaneum Guided visits of Vesuvian villas in Oplontis and Stabia Mount Vesuvius walk to provide geographical context Guided visit of the site of Pompeii

“A wonderful tour in every aspect – with the attention to customer needs and providing a brilliant educational and cultural experience that I have come to know as the hallmark of Academy Travel.” – 2014 PD Tour Participant


Tour itinerary Please note this itinerary is subject to change dependent on local conditions, weather, opening hours, availability of experts, availability of access, etc. Included meals are indicated: breakfast (B) and dinner (D). Pre-tour Egypt option Will be offered from January 1st-6th prior to the commencement of the main program below. Further details available on the following pages. Day 1: Friday, 6th January – Arrive Athens Above: The Plaka is the pedestrianised dining and shopping district located under the Acropolis.

Arrive Athens and make your own way to the hotel. Meet your tour manager and group in the hotel lobby at 4pm for a welcome drink and an orientation walk of the area. Dinner will be included at a local restaurant. Overnight Athens (D) Hotel: Hotel Acropolis Select Day 2: Saturday, 7th January – Panathenaic Way This morning, we meet with the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA) for a lecture on the development of the Greek World 500-800BC.

Above: Fragments of the Parthenon frieze, depicting the Great Panathenaia procession, are displayed in the New Acropolis Museum. Below: The man-made marvel of the Corinth Canal.

We will then embark on a guided walk along the Panathenaic Way, named after the procession that took place as part of the festival of the Panathenaia. The one kilometre walk winds its way from the city gate of Dipylon, through the Agora to the Acropolis. The Parthenon and the Erechtheion are the centrepieces of the ancient buildings on the Acropolis, encapsulating both the beauty and achievements of ancient Greece. We complete our day with a visit to the New Acropolis Museum where artifacts spanning thousands of years are displayed. Overnight Athens (B) Day 3: Sunday, 8th January – Archaeological Museum Today we visit the National Archaeological Museum of Greece with its incomparable collection of Mycenaean and Classical period art and artifacts. We will also spend more time with the AAIA to hear about their latest ongoing work. The afternoon and evening are at leisure to relax or spend more time immersed in the ancient monuments and culture of Athens. Overnight Athens (B)


Tour itinerary Day 4: Monday, 9th January – To Sparta Departing Athens, we cross onto the Peloponnese Peninsula via a brief stop at the Corinth Canal. On arrival in Sparta, we will tour the local Archaeological Museum which houses finds from the Mycenean to the Roman period. This evening, we enjoy dinner as a group in a local restaurant. Overnight Sparta (B, D) Hotel: Lakonia Hotel Day 5: Tuesday, 10th January – To Mycenae This morning, we visit what remains of the once mighty ancient city of Sparta. Apart from some very low key ruins there is not much to remind us of the ancient political and military power of this city. The beautiful setting, framed by Mount Taygetus, is a fitting place to think about the role of this city in ancient Greek events.

Above: The last remnants of the once mighty Spartan civilisation.

Our private coach then travels onto the ancient site of Mycenae: the seat of Agamemnon and the leader of the Greek coalition at Troy. Walk through the famous Lion Gate, see the Shaft Graves of Circle A and climb through the site to the crowning Megaron Palace where the Mycenaean king would have held sway over large areas. While much ruined, and almost blending back into the rocky hills, the ruins of this ancient powerhouse are in a spectacular location and ringed by well preserved Cyclopean walls. We will also visit the adjacent Archaeological Museum to view a variety of objects unearthed in the vicinity, providing a context to the excavations of the site. We continue to the lovely seaside town of Nafplio for an included dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight Nafplio (B, D) Hotel: Rex Hot Day 6: Wednesday, 11th January – Tiryns and Epidaurus

Above: The famous Lion Gate, the main entrance to the Bronze Age citadel of Mycenae. Below: Nafplio has a stunning location on the Argolic Gulf.

The morning will be spent at the small Mycenaean site of Tiryns. Made famous by Homer for their strength, the walls of Tiryns still impress as does the well-preserved entrance ramp and gate house. Visit the impressive site of Epidaurus, the location of a famous healing centre and the well-preserved 4th Century BC theatre, still in use today for performances. Returning to Nafplio, the afternoon and evening is at your leisure. Overnight Nafplio (B)


Tour itinerary Day 7: Thursday, 12th January – To Rome Private coach transfer to Athens Airport and fly to Rome. On arrival, we will check in to the hotel and our tour manager will escort the group on an orientation walk before we enjoy a group dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight Rome (B, D) Hotel: Casa I Cappuccini Day 8: Friday, 13th January – Classical Rome

Above: View of the Roman Forum from the Palatine Hill. Below: The Pantheon is the best preserved ancient structure in Rome today after being consecrated as a church in 609AD.

A lecture on the transformation of Rome under Caesar and Octavian provides the context for a detailed visit of the public spaces of Classical Rome. The group will then embark on an exploration of the ruins of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill to focus on the theme of Rome in the Julio-Claudian and early Imperial periods. After visiting the Colosseum, we will then view the artworks housed inside the Capitoline Museums. Overnight Rome (B) Day 9: Saturday, 14th January – Campus Martius This morning we begin with a background lecture on the fall of the Republic and the rise of Imperial Rome. Our expert guide will then lead the group on a walk through the area known as the Campus Martius (Field of Mars), the area that grew to significance under Augustus. The modern day district encompasses the city’s most important sites, including Piazza Navona and the Pantheon. The walk will end near the Mausoleum of Augustus, which is currently under restoration and due to be reopened to the public 2016. We will visit Augustus’ reconstructed Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace), located in a purpose built museum situated adjacent to his Mausoleum. Overnight Rome (B) Day 10: Sunday, 15th January – Ostia Antica

Below: The well preserved amphitheatre in Ostia Antica is believed to have been able to hold up to 3,000 spectators.

Today we travel to the former Roman port of Ostia Antica, which at its height in the 2nd Century AD was a flourishing commercial centre. The site contains a forum, bath complexes, a palestra, temples, and a well preserved amphitheatre. There is also a small museum displaying statues and sarcophagi excavated at the site. This afternoon is at leisure to enjoy the Eternal City before the group meets up for a farewell dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight Rome (B, D) Day 11: Monday, 16th January – Depart Rome The tour will conclude after breakfast. (B) 8

Pre-tour Egypt option We plan to offer this extension prior to the main itinerary program. The local conditions and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) travel advisory will be monitored before we confirm that this option will be proceeding. This itinerary will be managed by our local ground operator in Egypt and a local English-speaking tour manager will be provided to escort the group from arrival to departure. Day 1: Sunday, 1st January – Arrive Cairo After arriving in Cairo, a private airport transfer will be provided to the hotel. Meet your tour manager and fellow travelers in the hotel before visiting the National Archaeological Museum. Dinner in the hotel will be provided. Overnight Cairo (D)

Above: The Armarna room at the National Archeological Museum of Cairo. Below: The breathtaking Great Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza.

Hotel: Oasis Hotel Day 2: Monday, 2nd January – The Great Pyramids This morning we head to the archaeological site at Giza. We explore the whole plateau including the Pyramids, the mortuary temple of Menkaure and the majestic Sphinx at Giza. We also visit ‘the panorama’ which offers a sweeping view of the pyramids. The group will then continue to the town of Minya. Dinner will be provided in the hotel restaurant. Overnight Minya (B, D) Hotel: Horus Hotel

Below: The remains of the ancient city of Hermopolis.

Day 3: Tuesday, 3rd January – Ancient Armarna We rise early for a full day at Amarna and related sites. We first visit the ancient city of Hermopolis, whose name derives from the ancient Greeks and their associated god Hermes. From here we visit the boundary stele of Akhenaten and Nefertiti at Tuna Al-Gebel then cross the Nile by ferry to the tombs and remains of Akhetaten at Amarna. With the wide variety of monuments, tombs and sites visited during the day we will gain a deeper insight into temple rituals and the daily life of a priest or priestess in ancient Egypt. Dinner is at our hotel in Minya. (B, D)


Pre-tour Egypt option Day 4: Wednesday, 4th January – To Luxor Today we drive to Luxor via to the Temple of Seti at Abydos and the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. Dendera was the chief place for the worship of Hathor, who is seen as the patroness of earthly love, the goddess of healing, and the great feminine source of all nourishment. Late this afternoon we check in to our Luxor hotel where a dinner will be provided. Overnight Luxor (B, D) Hotel: Mercure Luxor Karnak Above: Karnak's Great Hypostyle Hall, built more than 3,000 years ago Below: Statue of Ramses II with his daughter at the Temple of Karnark.

Day 5: Thursday, 5th January – Temples of Karnak and Luxor This morning we explore the massive ruins of Karnak on the East Bank — much of which was built by Amenhotep III, Nefertiti’s father in law. The complex of temples is dedicated to the Theben triad of Amon, Mut and Khonsu. We also visit the temple of Luxor. The afternoon is free. Overnight Luxor. (B, D) Day 6: Friday. 6th January – Depart Cairo The tour will conclude after breakfast, when an airport transfer will be provided for your departing flight to Cairo and on to Athens (included in the extension cost). Professional development hours Completing this study tour program will contribute 16 hours of QTC Registered PD addressing 2.1.2, 6.2.2, 6.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW. Egypt general information

Below: Luxor is located on the site of the ancient city of Thebes on the banks of the Nile River.

DFAT Travel Advisory As at December 2015, the DFAT advisory for Egypt is “Reconsider your need to travel.” Should the warning change to “Do not travel”, this tour will not proceed. If it remains at its current level, we will also consider whether it is safe to proceed. You can check the current DFAT advice on the Smart Traveller website ( Visa Australian passport holders require a valid visa for travel to Egypt which is included in the tour cost. Details on how to obtain your visa will be provided upon confirmation of the extension. 10

Bay of Naples extension This optional extension will follow the main program and will be accompanied by your Academy Travel tour manager and academic expert Dr Estelle Lazer. Day 11: Monday, 16th January – To the Bay of Naples After breakfast at our hotel in Rome, a private coach will transfer the group to Naples. We will have a detailed two hour visit of the National Archaeological Museum, housing the treasures from the excavated Vesuvian sites. On arrival in Sorrento, take an orientation walk with your tour manager before dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight Sorrento (B, D) Hotel: Grand Hotel La Favorita Day 12: Tuesday, 17th January – Herculaneum Today we spend the day with experts from the Herculaneum Conservation Project. We will tour the site, hear about their latest work and meet their experts. Overnight Sorrento (B)

Above: Our 2015 PD Tour in Pompeii’s Forum with Dr Estelle Lazer. Below: A close-up look at the casts of the bones in the Herculaneum boat chambers with Sarah Court of the Herculaneum Conservation Project.

Day 13: Wednesday, 18th January – Vesuvius and Villas We start the morning with a drive to the top of Mount Vesuvius where, weather permitting, we will walk to the summit for the best perspective on the topography of the area. The afternoon will be spent visiting the Imperial villas of the area, including Oplontis and Stabia. Overnight Sorrento (B) Day 14: Thursday, 19th January – Pompeii A full day on site at Pompeii, exploring the public and private spaces, evidence of the eruption, the display of human remains, and current preservation techniques. Dr Lazer will share her most recent work with cast restoration and scanning. Farewell dinner in local restaurant. Overnight Sorrento (B)

Below: At the Villa Adriana in Stabia, see the pick marks left in the walls by the early Bourdon excavators who destroyed anything they didn’t deem of enough value to remove.

Day 15: Friday, 20th January – To Rome / Departure After breakfast, a private coach will transfer the group to Rome Fiumicino Airport. For those not flying out immediately, you can make your way into the city centre on train. Professional development hours Completing this study tour program will contribute 16 hours of QTC Registered PD addressing 2.1.2, 6.2.2, 6.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.


Academic expertise Athens: The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens was established in 1980 and is similar to other cultural institutions in Athens maintained by major countries to promote archaeology and Hellenic Studies. Rome: Dr Kathryn Welch Kathryn is a senior lecturer in Roman History in the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Sydney. She has written extensively on the Roman Republic, civil war and early Imperial Rome and on Roman topographical subjects. Rome: Agnes Crawford Agnes has lived in Rome since 2000 and has a Masters Degree from Edinburgh University. She has expert knowledge of ancient, medieval and Renaissance Rome. Agnes provides background talks and on site guiding in Rome.

Academy Travel has strong links with academic experts and institutions in order to provide the highest quality and most current information on our PD programs.

Bay of Naples: Dr Estelle Lazer Estelle is an archaeologist whose research has been on the skeletal remains found at Pompeii. Estelle worked on site at Pompeii for seven seasons and has an international reputation. She has completed a major book and many scholarly articles on Pompeii. Bay of Naples: Sarah Court Sarah Court is the Communications Officer for the Herculaneum Conservation Project. She directly contributed to the creation of the Herculaneum Centre, which promotes integrated and inclusive approaches to conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage. Sarah has a BA (Hons) in Archaeology and an MA in Roman Archaeology. Bay of Naples: Christian Biggi Christian Biggi is an experienced archaeologist who was the Manager of the Herculaneum Centre 2007-2014. Following a Masters degree in Professional Archaeology from Oxford University, he has specialised in cultural heritage management and professional experience in a variety of countries. Please note: as our academic experts are currently employed in their specialised fields, we are unable to confirm their availability until closer to departure.

“The academic experts were superb – they all made every effort to gauge the needs of the group. Their knowledge and information provided was extensive. Each of them willingly engaged in conversation and questions, and were prepared to add interesting details and insights.” - 2014 program participant 12

Practical information Hotels Hotels may be subject to change (to another hotel of equivalent standard). Any changes will be communicated to all clients booked on the tour. All the hotels selected by Academy Travel offer good facilities, secure locations and free wi-fi (however some may only offer access in the public areas of the building). All rooms are twinshare with private bathrooms. Single rooms may also be available on request for an additional supplement. Above: The lobby of the Hotel Acropolis Select, Athens. Below: Casa Per Ferie I Cappuccini, Rome.

The hotels will generally be of a 3-4 star quality in central locations, with access to public transport, restaurants and important sites. Included meals Breakfast is included each day and is usually a continental buffet provided within the hotel. Included dinners are usually a set 3-course group menu at a local restaurant with a soft drink/beer/wine included. Please advise us of any special dietary requirements on your booking form so we can best accommodate them. Required physical fitness A moderate level of physical fitness will be required in order to participate in the tour and enjoy everything that the itinerary has to offer. Specifically you should be able to do the following: • • • •

Above and below: Take the opportunity to sample the delicious local cuisine, including gyros in Greece and pizza in Italy.

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Keep up with the group at all times Walk unassisted for up to three to four hours with only short breaks Walk up and down slopes Negotiate steps and slopes on archaeological sites, which are often uneven and unstable Get on and off coaches/public transport unassisted Move around airports with luggage unassisted (porterage not included)

If you are concerned about your ability to meet the requirements of the trip we urge you to contact us for further information and to consult your medical practitioner for an honest assessment. The tour leaders may instruct you to take time out of the tour program if they consider that you will slow the group down or are at risk of injury or illness.


Practical information Weather on tour We are travelling in winter. Expect mild weather throughout the trip, with a chance of rain. Daytime maximum temperatures will average 5-15 degrees. A suggested packing list will be provided in your travel documents prior to departure. Bookings To secure your place on the tour, please complete the following booking form and forward all relevant documents to Academy Travel.

Above: The Treasury of Atreus in Mycenae. Below: Detail of a senatorial procession on the Ara Pacis.

We require a copy of the photo page of your passport, even if it will require renewal before the tour. We will also require a $500.00 per person deposit, which is non-refundable. We will then send to you a welcome pack with further details on the tour. Final payment is due 70 days prior to departure. If you would like us to assist with further travel arrangements, please indicate this on the form, or contact us directly to discuss your requirements. Enquiries For further information, please contact Academy Travel on 9235 0134 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email

Above: The Panathenaic Way leads up to the Acropolis. Below: The main street of the Roman port of Ostia.



Full Name (as per passport)

Preferred first name

Date of birth

Postal address State



Home number

Mobile number

School Passport number

Expiry date

PROOF OF IDENTITY: Please provide a photocopy of the photo page of your passport to be returned with this form. Next of kin emergency contact – Full name Contact number


BOSTES number

HTA membership no. (individual/school)

How did you find out about this tour? ROOMING PREFERENCE: Please indicate your preferred rooming preference below.  I am happy to be shared a room with another teacher (of the same sex)  I wish to share with someone I already know (name):  I would like to pay a single supplement of $700.00 for my own room DIETARY REQUIREMENTS: Please indicate below if you have any special dietary requests that need to be catered for during the trip. Appropriate meals will be requested for you based on this information.  I DO NOT have any specific dietary requirements OR allergies  I HAVE specific requirements which require a separate meal to be prepared for me (tick appropriate box) □ Lacto-ovo vegetarian □ Vegan □ Gluten free □ Dairy free □ No seafood □ Nut allergy

□ Other please specify:

MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Please indicate below if you have any serious health issue that may affect your travel insurance coverage, or may need to be considered by the tour manager during the tour.  I have NO specific medical condition  I HAVE a specific medical condition and have given details below OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS: Please indicate if you are interested in joining either or both extensions.  Egypt – please note this tour will only proceed if local conditions are considered safe to do so  Bay of Naples TRAVEL INFORMATION: If you would like us to assist with your travel arrangements, please tick the relevant boxes below and we will be in touch with a quote as requested.    

International flights to meet the group Comprehensive travel insurance with Suresave Airport transfer on arrival/departure Pre/post hotel accommodation


Preferred method of contact:

 Phone

 Email

YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF BOOKING CONDITIONS DEPOSITS: A deposit of $500 per person is required to confirm your booking on a tour. Final payment of the tour fee, insurance and any additional travel will be due 60 days before departure. CANCELLATION FEES: If you decide to cancel your booking the following charges apply. • • • •

More than 60 days before departure: 60-45 days before tour start: 44-15 days before tour start: 14 days or less before departure:

$500.00 25% of total amount due 75% of total amount due 100% of total amount due

UNUSED PORTIONS OF THE TOUR: We regret that refunds will not be given for any unused portions of the tour, such as meals, entry fees, accommodation, flights or transfers. TRAVEL INSURANCE: Academy Travel requires all participants to obtain comprehensive travel insurance prior to commencing the tour. We can arrange this on your behalf, please contact us for a quote. PASSPORT AND VISA: A valid passport is required for all international travel. If you do not hold an Australian passport you may require a re-entry permit. We will advise you of all passport and visa requirements, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you meet passport and visa requirements before you depart. WILL THE TOUR PRICE CHANGE? If the number of participants in a tour is significantly less than budgeted, or if there is a significant change in exchange rates Academy Travel reserves the right to amend the advertised price. If this occurs you will be given the option of canceling your booking and obtaining a full refund. If an Academy Travel tour is forced to cancel you will get a full refund of all monies paid. WILL THE ITINERARY OR AIRLINE CHANGE? Occasionally circumstances beyond the control of Academy Travel make it necessary to change airline, hotel or to make slight amendments to daily itineraries. We will inform you of any changes as soon as they occur. FINAL PAYMENT: Full and final payment for the tour, airfare travel, insurance and any additional travel you book is due 60 days before departure. Payment may be made by bank deposit, cheque, cash or credit card. Please note there is a surcharge for payments made by credit card. Academy Travel reserves the right to decline the booking or terminate the holiday of any traveller.  I accept the conditions on this booking form  I have read the information about the physical requirements of the tour in the detailed itinerary and confirm that I/we are able to meet these requirements. Signature


DEPOSIT PAYMENT Please indicate which method you have chosen to pay your $500 non-refundable deposit:  Paid directly by cheque (payable to Academy Travel)  Paid to Academy Travel directly by credit card (Please complete details below) Credit card details for deposit

□ MasterCard □ Visa Name on card:

Card Number:

Expiry date

Security code: (last 3 digits on the rear of the card in the signature box) Signature:

CONFIRMING YOUR BOOKING Please send:  Completed booking form  Copy of passport photo page

Amount Date:

Via mail: Academy Travel, GPO Box 5057, Sydney, NSW 2001 Via email: Via fax: (02) 9235 0123

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