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Acadia 2025: Planning Process
the most attractive places in Canada to live, work, learn and play. Acadia’s growing partnership with the Mi’kmaw communities of our region is one of the most exciting areas of development as we seek to make our contribution to truth and reconciliation.
As a learning community, we care deeply for our students, our employees and our planet. Environmental stewardship has always been a fundamental value of Acadia, and in today’s growing climate emergency, it has never been more important to ensure that we learn, teach, and practice our commitment to the environment and sustainability of our world. Developing and implementing a strategic plan in a time of financial stringency is very challenging, but without a strategy the task of identifying priorities to direct scarce resources is difficult and often results in simply treading water rather than moving ahead. We are very conscious that everything we do going forward must adhere to fundamental principles of balanced budgets and no increase in debt. Therefore, we have identified priorities for directing our efforts within the current financial situation as well as increasing revenues and, where appropriate, reallocating resources to move forward on our strategic directions and goals.
I wish to thank every member of the extended Acadia community who contributed their ideas, challenged our assumptions, and helped develop this plan. Acadia 2025 will provide the guidance and direction that will ensure that the liberal education that has been the central core of the Acadia experience for over 180 years will continue to be relevant to educating students for the rapidly changing world of the 21st century, and that the transformative experience that characterizes an Acadia education will flourish well into the future.
Dr. Peter J. Ricketts
President and Vice-Chancellor